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ceara Jan 2011
I tried
to throw it out
along with the bubbles,
the yellow duck,
and the knickers the dog crudely

pushed it amongst silled plants,
now it stands,
between Thick Cut Marmalade
and Chlorine Free Baking Cups
a token, painted green with white
Maori dots, symbolizing
the small dreamings
of a tortoise
and since this house
is my body, see
how I have placed you
in the kitchen

and I cannot get beyond,
the simple meaning,
of daily needing
love like water, air

and how I don't seek
to see it fully
yet often find myself
checking if its there.
any suggestions on layout??
Christian Bixler Aug 2016
I sit before my window silent,
arms at rest upon the sill; I
sit and dream of silent things,
as the rain falls slanted upon
the gabled roof; winds sighing:
and watch the falling rain
appear, and silver streak the
window-pane. I sit and dream,
the world forgotten, and even
so do my dreamings change;
no more of sad forgotten silence,
color blooms behind my eyes,
and fills my mind with rainbow
light, shining, as the glow behind
the key-hole, as the blushing
dawn fresh washed in rain.
Thunder roars beyond
the pane, and lightning cracks
the sky in twain, but out of
revery, out of dream, I do
not wake for the crashing
din. Rather, then, in sudden
sequence, in a seconds flash
of swift cessation, no more of
color do I dream, no more
on rainbow laughing light,
but in the midst of a storm of
thunder, of lightning, and the
lashing rain, high above the
foundered land, I find myself:
and amidst all that raging
torrent, between the thunder,
and the wrath of Gods most
holy lightning, a single drop of
silver shining, strikes the
point between my eyes,
wherein the third sleeping
oculus of dream doth
dwell; and I wake. A leak
in the roof.
A product of yearning. Like and comment, if you will.
Keely Anne Mar 2013
i wish playing ukelele didn't remind me of you
i wish the beach didn't remind me of you
i wish fireworks didn't remind me of you
i wish you didn't wear that one cologne that everyone wears because it reminds me of you and i smell you in every wannabe prepster boy that passes me on his way to the pencil sharpener
i wish other girls didn't remind me of you because you're always talking to them but not me
i wish holst suites didn't remind me of you, particularly the first
i wish sunrises didn't remind me of you
i wish late nights didn't make me think of you
i wish the ghost of your skin didn't haunt this entire town
until i am seeing tessellations of your silhouette in the brick walls you pressed me against
i wish i weren't afraid to call you
i wish you'd call me first
i wish that song didn't remind me of you
and by that song i mean that entire folder of songs on my computer,
the one entitled whatever because that is all you were supposed to mean to me
but now, you are more, more than a whatever
and whatever did i have to dream of before i kissed you?
i wish i could sleep
but the morning reminds me of how i'll never wake up next to you
JR Potts Nov 2013
Forthcome that which has no meaning
beyond the petty dreamings of a fool.
Trickled thoughts walk off mid-conversation
with strangers into the vanishing
managing to forget that I forgot them first
way before they wandered off
to inhabit the earth
but that's just me being hipster,
rather be in Pittsburgh
because New York,
too contemporary.
Very hedonistic with a lack of trajectory
or am I projecting to protect me
from an existential vasectomy.
I'm afraid I can't make it here
I think I drink too much beer
and Baby
I should have been more clear

I am scared
I am scared
I am scared of being a failure
and I don't even know
what the **** failure is
or what one even looks like
because every time I think I've met one
they've taught me something about my life
half the the high school teachers
across this country couldn't.

My home
has taken their lives,
my passion and my poisons
have made it hard to get by
and my parents
have worked and will mostly likely die
holding on to concept I now perceive as a lie
That's why I so badly wanna believe in nothing
but I keep falling head over heels
cartoon like slips on banana peels
Women; smart enough
to know a poet is a bad deal
but I still do it 3, 4 times a day
I let someone inside
and we'll make love
with words and thoughts
we'll tell each other what we dream of
and talk about the kinds of things
that can't be bought
cause those are the things that matter
at least to me.

But I guess
that's just me
being hipster
Nat Lipstadt May 2019
~for better days for the poet betterdays~

mournful tunes play silently, but still too often,
eyes wet but in corners kept, recurring then the
memories, keepsakes, letters, books, small trinkets,
not dusty, but dusky, resting on in-between ledge of a
mountain-sized twilight of well lit shadowy haziness,
edgy dark brilliance, a comprehensible contrast non-comprehendible

tunes that bless with equal measures of grief,
comforting, by memorable card flashes of good relief,
a dividing line, hazy and frequented crossed, a sort of path,
with no destination signaled, as if the path itself was an end,
to a meaning, a solution, with no clarity divined, a division
of sight and insight, providing an ill fitting reconciliation

mourning is electric, morning is electric,
letters, words bottled up in evaporating perfume bottles,
seeking the comfort of dissipation unto a larger atmosphere,
the scent in everything tangible, stronger still yet, in intangibles
that can erode but never ever fail to return instantly when voked,
by vision, odor, a particular child’s smile, line in a poem volunteered

recovered, uncovered, a post first writ to be written, discovered,
when time and place coincidentally breathe together, at last,
beckoning you to places where memory serves only as a pleasuring,
upright mind marker, decorated in chains perpetual reforging,
absent pain, gleaming dreamings full-replacing longings for pasts,
new verses composed, passing, a grand addition to a child’s legacy
loss can only be tempered, reforged, and ultimately used for our  own betterment when the heart commands, now write!
Raja Mar 2013
Sickening slime of men—who are you who hath cast the first stone?
Samson and Delilah—Did I ask that you cut your hair?
Nay, I asked for the briefest of moments that two held together
Against their breast, shared between twin ribcages and
Softly sleeping slumbering, tucked between the covers.
‘twere as if the man had left the moon and she
With her soul song’s sobbing, took up against the rising darkness
Wielding a terrible light in hand.  
As now, I am.

A great darkness this is, that she finds herself in.
And doubling doubts of mischief calling, the sun
Makes known his truest searchings—for that fair woman
Whom the night doth embrace in a starlit cloak of exorbitant splendor.
But coquettishly she shies away—for the sun shall never be the moon--
And the rays of light are all too revealing of the crevices and craters
That pick their ways across her surface like clouds peppering a perfect
Christian Bixler Jul 2015
I sit and dream, on better days,
when the grit and sweat of life abates,
for a moment, for a day. Dreaming I lose
myself in fantasys, love and laughter, they
comingling, with the dark and the dying and
the twisted boughs in the forest under shade.

I love, in days of peace and dreaming, to brew
a *** of peppermint tea, and bringing it up
to my place of seclusion, up among the rafters,
Sit me down and breath the sharpness and the spice
into me, way down deep, and let it turn my dreams
to twisted imaginings, all hued in red and white and green.

They say I'm delusional, when I speak of the things
of my dreaming. They call me antisocial. They are
right. They call me different and strange and freak.
They are right. I know it's wrong, and it justifies all
that they say. I know. But it just gives me a thrill to
watch them froth with rage, the madness in their eyes,
The spittle quivering, hanging from their writhing lips
as they mouth their hatred, in gruesome obscenities.
It makes me laugh a little, inside.

And then I turn and walk away, bored of their hate,
and continue on my way, dreaming, already dreaming,
as I continue on my way.
An experiment, perhaps gone wrong.
I shall come back without fanfaronade
Of wailing wind and graveyard panoply;
But, trembling, slip from cool Eternity--
A mild and most bewildered little shade.
I shall not make sepulchral midnight raid,
But softly come where I had longed to be
In April twilight's unsung melody,
And I, not you, shall be the one afraid.

Strange, that from lovely dreamings of the dead
I shall come back to you, who hurt me most.
You may not feel my hand upon your head,
I'll be so new and inexpert a ghost.
Perhaps you will not know that I am near--
And that will break my ghostly heart, my dear.
Alternating baskets of good fruit and bad fruit
the seeds are what we're after
and all we ever wanted
was a tree

to come to time after time and
have to call our own
the fruit is sweet as wine
intoxicating as sweet time

taking us away to a different place
while the world moves past us
outside the window of the car

it never feels as fast as it is

we slow down to accomodate
the feelings we're feeling
the dreamings we're dreaming

and the road keeps insinuating itself
under our wheels

another day
another dollar

and we hope the destination is worth it

I'm just trying to find a ride to work
so I'll have something to do today
and something to drink in two weeks

I suppose that's the farthest I'll look ahead from now on

That and the party that I know will happen on
such and such a date

Two weeks spent waiting
and slaving
for a paycheck trophy
that opens up the doors
of the convenience store

And I'll move in among the crowd
Purchase an egg sandwich
and a pack of smokes
and go along with the eternal drama
for one more day

I'd love to be on the outskirts right now,
when I have to do the grunt work

I'd love to be on the edge of the galaxy
watching it all spin and spiral
from afar

Appreciating the grand scheme of things

[This is key to my existence]

and I can easily get caught up
in the stubborn sighs
and drunken claims

but at the end of the day
I sit, and I wait

for the master plan to reveal itself

for the chance to say hello
to the person I think I am

for the chance to fall in love
just one more time

for the ocean to swallow me up
and tell me it's okay
to feel the way I feel
and that everything I do
is for the best

and I'll be nurtured by waves so sincere

and I'll be sure of myself for one more day

and I won't **** up the master plan
with incoherent human ramblings
on destiny and the way things have gone
and will go in the future

Do me a favor dear,
don't listen to a single thing I say
because I don't know a thing
and I know it

Just rock me to sleep so gently. . .

So slow that neither of us notice
the motion of the earth
spinning through space

So slow

that everything stands still

and I can finally rest
Christian Bixler Dec 2016
I dreamt once of falling,
falling, through
the tales of my life;
and everything
was dim, and my
truths were twisted,
distorted into beings
of fantasy, of light,
and of darkness.
I saw then that this
was because my eyes,
though turned inward,
had yet to cleanse
themselves of the dust
of illusion, which is the
nature of existence,
and which, though neither
good nor bad, is an obstacle
to the perception of the
truth. Thus, when I looked
upon my truths of vision,
I recognized that these were
doubly mine, for they were
formed not only of experience,
but of illusion, and the dreamings
of my mind. And I acknowledged,
in dream, that this was neither good,
nor bad. Determined, however, in
the view of my understanding,
flawed as it was through its
passage into my-self, through
my-self, I looked about me for
the eye of my beholding, that
I might wash it clean with
the realization of its folly,
and I saw that I was within the
eye of my perception, and that
it was in me, and that in ultimate
reality, my Self was the essence,
and the quintessential embodiment
of the eye of my perception,
which was clouded through the
veil of existence, but which
possessed the power to see into
the depths of the universe, and
into the sacred mysteries of
the cosmic heart. Therefore, I
reached outside myself, into the
vastness of the universe,
and inside myself, into the
intricacies of my heart, and
found there my eyes, and
wiped them clean. Held in my
hands, within the clasp of
my fingers, blind I saw, as my
eyes saw, the pulsing of the
veins through my fingers,
webbed and branching
bridges, filled with the blood
of my heart, which was life,
which was the essence of
the universe; for within every
speck of nothingness, I saw, were
the seeds for a thousand, thousand
universes, of boundless life. And I
saw, in that moment in dream, that
there is no end to nothingness,
and so is no end to life, even in the
midst of all absence. Seeing this, I
released my eyes, and
my sight returned to me; and I
saw through it my distorted truths.
And before the sight of the eye
of my perception, cleansed of the fog
of life, which had clung to it
unceasing, from the moment of my
birth, free of all illusion, I for the first
time beheld myself; and I wept, in joy,
and in sadness, for I saw then that
what I had perceived as the distortions
of illusion, were in reality, but the
essence of my truth, tilted so,
that the light of my perception would
scatter upon them, shattering into a
thousand fragments of reflected hues,
and that these were not the images of
falsehood, but rather my Truth, colored
in the truth of my perception, into a
form that I could understand, within
the illusion, that is the nature of
existence. I saw this, and wept, and in
weeping, my heart was cleansed,
and my soul was freed of the burden of
existence, and of perception. Adrift then
in the nothingness of my Being, I recognized
that I was not, and yet, that I was, unique
in the vast glory of the oneness of my soul
with the soul of the universe, which is the light
of all souls, future, past, and present, as it is
One soul, of all, above all, within all,
which is Love, and Truth.

I saw this, in the nothingness of
my being, which was in truth,
everything, as it was nothing,
in time and out of time,
in the glory of change in stasis,
and stasis, within change.
I saw this, in that moment,
in dream, outside of all
moments, in the circle
of time; and I woke,
to the illusion of the world,
forgetful as always,
as to the nature of
Written late at night, in love, and in weariness.
Victoria Mar 2014
I wonder if poetry is as good when your happy
Lord knows it can usually sound quite sappy

Love and birds and clouds galore
Children's laughter and so much more

But for now I will write of my gruff and my grit
The stuff that's all made up of ****

Relationships , casualties and inner daemons
The thick in which remains of my dreamings

Paired with that of a guilty conscience
Can only leave me to sound obnoxious

The fumes to ruminate the life I once had
Of birds and clouds and things that were glad

For now I'm ok with the grit and the gruff
Because for now it is the truest of stuff
Fay Slimm Oct 2010
Let the ties of your heart loose
and shake down soft streams from your fine
feathered dreamings.

Allow them to fly,
and take wing into life's pathway of unlimited  
where failure is not to be found,
and where moreover,
fear will never appear again.

Your choice is unbounded.

Do not die before living your dreams.

Find your zeal in life's hidden field where you pick
every love-seed.

Grow it slowly into a very large tree,
the fruits of which free you to blossom again,
and which when ate
help you live wisely, then your heart will know
for sure it has a fine purpose , you are
born to live.

This is your birthright.

(So read the Holy Man's writings)
Sean Flaherty Apr 2014
The Queen, snowed-in, stopped for
Cigarettes and milk
Then drove another hundred. 
The Governor told her not to. 
I suppose I did too.

But it's two weeks later and 
I'll be ****** if we've heard
From her. 
Passionate about black lines,
And smaller yellow ones,
Metal arches, sweating salt
Since stained rain came,
And big green signs,
With numbered shields. 

She said, before she left, that she felt,
"Like a consequence.
Something that is constantly flaunting
How severe it is. 
A recourse, to a long-forgotten mistake,
That just learns to be dealt with."

Traversing the wasteland of white
Can teach you a thing, or 
Three. Like how you're not ready
To move upwards, if the
Phantom's shovel keeps filling
In your igloo. 

Every time she left,
I wrote myself down. 
Stories about how, when, and who
And the day she lost Heyworth's smile.
I changed her name.
Poetic license, and whatnot.

It doesn't take long to 
Realize, picture or
No picture, they'll all
Still say their 1,000 words.
They earned them, when they
Caught you with the flash,
In-between dreamings. 

I don't need to hear from her.
I know what she'll say. 
A scathing remark about my advice,
A bite-back.
"Lay off the smokes. The Greyness may not claim us, 
Flagstaff, but sure as hell, has it made me paler."
Flash was my nickname in school. From seventh grade on. But only kids I didn't know would call me that.

"The Greyness" "Queen" and "Dylan" deserved sequels. This serves, as such, to all.
betterdays Nov 2017
at night
it manifests
this dream of mine
to write my world
my hopes, my decline
and rise again to fall
it to this pit of words,
to break this wall
that lies betwixt us,
your world...
so different to the one
i inhabit.
these words like songlines,
leylines for you to follow
down into the depths
down past the dressings
into the magma
The Raven Tears Feb 2014
I turn to you,
The blinding light that engulfs my presence.
You watch my suffering,
My painful, sadistic dreamings.
I lay believing,
Beseeching normality,
Plagued by vicious thoughts...

And I seek your comfort

Will your blinding light,
Luminous in my darkness
Numb the pain?

Are you my anesthetic?
Am I just--
Just the shallow conspiracy I am made to be?

My painful endeavors seem brutal...
But the cruelty lies in *you
mark john junor Jan 2017
each unfolding hour
it's your warmth that sustains my heart
its that light in your eyes that rushes through me
fills all my dreamings with the colors of summers day
reach out brush back a wild loose hair from your face you smile
run my lips over the edge of your tender ear
whispering sweet somethings and silly nothings
just to hear your soft giggles....
we build a home in the field
run barefoot in the tall grass
feel the wind on our faces
tread on the moss covered stones
our world is the essence of our love living brave and free
undying flame of desires heart and soul
passion enfolded in your gentle hands
tender words felt from deep within
spoken while we are exploring each other
wrapped in each others arms
******* and play long into sweet night...
find you with waking eyes
morning light upon your soft skin
each unfolding hour to come with the warm day
we will walk hand in hand the dusty trail
to the mountain top
you'll read your french romance novel
and I will drift and dream head in your lap
you sustain me each and every day
run barefooted in the rain
hold you in the pure sunshine
softly run my hands on you
release my soul into your arms
forever loving forever loved

© 2016 mark john junor all rights reserved
Twinkling golden tealights, in a saxophonic haze,
Champagne, cocktail dress,
A whirling, dancing maze.

Outside on the terrace, in the dark and silent night,
Black suit, green dress,
Melding in the moonlight.

Far away shines the moon, lone and quiet still,
Clouded face, wavering,
Watching balcony sill.

The scintillating tunes trip on, a merry-go-round of tracks,
Hot night, collared shirts,
Stick to dampened backs.

Green-grey smoke drifts easily, from curling moustached lips,
A cuff-linked hand, a bubbling scream,
She lies within his grip.

The green silk dress rips gently, on vined terrace wall,
A prayerful glimpse, lunar eclipse,
Succumbs and starts to fall.

The black suit man stands over, to the strains of 'Love knows best'.
Yet a glaring moonbeam stops him,
Its point upon his chest.

Then in the light of hidden truth, his rash resolve resides,
A guilty conscience, grey not black,
He runs, he slinks, he hides.

And turning gently to the form which cowered on the floor,
A face so sweet, so far away,
The moon has seen before.

It cloaks her gently in its light, and shyly hides its face,
Breathing slowly, as in sleep,
She drifts from time to space.

Then rising like the sun in the dreamings of the moon,
A Venus, white and shining still.
She wakens from her swoon.

And hurrying, she hastes inside, to a wheeling mindless world.
She runs from light, her; light's own hope,
A dream newly unfurled.

But, behind a moonbeam spindles, and on its gentle loom,
Are hung the lonely whispers,
Of the love-song of the moon.
I might let my dreams out tonight,
And scream things I shouldn't, in my sleep.

I am tired of being half myself,
Tired of limits and shouldn't and don't.
Tonight, I will let loose my inhibitions,
They have been straining in these chains for far too long.

The colours that surround me in my sleep will spill forth,
Staining me naked, with a wanton rainbow palette.
Moon-beams will enter and dance with my dreams,
Labradorite glories, come to life.

Oh, I will be me, tonight if never else,
I will be fantastical,
Surrounded by night-bringings, fevers and longings,
What will they look like, and where will they take me?
Night psyche dreamings, I'll join you in the dance.
Labradorite is my favourite gemstone. It can be many different colours including grey, green, brown, yellow/gold and blue and I wear it all the time, as it goes with everything and is absolutely beautiful. According to  the 'Healing-crystals-for-you' website "Wearing it just seems to charge you with a sense of excitement and adventure, to take the steps required to go where you have not gone before!"

I am not sure where this poem really came from and I'm not us if it really works but I hope I do have some amazing dreams tonight and I do feel a teeny bit dangerous and like I need to have some adventures...even if they are just anything ever 'just dreams....?'  ;-)
Aleck Solier Nov 2016
Will these words ever reach you?

Will you ever understand?

That it has always been about you

As if it’s been planned

All those silent pleas

All the prayers to the gods

All the words I’ve whispered

Through this life I’ve plod

The winds have carried my thoughts

The shadows, my longings

Every sunrise, my hopes

And every sunset, my dreamings
betterdays May 2014
this book got no title
so don't dare compare it
to the others dozing on the shelf
man, the blank stare
you are reading, as stupidity, disguises heart and feelings, kaleidescope dreamings, overtures operatic.

mental fluidity.....
just workin in a different lane to yourself
savant to the art,
smart to the keys...
hit the beat....
find the real,
create the start,
just sometimes,
the begining of the bugeoning of the being.... caged behind the stare.
i could lose myself in you
fully encompass myself
truly engross
hide myself
bathe myself in your scents
tie myself to your memory
tide myself on your shore
grip your thighs
long for more
but longings
only lead to hopings
and dreamings of long before
and long before i've ever dreamed
i knew a name i know no more
Mia Barrat May 2015
Our love was like an autopsy:
you cut open my stiffened chest
and browsed through my anatomy
and found your image in my breast,
and found my dreamings and the rest,
and found the place where we were blessed.

My papery, vulnerable skin
once smouldered under your touch;
I was always one of those open books:
burning too often, and showing too much.
It occurred to me that maybe I just need
someone to burn with.
Jayme M Yaroch Jul 2014
Maybe some day
I will stop hating myself
for everything I did to you
since time has obviously erased
what you did to me
at least there has been enough time for that
enough time for me to remember
only the happy things
not the miserable things
to look at the shape of your hands
in a picture
and remember things that have nothing to do
with what I'm even doing here
in my house
thousands of miles away
trying so hard not to remember
and yet to keep in my mind
everything that drove us apart
that led to you
hating me
hating you
and hating everything
I remember hating how I knew
that I knew it would never really last
because we were too young
too serious
and I was trying too hard
to build a life when I did not even have one
there was so much I didn't know back then
I didn't know
that with you
it would be impossible to go back
to whoever I was before
because when I filled my cracks with gold
some of that metal was you

I still hear your heartbeat
in my dreamings
I wake up with the sense
that I am not alone in my room
my body remembers you so well
how it felt to lie near you
to hear your voice
how can I remember its sound
when I have not heard it in years?

I know you would go with me
to this strange thing called Dagorhir
that it would make something in you
come alive
maybe that's why I was afraid
you might be there
that you too had discovered this thing
and we would be forced to be near each other
and I would make myself a fool
either for trying to hate you and failing
or to still love you

I want to say I don't know if I do
I want that lie
maybe I need it
but it's still nothing
but a lie
I don't stop loving people
I never have
and you took up so much of my love
that I'm still finding it in odd places
picking it up, dusting it off
and painfully adding it
to the collection once more

It's because I'm not free of you
everyone I know is still in contact
with you
social media's triumph at its finest
and I say nothing
other than it is strange
because I don't tell people
who to be friends with
Besides, I'd be shocked if they didn't think
our whole problem
was anything other than me
because I was the problem

You made mistakes too
but not problems
and mistakes are normal
while what I did was not
but I have never been close to normal
and I should have known better
I should have behaved better
and I have only paltry excuses
that make me ashamed even more
so I will not say them

For a while
I tried to be injured
but I think I always listed your faults
with all of your virtues
because they are the same to me
sure, you drove me into madness
but if I'm honest
what hasn't?
I wanted to possess you
to own you
and I know now
those are the ideas
of a mad person
because even then
I refused to be owned
even if you already knew my soul

I remember how it was
with you
and how it is
without you
even if I can't remember
what it was
before you
I still remember
your heartbeat
your hands
your laugh
and your ideas
such beautiful ideas

and I'm sorry.  For everything.
Ayesha Feb 2022
sweet wishes so small
in their impossible distances, they
tickled almost, I trembled almost:
beneath ant-like trails of frisky teasings, I
was settled almost
as if moon on sea’s silk-draped skin
suddenly glittered in a glitching turbulence
and mermaids rose up and out
of their thick black skies of silver tremors
shaking beads out of damp-darkened hair
and questioning questioning around
who dare startle their monotonous dreamings
who dare tremble and
stir all dull-eyed creatures around; and
as if sea dared on
shifting reckless into the answerless air,
frenzied, and grasping at an empty night
causing hundreds strange havocs
for a moon so little

[been bugging me for weeks]
Im consumed by these thoughts
I hate these feelings
That i just cant cross
Out of my mind and dreamings

They consume me
I dont want too
But here i am i can see
How all i can think of is you

Its all you fault
For making me like you
For consuming me every thought
And it ***** cuz ik you cant like me too

So im just stuck here
With these emotions
And i dont want to care
So these thoughts i try to shun

But i cant stop myself
I really have tried
Its not like iv cried
Over you
Its just sad
That you will never like me too
Just a poem. Im not in love but love poems are popular so i tried thats all
Ayesha Apr 2022
tell me, tell me tell tell tell
when ducks beat pebbles
a tribal thunder
and beetles scramble stumbling beneath leafs
tell tell, the warm-bellied lady
said birds become children

and flutes the grasshoppers they hear
in warm green sleeps
as out curl curling
the stout sun-seasoned caterpillars
shrill now! now not! now piercing needles
sewing brazen black black to brittle dreamings
tell me tell me tell
what the old man said, said
lyres rebel rebel and
strum, say, strum taut a riot unsettled
even as geese vanish grey
in grey
and ducks pat their way away
to springs of seas where no child sails

even then
the sky plucks her lightening sly
and claps claps claps the day,
the night, the day, down
to a kites sway
as a perfect moon-arc it cuts
we heard birth
brings along a dress
that tribe men
and tribe women flower
when they
spin and spin and circle clapping
cursing merriment up the sick old sky

who need fly

tell me tell me, valley-joy on a face of age,
oh human song and human sigh! tell tell
also of koel’s mimic cry

tell tell, tell then
and they pound their feet
together apart together apart and the ground remembers, the ground
and then tell this too! we heard,
ducks lurk by listening
drums! and and
and some

some children almost hear

shook me awake

IKWilliams Jul 2018
Lullabies and sweet good nights
Amongst purple-painted walls.
A gentle touch, a simple clutch
Of a knitted bear
and down her head;
it  f
             ­                  l

                                         To a pillow case where Memory stalls.
                                                         ­                 The world is dead,
                                                           ­          And Dream, she calls.

The faded echoes of days past, days gone,
patrol the halls of a playful mind;
Wrought is it with marvels to find.
And shadows, impending and grim
Round every corner, hiding behind

The familiar image of daily doings.
It’s within our dreamings that we find them pursuing
Our lost hopes and hearts,
Where our troubles are brewing…

The father’s voice that lulls us to sleep,
Our terrors and triumphs, in our head, we do keep.
As we
           Into an abyss of bliss and blunder.

Fire or flood; our damnation has always made us wonder
Whether puffs of white contain any thunder.

Asunder and apart come Life’s fragile fabric.
Death’s threads unravel her, intertwined.
And inclined are we, to live then let die.
To smile then cry.
To let tears never run dry.

A mockery of our ends;
We pretend every night.
Unconsumed by the fright
That we may fade.

We trickle as sand
Down an hourglass,
Not knowing the hour, nor the day.
                                                   We fall to our pillows,
                                                    Enca­sed in cocoons.

                                                       ­                          The butterflies emerge
                                                                ­                 Thanks to lullaby tunes
Aliq Aug 2020
Verse I:
As a beautiful as morning,
Something tells me
"Sorry, he will never grow up."
He don’t believe in real feelings,
Don’t believe in someone's dreamings.

Harsh and rude,
Cold blooded dude... So...

Verse II:
It's his blueprint, his reflection,
If you stay -
This is gonna be in action.
He is blossom, going higher
Come with him and catch a fire

Young and fool,
Crazy, cool... Yeah...

Under Cover!

He's just hide what hides below,
His real dream and soul, I know.
And if you knows that - don't regret,
Because it's will just blows your head:
If you start bleeding,
His heart grows beating,
Inside him over,
Under Cover!

Verse III:
Just insight
Coming into your strange mind,
This is way
Of his feelings, which you find,
You start follow it, forgetting
Everything what you has getting.

As for me -
You're not free... Well...

Verse II:
It's his blueprint, his reflection,
If you stay -
This is gonna be in action.
He is blossom, going higher
Come with him and catch a fire

Young and fool,
Crazy, cool... Yeah...

Under Cover!

He's just hide what hides below,
His real dream and soul, I know.
And if you knows that - don't regret,
Because it's will just blows your head:
If you start bleeding,
His heart grows beating,
Inside him over,
Under Cover!
Emma Nov 2019
Maybe it's okay we not been
Maybe it's okay we not
Maybe i was press too tightly
maybe i was blind, not yours
maybe we some kind of different
maybe i should stop to dream
maybe i should find my place now
maybe, maybe, maybe
maybe all was just a fantasy
maybe i should open eyes
maybe you was not enough for me
maybe was am I
maybe i should staying quiet
maybe i should stop
maybe i should stop so hard to trying
maybe i should stop to ask regard
maybe all it was my dreaming
maybe i was not in yours
maybe we some kind of different
maybe it's all my efforts
why i try so hard to move a stone
maybe i should to give in
maybe i should say good bye forever
maybe i should stop to search
maybe never was in your eyes
maybe your eyes someone else's
maybe all it's just imaginary
maybe i was blind
maybe i, for you was funny
maybe i was funny guy
maybe i was jest for using
maybe i was just a fool
maybe all my feels and dreaming
maybe it's just all my faulth
maybe it's again my intuition
maybe it is blind
maybe i should stop to thinking
maybe i should stop to wait
maybe i should stop to beeing your some kind of toy
maybe i will strike all dreamings
maybe i will strike all words
which i whispered to my pillow
when i want to hold your mores
when i need you most
maybe all is just illusions
maybe i should to be real
maybe i will to be waiking, from that funny dreams
maybe it is time to leaving, maybe it is time to move, maybe it is time when my heart is healing,
maybe this is will deserve,
maybe i will stop to waiting fooly,
for your silly love
my mind is cluttered in the way
my room was cluttered at home
in the upstairs drafty guest room
of my family's house,
small and bright in morning and memory
big and dark in night and dreamings;
***** laundry that once lay strewn
over futon and desk
(or flowed over from rifled-through drawers
or across the floor, banished there in a fit of frustration
when looking for some lost found thing)
now lies over sticky dark brain parts
covering, protecting, cluttering;
the moldy cups of tea that once lined windowsill and dresser top
now lounge sideways, tipped and wet
spilling remnants of calm that have since grown sour
across a cognitive carpet that soaks them up, thirsty;
pens and paper, pastels and watercolor,
charcoal and graphite and brushes and shavings
sketchbooks and journals with pages ripped out
crumpled and thrown towards the trash can in the corner
(whose rim has long been set ajar
by tissues and bandaids and cellar tape)
all these things now wait in new corners
(different corners
mind corners)
and scatter every drawer of thought,
a familiar symbol of disorganized beauty,
of the genius that whispered secretless secrets into gifted hope chests,
of the artist whose tears breathed rainbow ribbons
down innocent cheeks
in the dark.
my mind is cluttered
and it is full
of the same things that have always lived there
even though
i now live elsewhere
and have since learned to tie my shoes
without much thought.
eclipso child Sep 2020
In ur last whispers, after vanishing
The grey wall stand, surrounding
whispering ur thoughts about
Into their surrundlng safe
Tasks in them to make
Me 2 join myself forever
And never to sleep again
Only 2 dream my dreamings
With out any solving, lightning..


Life is just slow death
Damien Ko Jan 2018
she is beautiful when she is in love
with that smile on her face of hidden meanings
a unspeakable glow that can only signal someone above
eyes that glitter with private dreamings

when wanted and wanting of not but want
the desire flares and surges an aura undetected
granting beauty undescribable
one description of which writers find daunt
ages and years persons attempted
the love she exudes markedly incredible

indeterminable and fantastical
she loves with beauty and grace
that fathomless smile upon her face
beauty of which cannot be placed
It's quite nice what happened here. Did my best to avoid third person
Jayme M Yaroch Jan 2018
Twisting the hard long ache
                  pulled between two surfaces
just a me
             and a you
                        with all the yesterday's tomorrow's
dark dreamings of nothingness
                                                     ­               held to the left by strings
is it a dream?
                          hollow these musings
                                    silent screams to the screen
who hears us when we roar?            
for they always hear the whispers
             ­ conjectures
                                                             fuzzy concepts in a heartless world
                                                           ­  no warmth or concern
                                                         ­      only a strange
                            where the points are made up
and nothing matters
                                                         ­  here.
                                       ­                 AND yet
                                                             ­               nowhere.
Jackie Mead Aug 2018
Hope a feeling of expectation and desire,
That you will be the one to ignite the fire,
The fire deep within, that lights when you begin,
To smile at me across the room, and,
Makes my heart go boom, boom, boom.

Hope a feeling of trust,
That you will see that you are the object of my,
Lust, desire and anticipation, i
Hope that you return these feelings, and
All my dreamings will come true as you say "i love you" and we say "i do"
This Made
This is of everyday Voices’ Enchanting,
Murmuring Dreaming of Nature unchanged:
Be of the Worlds in your Being implanted,
Be of the Heights that your Consciousness met,

And, exercising both Being and Meeting,
Shapes of your Steps from this Momentum trace:
Truth will from now on look as if Cheating,
Treated by this World like utter Disgrace…

Pathway of Steps, traced in such a Dimension,
You will be destined by Fate to except:
Every Conjunction will follow Convention,
Every Contempt force you to contemplate.

In Mediastinum freeze meditative
And warming Breath by the icy Hands grasp:
What is comprised in the Jiff so creative?
What makes so active the credible Clasp?..

Mystic of Openness is not so hidden,
As you could possibly think to expect:
Be just aware of Intrigues and Kidding,
Mocking of Something you thought to neglect.

Everyday Voices in every night Silence
Noted are in Polyphony great –
With Dreamings’ Murmuring of Nature’s Chanting
Burst now Expanses, from Points of Peaks made!..

— The End —