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Sethnicity Aug 2015
when I say the wind blows
you already know
but how do the leaves portend
emerald on the end
or grasping to the limb?

If the Love is Lost, when?
feelings were ample
yet, when unplugged they limp lame
sentiment in lieu of visceral slanguage;
Who needs a Heart when a record can be Broken?

i think therefor iThoughts
Depress into cracked lead
and bled red into inkwell;
gun shots have more potent stocks
tragically hip to be so square ingots

what gracious melodies and languid lives
battered idioms with only one just is to bear
how Sad their flirtatious Ness affair
with Pain must fin' ish  and putrefy,
those believers in Death will die

hail a Hashtag worthy of
for phoenixes are found everyday
prostrate your Poetry for posthumous
apply the alembic of alteration
Heal our Hashtag heathen history
**** It
Hate the Hashtag
that's Life!

#love   #life   #sad   #pain   #depression   #thoughts   #death   #sadness   #heartbreak   #lost
You already Know what I'm getting at...
In this palace of madness reside creatures of fury,
of time, of earth, of light and dark.
A callous canvass upon which to paint such
murderous intent, spite and gleeful joy.
Malice hacks at the door.
Black blankets the beckoning mountain.
Maggots putrefy this palace of decay.
Trackless steps lead to the mountain,
worn away by thousands of pounding feet
over thousands of years.
All stepping into the casket of night.
All stepping into chasms of phantoms.
Enchantments abound this un-hallowed ground
memories, anxious to stay locked behind the door.
Madness clawing, devouring sanity step by step.
Turn back, for insanity inhabits this palace, and,
Here be dragons.
Eli Nash May 2014
Bells that chime with malcontent
shall toll the sounds of dread.
Whistles cry with detriment;
the hour of death's ahead.

Fields are razed, and valleys hazed;
miasma shall ensue.
Mountains crumble; end of days
rides 'pon the heels of doom.

Death has come for everyone;
no cornerstone unturned.
Putrefy to purify;
with blood, your lakes shall churn.

Sanctity's naught but a dream;
rescind your factions few.
It's all for one to come undone,
and all shall burn with you.

Clouds aflame, for in His name
the sky comes thund'ring down.
And when this land rests in His hand,
He'll take our throne and crown.

Tyrant-force with no remorse;
from out the sea, He'll rise.
He leads His thrall to conquer all,
with fire in His eyes.

Apocalypse shall head the Styx;
the river shall run high.
And to the banks, you stand in ranks
and heed Lord Charon's cry,

"File in, all ye of sin."
His cackles crack the trees.
*"Thy Earth undone, my kingdom come.
Now sunder unto me."
Harley Hucof Apr 2017
A negligible volume and infinite energy
A limitless interval of knowledge and intimacy

Wisdom surpassing reason binding the creation
Imprinted information in our core's explanation

I am eternal, i will never die
Death is conquered, though you will putrefy
You knew too much, still you chose crime
I come from the outter margin, beyond space and time

Words Of Harfouchism
Lucia May 2018
If it were up to me,
I'd let myself rot here
Drowned in my cotton sheets
And allow my skin to finally sink
In between the gaps of my rib cage.

Rot and
putrefy and
fester and
Flesh dripping off bone,
So this stink of my own decay may be apparent to me alone no longer.

Senses overburdened by defeat.
can't bring myself to get out of bed
Andrew Dolbeare Apr 2012
Like stagnant water
We too putrefy quickly.
We must keep moving.
Poetic T May 2020
The cover never tells the truth,
          for every story... has papercuts
when you've turned the page.
             Every fable can tell a tale,
some sweet as pie, but not all apples are
syrupy, some putrefy from the core.

For this cover shows her reading,
while rabbits playfully play.
   Not one for ill suspense..

The book was different ways to
          cook rabbit, she knew they
attended this spot.
              Know your pray,
          Remember that to be at ease
gives them a false sense of passivity.

Now when your ready, make your move..
The best practice is to scare, for a moment of
uncertainty will make then scatter in directions
                                                    not uniformed..

With that she slammed the books pages together,
    startled bunnies ran in all directions...
The ground around sewn with steel teeth
        gentle steps to snap shut...

She stood up proud, that the book was true,
     not all tales are fairy tales some are truthful.
As a few were still squirming, she did an act
of kindness,  the book heavy as it came down.

The family will feed well tonight,
  she had to wipe off the fur
but there were plenty more stories
of  how to capture and create
                                          that fairy tale meal..
Seema Jun 2017
Faint flint like floating  
Locked with chains, swept up rust cages
Iron locks secured
Damage ones reveal, flopped
experiments, putrefy

KM Aug 2013
Bottle it up                                                               ­ 
Like tears in an hour glass

Hide it away                                                        
Like the skeletons in the closet

Keep it quiet                                                
Like the secrets between you

Let it build                                          
Those walls around your heart

Cover it up                                
The scars you hid for so long

Ignore it now                    
So it can fester and putrefy

Let it break                              
Even though you swore it wouldn't

Let it be                                              
Even if it's just for the time being

Let it flourish                                              
Because you know it's going to

Give it time                                                          
I promise it's worth the wait

Let it go                                                               ­     
It's not always in your hands

Open it up                                                          
So your wounds can breath

Risk it soon                                                
Because sometimes you need to take action

Take it now                                        
Because not everythings given to you

A delicate balance must be held
Between knowing when to wait
And when you need to work for it.
It's easy to say you cannot control
When you don't know what to do.
Things are given to us, rarely
Without risks you get nothing.
Fear and history make us cautious
But we can't let them control us
8/27/2013 This poem is a mess. Sorta like my brain right now.
Lyla Sep 2024
Imprisoned clouds, waiting to fly,
Held back by a willowed, sandy bank:
The river, green and clear as an eye.
Its silent depths enticed us to pry.
Into the liquid dungeon we slank,
Imprisoned clouds, waiting to fly.

There we discovered we could scry,
And so greedily we drank
The river, green and clear as an eye.

Our brains ceased to electrify,
Souls fusing with those dank
Imprisoned clouds, waiting to fly.

Now bloated, white, we putrefy,
For we could not outflank
The river, green and clear as an eye.

Deliverer of fate we can’t defy,
But for our new life we thank
Imprisoned clouds, waiting to fly:
The river, green and clear as an eye.
A villanelle from 2022...the first I had written in a very long time.
Ken Pepiton Mar 2021
The art invention AI, the Allsay, I'll-gorithm,
Aiaia ai
let me say this is poetry, I did not write,
but found
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to set, put."

It forms all or part of:
abdomen; abscond; affair; affect
(v.1) "make a mental impression on;"
(v.2) "make a pretense of;"
affection; amplify; anathema; antithesis;
artifact; artifice;
beatific; benefice; beneficence; beneficial; benefit;
bodega; boutique;
chafe; chauffeur;
comfit; condiment; confection; confetti; counterfeit;
deed; deem; deface; defeasance; defeat; defect; deficient;
difficulty; dignify; discomfit; do (v.);
doom; -dom;
edifice; edify;
efface; effect; efficacious; efficient;
facade; face; facet; ******;
facile; facilitate; facsimile; fact;
faction (n.1) "political party;"
factitious; factitive; factor; factory;
factotum; faculty; fashion; feasible; feat; feature;
feckless; fetish;
fordo; forfeit;
hypothecate; hypothesis;
incondite; indeed; infect;
malefactor; malfeasance;
modify; mollify;
office; officinal;
prima facie;
proficient; profit; prosthesis; prothesis;
purdah; putrefy;
recondite; rectify; refectory;
suffice; sufficient;
surface; surfeit;
ticking (n.);
theco-; thematic; theme; thesis;

It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by:
Sanskrit dadhati "puts, places;"
Avestan dadaiti "he puts;"
Old Persian ada "he made;"
Hittite dai- "to place;"
Greek tithenai "to put, set, place;"
Latin facere "to make, do; perform; bring about;"
Lithuanian dėti "to put;"
Polish dziać się "to be happening;"
Russian delat' "to do;"
Old High German tuon,
German tun,
Old English don "t
dondiddondondon just the facts.
fishing with dragnets killed more than a third of the fish in the sea, eventually.
B Wasserman Jan 2016
These images, this
love grows shattered
between us.
What never was
always refuses to return
What never was
always burns
what could grow
between us.

Nothingness is
pregnant with misery,
questions and answers
buried under
sand and cries of wind.

Questions may never
know their answers
when estranged by distance.

Questions once
estranged make more
questions and such questions
multiply unimpeded,
until they starve themselves
for lack of answers.

Your answer suspends
itself as gold,
in the pendulum of
infinity, the treasure
immense, far beyond
any such reach as you,
yourself could ever allow.

You could bring
our love to deliverance.
You could crash the famine
between us. You could
reconcile the answers
and resolve the questions.
Once quenched, these questions
cancel their thirst.

We could be disastrous together
or I could be a disaster
alone. But, this is the world our love
lives in:

Our children that may
never be,
that we may never have, putrefy in
nothingness of bone.

Our words that we may
never utter,
gallop upon the
of failed horses.

The kisses that may never meet,
that we may never share,
stir upon frozen waves
of reflectless waters.

This house, our love
which never stood,
waits to rise, vacantly
in a forest of nothing.
Pk Mar 2017
You are a born human
One day you'd be a woman
And you will not feel sorry
In school when you'll get your period shock
Or when you'll feel the tight thing around chest
In college, on roads, the nausea of eagle stares
The bed you'll share, the world you'll walk in
Don't feel any sorry
Just like that apple towards gravity
Its some natural propaganda
A twist, for which you need to be ready

You are a woman and be proud
The flesh between your legs or arms
Is not a shame, don't disgust it
See it, love it
And when you step out in moons
Have some iron in your wrists
To protect it
Dont bow, dont cry, dont be dead
You are the soil of the food chain
Putrefy the animals
Believe in yourself, you are worthy

You are a woman, not a punch bag
A poor drunk unambitious father,
An ignorant mother, a ****** brother
Whatever, no excuses
Nothing must stop you
Love, pity, anger, confusion
Get over these clouds like a lightening
They only rain a while, make you weak
There are enough weak people already

You are my dear daughter
And when you sit in a bus
Someone, anyone can grab you
So be a sassy bitter woman
And punch them in the nose
Let them bleed awhile,
Let the sleeping souls around know
You are not a man epitome
You need no man metaphor
No man hands, just the courage
To bring down the diseased rats

You are a woman sweet
Laugh aloud, open your mouth
As much as you want
Wear whatever you want
Be wherever you want
See whatever you want
Jump, dance, swim, play
You are the tigress in your jungle
And roar like one
Spread the word
You have no responsibility
To please the holy etiquettes
That nurtured those rat diseases

There can be a problem, love
Cause stars never liked the sun
Our kingdom may go in bad books
They can be your family
And they really love you,
Wanting to see a happy crowd around you
They are confused in the crowd
Dont get lost, be smart  
Love them but trick them all
There love should not divert
Your immense potential
The c-sections should not cut your goal
Stop juggling, messing things
Living their life is not your plate
Eat from your plate and dont hesitate

You are a woman i am proud of
Dont ever measure your success
On the world's most used calculator
If someday
You are staring out of your balcony
And in your strong heart
There is no fear, no terror, no speedbraker
In your ears, if tingy thoughts
Dont affect you,
If your hands still want to work
To bring your ideas into life
If you love the woman
The 'human'
You have become
You are a trillionaire
Only your smart mind knows
You need no proof for that

You are a powerful person
Use the power righteously
Dont hide it or waste it
Or shove it in wrong direction
You are equalist not matriarchist
You need no special que or seat
Separationalism cured flu never minds
Educate the minds, the needful
Your family, friends, neighbours
The javelin not in heads of male supremists
But a place in doubles, a seat at the table
You need no reservations
You need no 'ladies first'

Most importantly, a secret
That no one will ever teach you right
That you'll discover, when you miss the flight
That i always wanted to tell someone
You can be 'anything'
No limits, only the ones you put
Careful not to,
Like a life itself
Evolve and survive
You are a life so lovely
Live it
Come out of the buds
So powerfully
That the gods, the ancient societies
Are cringing
Over there decisions
You are infinite
You are now.
Abraham Esang Oct 2017
These kids were guaranteed a superior life. Some picked up this.

This is the narrative of the numerous who did not. It is told from a girl's perspective.

No bitterness filled our adolescence days, my folks did their best to raise

their posterity in a climate of care.

We knew they both were English conceived, transported from an existence miserable,

ousted into a halfway house stark.

A stage they'd needed to repudiate, so till this day we had not known

what they and different transients needed to endure.

A mission by some for reward implied ventures to conclusion could start,

with governments and individuals more mindful.

For tribulations of the past, 'Conciliatory sentiments' have come finally

to casualties whom society denied.

Overlooked once they'd left their field, this descendants of country's poor,

no follow up to perceive how they'd survived;

no enthusiasm for these adolescents' predicament – put out of mind when beyond anyone's ability to see –

the balm of greener fields very much plotted.

Two issues understood by their expel. To help grow, the English fashioned

an arrangement affirmed and shrewdly thought up.

For individuals attempting to survive – no aid to keep their young alive –

this offer appeared the solution to their supplication.

They marked their kids to the plan, surrendering to bait of dream,

"They'll 'ave a superior possibility at life down there."

One hundred thousand crossed the ocean, far from home and family

entangled into the predetermination they'd share:

for probably the first time they'd gone, at that point they were lost, quite recently throw away like deny hurled,

also, the individuals who endeavored to contact them confronted give up.

Survival turned out to be lifestyle, these kids compelled to endure strife

created codes of comradeship to bond.

The feeling of mate ship loaned relief, simply small solace to soothe

the weight of facade that each had wore:

for expulsion to south of Earth persuaded them that they had no worth,

conveyed questions and fears excessively crude, making it impossible to ascend past.

Their stoic activities planned to conceal feelings covered somewhere inside -

the requirement for affection, with nobody to react.

The injuries of the evenings alone, far from all that they had known,

apprehensive and detached, set apart,

while during that time of steady drudge at dairy tasks and working soil,

depleted youngsters combat from the begin.

What sins had brought deserting? No news from family or letters sent,

as mail was screened for wrongs it may confer.

Unpaid-for work, benefit based, saw fundamental tutoring soon deleted -

overlooked, similar to the torment inside the heart.

The stories that were never heard, mishandle by discipline and word,

the pole of iron used to keep control

by gatekeepers yet inadequately instructed, responding to their dread, troubled,

lost, and very unsuited to their part.

Cruel hardship ruled through ruthless measures unexplained

to kids deprived of poise. Some stole

the remainders of their confidence with acts more unsafe than disregard -

debased *** that wracked the very soul.

Too long kept secured, concealed ills, with fear and blame such wrongdoing imparts –

refusals, casualties frightened, staying stupid.

Presently at long last the quiet breaks, affirmation of past oversights

uncovering embarrassments unbelieved by a few.

Oh dear, my Father's not any more here. Those times of hardship and of dread

had made his psyche and body capitulate.

In any case, Mum is remaining close by, she's stood up, reestablished some pride,

she's demonstrated the valor that can overcome.

To state we're sad's only a begin to alleviate unsettling influence of the heart.

No word, or deed, or store can adjust

for absence of home and family rights, for work-filled days and dread filled evenings -

this token is too little come past the point of no return.

But my mom feels finally, through acknowledgment of the past

- contrition for the disgrace that was their destiny -

that injuries now cleansed and opened wide, not left to putrefy somewhere inside,

may mean her tormented bad dreams can subside.

Overlooked youngsters - youth lost, still scarred and hurt, awful cost,

spurned, banished, and by all scolded.

To push forward's their exclusive course, on past lament and profound regret,

the revulsion of their childhood should now be recorded.

Bad form has been exposed. My mom's petition is this may

keep the bitterness of some future kid.

Maybe remorse, cruelly earned, may imply that lessons have been educated -

also, with this expectation in heart, my mom grinned.
B Nov 2019
This is the way I deal with it
The venom between the lungs which sinister stirs on the shortened breath of shaky self-esteem
The poetic palpitation pleading please write your wrongs before they putrefy
This is the way I deal with it
It is when words dry up that the ink bleeds
Dance around your feelings, call it a campfire
Let others at least roast with the remnants of yours
This is the way I deal with it
For some it is to light the fire
For others, to follow the smoke
hearth Dec 2024
The overgrown fetus does not shiver here.
Splayed like a downed bird
head under brittle arms, one eye open to
nothing. Do you see your birthright in the darkness
Dove? Do you swoop in
my wake as you sleep? Yes, dream
your keen searching stare
and your downy talons on my back
parting skin like clouds.
Still you crack and pool
and putrefy on unyielding stone
for wrath is silent without air.
S I N Nov 2019
The dark is but the light what’s yet to fade,
And so are we in our most current state
Just corpses what are soon to putrefy,
Pervade the soil and to the heaven fly
Ronni MH Apr 2018
Tiny whirlwinds rose
Out of the forest floor
Stirring up the autumn leaves
That lay about the ground
The breeze raised steadily
To a gale that howled
Up and down through
The trees, routing the wildlife
Who fled the area.
An eerie silence lingered
The place in the wake
Of the disturbance
And the air, now putrefy
Felt deathly frigid
Geneva Aug 2018
did you know the devil sends lewd molecules up through the layers of magma to be absorbed by unsuspecting feet? our sockets connect to ground and siphon blasted songs manufactured below in Satan’s cauldron that he spat out into the ether. it climbed its way through hot slick earth to meet with the human. did you know that to touch your vulnerable flesh (exposed) to the earth’s crust is to accept him into your body? did you know that your cells will be harnessed, and that he will love your flesh? did you know that he will touch it (caress) with his spider hand and he will be exalted? will you be calm knowing that he knows what you feel like inside? will you itch the spot where he climbed in through your soles when you unknowingly invited him in? will you try to find the remedy for the unrelenting aching blood that now runs through your cavity? will you lie (tacitly) on a bed of moss to repent and pray him out of you? will you love it when you start to putrefy? will you claim purity in spite of all?
lX0st Mar 2020
To dream
To be
Benjamin Button
To feel pain
See suffering
And return
To safety
And peace
Of youth
And mind

Yet, to live
As I am
Dorian Gray
To remain unchanged
Paint by numbers
My colors
Fill to the edges
And they never
Spill over

I putrefy
As prisoner
Of my inability
To die
Decided by
My dream
Of being
Born again
Food is, or can be, healthful, not healthy, 'cause Rege Cordic's dead
& lowered into a hole to putrefy from a well-bled, brain-rotted head
that decays above a cellar of French wine leakin' from casks of lead
as mini reunion number
XLV fast approaches
Saturday, April 30th, 7:00 pm
until 10:00 pm
at The Trappe Tavern, 416 West
Main Street, Trappe, PA 19426
regarding graduating alma mater
brought to forefront
of my awareness,
though yours truly,

one generic beetle browed
fool on the hill,
and paperback writer wannabe
will not attend
haint gonna rile nor roil
ghosts from yesterday,
when all my troubles
upon cusp of rock and rolling
existential helter skelter prevailed
across universe of mine.

Although heavily steeped with fiction
trace amounts of factual essence
underlies the following account.

I spent remaining years of mein kampf
in quasi penal solitude
under strict surveillance of
jail wardens Boyce and Harriet Harris
both parochial parents of mine
long since passed away.

While comfortably and numbly housed
at 324 Level Road,
(an offsite facility
linked with semi progressive
incarceration modus operandi)
since razed to make room
for vinyl city,
yours truly shunted
from one to another institution,
albeit of higher learning,
which did nothing to alleviate
(their) constant harping
about Marxist slapstick brotherhood
regarding "dictatorship
of the proletariat".

I lacked fortitude and courage
to whether blistering punishment
falling short, and giving little weight
carrying out commanding orders
approved by presidents
elected and inaugurated
since 1976 until 2000 respectively.

While imprisoned for
abandoning being filial son
shirking household responsibilities
such as domestic chores
and property management,
cuz the estate of "Glen Elm"
incorporated approximately
some half dozen acres,
yours truly displayed
passive aggressive objection,
which behavior of mine
considered non compliant
essentially dereliction of duty
found me sequestered
within spacious bedroom.

Aforementioned safe space
offered singular identity guard
against brutal assaults
that actually began upon
onset when I became
sixteen years young
and immediately expected
to acquire gainful employment.

No such ambition existed
absolute zero  degree
of self confidence existed
to secure a part time job
(mainly on weekends),
nor did this then
long haired pencil necked geek,
(whose grungy appearance
closely resembles his younger self)
who back in day made any attempt

to foster effective hygiene, study habits,
time management, et cetera
especially completing assignments
in a timely manner,
hence practically failing,
and getting promoted
courtesy skin of his teeth,
which original set of choppers
replaced by snug fitting dentures
crafted by well trained technicians
schooled at University of Pennsylvania.

Many a pitched (emotional) battle fought
and attaining eighteen revolutions
around the sun
ultimatums (to get sent off
to the Gulag Archipelago)
materialized as empty threats.

Corrections and legal guardian
merely by dint of biological reproduction
officer Boyce gave vent
to his (sic) infamous midnight lectures
circa ~ late 1970's until early 1990's.

I dreaded every malevolent utterance
when father requested he speak
not about some choice topic de jure
that brought a twinkle to my eye
but that all to familiar monologue
finding me standing like stone wall
hearing, tuning out with equally
predictable trademark demurely meek
pose with hands crossed against chest
of this then painfully easily intimidated lad

despite feeling effects of utter ennui
and fatigue attempted to stand tall
against the tsunami verbal typhoon
itching to drown out said battle creek
when asked capisce? comprende? farshtayst?
looked blankly at floor well nigh
or pretended to stare at something
extremely fascinating on the kitchen wall
for he may as well asked if I understand 
in an unfamiliar language such as greek

most likely getting successful results
yammering away at common house fly
possibly seething inside (p’raps
equally swatted) ready
to lash out into a brawl
held back by fear plus in comparison
to me pop – just a itty bitty pipsqueak
felt onrushing of overpowering desire
to collapse and cry
compounded by growing urge

to urinate from natural urethral call
spoke nada word, nor gave hint
of hearing from loathsome
blather that did reek
like decomposition of fetid of dead
living entity that began to putrefy
which offal to mine ears, tugged impetus
under warm blankets to crawl
for remaining time on Earth!

Needles to say (er... or write)
neither warring party successful
though the cruel monster
no doubt wanted to mash
his veritable flesh and bone,
thus in retrospect
subsequent silence
declared pyrrhic victory.

Basket of deplorable (me)
never befriended any classmate
nor partook of extracurricular activities,
hence he failed to become linkedin
with peers, and would most likely
revert into socially withdrawn state.
Words putrefy like mucopus in my swollen prostate & then dribble,
over carp formed from turds that was Sam Walton's carp-gut kibble
Cass Stoddart Jan 2020
Fear not the working world, or the wandering screams that quiver and stroke amongst the shiny silt laden streams. my mortal fear lays unmolested on smooth stones of ****** white, my conscience fear not the flat earth rut, the tall imposing temple wall, or the Red roses that ***** and bore.

Splendour instead at the solid ocean with land for waves, which dug of the sea and half-born moon are made. Rebel against the dictatorships glare of the red ringed sun, which only rocks of mind can summit alone, fear not the rays and glare of sunken solitude and burnt worn bone.

Fear not the persistent ivy creep and tangle, resist to hide amongst some starry spires or derelict ruins with cold granite offerings from their formidable shade. Face-front to the internal spectres that haunt your hidden human quilt, where a skins balance crawls true, and yet worldly joys persist to endure.

Watch as the great lunar coil, ***** and silences your inner ebbing tide, see the last sparkle smooth a passage to the realms of day. Then, talk aloud to distant birds, who retort with high-pitched whistle speak, that only charms and warms to a future age.

Fear not the apple or flood, the tyrant worm in your scalp, see beyond the hollow cave of words where only a hopeless lasting flame is drunk on alters fickle, stoked blaze. Protest against the false day to come, where Roman caged lions thirst on scorpion dry sands.

Listen blindly to the waters that putrefy with rest, swallow hole the bread of peace and drink wine of silk, while others succumb to the maddening demeanour of a past demon’s bribe with trick and conjure. Confess to plagues knowledge where rats root free, whilst saints and sages deal cards and prophecies to the meek.

Fear not the ornaments of virtue or slaughter, tread water or drown amongst the rain’s cold extremities, where serpents lay who speak, and sirens sing amongst coral sheets. Rise aloft on fortunes grief, to find a shelter from the nearing locust hum. Now, try to stem the seas with just a golden holy cup, and your vision will finally see the everlasting deceitful disease.
as mini reunion number
XLV fast approaches
Saturday, April 30th, 7:00 pm
until 10:00 pm
at The Trappe Tavern, 416 West
Main Street, Trappe, PA 19426
regarding graduating alma mater
brought to forefront
of my awareness,
though yours truly,

one generic beetle browed
fool on the hill,
and paperback writer wannabe
will not attend
haint gonna rile nor roil
ghosts from yesterday,
when all my troubles
upon cusp of rock and rolling
existential helter skelter prevailed
across universe of mine.

Although heavily steeped with fiction
trace amounts of factual essence
underlies the following account.

I spent remaining years of mein kampf
in quasi penal solitude
under strict surveillance of
jail wardens Boyce and Harriet Harris
both parochial parents of mine
long since passed away.

While comfortably and numbly housed
at 324 Level Road,
(an offsite facility
linked with semi progressive
incarceration modus operandi)
since razed to make room
for vinyl city,
yours truly shunted
from one to another institution,
albeit of higher learning,
which did nothing to alleviate
(their) constant harping
about Marxist slapstick brotherhood
regarding "dictatorship
of the proletariat".

I lacked fortitude and courage
to whether blistering punishment
falling short, and giving little weight
carrying out commanding orders
approved by presidents
elected and inaugurated
since 1976 until 2000 respectively.

While imprisoned for
abandoning being filial son
shirking household responsibilities
such as domestic chores
and property management,
cuz the estate of "Glen Elm"
incorporated approximately
some half dozen acres,
yours truly displayed
passive aggressive objection,
which behavior of mine
considered non compliant
essentially dereliction of duty
found me sequestered
within spacious bedroom.

Aforementioned safe space
offered singular identity guard
against brutal assaults
that actually began upon
onset when I became
sixteen years young
and immediately expected
to acquire gainful employment.

No such ambition existed
absolute zero  degree
of self confidence existed
to secure a part time job
(mainly on weekends),
nor did this then
long haired pencil necked geek,
(whose grungy appearance
closely resembles his younger self)
who back in day made any attempt

to foster effective hygiene, study habits,
time management, et cetera
especially completing assignments
in a timely manner,
hence practically failing,
and getting promoted
courtesy skin of his teeth,
which original set of choppers
replaced by snug fitting dentures
crafted by well trained technicians
schooled at University of Pennsylvania.

Many a pitched (emotional) battle fought
and attaining eighteen revolutions
around the sun
ultimatums (to get sent off
to the Gulag Archipelago)
materialized as empty threats.

Corrections and legal guardian
merely by dint of biological reproduction
officer Boyce gave vent
to his (sic) infamous midnight lectures
circa ~ late 1970's until early 1990's.

I dreaded every malevolent utterance
when father requested he speak
not about some choice topic de jure
that brought a twinkle to my eye
but that all to familiar monologue
finding me standing like stone wall
hearing, tuning out with equally
predictable trademark demurely meek
pose with hands crossed against chest
of this then painfully easily intimidated lad

despite feeling effects of utter ennui
and fatigue attempted to stand tall
against the tsunami verbal typhoon
itching to drown out said battle creek
when asked capisce? comprende? farshtayst?
looked blankly at floor well nigh
or pretended to stare at something
extremely fascinating on the kitchen wall
for he may as well asked if I understand 
in an unfamiliar language such as greek

most likely getting successful results
yammering away at common house fly
possibly seething inside (p’raps
equally swatted) ready
to lash out into a brawl
held back by fear plus in comparison
to me pop – just a itty bitty pipsqueak
felt onrushing of overpowering desire
to collapse and cry
compounded by growing urge

to urinate from natural urethral call
spoke nada word, nor gave hint
of hearing from loathsome
blather that did reek
like decomposition of fetid of dead
living entity that began to putrefy
which offal to mine ears, tugged impetus
under warm blankets to crawl
for remaining time on Earth!

Needles to say (er... or write)
neither warring party successful
though the cruel monster
no doubt wanted to mash
his veritable flesh and bone,
thus in retrospect
subsequent silence
declared pyrrhic victory.

Basket of deplorable (me)
never befriended any classmate
nor partook of extracurricular activities,
hence he failed to become linkedin
with peers, and would most likely
revert into socially withdrawn state.
Especially during past session
on May eighth
two thousand twenty one
between the hours of five and
six o'clock post meridiem.

Between three and four score years ago
the following poetic ill winds did blow
yours truly felt like carrion
repurposed courtesy black crow
decimated to bajillion pieces
analogous to deaf eat, viz bitter foe
where within bared mine soul

telltale toxin did glow
yes dear reader cumulative wrath – hello
synopsis I invite thee to know
why self esteem within me so low
lackluster love life accentuated
cuz yours truly
never kissed under mistletoe

Dreadful homelife upon
exiting early adolescence
no bed of roses parental
wrath did commence
me (especially after
graduating bottom 1%)

scorned as among lowlife
versus being among
productive vested gents
I withstood blistering, mortifying
withering howling offense
yours truly uttered nary a peep.

I dreaded every malevolent utterance
when father requested he speak
not about some choice topic dejure
brought a twinkle to my eye,
but that all to familiar monologue
finding me standing like stone wall
hearing, tuning out with equally
predictable trademark demurely meek
pose with hands crossed against

chest of the then easily intimidated guy
despite feeling effects of utter ennui
and fatigue attempted to stand tall
against the tsunami verbal typhoon
itching to drown out said battle creek
when asked capisce? comprende? farshtayst?
looked blankly at floor well nigh
or pretended to stare at something extreme
fascinating on the kitchen wall

for he may as well asked if I understand
in an unfamiliar language such as Greek
most likely getting successful results
yammering away at common house fly
possibly seething inside (p’raps
equally swatted) ready to lash out into a brawl
held back by fear plus
in comparison to me pop –
just a itty bitty pipsqueak,
who felt onrushing and overpowering

desire to collapse and cry
compounded by growing urge
to urinate from that natural urethral call
spoke nada word, nor gave hint
of hearing from loathsome blather that did reek
like decomposition of fetid of dead
living entity that began to putrefy
which offal to mine ears, tugged impetus
under warm blankets to crawl!
Words flow like fluids through my healthy prostate without dribble
like tuna turned into kitty diarrhea that was Friskies Seafood kibble
Words, like parasites in my rotten prostate, puke a mucopus dribble
like fish turned into runny cat **** that was Purina indoor cat kibble
Words putrefy like mucopus in my swollen prostate & then dribble,
over carp formed from turds that was Sam Walton's carp-gut kibble
I blow my nose in your direction with only my left-nose section as I
have allergic reactions to your long-haired-*****-cat-hair collection
The United States has many big lottery losers & big lottery winners
who enjoy drunken evenings ******* cousins & eating T.V. dinners
Food is, or can be, healthful, not healthy, 'cause Rege Cordic's dead
& lowered into a hole to putrefy from a well-bled, brain-rotted head
that decays above a cellar of French wine leakin' from casks of lead
into ****** spores of paranormal nodal points pointed up in our bed
B E Cults Apr 2020
we all want to see the dead body.

you might be thinking Im full of ****,
but look at how we pour over
one another's work;
so close we should taste blood in our mouths.

we need to stare into the bluish-grey face
of death so we dont putrefy in our
bathroom mirrors every morning.

we need desperation,
we need pain,
we need a tinge of the fight's futility
being realized.

most important of all,
we need to leave it where we found it
and never speak of it again.

we ALL want to see the dead body.

— The End —