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Geno Cattouse Jun 2013
Three words

Spoken with

a Cockney chop.

Riddle me the title.
Coop Lee Jul 2014
in the year 2462 those with nails protruding from their palms
will talk in ancient tongues
& sway the tribes of men to eternal love,
& endless ammunition
of the soul.

kin, galactic
& the golden fire.
throb the saga of man,
into hip ****** illusions and combustive color schematas.
we bury our dead in flower clippings
or skull bits.

        [skateboarding rises as the highest form of intellectual sport]

thrum and plum-*** the sewers of electric babylon.
hive city reaching past gasp and wasteland,
her lips ruinous.
cement slabs and coils of fault with
vast artistic possibilities.
these skate-lords from their heaps, their clans, augmenting
& rattling bone masks
grinding themselves into meat-bit heroics
& death.
their teeth are yellowy awoken.

this is all seen globally,
via tele-cast-com-core-mind-warp-tech.
or video.

dreams impact reality
impact dreams
in such
that the cathode cortex filter, invented circa 2222,
evolves into a demi-god, a solar charged demon of unlimited knowledge.
& it mutates the psychosphere  of our mainstream public mind
with countless projected memories.
        [streamed alternate realities]
fills the belly and the brain,
but all those unhooked are skating.
sweet meat market.
ghost harddrives.

poor leftovers called children of the once-was-men
& their poolside parties.
they leap the rubble of centuries old plastic icons,
their boards, their weapons, their seeds and spit.
they hang chains from their necks
& spew black flame from their sunshaded boot-click
they drink from large bottlesof elixer distilled
on old flowers
& worship archaic cassettes.

cults of cyborg women with gem-tipped-blade-additions
carve wooden planks from
groves of great oaks.
great oaken powers.
their creators chew gummies and bend time
to uphold
a proposed history of perfection.
they master pong from their crystalline towers,
& hire mathematicians to write
conceptual skate-deck algorithms,
solely for fun.
Poetic T Jun 2014
I exhale, I do it before every ****,
I know there plans
Watched for many days and nights
Their routine bound days,
"No detour this makes it easier"
I do this as I must,
I don't do it out of pleasure
I do it for there last breathe
Inhaled many, I tasted there death.
"Nectar of life"
Then they are gone,
It must be quick, no pleasure
In a lasting ****.  
I don't know you
"But I saw your breathe,
Each is different  unique,
But those special ones I see,
The nectar must be inhaled
The only reason I ****,
"Beware where you exhale,
As it may be the last that you breathe
**And I inhale while you lie now still
Fah Oct 2013
Butterscotch Dark Chocolate

Infused with rose quartz

dragonfly transfiguration elixer
Eleete j Muir Jan 2012
To Gods acre caught in the storm
Of the angels immolation harried
Like welcome strangers to the feast of
The good shepherd, the world
The flesh, the devil take the hindemost
Vigilantly stalking Earthly tears
Encrusted jewels upon Hells vestment,
The harbinger of death wearing a garland
Of skulls fashioned off of Heavens tomb
Splendiferously graven upon lonelinesses
Stoop spirited as shooting stars the
Pitched candles of sovereignties saintly hands
Resting between lives enlightening the broken
Lamp of truth purging the liasing humours of
Illuminous damnation unfrocking priests
Under colour of nothingness epitomising
Faiths elixer yonder the gate of unfoldenment
Breaking butterflies on the wheel
Of rightousness unabating delving the vale
Deciduously to show the cloven hoof woe betide
The levity of Man Friday billowing in the
Teeth of the wind.

Go ahead
and hold your arms out
open them up for me
you become soul exertion
searching for creed in me
running to me
finding that you transcend
into nothing of me
delight is the remedy
and you wonder sober
in wilderness treading tears
but arrogant your heart is
your palms had lived arsenal
bleeding in solitaire
so alone is your mind
because you still
can't find me
somewhere in here
the elixir of your dreams
and yet cryptic outside my doorway
I harbor my luxuries
where it once was dust
where many times
you taunted
many times you've doubted me
and now the rose has ascended
you long to trace my sent
I will transcend
leaving you scentless, def, and blind.

© Copyright 2014 S.T. PARISH Rebel of Eden
Love is like litmus paper. Tred carefully.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In honesty
As an addict to pain pills
I've felt like just getting back on the ****** train
And saying the hell with it all,
Though when I think about it
I know,

God is that pill
That heals all pain
Sleep apnea
Suicidal thoughts

As when I want to pop a nice ****** elixer
I must first think to mineself...
Is the elixer to all...

God is the magic pill...
Rielle Vobi Feb 2014
Frankenstein's monster will carve the flesh away from crooked and cracked spine.

He will lay it before him, dine on my corrupt core and chew it and taste it
to his liking.

He will lay it before him until I am ground down like cow in malevolent misery mouth.

I will caress the monster's earlobe like a lover loves to touch tentatively.

I will whisper winsome my gratitude in to his deepening, voracious appetite.


I am appealing; I appeal sometimes.

Monsters don't stop.

He is kind, waving his flag of caustic cautionary tails and tales.

He will enable me still I will violate his violently vile mouth.

I will scream skunk scented bile into his diseased eyes.

I will despise his acid belly.

He will laugh.

He will caterwaul, he will sing his celebrity over my aching guts
that are splayed so ******, flinching and twitching for his feast.

In the least, I will show a tired effort of the finished, final scream.

Kindred severance washed down with the finest of red wine
built over breaking bridges that collapse under this foreknowledge;
the monster mocks and flocks like a fleet of wild birds, inside the
married meat of my stride away.

I won't laugh.
I won't smile.
I won't remember.
I won't want.

I will sail like a baby girl delivered into the peaceable tastes of a beginning innocence.

I won't want to remember.

I will want to view an eye that can't see me.
I will want to smell a mouth that hates me.
I will want to taste a hand that closes angrily around my throat.

I will want to hear.
I will want to hear.

I will want to hear you tell me you love me.
I will want hear inside an ear that listens to me.

I will want to devour a bit of interrogating mayhem before it devours me.

I will survive the monster's prowling, his putrid spruce pants
he wears to capsize my tries.

Picasso pictures busy themselves around my waist like your arms wind
up love around that girl's.


I will hush my turbulent sorrow.
I will hush my endearing memories of the tingling hands
that stand high above my last love.

Reason's charity could've fought my battle but the monster proved
his dedicated engagement
his engaging affliction; he proved his pressuring ability.

I'd like to dance endlessly.
I'd like to movie inside your misery and dissolve, destroy!

Your disastrous danger.

I need a melody survivable, tender through trials of truth.

I knew there would be new.

I've not ever been seclusive, exclusive to you.
I am intrusively presumptuous.

Accept my apologies, I repeat and I repeat, accept my apologies as I've accepted

I never expected an embrace.

I don't expect an embrace.

Like that majestic man sips singular sanctuary of that
fantastic, general, genial girl I gulp blue bottles of sky.

I would prefer you drink of me.

Battered, I believe you but choose
you choose
but you choose
the bruise.

There may never be any new for me of you.
There may only ever be you.

Sip me, as I am your Kiss Elixir, feathering against your sable brushes
seeping today, tomorrow and yesteryear.

The tip of my pink tongue tastes your timid tenderness
and your dreaming and driving distinctions quenches
my desires of today, tomorrow and yesteryear.

I am your Kiss Elixir.

Arctic anger wraps inside simple solitude though I've not tasted our separation.

I've sung through every scathing scream you've ever bellowed.

Won't you have me instead?

I am ended.

The monster's claim is one more; another disparate love.
Being The Shortest Day

’Tis the yeares midnight, and it is the dayes,
Lucies, who scarce seaven houres herself unmaskes,
  The Sunne is spent, and now his flasks
  Send forth light squibs, no constant rayes;
    The worlds whole sap is sunke:
The generall balme th’ hydroptique earth hath drunk,
Whither, as to the beds-feet, life is shrunk,
Dead and interr’d; yet all these seem to laugh,
Compar’d with mee, who am their Epitaph.

Study me then, you who shall lovers bee
At the next world, that is, at the next Spring:
  For I am every dead thing,
  In whom love wrought new Alchimie.
    For his art did expresse
A quintessence even from nothingnesse,
From dull privations, and leane emptinesse:
He ruin’d mee, and I am re-begot
Of absence, darknesse, death—things which are not.

All others, from all things, draw all that’s good,
Life, soule, forme, spirit, whence they beeing have;
  I, by loves limbecke, am the grave
  Of all, that’s nothing.  Oft a flood
    Have wee two wept, and so
Drownd the whole world, us two; oft did we grow
To be two Chaosses, when we did show
Care to ought else; and often absences
Withdrew our soules, and made us carcasses.

But I am by her death—which word wrongs her—
Of the first nothing, the Elixer grown;
  Were I a man, that I were one,
  I needs must know; I should preferre,
    If I were any beast,
Some ends, some means; Yea plants, yea stones detest,
And love; All, all some properties invest;
If I an ordinary nothing were,
As shadow, a light, and body must be here.

But I am None; nor will my Sunne renew.
You lovers, for whose sake, the lesser Sunne
  At this time to the Goat is runne
  To fetch new lust, and give it you,
    Enjoy your summer all;
Since shee enjoyes her long nights festivall,
Let mee prepare towards her, and let mee call
This houre her Vigill, and her Eve, since this
Bothe the yeares, and the dayes deep midnight is.
Louise Oct 2013
Every waking moment
a painful reminder
of the distance
keeping us separate

It's as though
my hands are reaching
for something
I can't touch

Time and space
between us both
only serves to cause
another heartache
another teardrop
another painful flashback

It's almost surreal
whenever our paths

She makes me whole
filling empty spaces
in my heart
like elixer
my parched soul

She plants roses
in my veins
and paint colours
in my mind
She makes reality
a little more tolerable

Her voice
a cheerful ******
resonates throughout
my entire being
undulating even
the dustiest chords
in my soul

Her eyes
those soulful windows
searches the recesses
of my soul
helping me
find myself

Her scent
a lingering fragrance
that never seems
to dissipate
from my mind

She's the reason
I remain awake at night
She has turned reality
into a sweet dream

And every night
I pray for her
I slip into slumber
to dream of her
brandon nagley May 2015
They say many elixers are out there!!!
False advertisement!!!!
There's only one ,
Tis it's called love!!!
Star BG Mar 2019
In breath I'm drinking
energies of the Divine.  
a love elixir
inspired by Euneong Thanks
Zachary Jun 2014
Waiting for superman
She's got everything else
Wishes like a paper plane
Throw them like hands dealt
I got all this single frames
Captures more then hell
If penny's were made for wishes
Then dollars would never fail
How desperate are our needs
Pay it forward to tell the tale
Figure how trigger words
Speak bigger towards
Little kids or mini ******
Friends like me who want to be
What is more then what we see
glimer of a Gimp liquor, trying to sniff quicker
then Sneak mixers into the bar so they can
**** they still out there looking for fixers,
taking pills to get stiffers
Sure im the one whos sicker
is this your trick here?
Right hand full of dreams
Had a hand left with ******
sinner is in misery
***** you cant even play elixer
hold my hand why i choke slam all our plans of scam blasphemy is only for man
Change my blood into gold
Elixer of life
A toked up martyr
  I must be philosopher ******

to be
so magical I transform change
the same I re-arrange
invert thought bubbles to elipse to make a circle out of cyst

Wand and Air
like pen and paper
convert the blank page to the strange
till the shoobies get ****** at the deviant sage

Hidden , covered by enigma...

Sometimes I write so hard I might just
Rip ya like paper
the message of saviors,
so heavy it topples the rules
like when the they drop bass in a rave yah

but treble not in ear sight,
As it breaks the music can also protect
what an insight.

Quarel with myself a couple times
like Quicksilver and sulfur

and ressurection
dissolve and let loose
the fatal connections

Become alchemist like a potter and turn the clay to a vessel

You so desperately want to
tickle my
funny bone
Don't you realize
how fractured
you all left it....
And this broke-down heart
cannot pump the
healing elixer
My veins have run dry
from the
you performed
with the myriad of surgical assistants
you employed
So you can search for that phantom
but don't be too disappointed when
you come out empty handed.
Brother Jimmy Nov 2015

We'd spent all day
In "the fields"
Not twenty yards from the whitewashed cemetery fence posts
Floating and then burning
Paper boats on a muddy puddle in a depression in the dirt

Phillip and Chris scored some Skoal From Danny or Billy, I forget which...
It was "long-cut"

We try a bit...putting it in our cheek
Like the big kids did
The Skoal making a strange and potent tea from our spit

The smallest amount of this tingly elixer is swallowed- and it's over.

I lose my lunch.
I am yawning in technicolor.

Chris and Phillip laugh and laugh.  
Then Phillip follows suit barfing on his shoes
Chris gives him an arm punch, with a smile.
I think Phil and I were both done with chew.

There was never a shortage of things to do here

Under an old barnwood board, was a magazine with glorious pictures that made us feel strangely isolated
From one another

We would memorize each line, each curve
For later when each would be alone
With the Sears catalog and some tracing paper.

We made single line trails for our bikes
With banks and jumps
Chris was the daredevil of the bunch
He would take a new ramp at top speed

His little brother would too
Sometimes with drastic results
Concussions and broken bones.

There's a chain store now
in the spot we called  "the fields". 

It used to seem vast.  
And now it looks small.
But that is the past.
Memories. That's all.
East Henrietta Road, 1980
JL Jan 2012
That ******' got-**** screen door fell off the hinges. Sit there and smoke your cigarettes while I fix it.
Outside Texas was hotter than a hot greased griddle
You could feel the tinge of hot on everything
Until the sweat drips from every inch of your body


Crushing a blue
On the back of a toilet
Numb Thumb Dumb

Metling and thawing of liquid gold
Slap Slap
Tying up the dinasour
Pulling so tight with my teeth
They want to come-out of my head
My second time
I have the shivers

Says the purple vein
Poking up to drink the elixer

Ecstacy dripping from the tip of a hypodermic catalyst
So ******* beautiful
Pierce me
Plunge me
**** my brain so hard
That I won't come back from the black
I floated up above myself
Watching the magic happen
Takin' it all in
**** oh ****
Oh ****
Multiply by
one million
to the tenth power


One perfect little hole
Poked inside out

I love to lick my blood clean
It's a tradition now
Beautiful metallic redness
Hugging my throat

Just *******

I have nothing else to say

I wrote my suicide note in blue marker on a McDonalds napkin
I am going to start keeping it in my wallet

"Goodbye world, you dumb ******* ****"
Angela Rose Jul 2019
Loving an addict is like living in a haunted house
It isn't always scary, but when it is, it is terrifying
It is shake you in your bones, haunt you to your core ~ terrifying

Little things lead up to the big scares
A bump in the night
(of *******)
A spilled elixer on the floor
(of straight *****)
A crushed up relic scattered along the floor tiles
(of Oxycontin pill bottles)

And you try to pretend it isn't happening
And you tell everyone you can't see the ghosts
And you ignore the loud noises and the sudden screams in the night
After all, this is your home and he is your heart

And now your heart is haunted
Trigger Warning possibly.
Jeffrey Jul 2017
I breathe in deeply
behind your ears
and down the nape of your neck
as you shiver
notes of jasmine and violet both
gently fading as your
perfume slowly drifts

And then, with your arms
stretched above your head
I take you in again
sweet and seraphina
soft skin sensual
nothing rolled on to obscure
Your overtones
Lush and wild

And on your stomach,
tanned and curved
are hints of coconut from oil spread,
with soft lavender lingering from
a salty scrub, residue from
a morning bath
aphrodisiactic elixer
it draws me in

And then, in the expiration of anonymity
your truest nature comes to light
Scent before taste, I inhale
citrus and sandalwood
salted and sacred
ancient and esoteric
unbridled symmetry
dew gathering
with flavor so rich
it drips from your canyons
As are we, both swept away
Ken Pepiton Sep 2019
The Logic of the Toad
at the bottom of the slough of despond
ping ping rain drip

the very elixer of feistiness, they say
make us make use o'the stuff

muscles are best for,
but virtually

estivation is our pre

we wait on geotime for rain
and rise, toadish

to be kist orange by gaseous
exposure to

you, dear reader, a breath of fresh air,
if you cared to even try

to get understanding with it,
as wisdom tickled your

fancy fashionable meme chain.
A bit of something so long that if I were to post it here I fear seeming meme envious wishing for rain
hiba sajid Sep 2016
His name was eby,
he was like her teddy.

Far away was he gone ,
and made her feel so lone.

To be back together she wished ,
his kisses which she missed.

Thinking of the happy times she lost ,
remembering it was pain that caused.

Sleepy was his eyes ,
yet she found them nice.

For hours they talked ,
together they walked .

So beautiful their life had been ,
with nightmares not forseen .

He was an elixer to her,
meeting him was an err.

Then she was all broken,
with nightmares she was woken.

was as if she was stabbed into the heart without a miss ,
thinking what she had done to deserve this .

She felt all crushed,
with her tears all  rushed .

Forgetting was more pain,
so wiping her tears in the rain .

Brightly then the sun shined,
chucking away her thoughts in mind.

Moved on like a boss,
'cause an *** she was .
Heart is dark apart with marks of stitches from ******* who lies cut sharp.
I listen  and still miss them but time heal and wishes , come true once glue fills in my heart can beat for two.
Im just looking and hittin depression with hooks an waiting contemplatin if times is already wasted or wastin while im pacin drinkin till im feeelin that im lossin control on my actions, facin my booz not havin a boo, talkin  a slur waiting for a hey from her, but theres no her.Just me and this elixer cause I miss her, someone who don't exist but gives me a reason to vent other **** I have like tricks up my sleeve but these vents comin outta my left pit..
its a need to breath..
Vents from my heart and soul. feel im scuffed like soles, i can not center it all
i can not better this cold
I am just sick of it all,
im just bitter with aww, cute with a sensitive mind with an internal brawl.
Between good and demons who crawl thought of suicide in my head.
Puttin pictures of people i love into depictions of dead.
Wish it would go away,cause i dont have any lead,
I am the bullet, hollow in the head empty but only echos of shadow of what I could be.
Drift further and further away into the grey while I lay in bed
lookin at the cielin feelin some sorta way then going back to dreamin where its only an hour a day.
Insomnia strikes with a furry, as if I was the prey,as I pray..
My mind is primordial of a predatory intellectual state of mind,
im the predator  but I have no time to hunt, I rather stray.
Stray away from the status quot  , so i pack a bowl and light the stroll, i lack a home, but i rather to pray hov to keep the demons close cause they keep me on my tippy toes.
Life is a straw you choose to make it short, and abort cause you dont wanna be impregnated by wonder if you see the truths corpses.
Life hard to swallow like your throat was horse.
and stepped on by horses.
and burnt like paul walker porsche.
No remorse.
for the other other side, like split divorces.

By: Emmanuel Jv Hernandez
Amanda Blomquist Jan 2013
Chaotic remedies for wicked dreams
         Elixer seeping past quiet lips
    Numb mind can't speak
Words of broken spirit
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Flowers in mine hair
Flowers in her voluptuous smile
Herbs to be ourn elixer
For mine queen I'd walk a million miles!!
Geno Cattouse Jul 2014
Solitude self imposed to wipe away rancid constructs...years.

Years of ingrained sirens illusions a potent elixir. She herself camnot fix her.
Fix her.
Pour fourth the elixer in Champaign flutes of limited portions so precious.

Are we all some version of each other.Birds of a feather clinging together in shivering collusion. Oh the days and years laid out on the alter.

The sacrificed ashes blow across mountain tops to settle in cook pots as the evening sun falters. The message is lost in the details.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Come-hither amare
Stroke mine gill
Pull mine hair

Stroke it softly dearest love,

Cometh near amour'
I'll rub thy flesh
I'll make thy sketch

Of thy unearthly body upon the throne,

Get closer grá
Pull thy draw
In Acadian fall

Hoist ourn appetite,

Bite into that fruitful apple
No simpletons to ****** thou
No petty thieves to break in

Just stench of ourn beginnings, no end!!

Potion of magic wizards
Anti-toxin of dose elixer
Antidote of unkept filters

How thou hast cleaned me so purely!!!
Salt lake city ******* salty Utah ******
I whisper judas as soon as she tries  to kiss me.  

Just left my enemies lair

blood and sweat drips on the sand.

The mixture of this great elixer;
to those who can't picture it will find it bland.

The phantom zone of terror controlling the weather, me with 32  degrees to measure.  

These spirits formed a catharsis.

My thoughts get brighter. The sky gets darker.

At this altitude this poem gets shorter.

Sipping mountain water go back to your fake order.
     Those martyrs will never figure out these coordinates...

Consulting my spiritual cabinet;  the Spirits I rap with.

STRESS IS THE ***** that ***** my **** quick  after that I

Smoke my foe's ashes

I have an obsession with creepy branches.

Letters from russia with love.
Your destiny is fighting over my blood.

The world has so much LOVE mixed with greed & hatred.

let it go.

Who really loves you?

You never know.

That's what happens when you think fast,  you die slow...

Salt lake city ******* salty Utah ******
I whisper judas as soon as she kisses me.  (Travel, learn, and watch yo back)

Just left my enemies lair (Plato's cave or earth)

blood and sweat drips on the sand.
(I left clues)

The mixture of this great elixer;
to those who can't picture it will find it bland.
(it's boring unless you get it)

The phantom zone of terror controlling the weather, me with 32  degrees to measure.  (Zodiac in the sky)

These spirits formed a catharsis.

My thoughts get brighter. The sky gets darker.

At this altitude this poem gets shorter.

Sipping mountain water go back to your fake order.
     Those martyr will never figure out these coordinates...

Consulting my spiritual cabinet;  the Spirits I rap with.

STRESS IS THE ***** that ***** my **** quick  after that I

Smoke my foe's ashes.  ( conquer stress and use any form of negativity as inspiration)

I have an obsession with creepy branches.
(Transfixed at the correlations)

Letters from russia with love.
Your destiny is fighting over my blood.
(At a place where you'd least expect it there will be someone who appreciates what you do)

The world has so much LOVE mixed with greed & hatred. (LOVE has been conditioned to greed and hate to those who don't love what you love)

let it go.

Who really loves you?

You never know.......

That's what happens when you think fast,  you die slow... (Reasons how one can be stressed, they're not spending their time right)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Behemoth's seem to weareth white robed apparel these day's
They giveth thee a gaze
And layeth in their own deceit,
Spreading their feet laxed to the hurt they causeth other's....
Monster's hateth light
Even one another.....
Yet I shalt bypass these fiery trials
Wherein it shalt taketh many miles
But passing through the fire furnace
I shalt be sparkling luminescent on the other side
I feeleth high from
This happiness that hit's,
For those that hit and miss
Sorry for thy loss
But mine soul's a glimmer
Of what thy jealousy hast lost....
I am being raised
To the cumulus elixer
Feeling good now
I'm free to go forward....
Not for noone just saying moving ahead looking to brighter days
Danial John Feb 2018
I suppose it's alright if you don't reciprocate.

I am deeply familiar with the inner workings of love and hate.

More than you think, I understand your position.

Is one I've been in, and don't find myself missing.

Just know I'll be there for you.

I'll know when and when not to care for you.

When to share with you.

And if you leave.. I might despair... I'll miss you.

However, don't let my pursuit of happiness derail yours.

Nor should I change your details or more.

I guess my path is to help create your happiness.

Even if I'm not in that, it's none the less.

All I ask is that you consider.

I've grown around all breeds.

When I see one, I know an elixer.

I might not be yours, however, that doesn't mean YOU don't fulfill MY needs.

I'm sorry for any pain or conflict.

I'm sorry that I'm not gone yet.

I'm sorry that I must fulfill my promise.

I am NOT sorry for how I feel.

This is real, unfiltered and unfettered.

Perhaps this way is really better.

I don't expect I or you to change.

Please know, I Am NOT just another page.

Nor another paragraph.

And perhaps I'm being brash...

I don't think so.

I'd ask for chapters or a novel written by your pencil.

And maybe I'm drunk.

Possibly I'm dumb.

Certainly I'm numb.

But That's why I can't ignore this feeling I call love.

**** it. I am dumb.

Probably means what I feel is wrong.

I must be just like the others, shuffling along.

Wanting something that I wish was mine but wasn't all along.

I mustn't know your true needs and wants.

Otherwise I wouldn't feel this incessant need to talk.

I want to delve deeper, trust me I do care.

I don't trust people ***** nilly, just here and there.

Maybe I don't know what I need.

Possibly you don't either.

But you're the only one whose got me writing poetry.

So I will die in this battle, because I am a true fighter.

I see the marks on your arm, on your body.

I have them too... by another name, on my soul.

You aren't nobody.

I want you to know.

For me loyalty and trust are king.

You should know, that's why I haven't made a scene.

I have too much respect, even if sometimes it seems unseen.

Truly, I am sorry... I do believe.

Like a true scorpio... Complicated, that's what I am.

I don't expect, or necessarily want you to understand.

If I believe you, you should me.

I'll be those singular tracks in the sand.

Listen, dudette... I know you prefer that.

I wouldn't do that...

That being: whatever... whomever hurt you.

I only want to learn from you.

So please... Get your **** together.

Quit ******* around.

Stay in my head.

Because I enjoy having you around.

Is it selfish of me to ask this?

Maybe not theoretically, possibly in practice.

If you're still unsure to whom I'm bleeding  my heart out with all this talking...

All you'll have to do is count the number of quatrains... Truly this is what I mean... even if you're only...
I know you told me not to get attached, because you might have to leave. I'm still not sure what the full meaning of that was. This wasn't easy for me to write. Expressing how I feel doesn't come easy to me. I hope you understand that. You came into my life by surprise. I wasn't expecting anything like this. Yet, I have no regrets. I feel like I've found my muse. I mean, ****, you've got me writing ******* poetry. I'm not sure if you get how out of character this is for me. No matter what I've said in the past, you are the 5th on my list. And you know exactly what I mean by that. That's no small matter either. I've meet many people in my life, and none have made me feel the way I do now, let alone without any physical connection. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, then I apologize for that. However, I will not... no ... cannot, apologize for how I feel about you. **** I'm dumb.
brandon nagley May 2015
Forgiveness, the thing by which all men should give,
- love- The elixer to all disease, to all hate, to all sorrows,

Forgiveness and love, a new tomorrow...
Javier Garza May 2018
Wading in the murky puddle
You search for it
You thirst for it
The purified water
The clean elixir

The mud slows you down as the anxiety builds
Soon desperation has sunk its fangs

Yearning for the far out of reach clear elixer
You land on your knees
Crying to the heavens
Agonizing over your parched, burning throat

You collect the tears unseen,
Drink your own toxins hoping to sedate the fire
Instead you strengthen the resentful flames

All you see is the puddle you're wading through,
Suffering, dying, searching for Life's ichor
Never once looking up,
Never truly opening your eyes
Never once catching glimpse of the enormous lake up ahead with clean water
We all yearn for something in this world,  something that'll make us feel better, something that will quench our suffering even if ever so slightly. Yet we tend to look for it in all the wrong places, going about it in all the wrong ways, turning something that might've been wonderful,  into another instrument in our masochistic self torture; furthering our inner suffering. When in fact, what was truly healthy, could be been achieved had we opened our eyes and seen things differently.
Where, in this fragile mote of time, lies the kernel of a smile?

Where, the beauty of sensation.... of lying down, before the warmth of a roaring woodfire in the dark of night...beside the woman you delight in the stroking of the smoothness of her thigh?

Where, that crystal moment of clarity from whence the words emerge to coin and write that precise and perfect phrase?

Where, oh where.... the moment when anxiety flees the mind to release the elixer of peace and personal satisfaction?

Where, that essence of tranquility?

Where, oh where?

.....Ahhh, It's located in the irridescence of the Realm of Love.


— The End —