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jennifer ann Jan 2015
"hey." kyle walked up and sat next to zoey on the front steps of the old house. the wind blowing through her long blonde hair. the sun shining on her face. her brown eyes shining. "hey" she grinned. "hows life as the butler treating you?" she smerked jokingly. "meh you know, it has its ups and downs... mostly downs. but i'm just glad i'm working for cordelia and not fiona. that way i can keep my tongue." kyle stuck his tongue out and licked zoeys face. "ew, you're so gross." zoey laughed, trying to get away from kyle. "pfft, whatever, you liked it." kyle rolled his eyes and nudged zoey. "hey." zoey nudged kyle back and smiled. "you know, i'm really happy i met you zoey. even if i did have to die and be sewn back together with parts that didn't belong to me. i would go through it all again just to be with you." kyle looked zoey in the eyes very seriously. zoey laughed "you're a *******." she blushed.
"no i'm serious, i love you." he smiled, blushing. "i love you too." zoey melted. "what was with all the drama in the dining room this morning?" Kyle asked. "oh just madison being madison." zoey laughed. "oh, i hate it when she does that." kyle smiled and joked. "yeah, me too." zoey agreed and smiled.  

"alright, lets do this." cassie walked into madisons room with a skie mask and gloves on. the ski mask had a creepy mouth on it, that resembled an evil clowns mouth. "really you're wearing a ski mask? this isn't mission impossible." Madison shook her head. "yeah, but i liked the creepy clown mouth. and, i havent gotten to wear this yet." cassie explained. "well i can't be seen with you wearing that weird ugly thing." Madison pulled the ski mask off, making her hair stand on the top of her head. "sorry madison, you're right." cassie quickly patted her hair down. "this is so ugly and weird, i don't know what i was thinking." cassie threw the ski mask down on madisons bed. "can i have a ciggarette?" cassie questioned. "you smoke ciggarettes?" madison asked. "pfft, ya. all the time. i'm a big smoker." Cassie replied as madison handed her a ciggarette and a lighter. cassie lit the ciggarette and as soon as she inhaled she began to cough. "there is nothing like." cassie coughed "a good cigarette." she coughed again. "alright, bleach ready.. pepper spray ready, itching powder ready, and nair ready." Madison smiled as she held up a bottle of nair. "you know she deserves much more than this, we're really doing her a favor. she should be thanking us for this" cassie replied with a ciggarette in one hand, and her hand on her hip, trying to mock madisons posture once again. "this is true, now go downstairs and see if the coast is clear." madison replied. "no problem." cassie put her thumb up and coughed once again, looking back sadly at the clown ski mask as she exited the room with a cigarette in hand.
I'm not a smoker anymore
But I do smoke an occasional ciggarette
Just when i'm really happy
Or maybe feeling lonely
Sometimes just to let my mind free
To write up some ****** poetry

Its weird how something that kills you
Would somehow save you
From the ******* of the world
Your own mind overthinking
And even the doubts you have of yourself
People's words were train to cut you deep,
And they say smoking kills.
From a thought I kept to myself
JL Dec 2015
China queen of my bloodstream  
Now Now I'm on a novel high
Radioactive wanna feel it through my skin
In my skull in my hands in my life again
Pain is a best friend
Today I'm gonna cut it
Easy does it
Easy does it
They flake but
Not me
I'm a rattlesnake
Beneath your feet
In the tree
Kick my cage
Rattle me
Make my heart flutter
She's a cutter
The old way
Set up
To lose
To use  
This rabbit for a chase
This young white rabbit for
A little chase
Some heart beat
Blood heat
daniel f Nov 2013
on the pier

the fog was always my favourite, sun shine penetrating barely. I'd always wake up as early as I could and walk down the to sea with a camera. You'd be surprised the faces you see making your way down there. The ever present left overs of last nights festivities, walking home shoulders slumped stilettos in hand. The could've should've would've, well at least I got to know her better kinda guys. I'd always pace out ciggarettes, smoking or trying when I could see the ocean swell. This particular morning was the tail end of October, and didn't we all just know it, the schools had broken up and town was filled with holiday makers.

A milk cart made it's way up the hill past infinite terrace housing, stopping occasionally as the driver scrambled out. I'd seen him a hundred times at least, red faced and over worked delivering orange juice and full fat milk. I'd always make some smart comment when I passed him although today I didn't bother, twenty meters or so away I raised my camera and took a photo. Recently I'd seen a friend, down from London who'd recently completed his masters in photography and well what can  I say? I'm easily influenced. I made my way down through town, past  Georgian architecture and the neon lights of B&Bs;, reaching in deep I pulled out my last ciggarette, ******* hard with shut eyes by the the zebra crossing. Normally I'd have to pay to enter the pier although, at this time there was no one to make me pay. The fog was unrelenting and only allowed vision fifteen meters or so into the distance, I should've been nervous. Common sense dictated with my injury I should've spent the whole time staring over my shoulder although, I found solace in my status as a stranger in town. Two years or two hundred for me at least this could never be home, running to the inevitable end of my tab, I hurled it into the grey salt sea. In the distance a lamp shone at the very end of the pier, it slowly drifted further and further into my field of vision until I was at the old black railings at the end.

Untill my dying day, I'll never be sure precisely what compelled me to stare so sullen into the waves. There's a certain allure to the ever lapping waves of the English Channel, I can't remember precisely which although it's rare I feel compelled as I did that day. My temporary fixation flirted with obsession, seemingly for no reason until it drifted into view. At first I denied it, it couldn't be rational thought dictated it never would be. Not in a nice seaside town such as this, whoever would the body of another be floating and at this time. I must confess I was not particularly shaken as the body floated ever closer, and underneath the pier. My only regret is that I did not take a picture of the deceased, my thinking was that there was no way anyone would chastise me for not reporting it to the proper authorities, and besides it looked so peaceful. Pulled and pushed by unseen forces a suitable representation of the life we all lead I can only suppose. Face down with a  a mane of long black hair, atop stocky shoulders and a well built frame. Like some old roman soldier I suppose, with a puffer jacket and blue jeans the archetypical person essentially. Immediately my imagination compelled me with images of this poor soul thrown overboard somewhere or maybe dumped? probably dumped either way now he was at peace, a drift beyond the shingle in the morning air.
Breathing a deep signs heavy with the realisation that I too would be lucky to inspire someone so much in death as he had, I left the pier and returned home.
ivory Jun 2010
she says YES
and you've done it again.

I will bite your tongue
while you bite your words
i miss writing like i miss your mouth

do what you want
you're not needed on this side of town
just receding,slowly
away and away and away
up in the sky
in a hot air balloon
around the world in 100 days
because we need the extra 20
to enjoy the sights and sounds

yes darling, australia is beautiful
but the coral reef is dying, and rotting away
no more rainbow shores
just an island in the middle of nowhere;somewhere

i will find you
even if 100 days later
you are on a street corner
smoking a ciggarette in each hand
stuffing the world down your throat


Antarctica is melting away.
© AlyssiaAnderson

Awkward reactions encouraged.
ln Jun 2014
I could chug a ciggarette
Or I could chew some gum instead

I could keep reaching for the blade
Or I could just reach for the color pencils instead

I could gulp down a Heineken
Or I could settle for green tea instead

I could roll some ****
Or I could just paint a scenery instead

They say we're all addicted to something
That takes the pain away

I say otherwise.

We're all addicted to something
Just because we long for temporary satisfaction
We're all addicted to something
Just because we think it heals
We're all addicted to something
Just because, we made a choice

You don't sit there and say
" It's the only escape I have "
Because no, it's not
You make a choice

And that choice you make,
*It defines who you are.
Francie Lynch Aug 2015
We met on a sun-sand beach,
You asked for a pull
On my ciggarette,
So many decades have passed,
I can't forget
You pulling on my ciggarette.
A memory photo.
JL Feb 2012
I drown my broken heart with the slow poison beneath the orange glow of the exit sign. Cheap goldent tequila wreaking havoc on my liver. Nothing changes from day to day for me, my misery stems from selfishness thinking of myself and my problems and my own tears_ while the true broken hearted sleep on cardboard beneath the stars. I've been in love before, I was a child, I wanted her name tatooed over my heart I wanted her lips on ny neck and my chest. Her arms tangled and legs spread, teenage ***** moan heavy on my ear. I rember sweat and hair being pulled and ciggarette smoke and perfume and love letters, shaving my head in the livingroom. ******* in the attic of the church while your aunts wedding went on downatairs. its not easy to forget those things, smoking a joint after a long night of drinking and ******* like animals, you looked at me, and you seemed a million years away, your black hair stuck to your sweaty skin, on your neck and your naked chest and the pillow and you said, Jacob, I love you. Cutting me with blue ice eyes. Your knees pressed into my stomach as you carve your name above my heart. I thought it was beautiful when you took that carpet knife quickly sterilized in whiskey and pressed it to the white skin of your hip and carving an ugly "J" big and red and bleeding. Wiping clean the drops with your long white fingers and mingling our blood on my chest.
Your eyes fall into the steady rhytm of dreams,
Thoughts of us having white babies
And going to church
And growing old
And being young
And being somebodies
I slip on my pants and boots
And step out of the trailer for a smoke
Looking at the moon
Looking at the light on in the neighbors bathroom
Looking at the bikes in the yards
Looking at the birds
And your name carved above my heart
You tore away my innocence
As I tore yours
We were children
And I had much to learn places to go and not too long away
Back when the drinking was fun and the needles were fun
Back when we were Sid and Nancy, back when I fell asleep inside you and mingled blood on my chest like some ritual of fate.
Back when we rode fast on the ******* Harley  next to the sea
And I picked you up at work
When I broke my hand on Jeremy jaw for slapping your ***
But now
I hate your name
And the scar on my chest
And the cigarette burns around it
And the faded blue tattoos
I love another now,
Someone gentle
Someone understanding
Someone with a real red beating heart
Someone who understands
That the world spins
And we are just two specks
And clinging to the same earth
Paul Donnell Mar 2017
The night was washed out in a errie blue grey. The moon made the beat for me a bit less anxious.. This part of the city aint never been kind. Taking a long drag from a stale ciggarette i thought about the dective boss man introduced me too at the bar. A Robert Cobalt. A steely dispostion and eyes that cut through in a way that didnt make total sense. He told me about a  lead. Riches and adventure await if I'd just put aside some morals and go with it he said. Diamonds.. Always been attracted to the worthless things, theyre just rocks but I bet a fist full of em.would make any man feel like a god. The light turned green and I wondered what would make a man get all twisted up and go after such a thing. Turning a corner towards 8th street I looked out my passanger window and saw something not too out of the ordinary on this side, a man approaching a women, knife in hand and a gait that meant bussiness. I turned on my lights and told the sunnuvabitch to stop where he was, guess the man was desperate cause he ran full force towards the women, after her bag id guess. Reflex and training set in and i went through the motions, the whole time thinking theres no way i could be fast enough to stop this. What i sae next surprised the hell outta me. Calm as could be, right before the man got to her and right as i was stepping out of the car she threw an elbow right into the mans chest. He doubled over, caught of guard by the heavy blow. She grabbed the back of his head by his hair pulled him up straight and flat laid him out with a well placed blow to the jaw. Subsequenctially my jaw hit the floor. I walked towards her slowly, the threat neutralized. She stood calmly and lit her self a smoke. She told me her name was Tessa. Tessa rosiere. A privite invistagator. I guess i looked more shaken than she did as she offered me a ciggarette. I stood there for maybe a bit too long without saying anything and the man started to groan and stir. I asked what she was doing out here this late already knowing the answer. Following a lead she says.. Before i can ask more theres a bright flash a strange smell and a dull pain. I look down and my stomachs leaking blood. Cant remember much after that. No idea who had shot me but waking up in the hospital on the east end was surprise. Still alive i guess. The sterile scent of the room made me feel like.running and the sight of all the tubes sent my heart faster than it needed to be. Shot in gut. Either by tessa or by that ***.. Maybe even some one else who knows. Still alive though.. Oddly the tgought of diamons crept into my scattered brain. The idea seemed more than appealing now.  No more late beats in a bad part of town. No more getting shot,  no more having to work. Just a fist full of diamonds and the do as i wanted. My last groggy thought as the flourecnest lights blurred was of Cobalt.. I'd find the *******. And see what he had to say
.sleep took me like a riptide.

It wasn't long after when I got out of the hospital. The doctor gave me all kinds of prescriptions but I knew the only medicine i needed was waiting for me in a smokey room full of tired souls. A double on the rocks. I walked into the run down pub and the smell of cigars and whiskey welcomed me like a hug from my father. Only not as warm. "Double on the rocks. Keep me comin til I leave." I said. Muddy Waters was painting the whole place blue. "That's not gonna help you heal, jewels.." A voice said behind me. I turned around and it was special agent Heller and her trainee Agent Ronen. They had sweet faces but you'd be a lucky man to not be on their bad side. Heller blew smoke in my face with a smile. I guess that's as close as I'll get to a "welcome back". We sat and talked for a while while Ronen looked at her phone. She wasn't into conversation much. Once we were all sure we had one too many, we were ready to call it a night until Ronen got a call. "****. Don't pack it in just yet." Heller scoffed "I'll be ****** if I'm gonna go wipe some rookies nose this late at night." Ronen looked at her boss sternly. "You're gonna wanna see with one. It's not rookie this time. Murphy Pendleton just kicked the door in on a **** lab on 92nd street". Pendleton. That crazy *******. Hearing his name ****** me off. "You guys can go handle that ******* on your own. I'm not..." "No. You're coming. I saw your badge and Gun. You might as well be on the clock Jewels. Let's get down there before he scares off the camera crews again. It's gonna be a long night." Heller said putting out her cigarette in my drink. She was right. No one ever wants to walk in on a crime scene if Pendleton is involved. Chief Cobalts been after that ******* badge for years. But ******* does he get the job done. Tip the bartender, grab the coats. Time to see what fresh hell was waiting for us. Before we left, I put Tom Waits on the jukebox...

I don't even hear the sirens anymore. We all got in Hellers squad car and headed to the crime scene. I see the lights flashing from the roof of the car. But the sirens might as well be the sound of a car passing or a telephone ringing. When you hear something everyday, it just fades away. Heller and Ronen sat up front and I was in the back. I had forgotten how cramped it was back there. It took me back to when I was a stupid kid. Back when I was afraid of those same lights and same sirens. Back when i still saw people passing by, not just potential criminals. We pulled up to the crime scene and the press was everywhere. The whole front of the building was taped off. "Well at least there aren't any bodies in the street this time. Looks like Pendleton could be getting soft on us." I saw Ronen let a smile slip across her face. I couldn't help but laugh. We all know Pendleton's rep. I guess you gotta have a dark sense of humor for this ****. One of the rookies I liked was holding the line. "Ventus. What are we looking at?" I asked while lighting up a cig. Ventus looked down at her feet. "It's not good. He really's not good." She said in a tired low tone. Heller put a hand on her shoulder. "Go home Tera. We can handle this. Jewels. You go on ahead with Ronen." Heller said. We walked under the tape and towards the scene. The door to the small shop was handing off the hinges. Bullet holes in the glass. Blood on the floor. The red trail led us to the back room. One. Two. Three. Four. Four dead bodies. Blood on the walls. And in the cleaning supply closet on the back wall off this moldy dreary **** lab sat Pendleton on a over turned bucket. He still had his pistol in his hand. "Ronen. I'm gonna..." I started. "Psh. You don't gotta tell me twice." She said before exiting back to the front of the store. A shoe shop with a **** lab in the back. That's a new one. I started towards Pendleton. It was hardly a graceful entrance on account of having to dance around dead bodies. About 3 feet from Pendleton is where I noticed, the man wasn't shaking. He was just sitting. "Pendleton. What the **** are you doing? What happened here?" I barked. "Got a lead on this lab and came to investigate. As soon as they saw me, the pulled their guns. I didn't wanna get left out so I pulled mine. The 2 up front ran to the back. Caught the tall one in the shoulder. Reloaded and came back here. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom." He said. Calm and collected. "There's only 2 guns on the floor. The other two, why are they dead?" I asked. "**** Jewels. Maybe after I dropped the two with guns, the other 2 picked them up. Maybe I did what I had to. And maybe I'm not in the mood for all YOUR ****** QUESTIONS." He yelled looking up at me. His teeth showing like a mad dog. His gun was still in his hand. "Get your **** together Pendleton. This isn't the time or place for your ****. And put your ****** gun up. The cameras are right outside." I said quietly. Pendleton was a loose canon. And I made it known I hated his guts. But hey, you can't choose who you work with. "What's the matter with you? Normally you woulda left by now. Why are you sticking around for this one?" I asked looking around the room. Pendleton reached in his pocket and pulled something out. "I pulled the IDs on all these guys." He said handing me for drivers licenses. "Jacob Wrens, Joseph Brown, Tanner Wilcocks and David........Cobalt..." I read to myself. I darted my eyes at him. His face was dead. His eyes were grey. "Murphy.....are you telling of these kids is the chiefs son?" I said slowly. He looked down at the floor, opened his mouth and said ".....was"
saving a story, a wee bit of mine mostly my friends.
Ariel Taverner Nov 2013
The sweet smooth music plays, setting a tantalizing atmosphere that somehow says I am the master and you will enjoy tonight
The band playing the music seem plastic yet at the same time vibrant with restrained energy. Energy that , like blood, seeps into the people in the room yet not into the music that is being created. The music does not need the energy because it has a power all on its own. The people dancing enthusiastically look satisfied. They look to be having an extravagant time. Everyone is smiling. Everyone is happy? No? Look deeper. If you focus intensly, you can see the signs: a mouth twitching, a hand hesitating as it reaches for a glass, a foot jerking to its position in the dance it is performing. If you look even deeper there are signs of the desperate lust to escape: a shorter than usual skirt, a scar on a wrist, a ciggarette in a hand, a bruised neck. And I can see these signs so effortlessly.  If these people could come evn close to comprehending intelligence they would call it a gift. This is not a gift ....... only a burden I bear and as I look to the others who have the ability I see them hanging. All of them. Hanging from rafters I cannot reach understand or comprehend........  I look at my rafter and deep inside me I feel the perverted need the grotesque want to find those other rafters so I drop the rope and push the chair away and I stare.... stare aimlessly at the mindless zombies that smile fake smiles.
A metaphor of me in comparison to society. The rafters represent knowledge
jennifer ann Jan 2015
"yeah... i know who took my money too. that ***** pyper, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out she jumped up to defend herself as soon as i said something." Madison replied tiredly, taking a ciggarette out and lighting it as she sat on the her black canopy bed. a picture of marilyn monroe and kurt cobain hanging on her bedroom wall. "so, what are your plans for revenge?" Cassie raised an eyebrow. "i'm debating on whether i should put raid in her perfume bottle, or nair in her shampoo." Madison replied casualy as she stared out of her bedroom window. "isnt raid poisonus?" cassie questioned.
"yep." Madison shook her head and grinned.
"she is a cockroach, seems pretty fitting to me..." she continued.
"hmmm... what about, pepper spray in her face wash?" Cassie replied with her hand upon her chin.
"i think i like the way you think cassandra motts." Madison smiled sadisticly, an evil twinkle in her eye.
Dylan May 2012
I originally wrote this as a song, but after a while I came to like it better as a poem.

I remember the first time I saw you,
It was a star filled summer's night.
I couldn't find the courage to talk to you at first sight.
No tight game to run
No tricks up my sleeve
My heart said "you have a chance", but my brain wouldn't let me believe...
That the most beautiful girl I had ever seen would talk to a geek like me.

It would be a year or so before our paths would cross again,
Maybe it was luck, or maybe I had some help from the wind.
It blew me in your direction...
No course. Me young and reckless, you fragile and the essence of perfection.
On that day we met I found my courage, opened up and made small talk as we passed back and forth a bright, alive ciggarette.
To you it was small talk, to me it meant the world
To you it was nothing, to me it was one step on a long road that ended with me calling you my girl.
Years passed and we grew close, but my confidence vanished, like an apiration, a ghost.
I had my chances, knew what could be...but my brain still wouldn't believe that a girl like you could see something in a geek like me.

More time has passed,
And our distance has grown.
All that signs that I once saw have now vanished on that road.
The love I was trying to weave, could no be sewn, and the word love has become nothing more than a hinderance, a drone.

The nostalgia those times hold will never be replaced
and neither will the feelings I get whenever I come across your grace.
Those star filled nights will be held as some of my best, I know this might come as a surprise to you, but I just had to get this off of my chest,
Needed to leave them etched in every line of this song...
I knew the queen in you wouldn't fall for this geek all along.
Monique Olivier Nov 2013
When farewell is said
And no light is seen anymore
When you know sleep is not in the cards
And eyes are all shut around you
The world around becomes your own
Personal hell

You see dancing shadows against the ceiling
And your eyes are fixed on them, you try to follow their way
The smile of a wicked lover reflects from the mirror and it sends shivers down your spine
You hear the desperate shout of a woman
No one will be answering her
Not then, not now, not ever.

The man who sits there, night after night,
Paging through forgotten memoirs, with the dark soul and piercing eyes. He is the one who breaks your heart. With a ciggarette in his hand, he reminds you that life with the light on is just a hoax.

"The bitterness of dissapointed will be the persistant flavour in your mouth if you keep on believing there is more to everything around you." He says, "So go on, little girl, without putting any of your faith in that light."

He became your nightly companion. Said some wise words and made you think. Until one night he took everything with him.
The dancing shadows on the ceiling, the reflecting smile of a wicked lover and the desperate shout of a woman.
And finally you could sleep.
Can't sleep.
JL Jan 2012
It was a private
"Christian" High School
I was fed a lot of bull
But I never let it get me down
I had afternoons with you

Remember math class, Anna?
Remember my fingers drifting up your skirt
Slipping on and off
Pressing on your favorite pressure point

I remember how when the teacher turned
You would whisper so wet and heavy in my ear
"Give me your jacket"
Pressing the heel of your white palm
Into my begging human lust
When it's dark outside and I am all alone
I might allow my mind to wander back to afternoon
Study dates with you

Pulling at your stockings with inhuman ferver
The woman-soaked groan in my ear
The tingling of your glow soaking into my boyhood
The slip of your breath
Brought me to the edge of finite pleasure
The bite of your teeth on my bottom lip
Before you make me quiver with your
Your  mom pulled up in the drive way
I dashed
And got one more kiss
(Smothered in the taste of your sea)
"Don't forget your jacket"
I jumped the fence and began a steady pace to home
A long long way away
Imagine my surprise as I lit a ciggarette
And found in my jacket pocket: your *******
I don't know much of anything

You tell me all the time

Ciggarette burned out

Tea has lost its prime

The apple has run dry;
Fallen too far from the tree

Away from its comfort zone

*Far away from me.
Copyright Christopher Rossi, 2010
JL Dec 2011
I just want plain old you. I don't need no trappings. Simple plain jane.
I just want the you that wakes up in the morning
Having drooled on your pillow.
The you with morning, and coffee, and ciggarette breath
The you who puts her hair up when she doesn't feel like dealing with it
The you who sits next to me in sweats and one of my torn up t-shirts
Eating Ice Cream
and falling asleep on my shoulder
The you who doesn't always say goodnight or I love you
The you who gets mad and cusses and yells
I mean...who doesn't

I've just come to realize
That the plain old you
Is my favorite you
Nothing plain about you
You don't have to try to knock my socks off, good lookin'
Whether your walking to me or away...I like to watch your hips sway
Going to and fro
Ain't it a sight!
Lookin' in your eyes
Well, there's nothin plain about those eyes
Jay earnest May 2017
i remember going to sizzler
with my mom and my 2 brothers
and some random guy and lady---

all at the table.

and she'd load up the tray with dinosaur nuggets
and cabbage
and parsely
and split pea soup

and swirly icecream

of which you could fill a bucket and

only get a light scolding from the waitress with her 4 freckles.

i'd eat that stuff,
and there'd be faint music and clinking

and dishes breaking
and children laughing and crying

and burps from old people

and farting
from overzealous husbands
who would proclaim flatulance as being a sign of
gratitude for one's meal in

if you've ever heard.

and the carpet would be drenched in animal ****

and the air
thick will fillaments
and greasy dust--

and my eyes would water,
and the memories
would be a haze,

but it was always rather pleasant.

and the best part was the red ballon with the 'S' logo.

and it'd pop usually upon arriving home after you sit on it or something like that---

Then many years later
i went back with a friend
and his dad who happened to be pretty drunk
and we were listening to Lennon's "Wheels Go By''

and the waiter
was younger and better looking and had less disdain--

and i just got chocolate icecream.

but there were no swirls.

the swirles were long gone.

dead even.

dead .

and then i flicked my ciggarette into an immaculate ashtray

and a few ladies
talked about the lunch specials.

and my stomach gurgled
and we went
to ihop instead.
JL Nov 2012
Yeah, come over for dinner
It had been such a long time
Since I had seen other people
I have been a creature of solitude
These past months and I had
Wrestled in my mind with
Death and the fire

I was restless I guess
Not nervous
As I knock on the door
Your wife answers
She's hardly past twenty
Her hair is red and blue eyes

I could die there on the doorstep
But I enter and tell jokes
It is easy to make her laugh
I think She had
a glass of wine
before I arrived

You and I talk about
Nothing in particular
You play music and
I sit on the carpet smoking
a ciggarette
as your wife
picks up
my glass
and fills it to the brim

it has been a long time
Her shirt
came up the slightest bit

then suddenly the room
is smaller
and you pass me the pipe
Your wife sits across from me
I can't help but watch her breathe
The inhale is exquisite
Machined so perfectly
Mims Aug 2016
Little boy inside
Fight, fight, fight,
How hard?
But, then you don't have to try
Just pretend
You have dry eyes
No eyes
Because you can't see
But you can smell
I smell ****
That you don't need
But can't just be
Tobacco free
Can you?
How hard did you
Knocked out
Your guts
One night
Every night
Fight, fight, fight,
In the time with no light
Scared little boy consumed by
Fight, fight, fight,
Glasses on your face
An outcast
Sit There
What you don't
Fight, fright, fault,
and Then There was
daniel f Mar 2013
friends in the beach,
im happy in the shade,
light another ciggarette
enjoy the perfect day

tell yourself you earned it,
through hard hard pointless work,
tell yourself you earned it,
a little never hurt.

the sun is peaking now,
above the sea and sand,
I could lie here forever
with budweiser at hand

onto the sand again!
oh tide why wont you learn?
Your retreat to sea,
so seemingly
An afternoon well spent
Dian Eka May 2014
You lit one,
Between the bar we and strangers were blended in hecticness
Your face faded by the smoke around the walls
I needed no clear view,I liked ur mew , by the way
Sipped one drink,words were flowing

You lit your second, you twisted the smoke, threw it to the stuffy air
My eyes were following, wondering where those smokes would rupture
I did the same, repeatedly
You did the same,vividly,
in heavy breathe, sour and dry laughing at the beginning to the next ciggarette

Your eyes were getting glazed
As if looking into something deep down
of an answer from nonsensical question
Of a bitter sweet, perhaps
of a foolish surrender you have made,perhaps
Of a misery in your chest you had kept probably
Or of unspoken words, no need to be declared

I blew those smokes around you
You were laughing
This city was made for strangers,
Strangers like Us
We own  every corners as we linger in our presence
Pretending we have no other lives but here
For those who wait, I know no fear

A car passed by, it honked too loud
We both yelled and laughed at it
Interupting long loud lamentation in silence
You swallowed your pain
I knew it,
We shouldn't have shared any kiss or touch

We both yawned
We could hear chairs behind were sliding
They were leaving
Through your satire, I still laughed
Cigarettes were smoldering, while you talked
Reflected in the glass and eyes
You wish to go,carefree feet I will give

We walked through the hymn of blue eve
As the city road collapsed and expanded, wider in your pupils
I waited and watched
Words as your hands tickled (in) my mind
Burning skin as your gently touch wiped through

You lit your last , it was time
Again you twisted the smoke
Again my eyes were following where it would go,
Your silence are too loud
Light from midnight so dim
Creating a ghost that was dancing on your somber face

Our fingers quickly interlocked,
tightly  through the ticking clock
Soon the sun was set, at the first dawn
We shared no more cigarettes and talk  or maybe it was not me or you who were sitting

All after time, tables and chairs
Even when we are no longer there
But it  lingers in years
Every scent in every scene

So long , another time perhaps
Carl Lapse Mar 2019
Even if it only glitters in the sky approaching the city,
as your vision blurs and smog suffocates your lungs.
We all return to gaze into the faded stained crossing,
to remember when two fading breaths drifted apart,
eyes glistening in the hourglass of two twisted hearts.

I pretend these eyes see brief clarity beneath,
this path of split ends of unkempt dreads.
Not much to send but I'm tempted to lend,
a broken sentence with no pretense.

Kept fighting rewriting reread recollections,
staring at dead stars lighting my reflection.
Seeing what is and what could be there.
What is and what could be tangibly unaware.
Like what was and what wasn't we are both here and there.
Forgetten remains conciously aware.

So now I sit smoking a ciggarette,
Fighting to write something of sense.
Staring into pixels of kaleidescope pills.
A constant reminder of concocting thrills.
Beginning to burn out and all I wrote:
What fades away turned to smoke.
Arduino Apr 2019
I see empty beer bottle corpses scattered around a ***** lobbie

While ciggarette butts twerk around these lonely bodies

If only there was a light that didn't come from a dead matchstick

Slumped over and burnt out

Because we turnt up

Then it turned out that we're made from plastic

Paul Donnell May 2017
I thought I kneww, I thought knew I Could escape the escape from this the prismiatic prism that scatters the living litmus of tasty languish. I was electrocuted but did not die I was hyptotized but had no thoughts of mine me oh my my crastle crashing westgate smashing
I weas blown up torn up ****** up I slipped up caught ciggarette hiccups blue smoke the green **** tar ton in my lungs whisper wheeze the crispy fleece of tubular micro breeze
I make no sense to anyone but myself and all this is just play
vaporize the suit and tie dusty wish stuff made from mildew soft hush *** rush wishing wash upon a star starling colors bleed from mars upon my head the rain again again a grain from solar trains a chugga choo of clothes pin gentle wind smell that touch this soft light flutter white sheet skin glow rainbow window crystal glass slow mo tumble punch gut trouble crystal shatter toes and scatter scar sardonic stars breach the shift of rock ah roll ah cokeacola box ah living oh ah mocha coffee candy sweetly
Motion moving frames repeating the subliminal superluminal transfuckafying metamorphic metaphors leaky brain
Biraj Lahkar Nov 2017
(English translation of my Assamese origin 'Bhaal Manuhbur')

Its easy to mark fine people
Fine people know not to deal the market
Rotten potatoes fine people carry home
Infants from fine people's abode shrill a lot
Fine people fall sick to diabetes soon

Fine taste they possess

Bare footed they stroll to Panbazar
Amazed discourse in arbitrary quietness
than the gigling in the dining table
Water you'll find beneath their eyeballs
If pebbles are thrown
mini waves are behold
A little vile...
Most of the fine people delight
Being the chimney of ciggarette smoke.
jennifer ann Jan 2015
this is heart breaking, the toll that this is all taking,
on me, lost in all of my negativity and insecurity.
i just want to be happy and free.

i paint my face, so i look like a doll.
i feel about 2 feet tall,
i starve until my hearts content.
i am weak and dizzy, from my minds

smoke another ciggarette, as i try to fill the void,
now theres a monster around every corner,
im so miserable, and paranoid.

i dont want to give up, i dont want to die.
i know you don't believe me when i tell you that i try.
but now there is just so much pain and rage in my eyes.
there is nolonger a spark, because you've left me here to cry,
alone here in the dark.
Danial Suhaimi Apr 2018
The cold wind of the night blows soothingly
As I light my ciggarettes
Burning away my life as well
The thoughts of the past came back to me
Like a VHS tape complete with the date and time
Plays back the time when I was able to feel
Back when you were there
The smile, The laugh, The silly jokes
Those were the good times
You left without notice
My heart ran away with you
I don't even feel anything
The world is just numb
I'd like to thank you for it
I've fallen into the dark abyss of numbness
And I like it
As I was finishing my thought
My ciggarette burnt out
Jay earnest Sep 2019
I awoke to my neighbor pouring cement in a pothole in my driveway.
He gave me a ciggarette and he asked if I've been ******* all day because I woke up late.
I chuckled and said yes twice, and we talked about the guy across the street who has loud *** with a ******* and I finished my smoke and gave him an AK round I found since he has a large arsenal. Then
the other neighbor Andrew with his meaty calves and who is a 7th day Adventist started approaching.
I said I didn't want to talk about stocks and went back to bed.
Now I'm drinking coffee. Now my day is almost over.
I didn't make this up
Mykie Jun 2018
Brown eyed boy, we've never met

I've seen you though,

Leaning against the wall, lighter in hand and ciggarette

You wore a chain on your jeans and sadness on your sleeve

Brown eyed boy, please love me
Jay earnest Jun 2017
this eastern european chick always sqauts next to me in an alley

at like 12:03 at night when i'm smoking a ciggarette
and it always makes me uncomfortable

but they have no familiarity with american spacial barriors or common neuroses.

and i'll say something like ''

and she'll nod and say something back in
polish but proceed to stare at her phone.

and i edge away about 2 inches
and she'll scoot ever closer.

and she doesn't find me attractive because i dress in a black poncho and wear an eyepatch with spikes on it.

then i'll flick the **** away and stomp it in the dirt and she keeps scooting closer
and closer

and closer

and closer
to something
until she
dissapears completely in the shadow that overhangs the streetway littered with bums

and fresh cut lemongrass

while wolfs howl in the rolling hills

— The End —