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MaryJane Doe Jul 2015
No matter
the weather
Or shine
With a blankie
Its better
With a blankie
It's fine

You rarely
Find Riley
At a tea party
With out
the security
Of her snuggly

This blankie
is special
Hello Riley
"My blankie"

To night
Out of sight
loves her blankie
holds it tight

She'll grow up
And forget
What it was
But we'll always know
It was something
she loved
steven Jul 2014
Some nights, my Blankie covers me up tight
And whispers filthy secrets to my bones:
“I’ll love you ‘til the warmth calms down your fright,
I’ll be here guarding you from dark Unknowns.”
He feeds me dreams that fill me up with hope—
So sweet like sin!—they never were to last.
By morning light I wake up, left to cope
With sandy eyes: the salt of good dreams passed.
But some nights—dark and dreary nights—when all
The world and stars are vexed under Selene,
He leaves (my ****** body bare)—His wall
Is never there to truly keep me clean.
He’ll never touch my skin again, for I
Will sleep with clothes that love me ‘til I die.
Half about my favorite blanket, half about my dad.
J Apr 2014
Why is black and white? I've always wondered about this... why my colorful photographs are required to travel back in time. How does this effect the poetry in any way, shape, or form? But I understand the wisdom of this design now. And it sets a great metaphor for all of the people of the pen involved in this truly noble motion, this secret society for people with passion, talent, and troubled minds and souls. Hello Poetry is black and white not because it has to be monochromatic and modern, but because us poets fill these pages with enough inovativeness and color already with our words, ideas, thoughts, songs, senryus, ballads, heartbreaks, insecurities, that adding literal color to this website would be overwhelming. These soft undertones of gray, black, and white may be considered drab and depressing to some, but to us poets it represents timelessness. And this is probably why we are all here. Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly publishing poems. Because we all know we are not going to live forever, and we are so entirely insignificant in the broad scheme of things and of the universe itself, that it is a bit comforting and helpful to have this coping mechanism or soft blankie to calm our fears, that this literature we write, however insignificant it may be, is absolutley permanent. And that maybe someday it will be remembered so a small bit of us may live on. Tom Riddle knew the needs and wants of man kind before anybody else realized it. Maybe he was just trying to cope with the fact that he is insignificant. These poems are all our Horcruxes so *viveamus per camenam nostram.
^^^let us live through our poetry
Ava Bean Dec 2015
You tell me all the great things about me
And you text out all the wonderful things we will do together
But I am not the one for you.
You are simply lonely and lost because you are so detached from others.
You are in a cold tundra of confusion
And I looked like a warm security blanket to grab onto.
I am a manifestation of what you want:
Something that is warm
Wraps you up to shield off chills
Brightly colored like my cheeks in the winter
But I am not what you need.
What you need is someone to brush the snow out of your hair
Someone to treat your frostbitten fingers
Someone to nurse you back to health
Someone to cradle you in their arms...
And a security blanket cannot do that.
Jaimee Michelle Jun 2013
The arrogance that comes off your body in waves radiates its own heat
But, it's fake. Pretend.
A shield you use to protect the little boy you actually are inside
Most kids haven't and shouldn't see what you've seen.
I was sorry for the hate, and mistrust you found at such a young age
I just wanted to tell that little boy one day his world would be beautiful and that even in the ugliness of this house on the corner
He was already beautiful
I never got the chance to reach that little boy

You took over, although you were him in an older form
You had not resolved the hurt that little boy felt
The little boy whose mom was too busy smokin rocks as pretty as glass
Yelling at the boy to find his own dinner
And get mommys purse, she's running out of glass rocks
That little boy wasn't stupid, and the resentment he formed has take control
Your life is about you
It's about the hate you carry inside because, you never sat down with that little boy and let him cry
No, instead you built a wall to protect yourself  plus fatal toys to keep you safe too
Your friends were filled with that hate too
Wouldn't it surprise you to know that you were just a bunch of wounded little boys
Running a muck, surrounded by violence and death
When all you wanted was someone to tell you you were good enough

Now you're just an angry man
Filled with so much hate, your life is never going to change
You think your strong
You think you done and seen what others couldn't bare
But, you suffer everyday from what you've done
What you didn't stop
What could've happened to your best friend if you hadn't let the hate take the reigns
We can't go back
Nothing's going to change yesterday
But, you could've changed your today, which would've brought a brighter tomorrow
Stubborn as you were listening to all the yelling when you were a boy
No forgiveness
You don't care where your mom went
She'll die before you realize, you were just a boy who just tried to survive as he got older
You could let her know where those glass rocks led you and what it was like to turn around and sell those pretty rocks
What it was like getting wasted with your mom when your just in elementary school
By middle school, hope had been long gone
And high school lasted 5 minutes

Here you are
Just hate filled and waiting for what's owed to you
Thinking there are no consequences for your actions
Staying on a path that leads to no where because, you're too scared to see what the other side of life has to offer
I tried to be in your life but, I was deemed too innocent to be let into the world you lived in
I was too good for you
Only a coward would say that, and you're biggest fear is that little boy being exposed
Even though I told you I could see him, and that you didn't have to live that way anymore
You refused to change
Playing games with my heart, knowing you'd just fill yours with hate for me so you wouldn't suffer another loss
But, leave me standing in a puddle of my own heartbreak
I watched you walk away, I saw you look back
I saw the little boy in your eyes
I felt sadden for a moment
But shook it off
You didn't have to be this way, you could of started over
Your past was behind you but you walk as if its up in front of you
You'll be haunted by the little boy forever
Because, you were too scared to say "we'll be ok"

I feel nothing when I look at you now
You're no more than a frightened child during a thunder storm
You cling to the past like a blankie
Telling yourself it gives you the right to enter, interrupt and even destroy a life
It doesn't
When you're 50 you'll still be right where you are now, maybe married but in reality alone
You'll look in the mirror
And those innocent round brown eyes with tears spilling over the brim looking back at you
You've gone no where, that so called arrogance you sweat in, that's just the fear that tortures you everyday

I used to want to hug you
I used to encourage you to be more
You'll never be
And I can't stand the hate you made me feel when you were near
The hatred won
So welcome to your life
Because this is it
Dead end
The bridge that lead to the other side burned to ashes, from the fire you started
So don't mind me if I don't sit around and watch you stand still over there
Half alive, on the other side of the burnt down bridge, with the crying brown eyed boy...
Is you in the house on the corner
The house on the corner you never left

You choose fear
I choose life
You're right I don't belong here
I never did.
Goodbyes mean nothing round here
I'll just let the empty silence tell you
Don't take this poem the wrong way. I cared for this person but the past doesn't define us, you don't have to fall victim to circumstance. There's always another choice. He decided he couldn't do better than where he'd been and I couldn't be a part of the victim game. I hope you'll understand.
Abbigail Jan 2014
How I adore your nerve
when you kissed me in your closet upon sheets made of legos
and all of your childhood dreams.
How easy I am for you to draw when you play on stage the song that you wrote me,
The one that feels like rock climbing by the river,
Like naps in the summer when I drool on your chest and you don't mind,
Like kissing you until the very last minute of my curfew,
only to break it for the miracle that is your lips.
How alluring is your breath on my neck,
Your voice in my ear when you told me that you loved me
and you didn't stop smiling,
even as the years went by and I did.
How I craved, longed, begged for time to be still
the time you took me to the highest hill you could drive to,
You called it my mountain.
"At first, you look at it and it's so small,
but once you notice it, it's all you can see," you said.
How my stomach floods with waves of nostalgia and a taste
of everything I've ever had to live without,
With complete and utter spell-binded devotion at the simple familiarity
of your smell.
How addicted I am to your laugh when you're happy and
the mastered impression you do of your mom.
How weak I am to your intellect and your appreciation of literature
and real music,
Your enthusiasm for art and the "name that note" game you force upon me
as you stumble onto the classical radio station.
How in love I am with your romance that is as childish as my attachment
to my baby blankie and my mother's childhood walrus that you never ceased to insult.
Our pajama day that we decided over our prom,
When we turned on John Mayer and slow danced in your room.
Your idea of a date consisted of fake wine and me.
How incredibly warm are the coldest of nights,
On the side of your dirt road as we lie in the snow that is too cold for comfort,
yet holds us there with the fear that one day will not look the same as this one
and I would bear any amount of cold winter to keep one more moment of yours.
How I cherish the way you latch my pinky with yours when we walk
And the face you don't know you make when you play guitar.
The rooftop where you kissed me for the very first time and the string rings
we wore to remind each other we were still there.
How incredibly and unfortunately devout I am to all that I remember of you.
dark blue Mar 2021
awh, Little, you’re so sweet
waiting for daddy by the door
lavishing him with love and kisses

awh, Little, you’re so sweet
you want to play
daddy will
after he sits on the couch
and rests for a bit

awh, Little, you’re so sweet
turning on Disney
getting me sweet tea
and a plate of cookies

awh, Little, you’re so sweet
covering me with a blankie
cuddling up with daddy
and watching tv

awh, Little, you’re so sweet
i am so lucky
to have you
Inspired after 05-09’s reading of literotica while drinking wine by the fireplace
Steph's Corner Feb 2016
The wobbly love bits
woke up when the morning is
still fogged by cold purple-hued

She covers her face
but reveals those baby eyes
to follow you with
mirthful wonder
and she flails her wobbly fingers
and wobbly arms
with playful waves
and her mother
takes away her blankie
And she is dressed in
blue, and that sort of
beauty all crammed inside
that little brand new human being
can be quite

Her few feather hairs
and happiness-crinkling eyes
and mouth in a laughing sort of circle
and her invisible neck
and super puff-loved
And love-hearts
fill the air
and spread joy
though your bones
and nerves
like warm sunshine
that melts
yesterday's despair
and dissipates
all the tiny
her radius.

-To Alice
Jan 7, 2016
Alta Boudreau May 2012
To Nick, Love ******

Don’t grow old.
Don’t leave behind your
skinned knees,
chubby cheeks,
and toothless
chocolatey grin.
Don’t grow old.
Don’t forget that nothing is too big
to fit inside your pocket
and to forget about for awhile
(like your crayons.)
Don’t grow old.
Make time to pretend
the floor is covered in lava
and the only way to be saved
are the throw pillows from your couch.
Don’t grow old.
Remember playtime,
and naptime,
and snack time.
Retain your sense of wonder,
feel free to proudly display blankie,
and keep that childlike beauty you wear so well.
At least on the inside,
don’t grow old.
© MAB April, 2012
for Professor Zarilli's Creative Writing class - SMCC
Mimi Feb 2012
I’m old enough to know but
too young to know better
the state says I’m an adult as of May
but I still don’t know what I want to be
when I grow up,
except for still carrying around my Blankie.

Teddy Bear holds up the pipe to my lips
I can’t do it on my own, I’m not so good at this,
he says breathe deep Baby, I’ve got you.
The fuzz on his face is rough when he kisses the top of my head.

Taj and Tibby walk in holding hands
“Baby!” he smiles and leans down to kiss me
“Hey little one” she says and hugs me tight.
Lauren and Luke come out of their room and
give me big smiles.
Everyone is glad I am home and I exhale
grey smoke because I am glad too.

I am the baby, but I am also the best cook.
While I clang pots in the kitchen my man pours
champagne and turns on the new speakers.
Chicken Piccatta for dinner, because when
you feed people, it’s the best way to tell them
you love them.

The flimsy laminate floors are sticky,
the practically cardboard walls are dusty,
the room like a cave is dark even with the blinds cracked open
but Taj makes us laugh and we dance to the music.
Kitchen table cleared of drug paraphernalia
becomes the flimsy garage-sale/side-of-the-road version
of the dinner table I grew up with.
The people crowded onto its edges
a kind of family.
Hannah Rae Jan 2012
In two months it will be two years since i saw you last
It's not fair, it's killing me
You deserve better than to grow up without me

I look out the window and watch the rain
These days without you cause me so much pain
I wanna run away from it all
Only thing i do now is sit by the phone and pray that you call

You were so little when I first met you
You deserve better than to go through this too
Five years old and still had a blankie
Without it you would get so cranky

Now your what, 10? you grew up so fast
All I do now is suffer through the days that go past
We would fight, but thats what bonded us together
Remember when you found me that beautiful white feather

I have so many memories with you
I wish i could make some that are new
Now the days go by
As our memories drop like flys
The west wind blows
white with snow
pushing the new mom
with her new babe
in a new pram
I looked over
and all I could see
was a blue hat
and a blue blankie
with a pink nose
in the middle
snorkeling up
Megan Hundley Jun 2012
It must be the silence.
riddles on the other line-
rise of breath, slow muted sighs
raw red ripples
what are your rhythms
to me

I whispered for bravery into swollen knots of a weeping willow
sweeping scarred strength rough on my pulse
revealing to the roots my daily face to face with
not knowing
and the belief that I can wait

as a coo soothes a napping field
rocking, deep in care free slumber-  
I feel you too
will someday brush across my cheek, careful
sending troubles with a hush
quiet as the day shy's it's gaze to the night

There will always be a pause
escalating expectations, suspended seconds
when the door heaves closed
and I'm tugged into innocence
clutching the air for a blankie, holding close
the possibility everything will be alright

I keep a wilting daisy on the floor beside my bed
dampened by the shadows, colored by my eyes
it will dry completely, defeated on the carpet
yet there will be more
and I will always fill the vase with water
for a friend
The Buzz of a mosquito

Is the sound of something trying to be quiet ,
With a motive ...

to **** your blood
It's Impossible to sleep now,
so I Turn on every light .

This poem could go on --

About bugs being attracted to light,
Especially bugs that I don't like.

The slow reach for the tee shirt to roll up-
The satisfying snap, with a primal yell-

Blood on the wall
Lingering guilt after it all,

After a  breath,
I click the lamp off,
and tuck into my warm covers,
My blankie's so soft!
expecting to enjoy such a peaceful rest,

But sensing weight,
Sitting on my chest...
The mosquito thirsty for my blood,
Somehow had took my best..

it's tiny buzz of life nowhere
Within this newfound silence!
One can hardly sleep
Amidst the saddening absence.

-Hayleo Liz

Immediately shopping for mosquito net
Hayley Elizabeth Redinger
Timothy Brown Jul 2013
My little piece of security,
hiding me
from the monsters under my bed.

Every single thread
with love have has been fed
as every night we cuddle.

When my head is in a muddle
or the storms make me huddle,
my blanket is by my side.

There's been so many tears it's dried.
In my best dreams, it was the guide.
It is wonderfully soft and soothing.

On rainy days it's uplifting.
When my world's ending , it's encouraging.
That's why I'll always love my blankie!
Written for a friend.
© July 4th, 2013 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved
raenona Nov 2014
bruised knees and bandaids
your mom is no longer your best friend, she'll scream words that burn your ears
she won't read you fairy tales before you fall asleep at night
CD's and ballet
school buses, new folders and the boy next door named Tyler
he'll want you for your body, he'll spread rumors throughout the school
you'll only want it to go away
girls you share laughter with and teachers you idolize
everything becomes different
the only thing you'll share with those girls is a pack of cigarettes and the stories you hear in the hallway
gummy bears and juice boxes have turned into prescription medicine and shots of *****
just wishing for one good day
your special blankie and your favorite hair bow
hidden in a closet behind the new skirt your dad doesn't like you wearing
disney movies, popcorn made on the stove and your whole family smooshed onto one couch on a friday night
those friday nights turn into another day of choking back cheap alcohol and ignoring your grandmother's emails
Devon Clarke Jan 2014
Sticks and stones break bones.
The whole world rushes over
To sign your cast - okay..

So if the mind cracks,
But no one cares to listen..
Does it make a sound?

If we go to war
With ourselves regularly,
Who's the terrorist?

I would say being
Mentally sick's more about
Being sane than calm.

Day One - It All Starts.
The sunshine dims, with daylight
Dwindling to dark.

Day Two - It sets in.
Scars and wounds are kept freshly
Scarlet red. It hurts.

Day Three - It Doesn't.
Sadly, it all becomes moot.
Now, it's your routine.

Day Four - Friends Notice.
That's why they stopped trying to
Convince you to live.

Day Five - Mom Worries.
She loses sleep, sort of like
How you have. Scary.

Day Six - You Give In.
Staring at the ceiling is
All you can manage.

Day Seven - You Choose.
You've had enough. **** it all.
You plan it all out.

Waking up at 4
In the morning, trying to
Drown in your own blood.

Taking the doctor's
Pills and shoving them all down
Your throat with no voice.

To secure things, you
Get your childhood blankie
And tighten a knot.

All your tears cascade
Upon the floor. you're thinking,
"What else do I have?"

You sum up your guts,
Step on the stool, and look out
The window. *Goodbye.

Just as you jump off,
You catch yourself. Still in bed.
Profusely sweating.

It was all a dream.
You cry until dry heaving
Saps your energy.

You last one more night;
Amen. Warriors like you
Deserve to fight on.

You are stronger than
Sticks, stones, words, pills, razors, life -
Keep going. **I beg.
"Life is a balancing act that has less to do with pain, and more to do with beauty."
Big Sal Feb 2019
The water on the runways bubbling as it suffers too,

A father at a young age juggling what the mothers do,

Playing dumb, days to duck, memory will come if it blows up the rhyme,

Waking up, take the cut, check to see the son if he woke up on time,

He runs up with a zoom on the one-day smile when,

The sun is in his in room as his son lays silent,

He takes him up his hugs as he breathes upon the breathing,

He wakes him with a nudge and then sees his son is bleeding,

Half the dream is live pacing with water bloodless in the hells roamed,

Panicking and mind racing, the father rushes to the cell phone,

While he cries in fallen hells with the one hidden meaning,

And he tries to call him help but his son isn’t breathing,

The wisdom of the house where the fun cost a friend,

He gives him mouth-to-mouth as his son coughs again.


I kiss my wife and kiss their heads,

I’ll give my life and give my breath,

A bit advice with bliss in death,

You never see it coming,

I miss the lights and **** the bed,

I live to fight and live to bless,

A friend of mine is missing next,

And dead or free and running.


Racing through the house as it thunders on the farm with hoops to slam and head below,

Wading through the crowds with a wonder in his arms like Superman but better bro,

Playing with guns at ease in a box of wetter shirts,

Begging his son to breathe as the coughs are getting worse,

The weather’s always something like the books in a peer review,

He never saw it coming as he looks in the rearview,

The one day he failed at the doors of necropolis,

His son’s face is pale like a horse in apocalypse,

He plays the game of life with the water bound for peering still,

He begs to stay alive as his father pounds the steering wheel,

Walk through truth and madness with a hundred sins today,

Caught in loops of traffic as his son begins to fade,

The rational will thank me with a coffin to hunt for,

He wraps him in a blankie and he walks him in the front door.


Muse of a rose where the hunt’s leading fellows,

Tubes in his nose and his son’s breathing shallow,

Kiss his eyes and more for me when there’s nothing there,

Live the life an orderly on a rocking chair,

The water wets the bones of the blind with the dumb laws leading,

The father checks his phone for the time and his son stops breathing,

The sadness in his eyes is a prize from the blind,

He panics and he cries as he tries one more time,

Bloodiest of bloods and every ring to wear,

Nothing that he does and everything to fear,

A fading joy’s pride to his moms in a better room to dance,

His baby boy died in his arms and he never knew the chance,

The man that ends an answer with a very fun painting,

He stands against the cancer with his buried son’s blankie.


I kiss my wife and kiss their heads,

I’ll give my life and give my breath,

A bit advice with bliss in death,

You never see it coming,

I miss the lights and **** the bed,

I live to fight and live to bless,

A friend of mine is missing next,

And dead or free and running.
Enjoy this poem written in holorime.
Madeleine Toerne Apr 2014
Ritual is not specific to any race, ethnicity, culture, way of life or person.
Tradition, if not engrained and present, is despair.  
I remember moments in youth:
pungent, exultant,
bike riding sand castle building,
good old fashioned fun.  
I remember some moments of ten to fifteen years ago, I remember moments from 6 to 7 months ago.  
I've forgotten some.

I opened, read, and placed the money aside
from graduation cards.  I was surprised when I opened a card
received from campus ministry leader with no money, only a sweet note.
I counted the money happily, twenty dollar bills, fifty dollar bills, seventy-five dollar checks.
I checked my text messages, every seventy-five seconds
and heart skipped, slipped a beat when my mother calls and says
she's driving to Canada, she's got to get a way.

Really she's locked herself up at the Econo Lodge behind Big Boy's
only, approximately, eight minutes away.
And we drive up, and she presses her face to the motel window, door locked secure, and I press my hand up to the window.
But she won't let me in.  
She consumes, she consumed.
But she wouldn't let me in.

When I come home from my first year of school
I will tell her
I am an actress, too.

I know some folks.
They sink down.
Sinking dirt into the ground,
landslide and erosion.  
Buildings, structures depressed and falling in.
Make yourself bigger, I advise.  
Open your eyes, blink quickly between the palms of your hands,
face a window, if it helps.
See the light.
Did you see the light? I did.

Keep holding,
hold on tight to your bike handlebars.
Hold on to the straps of your book-bag until
your elbows cramp up stiff.
Hold on to your blankie,
rub it all over your body.
do not suffocate.

and feel good and bright.  
You've done something good for yourself.
Feel good about that.  
You've just brightened up your whole house.
some lines inspired by Nirvair Khalsa
Shanell Jun 2015
Raindrops on wood floors,
sly, creaking doors.
Bumps in the night,
screaming with fright.
Your blankie, grasped tight,
eyes, searching for light.
Shouting and fighting,
bawling and hiding.
You run, you cry,
but you can't deny.
He's here again,
"Come, so we can begin."
No, please stay away,
I promise, I promise I won't disobey.
You kick, you scream,
you bite, you dream.
But another night lost,
you sleep from exhaust.
Tomorrows a new day,
maybe this time he'll stay away.
taylor kathleen Sep 2014
audrey rarely got the mean reds
but when she did, the answer was never to stay in bed
she would grab a cup of joe
peer out the window
nibbling on her breakfast treat
while sparkling jewels radiated so neat
the sight would replenish her mind and warm her heart
after tiffany's, ms. hepburn's day would happily start

this was HER solution- here is mine.

the mean reds are affecting me as i type
my method of distraction always gets me out of this hype
simply put- i need a steaming cup of gypsy green tea
a warm blankie and dimly lit room help the thoughts start to flee
then all it takes is a song to set me in the mood
typically "find it" can configure a less shaken attitude
then i drift away and think of all my blessings
the mean reds are gone and my life is less distressing

thank you audrey.
#breakfastattiffanys #audreyhepburn #meanreds #familyoftheyear #greentea #mellowmentality #findit
It is not ******* to go to bed early
It is not ******* to go to bed with your blankie
It is not ******* to go anywhere
With your blankie
It is not ******* to cuddle your mummy and daddy
It is not ******* to get tucked in by your mum even if you are a teenager
It is not ******* to do tapestries even if you are a man
It is not ******* to give up eating junk food especially if you want to lose weight
It is not ******* to watch whatever you want to even if it is silly
It is not ******* to say you love life even if you sometimes are a tad truthful about your life
It is not ******* to do anything you want to do
It is not ******* to stay up late enjoying life even if you are a. Adult
I am not *******
Alyanne Cooper Oct 2015
I kept it.
It's safe even after all this time.
I bet you never thought
It would still be around almost thirty years later.
But it is!
And I still run my fingers across its seams
While thinking how you must have felt
As the needle and thread guided by your fingers
Made every stitch
Knowing you'd be giving it to me.
You loved me and made it for me,
And I wasn't even born yet!

It's not in pristine condition,
I'll admit.
But it's intact and as whole as I still am.
We both have our holes:
Our badge of honor to bear in this world.
But we're here,
And I now intend to keep it that way.

And one day,
One day you're going to see me
From whatever corner of the universe
Your soul now calls home,
You're going to see me,
And you're going to be proud
To say I was once your granddaughter.

I wasn't your favorite or even the best,
But I was yours
And that's all that matters to me.
Kind of like this Blankie you made just for me
Is mine.
Simone Zona Oct 2017
Sad and sunken, sloppy
Reclining in their paperback seats
Heads lolling forward like they are made of
The rags they are clothed in.

Rags they sleep with. Clutched like a child's
Blankie to hold them down on the
Concrete bed made from their cold and hard
But soft words, that built their bones
And concaved skulls, empty but

Open like a bowl to be filled,
Like their stomachs will remain unfilled,
Like their stomachs
Un-used and un-taught.

Soft, sloping, shoulders,
Slick but slump tongue,
Too heavy at the base of their throats
To speak and sigh,
They sway in their hollow frames
And sink lower in the cold.
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
Memories comfort
Thoughts of your love keep me warm
A mental blankie
I changed the last word at the last minute as you can tell by the title
From the pages of Peanuts came Linus
Neurotic but here to align us
From his blankie one learns
About coming to terms
Lest our character flaws should define us
Thinking about Lucy and her psychiatric booth in the Peanuts comics. Thought it was time to psychoanalyze Linus.
Derek Miller May 2023
A ***** roadside hotel should suffice.
Mom and Dad are arguing again,
And I am too little to know why.
I watch The Addams Family.
That night, I am scared that Thing
Will catch me sleeping on the floor.

There are no childhood photos
Or memories of a bedroom.
Only disconnected images
That jump from buying jars of honey
From the basement of an unknown Aunt
In the middle of the night
To steering the car from the passenger seat
With a paper plate.
I don't even know who was driving.
The mission halls were kinder.
I can remember running through the sadness
For a peanut butter and jelly.

We had family reunions
With strangers who let me play baseball,
And I ducked the tag
The way I've been ducking you.
The gravel mixed with blood;
I was reckless and young.
The arm I'd flung to catch me
Had dragged through the dirt.

At 5 years old, you brought me to a home
Where an older boy tried to tell me
Let's play Mommies and Daddies.
His Mommy must have known,
And when she flung back the sheet
His eyes widened,
Expanding like the ****
He had wanted me to ****.
I found you watching wrestling.
When I climbed in your lap
I wondered if she would tell you.
I don't think you ever held me again.

You dropped some quarters in my hand
To keep me quiet.
Hour 4 in the smoky haze
Of the VFW where you did not belong.
I won a cup from the crane machine.
Too late, you say to wash it first,
And there is dirt in my water.

Mom blows smoke rings
In the car outside your work.
I think she is spying.
The oval shapes bring calm-
An order I requested
On a night that made no sense.

There were no friends to call
When at 3 a.m. I pushed a car,
Wrapped in my blankie.
Friends would have been asleep,
Power rangers beside their beds
With the heat on.
But it was so cold, and we had run out of gas.
What had you run out of? Patience?
I can remember waking in the car;
You pressed a drink to my lips.
It tasted better than anything I'd had before.
I woke in the morning
In a house where I was hated,
And the kids had drank my nectar.
The cup said Tom's on the side.

You left me there.
I think her name was Michelle.
She told me I couldn't play
Until I'd learned to tie my shoe.
I sat and watched my sister on the park
With kids I didn't even know.
Laces on the ground, and I was ashamed.
Later, she'd tell me she didn't have the key
When her son put a pair of play handcuffs on me.
I spent the entire day waiting.
Her husband, it seemed, could get them off.
At 4p.m. I found the button
That released me.
She had known the whole time.

At 6, I saw you for the last time.
I watched, crying, from the window
As Pop told you to clear out.
When you drove off, was part of you relieved?
I think you must have been.
You didn't fight for us.
Dad got custody, but he didn't want us.

Dad raised us in bars.
I sang Hootie and the Blowfish
With a man named Cricket.
Watched a million pool cues
Bang against the Rusty Wallace decor
That was too close to the table.
My picture might still be on the wall
Of that place called Ernie's.
I know it like others knew their rooms-
The ones I didn't have
Or those that didn't welcome me.

When Mom left, you found a sucker.
Sheriff lady.
What a stupid ******* name.
I thought she was nice
Because she didn't get mad
When I couldn't finish my salad.
It lasted a week
Before she hit me.

It's funny.
I found the court documents
Where you wrote that Mom abused us-
Written like you'd cared.
But I can still hear the screams
Of my sister as they held her down
At 8 years old.
She couldn't even sit down the next day.
You were out drinking, of course.

The guidance counselor interrupted my lunch once
Said Derek, how are you doing?
You had driven your motorcycle through a parade
While we were at home being broken.
I said I was fine,
Because happiness and sadness
Started to look like the same **** thing to me.

You made me hope for a way out
When at 17 I fell in love.
I left that house for a warmer one,
Where I had begun lighting fires on my own.
You never taught me
How to be kind.
I was looking out for me at her expense.
I traded love for loyalty,
Brought her down to my level,
'til she felt too weak to leave me.

But with distance came perspective
And she left, too.
Which was good, I thought
When two years later
I learned I was the problem.

I'm in my thirties now.
Something is wrong.
I've had love and life and laughter,
But you still won't show up for me.
Sometimes I see you
Dancing in the eyes of my little girl-
Light that doesn't belong to me.

I think I am broken
In ways that cannot be mended-
In ways that cannot be loved for a lifetime.
I am built for friends to love, from a distance.
I am not made for you,
Nor you for I.
I am not meant to be happy.
I am just meant to die.
Hannah J Strauss Jun 2019
Blink. A few times more.
Lights gain contour and shapes move.
This is me at the very beginning
Not like conception, but at the start of memory.

The floor I am sitting on
with my legs daggling over the split-level
Is hard, yet warm. Parquet is the term for it
7 years later. Floor will do for now.

A tree towers before me, flashing brightly
Causing an assault on my eyes.
I think I can eat it. The round things look
like sweets.

Somewhere in the crème-coloured lounge suite
Below my throne an equally crème, equally uncomfortable,
Equally ugly set of couches and chairs
Laze in the afternoon butter-sun.

Grubby, sticky fingers draw abstracts
In the high polish floor, and I giggle at my
Something floats into my head.

Something? No, a someone. Mom
Later to be learned. For now, loud lady.
Incomprehensible jabber and noise
Fall out her food-cruncher.

Another floatie in my head,
It makes noises, but not like mom.
Mom tries to make its noises though.
It is soft like my blankie.

Update: Mom calls it Zeus. Also, it is
A cat. Zeus plays with the candy on the tree
No fair, I want it. Zeus also uses his teeth and nails
To hurt me, but his hair and nose hug.

His tail flails and bandies about in the air
Hips swaggering at my infancy
It looks good to pull.

And the cat is gone.
you used to promise id have to be the one to leave you
whyh do i still love you
why does it hurt so bad
when you gave me back my blankie it still smelled like you
i cried all night
i cut so many times
i bled for you
i did everything you asked.
i did everything
and you left for someone else
just like you did to him
he cries over us you know
i didnt tell anyone
god i wish we had stayed together
i love you
i love you so much still
and yet i was never enough
dont ever say 'i love you' if you dont mean it.
still hurting over this stupid break up.

i thought they loved me.

— The End —