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emma jane Sep 2015
the world is e.n.d.i.n.g
every. second, is. fleeting.
minutes. become empty pockets
of moments. no longer,able. to, support
those. who .see
each; br,eath ,as a tick. on their own
clock; reminding them that
they too are
run, from. their lungs.
forgettin to. let e a c h insta.nt
take hold, of their. flesh.
even. if father time.  has claws,,, that scars.
at least, etched into their
bones. would be, the
smiles, wide enough.
to convince, the man on. the moon
to. hold, back night,fall. a little longer
letting. this brief, lifetime, linger.
and the ,laughter. that rippled; time, into
deep wrinkles. of prol,o.nged being.
scratches, that. symbol victory's, over. time's
elusive game.
so that. when. our, clocks run. out of time
we can, be winners. without
being the first to the finish line.
leave. our, bodies behind.
as, time capsules.
filled, with. the lives
by, patient.
enjoy each moment
Rob Sandman Mar 2016
The Ballad Of Jack Hammer (Concept by Jay Byrne)
Jack Hammer-Jay Byrne Black Fang Rob Sandman aka Schizophrenic.

Listen up I got a tale to tell.
About a black jack rabbit known for raisin' hell.
Jack Hammer's his name. Retribution the game.
Out on the plain with his kinfolk he did dwell.
Til that fateful day. No forgettin it.
Loss so painful. Jack was but a leveret.
While playin' out back.
Along the track came Black Fang and the Red River Pack.
And they were lookin, for blood.
Notorious outlaws up to no good.
In the low sun and The Pack started gunnin'.
So Jack started runnin'. The damage was done and it was over.
No time for goodbye. He just stood there.
Lookin' the Devil in the eye.
While his Momma bled.
The wolf walked up and this is what he said.

Are you sore that the Fang took away your Paw?
and the River Run's red with the blood o' your Maw?,
well hop away little blackjack eyes red raw,
-tell the rest o' the prairie what you done saw,
Red River is the Pack,I'm the one with the crown,
I'm the big bad wolf who blew your whole life down!
so cower and quiver little wabbit,have a cry...
you little ******* you took my **** eye!

From out me back pocket, pulled out me slingshot..
..I'm a real crack-shot when it comes to bringin' pain across lots.
Ya never saw it quicker.
Lickety-split I skedaddle into the thicket.
Then he was gone...

Spent the next few years wanderin'. Ponderin' recompense.
Lived paw to mouth honing his defense..
..and offense. Hell bent on atonement.
Twin six-guns blazin', layin' judgement.
While The Pack kept killin'.
Full split, full chisel, goin' the big figure.
Black Fang said it himself.

none bigger none badder than the Pack I'm with,
spit venom that hisses,hogleg never misses,
no-one messes with the red river,do and you die,
cry wolf-get engulfed,leave your colt lie,
whole pack'll rip lead to your head if you try,
but-one thing niggles while I sup down Rye
is to **** that rabbit that took my **** eye,
heard he built some fame,got himself a name,

Like a freight train runnin' on collision course.
Jacks fate's been comin' like an iron horse.
Tour de force, pent up, fired up ready to blow.
On a stormy night into town he did stroll.

Jack walked into the saloon.
Black as all hell, no light from the moon.
Fang at a table playin' poker.
Soon to be Dead Mans Hand for that joker.
The pack'll pay.
I'll put the red in your river bringin' Judgement Day.
Stormbringer I'll deliver. Got an itchy trigger-finger..
..cos I'm quicker and fitter. Juiced up, not goosed up on hard liquor.
Then he catches me eye.
Takes a sip of his rye and says..

if it ain't the **** nipper that took the fang's eye,
waited all these years to come here and die,
no odds no winnin' no end to my sinnin' ,
Pack back up,fair game fangs winnin
last chance saloon,I'm too old for you,
ain't no-one ever outdrew me and old blue,
Navy Colt revolver,dead problem solver
so 'ware this wolf,you couldn't **** with silver

Black Fang, I've come to collect.
Anybody that don't wanna die better mosey outback.
But the pack can stay.
For what ya done did you're dyin' this day.

as I opened my mouth and slid my paw to old blue,
twas like the heavens opened up on my whole **** crew,
twin revolvers spitting,splittin' open my pack,
last shot ripped ripper my lieutenant in the back

cause I dragged him over me,hit the deck too,
little rabbit thinks its,over cause I  was hit too,
then I let rip,aiming straight for the head,
coulda sworn that shot left Jackhammer dead
... (but did it?)
Another unfinished track by myself and Jay Byrne... give us a few likes to hear the end(lol cliffhanger style!)
Katrina Feb 2013
the rollercoaster of life.
Loopty loops.
Everyone has a different Insane ride.
Some start to forget that, and theirs starts to do nothing but go down.
Forgettin it ever went up. Takin the easiest path possible.
loopty loops become straight. The ups are just a cliff, "the easy way OUT"
that plunges to a demise that soon evolves to the only desire to these poor souls seek.

Eventually every soul-ride gets to a point of reconstrustion.
Some can do it alone.
some Have others to help them.

Others are left with the easy way out.
never having the courage to tell themselves what a great ride it could be someday.
never having someone to even be a helping hand with rebuilding.

Every coaster has a chance to be great.
just depends on the rider.
if they cant MAKE it an amazing coaster, it will be a GREAT ride.
Jeremy Betts May 2022
Everyone's dealin' with their own personal demon but I'm only ever bein' seen as a monster
Always judged accordingly, ironically by one family friendly imposter after another
Every other sinner the world over is allowed their own irrational feelings to be front and center
For them love is always the answer to offer, reassuring they need look no further
But I gotta "**** it up" and "move on" from this gutter faster which I take as to make sure my 50 caliber finisher is fully loaded with one in the chamber
And if the **** thing doesn't misfire on the first pull of this here trigger I figure I'll be a single bullet Russian roulette winner hero figure or would that make me a loser?
Am I an incurable cancer? I think I know the answer but I'm not sure and I'm sure not a doctor
However, it's only a matter of time before everything I touch turns into a disaster
Could it be that I'm just a carrier? An infectious delivery driver with t-rex arms making steering clear that much harder
What is pretty ******' clear is my presence here makes no one's life better, just spoiling the atmosphere, so I back pedal out of the picture
Then you label me a quitter the moment you notice I'm no longer there to be your *******
I guess I'll take that title if it'll make it easier or help you to feel better about what went down here, just please don't allow yourself to stay bitter forever
But rather allow time to erase my lingering stench of failure from the air altogether
It's only fair that I make way for you and anyone here to enjoy life without the fear of me being anywhere near
Your bright future wasn't mine to take and alter so I'll round up every bit of pain I caused that made your heart heavier and your life harder than it needed to be ever
Then take it with me to be a sacrificial offer next to me on the alter like a lamb to slaughter
Tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of your forever with no black cloud loomin' over

I gotta ask...

Who do I apologize to once the deed is done and I pull out of the race, refusing to run
Instead, turning the starting gun on myself to become a ghostly astral projection
It should be everyone but it'll be close to no one due to a punctured lung and crushed windpipe from being hung from inside the hole I dug starting back when I was young
No human being person type thing had a single **** to spare, not a one
Wouldn't even let a rerun apology or empty sympathy roll off the tongue, and forget empathy, ain't capable of none
Couldn't hear or didn't care before I was gone so I'm a shoe in to continue on holdin' the same position I've been in from my beginnin', now doesn't that sound like fun?
I've gone and done the forbidden so any opinion of me will only worsen as they lose sight of who I was as a person
Forgettin' my mind was a maximum security prison, the only way out presentin' itself to me was a coffin
But you're only focusin' solely on one particular fraction of an action
Ignorin' why that particular path was even taken in the first place, don't be mistaken, it wasn't a knee **** reaction
A quick observation and the pain would have been plain as the nose on your face but I caught no eyes lookin'
Just heads turnin' away the exact moment I notice 'em watchin'
Silently each formed their own conclusion and brought with 'em some ******* opinion from their twisted vision of me, all to feed the illusion
The one that claims I took the easy way out without explorin' any other option
You say you know me, you call me friend but have proven not to be in the end
But by all means, go ahead and continue to pretend you're the better person

How could you have known...

First of all, exhaustion was half the reason I was even in that head space
I could only envision this exact endin' ever takin' place as I fell from grace
I gave up tryin' to replace the dark with light cause try as I might it was all in vain, and in my haste I didn't notice the byproduct of a chronic toxic waste
Every attempt to place one foot in front of the other was riddled with set backs and laced with failure and I could never seem to rid myself of the foul taste of my own biohazard base
I'll be just another cold case with more than a trace of evidence but the answers in the proof aren't important enough to chase, never the time nor the place
Given up on before I even started the race so no warm embrace at the finish, no congratulatory smile from a familiar face
No one there to return my dinghy smile that's held in place with cheap elementary school Elmers glue paste
Why was the tare down so quick to take place with hardly an ounce of effort but the rebuild progressed at a snails pace?
There were many who watched all this take place in real time but avoided eye contact whenever face to face and I'm convinced that would have continued to be the case
I know I'm a disgrace now but wasn't until now so what excuses are you going to pull from your briefcase of two face ******* and put in place explaining why you turned your back on me in the first place, back at my birthplace?

Surprise surprise...

...a silence washes over the crowd. What happened to how proud you were with your intentionally loud gossip predicting what round I'd go down?
Were you only joshin'? Just clownin' around? Didn't think you could ever or would never be bound to something so profound?
Well here we are, you called it, the words bound freely from your mouth but now that things have gone south you're no longer able to enjoy the sound so you just turn it down
Or were you one of those hanging around saying I'd never do it but if you ever bothered to look into it you'd find the proof of the opposite truth can be found
But no, it's gotta be that I'm just desperate for all the attention it would bring to my part of town
Whatever, doesn't matter now, you could have never comprehended the reason why while shooting for cloud nine I got stuck six clouds down and wasn't able to post up for a rebound
It's only understood by people who've had the same problem with ups and downs and picking themselves up to finish the round after being so down and out that sea level was seen as higher ground
I know the way my last act went down is frowned upon and the deformation process was bound to take place once I was no longer part of the crowd
But look, you want to know why I choked down a handful of pill bottles for my second time 'round?
My problems were gaining on me quickly, I was steadily losing ground
They had to be drowned or at the very least inhumanely put down
I was no longer fun to be around, a bad joke turned evil clown
My darkness broke free from the compound where it was bound
And now wherever you see me it too can be found
Every day a new battleground
Every sundown a new showdown
A new possibility to possibly be hellbound
Just please set me gently when you put me down
And I'll try to do the same when I let you down.


i know at times i have lost my ways too
forgot 'bout efflorescences of truth
denied all of the good hidden within
for my nature itself quite demurin'

wherewithal we all do have times like these
wherein we fail to recognize beauties
to see life to be ever so comely
when a heart feels only felicity

tho as faremost 'n' so quintessential
to lose focus of the sempiternal
will not bring us further into this life
when forgettin' the knowin' how to lithe

for i know now which thread to hold onto
'n' the very Bein' to put all of my trust into

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 08/05/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'
Ashley Rodden Nov 2013
Doin' a little drinkin' tonight
Doin' a little thinkin' tonight
Smokin' a cig as I sit here and dig inside my head for thoughts of positivity.
Doin' a little soul searchin' tonight
Doin' a little liein' to myself tonight
Tippin' a bottle up and feelin' it burn all the way down to my core.
Doin' a little hurtin' tonight
Doin' a little cryin' tonight
Enhaling smoke and ingesting nicotine with each drag I take.
Fightin' a little battle tonight
Screamin' inside my head tonight
My body is weary my soul distressed and tore.
Doin' a little forgettin' tonight
Doin' a little rememberin' tonight
With each sip I take it feels like such a contradiction of my feelings.
Feelin' a little lost tonight
Feelin' a little tipsy tonight
With each enhale and exhale the more confused I get.
Feelin' a little uncertain tonight
Feelin' a little bitter tonight
How much more of this can I take?
Holdin' on tonight for dear life
Lettin' go tonight for heaven's sake
Every beat of my heart proves I still must endure this life and these feelings.
Wantin' to talk to you tonight
Wantin' to hold you tight tonight
When I feel the cool night breeze on my cheek I snap out of thoughts and back to reality.
Wantin' to run away tonight
Wantin' to stand still tonight
Every star I count is just a wish that won't come true.
Bein' alone tonight
Bein' sad tonight
So I'm gonna try and drink all these thoughts, feelings, and frustrations away tonight.

Author Notes
this is a typical night for me lately....
© Ashley Rodden. All rights reserved
Emily Pidduck Dec 2013
sweet, sweet boy
i've seen you a-sittin' there
waiting for that older girl
with those bright eyes
and kind smile.

now southern boy
dont you drop a penny
cause she's a rich girl with class
and yer not gettin' her chastity
and yer not takin' her money
cause yer a proud son of an ***

and broken boy
why you still not takin' no bandages?
cause yer stubbornness is breakin' er
when yer the one who's bleedin'
oh, i can see it all repeatin'

what you dont know is she loves you
and yer in love too
but all this time you been thinking its sympathy
got this idea that you mean nothing to nobody
boy it's hurtin' er
it's hurtin me

cause baby boy
i see you as my own
im a-thinkin' you need to take a stand
she might be a stunner
only one who don take you as a sinner
but youve been forgettin'
that though shes a fine woman
y'always been a real good man

angel boy
seen you cryin' tears
shes paradin' round
with a polished fella'
but why you aint been askin' her
"whens the weddin'"
when you think its comin'
honey, no girl in love
shows up at some lib'ary
when theres a man who orders sherry
im a-sure you feel
but you don see it
and sure as nothin' do you believe it

waitin', waitin' boy
how long you gon be sittin' there
that girl gave you time
but you didnt use it
and now im crying'
cause son
i can tell theres still love
but shes been taken
and now yer a drunk

lost, lost boy
im a-beggin' here
find trust
cause i know its not her fault
and she thinks it was
and now we both afraid
cause you not even tryin' a-hide it
but yer becomin' yer father
and he was filled with hate

hes a gone, gone boy
im a sinner with a prayer
that her husband dies
an he drops the liquor
and they both survive

but, hes an old, old man
read with a drawl, the only example I can think is from "the help"
JV Beaupre Nov 2020
Collared for white collar,
To society I'm paying my dues
The Trump appointee Club Fed blues.

The beds are pretty clean and soft,
At Club Fed, they hardly cost

Shootin' shuffleboard, takin' a snooze
Just forgettin' the Club Fed blues

The **** beach aint just ahead
Club Fed just aint the Club Med

At 3-pm, it's tea and cake
Every night supper-- it's Trump steak
The cash register rings, it's all his take.

They're adding on to the Club Fed thing,
A spanking new Congressional wing

Having latte with a Trumper con
He whines,"I'm no Don,
I was just a pawn."

On the ladies side, want to meet
Lori, the College Admission cheat

No black ink pen tattoos
Just plain old Club Fed blues

Bill Barr and Rudy sit at table
Remembering when they were on cable
Just spinning another Ukrainian fable

Missing my 5-pm yardarm *****
A stiff price to pay, the Club Fed blues

When I leave it's to the Caribbean
To a fat numbered account
And I'll finally lose the Club Fed blues.
Brad Lambert Apr 2014
Paled-peach moonlight and plagiary.
Some hearts since broken.
I lost a card under a tree.
No words since spoken.
Forgot where I was bent to be.
Smokin’ on spices.
His body’s gone, sent out to sea.
Sugarless spices.

Wrote a tale and called it my own work–
These are not my own words,
they're nothin' but ruminations of
the echoes of my own two feet 'gainst
panes of glass:

Fetishes and fish scales.
Tattoo inks traipsing through
brushed bodies and dyed sinks.
*****, breadth, and beach-sand pales.
Set-to-stun eyes drawn where
none but sunrise had been.
Entertained and enticed.
Spending nights scrubbing meat,
washing scents from my skin.
****** if he remembers.
This mind's been done, drawn out,
all's swift-diced 'fore dawn's out–
Yea, I remember him.

Opening doors.
Listening deep into the dusk's din,
there's nothin' but the hum of a fan
through stark, sterile silence–
Sentimental foot-prints in the sand.

Silver-seamed sunsets.
Sole sailors soul-searchin’ whole seas.
Forest fire sunsets.
Forgettin’ where we ought to be.
I never think of you.
You best not dare to think of me.
Morn’s made out like bruised fruit
fallen 'neath forget-me-not trees.
No medication,
What's my purpose in position?
What is this that I've been missin?
Keep on movin, keep forgettin
that I'm here and on a mission
feel a spark there in my chest
risin from my hollow breast
gotta get up take a chance
It won't burn out like the rest
I'm gonna
let it smolder, let it flame
let it build, give God the blame
he lit it - no one can **** it
no one can take the love that's in it,
let it blaze, let's let it roar
I'm breakin chains, get off the floor
been layin down and takin kicks
from myself, ignorin ticks
tellin me
I've been set free, I'm free indeed-
but free and lost and on my knees
why'm i dead here on my face
I've been too blind to too much grace
but heaven holds the healing
to the empty i've been feeling,
to the nothing i have felt,
to the hand that i've been dealt,
to the pain that I've been dealin with, well,
to the lies that Ive been tellin my self,
to all the things i fear to face
the answer is amazing grace
This is not a crutch.
This is the solution.
The answer to my mind I'm losin
Truth amidst the lies of hell that hurt holds.
Take time to stand still and Let my lord touch my soul.
Been walking with a dark understanding,
got too far and too demanding
thought my way was the best way,
think I'm losing it , think my chest may,
cave in, I'm lookin for the silver lining,
but i can't see past the ceiling,
tired of all the climbing,
I'm trying, but i can't keep looking up
need to feel like you're here beside me before i just give up

I **** self
daily I die at my own hands
I die that I may live more than any empty man
I AM! - what am I?
my - my hands - my hands lie,
why? - I  tell the truth - like to say at least i try
the- sky mocks me with its silence, you're listening and you've got this,
but my prayers hit the ozone
I have felt this way for so long.
I know you hear, i know that's real
but how can I, when I believe but I don't feel
I am numb. I hate your will.
I will
do whatever it is that this takes-
said the same words before but they were fake-
didn't feel them, I guess it was the same problem,
I mean they're vicious and God you know I've got em,
only you can heal em,
let me, love my self, so i can love somebody else,
make me love my enemy like i love my brother,
cleanse this tongue - if you can't - cut it out, I'll take another, mother -
mary she did't say much
saw the spear pierce, heard your flesh crunch,
watched you be battered and bruised, becoming broken and abused-
So i could feel you, know you
you know, live you, show you-
not like a coward- like a lion
sick of lyin sayin i'm dying, I'm not.
I'm livin. I'm livid.
Angry, called to be an extremist
but barely any action ecapes, as extreme as words extreme as this.
I Have had a hard life, but so hasent everybody else,
I try to forget the pain, but im afraid of the result going against the grain,i still have to be true to myself, relationships have come and gone, making it hard for life in my lane to just go along with a flow i haven't been able to stay on for so long, honestly i care, but its hard to not be scared, when the reality and truth has been, hidden, forbidden, now were are the people that said they cared?  are they there? maybe im delusional in this world , but everybody makes references and insults and get suprised when ***** pops off in the mist of the air, tell me what it feels like being that kid sitting over there, trust me, ive been there ive done that **** was never fair, but realize those kids end up killed or in jail, dont feel left out, dont set your self to fail, cause they act like punks and claim they get the best *******, but they turn they back on a homie when **** switches, and the watch an chain he wearin aint real, he stole it from that homeless innocent woman with not a dime to spill, so think about it, and let this **** set in, cause i know these words that im spewing ill never be forgettin, people these days have no ******* morals, back in the day there was a way to get along without needing money in ya pocket, im trying to capture every good moment i have, maybd put it in neckless and lock it, hold it tight in my heart, but burn so these hater can never grin at the truth,. they cant **** with my furnance, wich is the root ofmy heart, and ill never let anybody change me or rip my family apart,
this is from my heart how i trully feel, and im not saying people have been though the stuggle, the struggle is real, but theres always a choice and everybody has a destiny to fulfill
jeffrey conyers Sep 2012
Over time we learn to forgive.
Except a few forever hold on to a grudged.
Why feel sorrow?
When they gone.
You personally stopped yourself from getting along.

It just takes one to offer forgiveness.
Just like life takes one to live.
A hurt lover gives you a kiss.
Instantly people starts to question's it.

Some of us works in a forgiving mood.
While others simpy refuse too.
We hear when people gone.
There hurtful foes states rather false or true.

I wish I had..
I should have..
But in all honesty.
They wanted to hold on to that grudge.
Remember forgettin' is hard.
But forgivin' is easy.

It just guilt caught up with them.
When your enemies wants to forgive.
Truth stands firm.
Memories hard to release.
When you controls so much hurt.
Lee Janes Dec 2012
Hey my Suffolk angel,
Eyes of a dreamy hue,
Haven't heard off you for ages,
Thinkin' of you too true.

As I go through the movin' stages,
Wantin' to read my pages,
Can't bare these silent phases,
Where is my ‘how do you do'?

Oh no! you're not forgettin',
Our laughin' and our walkin'?
Please remember our fun talkin',
And the kisses I laid on you.

So how has been your week?
Is the weather still so bleak?
Can't tell you how I still seek,
Your hug my sweet honeydew.

I'll leave this rhyme I'm ‘scribing,
The gods I am a bribing,
‘Cause my heart is all a sighing,
With this song my tongue a-grew!

Have a good day ‘my dove Emily',
Kind hellos from ‘your Lee-Bee',
Awaitin' the time when I see thee,
You know I would die for you.

I hear the birds a tweet,
Dreaming of you so sweet,
From top to your delicate feet,
A more beautiful vision than any I knew,
Did you fall from the sky so blue?
I truly do adore you
Misty Meadows Oct 2015
Morning faucet be
Drippin' like it's ice rain.
I'm just so glad that you're not a part
Of my pain,
But I miss you.
Never gonna lie about it.
We ain't never helped each other.
Never gonna cry about it.

You lose some, but you
Win some too.
If I ever get rich,
You gonna get some too.
I can look out for those who can
Give me truth.
And from start till the end,
You ain't break no rules.

I'm just a little
Disappointed in myself.
Can't nobody tell me
What's important to my health.
I only try to thrive for my mind
And my wealth.
Forgetting 'bout people like
Dust on a shelf.

Love you to death, and I
Put it on my life.
Forgettin 'bout me,
Have I caused you strife?
If I did, only hope that
I can make it right.
And if not, only hope that
You fade into night.

Like completely off my mind.
Narnord Oct 2013
A melancholic I am becomin'

I wish that you can feel my teardrops on your skin

After a long time I have been keeping in

Now the dams are leakin'

Trying to not make you feel mean

I hope this thing does not begin

When you are talkin'

It makes me feel like there is somethin'

You are the reason I could feel the adrenaline

When you are starin'

You make my heart stopped beatin'

When you are lookin'

I stopped breathin'

Now I am fallin'

Yet I do not want to get drownin'

It will make my head start spinnin'

Something I put on my face,  it is a big grin

And now I am gigglin'

Because I am forgettin'

The reason for all those things.
Steve Page Oct 2023
Oi! What you doin’ sat over there,
cold shoulderin’, ignorin’ your mates?
Oi! Cephas! I’m talkin’ to you.
Who you impressin’ with your pious handshakes?

Why you pretendin’? Are you forgettin?
You trying to ignore just who you are?
You sat down with Him, saw who ate with Him
You saw up close what He stood for.

You know He didn't care who’s been snipped.
You’re not closer to Him sittin’ there.
We all are equally, fully forgiven.
So ain’t it about time you just grew a pair.

Tell the truth to your chums -
Pull up a chair.
It's easy to get distracted from the fundamentals.
Galatians 2.11-12
"When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned, for before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group."
Martin Narrod Dec 2016
I feed you the bacon, that the Corporal made. He could pilot a falcon to the home of the brave.
Well his hands take no sinning,
Like your eyes stricken white.
You were born and forgotten
On a Saturday night.
I count the brandings, o'er the tower's achy call,
In this land of poor mothers, you could quiet your shrill.
If you're rustling and shaking, like a need for The blues.
You better flag down the night sky, for just a Taste of the moon.
Any one can take a gargoyle, as a treat, or a sin.
Until you step aside girl, you'd better not count
On a win.

In a state of confusion, you're the governor of Pain. So let down your hair child, or throw your  thoughts towards forgettin'. I could be weary, or I could be wrong. But tomorrow I'll be farther, farther than a telephone's call.

I'll take the whip, and the hammer, just to cross
Myself supine. I could wrestle up some supper. I could retake a swift sublime. Any outfit I'm donning, it's as black as could be. For the funerals off, do not count on your grief. Do not count on your nightmares, don't rely on your dreams. If you waste your time blinking, you could find your eyes lying. The world turns more quickly, when you're heart-break is live.

I've run and I've rambled. Like a soldier I was caught sporting a grin.
I can hear the wolves Howling,
It's the music that's playing.
Once I was a coward,
Now I'm a scout for the fear.
All that was in question,
All that was too heavy to bare.
You are the coin's flip, fueled by fashion and Law. Till the death comes to part you, and the Men come to call.

While your brother claims writing, over silence and grief.
Take your eyes for a peddling, a chance to take some relief.

And while you are writing, just come for a call. Quiet your longing, some folks were never meant to come at all.
Mark Lecuona May 2012
The way it’s rainin’
It’s just like forgettin’
Pain that lasted a lifetime
Because it was swept away by your love

The way it’s rainin’
It’s just like rememberin’
Love still works
When you decide to let it in

It’s rainin’
Like never before
Summer can wait
For as long as it takes
For the rain
To bring you to my door

An old creek bed still knows what to do
You just have to give it what it needs
You can let your heart dry up
Or let it rain and see where it leads

It’s rainin’
Like never before
Summer can wait
For as long as it takes
For the rain
To bring you to my door

The way it’s rainin’
It’s just like livin’
In her garden
With flowers she planted long ago
Song lyrics... and it is raining in Austin, Texas and we are so happy....
Lucy May 2015
I remember sittin' in the bathroom
feelin so high
pretendin' like the ceiling was the sky

but then I fell down

[oh so real]

played the part
made a deal
and that day the clouds met my heels

[been so fly]

I kept pretendin' that the high cured my pain

[fall some day]

rose back up
waited for tomorrows setting moon

[came too soon]

sittin' here
in this room
drinkin' beer
on the ***
loosing tears
I keeped forgettin' hennessy
was my name

[fall some day]

played the game
lied and sang
chill and hang
we'll never talk about it anyway
Big Virge Nov 2020
So When Are We TOO OLD... ?
To Be Seen As.... " Dope ".... ?!?

Or What's Called... " HOT "... !?!
Like Some SUPER FINE Crotch.... !!!!!

Well I'm... At THAT AGE...
Where My Body NOW ACHES... !!!
But STILL Have A BRAIN... !!!!!
That Functions... OKAY... !!!

So Let's Set Things STRAIGHT... !!!!!!!!!!

of... CLEVER Wordplay... !!!
THAT Rhythmically Flows...
When I Hit The Stage... !!!

That My Stage Show's LAME... !!!
And That My Beats Sound The Same... !!!!!

That I'm ABLE Today... !!!
To Use FEAR As A Way...
To Make My Game PLAY...
In Ways That I COULDN'T...
When I Felt Young And Brave...

So Am I Now A VICTIM...
of What's Called... " Ageism "... ?!?

You Youngu'ns NEED To LISTEN.... !!!!!
You're ENTITLED To... YOUR Vision...

of ART You Feel Is... KICKIN'...
But DON'T You Be FORGETTIN'... !!!

That... OLDER Heads Had Rhythm...
BEFORE You Guys Were LIVING...
Or ITCHING... In The Pants...
of Who You Call Your Dads... !!!!!

SO DON'T Be So......... DISMISSIVE.........
of Heads Whose... Form of Wisdom...

When It Comes To Basic THINKING...
Is Something AGE Has Given...
THAT Like Nas' Said Is WRITTEN... !!!

OLD Artists DON'T Be Quitting...
Because NEW TRENDS Are HITTING... !!!
CHARTS And... Those Positions...
That Leave Them With...
TOM CRUISE Type Missions... !!!!!!!!

For Their ART To Gain MASS VISION... !!!
Come ON... OLD MAN Be FILMING... !!!!!

Like OLD Rockers Be ROCKING............ !!!!!!
And Hip Hop Keeps.... " EVOLVING "....

Or... SHOULD DO But It's Mocking...
What... OLDER Heads Had SET...

A Formula That Said....
BOOM BAP Right To Hip Hops' END... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

We Mean NO DISRESPECT... !!!

But Trends Get Left...
Where CLASS Is Kept...

In Art That YES Transcends....
BEYOND What's Hip Or The NEW LIK'... !!!!!

Take Some Time To THINK On It.............................

If Life Is A CYCLE That Circles Around... ???
Why Would It DIFFER When It Comes To SOUND... !?!

It's Studio SNIFFERS...
And TAKERS NOT Givers... !!!
Who Choose What Is... " COOL "...

They're Out FISHING For FOOLS... !!!!!!
Who... HAVEN'T BEEN Schooled... !!!

So Think That Their YOUTH...
That KEEPS Their Tunes BLASTING... !!!

While MANY Are Asking...
If Hip Hop's COLLAPSING... !!!!

NO Lyrics Or CLASSICS... ?!?
To Feed Todays' Masses... !!!

Because of The Way....
That The Music's... ARRanGeD... ?!?!?

NO... Bass Lines That BUMP...
Or Kick Drums That THUMP...

NO MORE Jazzy Grooves...
Or... Samples To Use... !!!

"Man, them styles are TOO OLD !!!
To now grab a hold, of young bodies and souls !"

I Guess That's The Way... ?
That The Story Unfolds............

Well ME I Don't Know..... ?
While There's STRENGTH In My Bones...
And MY BLOOD AIN'T Turned Cold... !!!

I'll NEVER Believe...
That I Like The Style....
That Makes My Art Flow...


Being.............................. .

...... " Too Old "......
Age Is ... But A Number !
Jay Jimenez Nov 2012
As the moment grows near
I picture her fine rear
As im drivin I 35 eyes too the rear
I see my old life miles away
And when I reach that door
You best believe
ill be picturing how much of a lil *****  ill make her tonight
As im just slow talking
and pouring wine
I picture her kissing my neck and whispering my name
oh yeah this time ain't the same
it means more then ****** and forgettin the name
She a kinda girl I stay to the morning for
Robby Jul 2014
Layin in the rain
Forgettin bout the time
Layin in the rain
I really don't mind
Chalsey Wilder Oct 2015
You're so close
It's smothering
But my mind
It's stuttering.
You're all in my sights
You got me so weak
I don't know how to react
Realness these days is so meek.
Guilt and regret,
You got my stomach empty
And my eyes so sleepy
You got me sweatin
You have me inside wishing all I was doing was forgettin.
Man, I know you ain't a creeper,
I know you Karma's keeper
And you our ******* teacher
If things only went the way I preferred...
I think about you hard and heavy
As I try to keep my heart beat steady
But I'm just not ready
For my brain to be useless spaghetti.
You just can't do it yet
You get way too upset
Now we in this puddle of regret
How we gonna get you fixed?
You blow **** out of proportion
Make the worst assumptions
And get my heart to pumpin
All for nothin.
Bunhead17 Sep 2014
Tell me what you say now?
Tell me what you say
Come again?

If you cannot stay down
Then you do not have to pretend
Like there is no way out
I shoulda never let you in
Cause you got me face down

And don't take this personal
But you're the worst
You know what you've done to me
And although it hurts I know
I just can't keep runnin' away

I don't need you [x4]
But I want you
I don't mean to [x4]
But I love you

Tell me what you say now
Tell me what you say?
You said that you would come again
You (said) that we would remain friends but
You know that I do not depend on
Nothing or no one
So why would you show up
So uninvited then
Just change my mind like that

Please don't take this personal
But you ain't ****
And you weren't special
Til I made you so
You better act like you know
That I've been through worse than you
I just can't keep running away
(But I don't need you)


Everybody's like
He's no item
Please don't like em
He don't wife em
He one nights em
I never listened
I shoulda figured though
All that **** you was spittin'
So unoriginal
But it was you
So I was with it
Then tell you the truth
Wish we never did it

Cause I usually do
Stick to the business
But you came out the blue
And then you just flipped it
******* baby
My mind's blown
Be forgettin'
You live in a different time zone
Think I know what this is
It's just the time's wrong
Yeah I know what you did
But baby I'm grown
And my love is patient
And kind, and ****
This is real we can build
Through different types of ****
If you was really the realest
Wouldn't be fightin' it
I think your pride is just
In the way
Funny how everything changed
Once you got all that you wanted
Nothing was ever the same

And though
I don't need you [x4]
I still want you
I don't mean to [x4]
But I love you

I don't need you [x4]
But I want you
I don't mean to [x4]
But I love you
Jay Dee Mar 2017
Is life a domino effect?
Will this move determine the outcome of my next?
At the end what happens?
Do our souls wander?
I ponder...
What happens?
Are we mere be wiped away with a napkin?
I don't even know to who these questions I'm askin'..
Are there  lost souls?
Do people's souls go missin'?
Does it happen because of the living forgettin'?
Is it because they are unforgiven?
Or do they lurk the earth to be our hearth
To insulate...
To keep...
To be the base of our fire!
So we are awake when we are tired!
What is quietus like?
Will we ever know?
Or is finding out ending the fight....
Jennifer DeAngelo
Copyrighted 2017
Mike Hulstrom Jun 2017
What had I written? I’m forgettin'
What the Dickens?
Now I’m stricken
Stomach twisted and I’m sickened
Feeling flippant

Straight out the *** mind; the plot line thickens
Sentenced to burn like trials of the Wiccan
Get your heels clickin' 'fore the quicksand thickens
Goals need gettin', you da bomb, get tickin'
you fly
cupid given you wings
or it’s a valentines miracle
love has
made you into
an angel
-so you think-
forgettin’ Wright Flyer II is higher, faster, funnier
u nosedivin’
your wings
or it’s a post
valentines curse
no, his heart is bored
and you’re merely human
Ayn Jan 2020
You left something behind, once again.
I just kept counting my fingers, one to ten.
You been forgettin’, lettin’ down,
Berating, belating and I just keep waiting,
Watching you hating all the things I am
Creating with my shaking hands.

My ego keeps deflating
At every insult you’ve been making
It’s infuriating how you are thinking that you are getting away with all the **** you’ve done to me.
I haven’t been forgetting or hating or belating and berating...

Until now.

You left me behind.
Do you wanna pick up what you’ve forgotten?
Found this in my older notes.

— The End —