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Hetti Halloween Oct 2012
Mami bus' great adventures...
Mami bus can carry it all!
Mami bus can not be anyone else...!

Who will come for you when you get stuck?
Who will take care of the lots of half-dead?
Who's the Hero of the buses, the greatest Queen?

Mami bus' great adventures...
Mami bus can carry it all!
Mami bus can not be anyone else...!

The bestest friend of the Concords!
The great life saver!
Hero of the heroes in the bus world!

Mami bus' great adventures...
Mami bus can carry it all!
Mami bus can not be anyone else...!

Trust me it'll be all good here,
When this bus gets back to Earth!
How many people are waiting for her?
Stuck in a bad world ajajajajaaaj!

Mami bus' great adventures,
Mami bus can carry it all,
Mami bus can not be anyone else!
The chorus is my brother when he was about 5 years old. :D
I remember, he was singing it with great enthusiasm.
If I ever get to, I'd love to make a series based on the idea that Mami bus solves accidents that happened in real life in a specacular way, and brings the people who died in those, down to Earth. :)
Gaby Comprés Oct 2018
un día maybe mami
will run her hands through my hair.
she will not try to straighten it.
her fingers will be gentle and kind.
un día maybe she will look at my skin
won't point out the flaws
(aunque los haya)
she will connect all the freckles and beauty marks
me llamará una constellation
miel will drip from her lips
fall on my forehead
un día maybe mami
will understand me
read my poems
write me un poema
in which she loves me
You're my favorite cake;
I don't get you too often but when I do its exciting. It's the best one. That's you. I be like, oh can't wait try her!

Like that one time you gave me that head. I was like omggg this *****... esta mujer, gotta be my girl.

You wanna be my girl?
She laughs, and roles around as if to be searching every Window surrounding for faces. No!

Oh, so now I get it.
You hit me up every year or whateva, you make me beg every time I see you Mami. And when we finally ****, it's amazing, & then you wanna bounce. so I'm here to serve you, hu'?
Aye, you listening to me?
I'm serving you? You come here but can't **** it mami. Here chula, put it in your mouth.
She laughs, I don't want to.
Psh, agghh.You get me so tight, so why you come here then?
But he's right, she thought, why had she come? She had imagined it wouldnt happen this time.

Did you ******' slap me?
What? That was hard?
Come on, we was playin' around. If you hit me I wouldn't get tight. I know it wasn't hard.
It was unnecessary.
You like that ****, why you playin?

He turned the lights off while she laid on the bed still fully clothed.
He was taking off his shoes then pants.
She waited.
He creeped onto the bed headed her ways.
Why didn't I try to leave again, she thought
Come on mami, you gon' take this off or what?

Is that mine? Is that mine?
She moans.
Who's is this?

Huh, he grunts.


No worries, I'll always serve you. As long as you're alive.
We laughed and I walked down. The last three steps and out the foggy air of season June,
Sayzar Feb 2012
dinner is sit down at the table

dinner is family

dinner is mami and papi flirt like theyre dating

dinner is tell me how your day was

dinner is make an announcement

dinner is this new healthy alternative

dinner is fish, again?

dinner is i did my best, im tired

dinner is do you guys like it?

dinner is shut up, mark!

dinner is silence

dinner is laughter

dinner is potato jokes but only in spanish

dinner is thank you when youre done

dinner is happy birthday!

dinner is im sorry hello thank you i love you it was amazing thank you thank you thank you

dinner is mami papi nohelia liency mark

dinner is everyday at 5:30, be there with clean clothing and clean hands.
Although she was struck by material bling
She was enamored by a simple thing:
A lined court bouncing a ball hit by strings

And her favorite word, "ambition"
Shone in her eyes as she spoke
Proudly of the final she finally passed
In her difficult biology class

And at age 48
She smiled with great
Passion and energy as if
The hammers of mid-life could not leave her stiff
Pedro Tejada Jun 2010
From the ripple in a glass of water
to the sonic boom of this internal
Pompeii, the erosion
of her etymology is the only
sense of movement in her
dilated, cave-pupil eyes, those
two ghost towns spanning
and encircling all the way back,
stretched like an elastic blindfold
past the moment the first brick was laid,
perhaps her first vivid memory,
or anecdote, or first word uttered
in a Cuban slum.

There are mountains of tumbleweed
over the once thriving metropolis
that expanded towards America;
who threw herself into
the architecture of seven pillars,
borne from her land and
minerals. Gone are the
huts that housed her
knowledge of basic motor skills.

The women who once imagined
Mami and Mima as her birth
name now scrub off
the graffiti of her excrement;
they saw a swarm of pink moons
the day she told the same story
to every visitor that came
their way, each day then becoming
a missing surveillance tape, a sinkhole
dismantling the awareness
in her bones and stubborn will,
until she became
these dust-engulfed plains with
a daughter and granddaughter
archeological in their efforts
to chase down the remains
of a girl still breathing in
those eyes from time to time.

Every other ten-millionth blink of
the eye rides the silhouette of a post-infant girl
on the high tides of her quick visit,
looking in horror
as the nation of her life's nightmares,
heartaches, broken promises, romances,
spiritual breakthroughs, life-changing seconds
drowns with morbid unity en cien fuegos,
desperately attempting to assemble
the remnants of her psyche
past her cognitive bloodclots
with the awareness of one
who speaks no languages.

Gone is the moment
she first learned
to feed her several children
before the slip of sunset.

One of seven pillars remain intact,
the others long dismantled of their
stick and straw infrastructures.

One pillar remained,
housed her own colony
for nine months,
and now both descendants
travel the mind of their
greatest influence
with perplexed dedication,
caustic humor the decoy
for swarms of exhaustion
and asphyxiation
from the truthful atmosphere,
reveling in the seconds
of humanity lurking
in an abandoned etymology.
Randi B Aug 2013
Misogynist pig,
strong and demanding
with entitled eager prowess
hard for anything with hips
“Mami, you smell gooood…”  
This creature, lapping,
tongue dripping word drool
down my neck.
I am dreaming now,
awaken by the ghosthands
of an older man.
"Please.." barely escapes my lips,
"...don't.." makes its knot in my throat.
My spine tingles
with wild impulse,
claws drawn and digging holes
into my seat.
I wanna scream,
I am not your mami,
I am not your baby,
I am not your sweetheart,
Your cutie pie,
and still, this vile swine, undeserving
with his expectant toothy smile
and hot heavy breath
is stealing in my scent.
Wild animals
know no bounds
And He's lucky I stayed civilized.
Lanno chiipira Oct 2014
You sailed millions of miles away
To a place of no visit
When I was holding
No meaning of this day
Many  years passed now
to me seemed  it was just yesterday
You never turned up to say bye

How I wish you were here
To embrace you with love and honor
Showering  you with gifts
Taking you to the end of the earth
But I only have memories

This Day is always  hard for me
Without you by my side
I stare at your pictures for quite a while,
But can't  get myself to smile.
More tears shed down my face,

It hurts me inside
but i  only understand
that we were born to die
no one will exist forever
Let my tears be a gift to you  mama
With mountain moving hope in my heart
One day we will share the same world of peace

EDITED BY : Cathy (Lady carter) , Trintus Chipeta and christopher Mbewu

FEELINGS FROM :  Omar Jimmy , Harry Kaiwa, James moyo and Mercy Gaveta
This poem is dedicated to those who lost there mothers to have ocean trying hope , that one day things will be alright.
The voice Aug 2020
When I was younger I told my mother
"Yo quiero ser como tu cuando crezca"
She kneeled down and said

I remembeer when I was younger
I looked up to my mother and I dreamed,
of the day I would grow up and be just like her.
She would always say "No"

Hasta que un día, me canse y le grite
"Cuando crezca voy a ser igualita a ti!"
She kneeled down and said
"Tu vas a ser mucho mejor que yo!"

I remember the first time I talked to my mom in english
"A mi me hablas en español!"

The first time I asked if I could go to a sleepover,
"Que no tienes casa o que?"

The first time I asked her permission to go on a fieldtrip
"Entonces para que te mando a la escuela?"

And the first time,
I told her I wanted to go to college,
"Pues a ver como le hacemos pero esta bien"

I remember her eyes, slightly dissapointed
Not at me, but at herself.
She wanted to give her daughter, only the best!

She wanted me to have the chances she never got

She wanted me to be better than her.

I don't remember:
A day that she didn't work
A day she didn't cook
A day she didn't say
"Echale ganas mija"

I do remember:
When she dropped me off at college,
She smiled and said,
"Eres como yo!"

"Eres como yo!"
No te rindes,
y Valiosa! "
A little something to introduce my mother to the world!
Mecca Jan 2015
Part 1:
Mami let me get with you, wanna share my bed with you,We can have *** in H.D. digital,
It ain't really difficult, let me see your ******* boo,
Dance for me baby, just move how the strippers do,
My private lil prom queen, doing all the wild things,
Never seen yourself giving head on the flat screen,
Instant celebrity, natural star to me,
Sit back and rewind the part when you was riding me,
Ran out of blank tapes, need another blank tape,
One more scene and we got ourselves a *** tape,
Your friends know I'm filming ya, they seen what I did to
ya, We can even use a camera phone like Vivaca...

Part 2:  We can play like actors, know you not a amateur. You can have the lead role, and I'll be the director. Setting up the camera, get into your character. Come up out that little dress, and let me climb on top of ya. Now baby let's just get involved, with the camera on. You see that red light, that means I've pressed record. Now mami look it's easy, go ahead, come on please me. Now we can put on repeat, and play it back on t.v.Let's make a *******, *** tape, show the world your head great. Show the world you good with it, back shots, hair pulling. Time for some action, Kimmy Kardashian
Lil camcorder that's pointed at your *** again
Gaby Comprés Aug 2017
i straightened my hair today
for the first time in three weeks.
my mother was happy
but i was not.
last night
she said,
i know you're an artist,
pero no andes como una loca.
don't go around looking like a crazy person.
i kept touching my hair today.
missing the stray curl that stayed behind my left ear.
missing the space my hair used to take up,
wild and free.
feeling smaller.
in a body that was not my own.
this hair, mami,
does not belong to an artist,
y no es de locas.
es mío; con él nací.
in it i carry the waves
that carry me
that carried the bones
of my ancestors all the way here.
these curls, mami,
they are big enough to hold me,
to hold all that i am.
they are a garden in which beauty grows.
they are rivers that lead to the ocean.
no. 703
Irate Watcher Jul 2014
This isn't your mother's dance.
The wooden clave
seduces the naive  
into suave arms
of the night.

Quick quick slow
exalts wooden caderas
and untames silky locks.
Wrinkled hands
caress the caras
of clumsy coquetas.

In the name of the dance,
vestidos apretados
replace pants,
which men outgrow,
steeling blue eyes
in rusty miradas.


Mira la guera,
como se toca,
como se mueve,
comos se salta el vestido suyo.


Look at him,
how he touches me,
how he swings me,
how his feet mock me.


Ella me quiere.

We are JUST dancing.

Ayyy, como me pega.

We're close, but Salsa is intimate.

Oooh mami...

Does he think it's more than a dance?

quick quick slow,
quick quick slow,
quick quick slow,
quicK quiCK quICK qUICK  QUICK...

they shake hands,
and thank each other for the dance.
Omarcito Jan 2023
Im gone Mami!
And I won’t be back.

Tie me to your hip driving up the strip
Like a strap stab me
Into Alrvarius’ brain
Extract like a syringe,
Mental sirens slip-slap
Fabricate below the cap,

I feel, metal outlasting
Clashing the nevera of my lower back.

I’m gone Mami!
And I won’t be back,

‘Til the heavens send me a message
Of the sins in my souls possession
Mixed with gusts of Ninole’s winds
And my “why”

I say farewell to our memories,
Now, scoundrels of immense value,
Lost in the cracks of our times together.
Now, I say goodbye,
And hello to where the sun sets.

        My mother wrapped her arms around me,


And told me I’ll be back.

Who knew the hardest goodbye
Would be in disguise,
Who knew the hardest goodbye
Would be in disguise.
Prayer Poems

A prayer from a five year old me

Diosito if you can help papi,
Wipe the white dust off his nose,
And let him remember my name,
My face, even when his eyes
Are lost somewhere
Bring him back
And keep him here with us.
Melt the soft belly of his feet
To the ground
And let him stick for me,

I’ll be thankful.
I don’t need much
Just mami and papi
And less bottles,
And belts,
And bad words,
Then I can be happy.
Swoo May 2023
Honestly, I lust over every fine woman I see . Oh, that's so hot, right ? Oh, look at that!! But then every time I see these one it's never that and not because she's not fire! Trust it. Even the soul knows she's a bomb. When I see her its no lust at all, its that mami, wifey,warmth we cuddling in my dreams, spooning in combination of making out, and I'm looking at her face and not even believing she's right there my whole universe? And then I wake up and she's not really there and I realise it's that usual nightmare at it again,how cruel? - That normal nightmare at it again -Swoo
NAH B May 2014
If you ask about my roots
I swear my speech will seem endless
but you don't have to..
because my accent will start to bleed through
and the names of my ancestors will appear in my eyes
You'll meet Amparo, Severo and Maria
Out of my mouth their stories will pour
and you'd be forced to swallow them whole
and you will like it
and if I allow you to touch me,
you'll feel the warm waters of my island flowing in
giving you a sweet glimpse of what serenity feels like
you'll hear tamboras, and Anthony Santos
Mami's melanin, curves and curly black hair
is what allowed me to become just as beautiful as the place we come from
Rabbit Sep 2018
The true essence of a woman
has never truly been understood
From the Spanish demolishing our cultures
to the way that they are viewed and treated in the hood.

I don't like the use of the word *****
Whether you're rich or poor
upper or middle class
or a ******* lying in a ***** ditch

In our indigenous tribal times
women were respected, revered and held in a high regard
the damage from a European psychology
has pierced our mindsets and left men and society deeply scarred

Try to keep you dumb, barefoot, and pregnant in the kitchen wishing,
while he is out there acting a fool
trying to be a player straight fishing

I'm talking about a  species that not only can bear a life
but a being that can hold a job
help with homework, cook, and be a **** wife

Or maybe baby daddy was never really there
or maybe he's stuck in the judicial system
in a cell staring at the wall with a blank stare

Single strong mama doing it all by her self
playing the mother and father
being the comforter and still having to pull out the belt

Tu-pacs dear mama was real and said it the best
until you've grown up with a single mother
you're probably tripping like the rest

I love you, respect you
and truly understand your pain
don't trip mami, I see you and all that work
that you have put in is not in vain

Keep grinding and working hard
continue to do all that you can
I feel you're and got your back
I'm your number one fan

And if your man doesn't appreciate you
and treat you like the Queen that you are
My advice, ditch the punk, be on your own
or find a king that treats you like a true superstar.
Candela Apr 2014
Mami was my grandmother.
Because she's dead.
She died October 20th.
The day after my best friend's birthday party.
The day after a boy said i was pretty.

I cried, of course,
but as the days passed i realized i wasn't so sad.
And that made me really angry.
How couldn't be sad?
What was wrong with me?

I remember this day when she wrote my name on a notebook.
She wanted to talk to me.
She said she was sorry about what happened.
Long story.

I remember when she had the stroke.
It was my brother's birthday and she was so happy on the phone.
Mom was smoothing my hair and my aunt called.
I remember the lost look in her eyes.
I remember my sister crying.
I remember telling my brother on the phone.
I remember crying.
But i can't remember was was the last thing she said to me.
And that's ****** up.

After she died i understood my mixed feelings.
I miss my grandmother.
But the lady in the bed of a ****** hospital wasn't my grandmother.
I know it sounds mean.
But it's the truth.
sorry about the weird narrative
Kurush  Mama, gifted a cute little baby to Shez, that's you , my bundle of joy.

For me it was a promotion big, when in my arms I received the precious most toy.

Every one came to visit you immediately, long past mid night; this cute baby boy.

Rati Mami, was with me through out,  (you were born at  1.25 am  early morn).

Nurgesh Aunty on a wheelchair; n Nivi Mami came straight from a  party, when you were born.

All the Motashaws visited you at 3 am, in silence,  no music, just the car horn.

Delzu dolly, Burzee  Mama just to have a peek, even said, your siblings they were.  

Mami, Mama were  ever so helpful; n Navaz Mami,  cuddled you n you just loved her.

Wonderful it would be if  bless you could, your revered great grandparents Keki n Jer.

May  Ahura bless you with His blessings choicest n  all our dear departed ones too.

May you,  my lil champ, rise n shine to heights great; but remember to practise Parsipanu.

May you be the pride n joy of our family, the entire community n country too.

Loads of love n blessings from
Dae  Ma, Mummy,  Daddy.  Zoish
Andres Mar 2019
my head could last for days
my head could think up a hole
It would take me a minute to try to distinguish a cold shoulder from cold
or maybe I’m something nice looking to ****
With men, that just be my luck,
Never know if it’s something to fear or if it’s truly something to trust,
but baby, you should stay, my head told me you wanted to go
I can’t take another heart break, so my heart, let’s just take it slow
Do you mind just actually leaving,
It would hurt less without an explanation
I’ve never felt worthy of one longer than a couple words,
Lonely and broken in the heated train station
my feelings and ego go away as soon as i look at your eyes
But come right back up on late night train rides
I wanna text you, but you’ll probably be suffocated
don’t expect gifts on my birthday unless it’s belated
momma reminds me to not settle for less than I’m worth
but momma don’t know that for love I’m a serf, for love, I’ll rebirth
But no worries, the couch is super comfy tonight
Your quickest replies are the ones that say goodbye, or so it seems,
My head is spinning like carousels after hours and behind the scenes
Shoot my heart like you on a dolly, got every angle
Hold my hand like you know who i am, baby, what can you handle?
I’m a mess inside and when I’m without you it spews
So doctors resort to telling me
“Honey, go sit in the pews”
But prayer to god, pray to allah and mami, nada me sirve
Y mami, con este dolor, amor nunca me hace libre
So anxious, and nervous, with no repercussions
So baby hit hard, slept w several concussions
Not the ones you think you got
But the ones that hit you in parking lots
You thought he would love you, but you can’t be loved
You thought it was his treat, end nights in Hyatt’s
Rent out a Beamer, **** it, a fiat
And baby you got me
Baby you got me

I wish i could see you and look in your eyes
I’ll sing some long and distracting lullabies
Don’t focus on the man you never signed up for, hes been through it all
You really wanna find a place with some privacy when weather gets cold in the fall?
his sisters running his life
And his parents not fit for the world
and if these planets don’t stop ******* moving, i swear I’m just gonna hurl
My body is broken in all the right places
if i don’t leave, he’s smashing all the glass vases
I should relax, pay attention to what makes sense
I’m over here in round two with my brain, playing chess
If you have hidden motives, would you promise to reveal?
If i had all these scars, would you help me to heal?
I have important questions to the subjects that matter
if something doesn’t go my way, it’s mind over the latter
My feelings are unattached, it’s my brain getting it twisted
So i think I’ll just go home and get myself lifted
blowing through cartridges like my gameboys too brolic
Can’t go a day without it, like a ****** alcoholic
I like you a lot, but my feelings won’t grow
I stress you a lot, but only on the low
I **** with you heavy, but my body’s too light
we could share stories in a dark room restricted of sight
Maybe you could feel what i feel and see what i see
I learn thrown in the deep end, but forget all out in sea
i added some Spanish in there.
I’m trying to be vulnerable with you. Spanish is my family’s language, and it’s my family. To speak to and about you in Spanish is to do it fearlessly. Challenge your language.
I learned that as opposed to living a life that is full of prediction and control, you could live a more fulfilling life of vulnerability. Risk your emotions, be the first one to take that step. Life rewards those with growth.
Kwanele Nov 2016
I am craving you bravely with this pain in my heart
I am craving you bravely, with all this love I am feeling, these feelings I keep ignoring
I am craving you bravely, I'd like to embrace you, taste you..
I am craving you bravely, I love you, come back to me..
I am craving you bravely, mami, princess, come back to me
This took a turn
Dara Brown Dec 2014
my friend al
calls me every night
midnight to be exact
with invites to the maryland club,
you know the one, near hudsons bay
where johnny walkers always playing that old drum?

come he says
& we can dance with martini & rossi
baila baila on table tops
while jose cuervo
plays his cuban guitar.

aye yae yae mami,
venga, venga!
let me show you the comforts
of southern hospitality

it will only cost you one silver dollar

i try to say no
absolutely not

cause the last time i danced with al
i found myself lying in the arms of ron bacardi
at the old kentuky tavern down by the green river
ooh, he was soo smooth talking
standing there dressed in his red label shoes
& when he told me i felt like black velvet,
handed me four roses
& tickled me with three feathers
i found myself with my
backside to the ground
& me looking up at nothin but skyy
& by the time i knew what was going on
we had done it 151 times
before jack daniels caught us
behind mr. boston's house
& when he swore
he’d tell my old grand dad
i was so scared,
i stole the white horse
that belonged to capitan morgan
just to get away.

lord knows to this day
if he knew
he’d slap me silly, take me to church
& swear the christian brothers
could save my soul.

no, i wanna say
absolutely not

but its too late

i’m already at the canadian club
where my soul is being ******
by the fat *******
filling my glass
with crushed grapes.
Mercurychyld Aug 2014
She awoke violently to the sound of blaring alarms coming from the outskirts of the city, or what was left of it after the chaotic state which had turned the entire planet into one giant slave to disillusionment and Marshall Law. Freedom and individuality were a thing of the past. Every citizen became nothing more than a number, and a dark and pure evil ruled over every meaningful facet of human existence.

Only by the grace of God was she even still alive and somehow managing to scrounge
and feed her two young ones...the only semblance of 'love' in her life of sorrow. They
were the only reasons she still found cause to smile, on occasion, amidst all the
frightening madness.

Running, hiding and finding shelter with two little ones in tow was an almost impossible
feat, especially in such a hostile environment. Nowhere to run, no one to turn to, she
did the best she could to keep herself and her boys from harm and complete sadistic violation at the hands of captors who would eagerly spill her blood, but not before forcing her to witness the abominable ****, torment and dismemberment of her two
precious ones...the mere thought and fear of such a thing drove her to the brink of a desperate madness only a loving parent could possibly understand. All she had left, her motivation to stay alive, her treasure, lived and breathed with those babies.

Something in her heart told her this night would be their last run together. She'd heard
from the voices throughout the streets, of the horrors others experienced at the blood thirty hands of these elite monsters running our world. She felt them close now, and there was nowhere left to hide.

She turned and saw a deep body of water only yards away and suddenly she knew what had to be done...a deep feeling of sickness and dread began to grow in her belly, and
the tears began to flow but she wiped her face and put on her most cheerful smile and took on a soft tone and gently took her two loves by the hands and whispered, "Come on boys, we're going for one last swim, take Mami's hands now, here we go." They whispered excitedly to each other and together they all walked into the water. For a moment she stopped and looked down at each of boys, and in her most loving tone reminded them how very much she adored them and that they were gifts from above
and she would never leave them; never. They smiled and said, "we love you too Mami..always and forever and ever", and they giggled.

With that, a solitary tear ran down her cheek, and as she walked and the water began to cover the boys, she squeezed their hands tightly as they began to struggle against the submersion and the choke of death; as she held them there and felt the life ebb away, her heart shattered completely and irreparably, and she felt her soul grow frigid cold and plunge straight into the depths of an unknowable despair.

When she felt the stillness of their little lifeless bodies, she began the trek back to land and tenderly placed each half of her heart right next to each other and kissed them, telling them how sorry she was, but that at least she had the peace of knowing that now her two precious boys were in the loving arms of God, along with their beautiful older brother, who had died years ago, shortly after his premature birth. She prayed to God for His tender mercy and understanding...this was the most horrid sacrifice she'd ever had to was a mercy ultimate act of kindness and love.

As the bitter, arctic fingers of agony gripped her fractured heart, she held one little hand of each child and sat slumped and wracked with sobs and waited for her fate...and the evil to arrive.

-by Mercurychyld
This short story is based on an awful, disturbing nightmare I had, and still can't get over. I had to stop many times, while writing it, to breathe and wipe my tears. One of the worst dreams I've ever had to date.
Jesibell arz Sep 2016
You are a lovely soul i can tell by the kicks inside. The lord had this gift for me, what a surprise :D. Finally after nine Months i see what You look like; More beautiful then i imagined this feels so right.
kissed You, hugged you, squeezed You with all my heart ME AND YOU i know is a relationship that will never part.. Seeing that smile makes my day shine bright, laughing playing feeding until night; time to go to bed my little rose flower dream of You flying More Higher then the highest tower, to always keep in mind aiming high is the power.
I will always love You never forget that just hurry up And grow so when mami talks You can talk Back :* <3
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The legion of mine zeal for thee
Outreaches unknown boundaries,
No barbed wire to holdeth me back
Just a ( I loveth thee to mine mami) (  to mine love)
And a ( I needeth thee now) oh papi ( from mine love)!!!!
From the one I sit on hold....
Slang we shalt speaketh as peasants
But ourn amare richer than most,
To guide her by mine allegiance
To bathe with her in comet lighting toast...
Her jazzy sensual patois
To pleat me in mine king throne bassinet,
The queen to taketh mine angst
And lie me in a dream I canst forget.
She whispers deeply secrets
As mine ears perk in excite,
Her eyes burn voluptuous through mine
She comforts me at night!!!!!
I canst never tread off
From the only familiar ***** rose,
I've toldeth thee all long ago
We were past life amour's of long beginning show.
The asteroids we used as projection
To maketh ourn way here,
Yet now the earth's ending
We must return to infinate angel years...
Ourn Chronograph's don't telleth Pace's
Only ourn soul's affection for eachother,
As a monarch of the Luna atmosphere she is
Twas I was sent here to bring her back into her home
Mine arms.....
Mine eyes
Mine mind
Mine soul
Mine spirit......

Wherein she already knoweth she belongs!!!!
As tis
She was mine
Long before she ever kneweth it..
A prayer five years later

I don't need you
as much as mami does,
so nestle her in yourself,
hold her there
so that she knows to be calm
if I happen to meet you
face to face before she does.
To Marjorie, thank you

On nights alone I think of you
And the way you would pull blankets over me,
Fold them back, crease them, and tuck them
Under, and the words you would whisper onto me,
How you would bathe me in your prayers.
You wanted me to know what security felt like.

You could take the moonlight in your hands
And let it hang over me like a brilliant guardian
Watching over, so that I could know what home was
So that I knew that you loved me, reassuring me with lullabies,
Duermete mi niño, duermete mi amor; and I did and I do,
And I wonder how different life would be without you.

On these nights I wonder where you are,
Whether you think of me as this grown man
Or as the lonely toddler scurrying for your embrace,
Laying in bed waiting for my bottle with warm chocolate milk,
For your soft voice, for the final Te amo of the day,
For my response of yo tambien mami, me too, and I did and I do,
And for the moonlight dripping from your fingers
Drifting onto the air, hanging above my closing eyes.
liz Oct 2012
Which lips did I come out of
that you feel the need to yell

conceived on your tongue
grew in your vocal cords

the tremors
the tremors in which I developed
vibrated so deep
I do not feel swaddled

when your throat opens
I shake
   close it for my comfort

I am late
sixteen years
I, child of showers,
I was birthed like no other

but I am still
a carrier of DNA
to make me a burden
or blame them on me

cut this cord
take pride in my existence
Geno Cattouse Jun 2013
Hot house flower by nature. By nurture she.took the hype hook to sinker.
All I see when I look at baby is power.
Habnero tiempo.

Warm to hot.
Spaaniard, coated with Ibo.slathered with india injected with a pulsating
Congas....mish mosh. Black as the ace of spades,mocha smooth ,
blond and blue,fiery red.
Magic in the hips.

Rat-a tat-tat spray lingo on one full breath.
Just ran down your program from A to Z.
Just want to grip your hips mami.

Synch up your vibe. Turn that growl your emitten
To purrr like a kitten. Ahh... eso..Asi.
Sitting at the park talkng to a loud happy crew of Cubans.
Congas driving the beat as the women errupt in loud joyfull laughter
Almost like home.
Lady Narnia Jul 2016
I knock on the door, mellowing around the porch
Wondering when the clouds will turn over
With their distant display of arduous flight
Will they fall out of the sky? I wonder

The door opens with clicks and clanks
The seconds have passed and so the sky shatters
Not by some cataclysmic or destructive force
But by the woman operating the barrier

A spectacle of gold catches my eye
Emanating from ten earrings and a nose ring
A greeting that far exceeded my expectations
But a worthwhile one for it is my sister

She greets me warmly and leads me inside
Her Egyptian style hair flapping around her head
I look through the open gateway
And step into the ominous black

Into my old home where fear strikes me
I measure my distance continuously from the door
Each step treading against the cold, white tiles
Hoping the cold and white stays in the ground

Tiny taps welcome my sandals
As little Jeremy's wet nose sniffs my toes
A curious little ferret he's always been
And my sister's favorite furry critter

My sister examines me, reading my expression
Gifting me with peace by assuring me she is not here
I relax at being spared reliving those memories
They were always inflaming or violent

She would battle with me, screaming and fighting
Push me into a chair, claiming "the truth"
Shove a white door into me and my grandmother
Drive me to the point of sprinting away in the night

I'd battle back, fighting and screaming
Defending my will, my right to my being
Holding back against her "loving" strength
Breaking enough to throw a fist at her once

This whirlwind of a home...
"Mami turned over a new leaf, sis. She changed a lot"
My eyes grew wide as I turned to my sister
I could say nothing to the lie but close my eyes
Santiago Jun 2015
I'm happy someone out there
In ther universe loves me deeply
Thinks of me as much as I do
I'm content although circumstances
Build fences separating us apart
But it's okay you carry my heart
And I carry yours with me, deep in me
Thank you, goodnight sleeptight
When the time is right mami
Mamasita preciosa hermosa
Como la mas bella rosa eres mi esposa
De espiritu y verdad y mi felicidad
Lanno chiipira Nov 2014
When I was holding ten years
On  earth
Mami always say to me
"Your girlfriend doesn't exist
On earth "
I was blind
waiting with smile
Under-pining love without limitation
Maximum appreciation
Full parcel of attention
And  anointed affection

Now I'm about to vacate
from the room of teenagers
But I can't picture
The one who can love me
Give me back
love without limitation
Maximum appreciation
Full parcel of attention
And  anointed affection
Still Searching for her
Day and night
Even in my thoughts and dreams
But I just find pretenders
Maybe she still doesn't exist
On earth
This poem is about love.      Which I have been waiting
Evey Aug 2018
"Did you hear Tonya  son is gay?"
"Oh that's cool."

A la  siguinte  semanan naylie  me  comento
"Tonya kicked  her son out of her house for being gay."

As thoughts race through my head I wonder where will he live? he's just a senior in high school

Soon after that I never really thought about him since I never knew him or seen him

lo  conosi por distanica

"Mira  Yvette ese  es  el  hijo  de  tonya  tu  sabias  que  era  gay?" me  dijo  nayeli  que  lo  conoses
As usual, irritated, le  contesto, "ay  ama la  van  a esquchar y  no  no  lo  conosco"

I didn't want to feel guilty for being somebody that whispers through ears

"Mija  y tu  mama va  venir  al  aerobics?"
" Nose "

Tonya No  me  conose ni  tampoco  conse  que  me  da  verguenza su  decicion como  puede  abandonar  a su hijo

My  mom  while she pretended to cover her whispers through squats and lunges.

"Mira  Yvette ese  es  el  hijo  de  tonya"

As I gaze,
flaco  y  Alto.
What is he doing here at the park? his mom is going to see him. He looks happy playing basketball was he really kick out? did she bring him here?

My second year of summer vacation of college I try to be part of LA and South Park with the aerobics women but it is inconsistent the same way how inconsistent my thought of Tonya's  son being homeless

Por  segunda  ves  la distancia  nos  unio

Mami  y yo  sentadas 10minutos antes  que  empiese  la  clase

"Ay  mira  Yvette siempre  esta  aqui ya  nunca esta  bien  vestido "

I guess she did kick him out

Sudadas y cansadas,
When classes end  todas  Las mama  se  van en Chinga,
Tengo  que  ir  a vender!
Tengo  que  hacer de  comer!
Tengo  que  pasar  por  el  chiquillo  a  la  escuela!

"Mejor vete  en  chinga  por  tu hijo Mientras  haces  de  comer no  se  te  olvide  poner  el quarto  Plato en  la  mesa Y  cuando  termines  no  se  te olvide  pasar por  tu  hijo  que  duerme  en el  parque"

Otros anos  mas

"Ay  Yvette dice  nayeliy que  ya  el  hijo  de  Tonya  usa  drogas"

I just listened

I'd feel bad to if my mom never noticed me over the thing she loved the most, aerobics

Sonriente  y  sin  verguenza,
Camina  ase  su  casa  dejando  su  hijo.

It doesn't seem to work its as if he wants her to notice him

Maybe if my mom sees me everyday out here knowing that I live here she'll take me home after she's done with her work out

365 dias multiplicado por 2, espero  que  todabia  tenga  esa  esperanza o talvez  ya  lo  consumio  las drogas

— The End —