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Robert Guerrero Jul 2012
Their screams of terror
Their cries for help
Their weeps of sorrow
Their the voices in my head

They have grown so old
They have become so loud
Now they echo all day long
I just wish for them to gro silent

The voices in my head
Grow more and more reckless
That I can't even think
Of the consequences to my actions

But no matter what they say or how they say it
They love you just as mush as me
Yet you dont see the love in my eyes
And you cant hear the songs that they sing

The voices in my head
Maybe sweet and comforting
But most of the time
Their sick, demented, and twisted

They argue over whether or not I should
Put a gun to my head
And all but one agrees
For me to pull the trigger

That one voice who cares
If I pull the trigger
Is the voice of reason
It's your beautful voice

The voices in my head
Are they wrong for wanting me dead
Are they right for causing my insanity
All I know is that I can trust them

Every second of my time
I spend listening to their screams
Their cries and their weeps
I realize why they do it

The voices in my head
Echo my pain
Because they know it
And know my demons

The voices in my head
Have never seen my heart
Yet they know the truth to my lies
And the tears not in my eyes

Of all these voices
Yours is the loudest
Causing me to put this gun down
And think of a better way to end it all

The voices in my head
Tell me you the only one
I can and will ever love
And the only one I can't hurt

But I feel as if
The voices in my head
Want me to be hurt
Due to the pain I have dealt

I beg of them to stop
And let me live on my own
To die on my own terms
But they continue on

Then I begin to notice
That all these voices
Are the voices of those I have hurt
Except your one voice of reason

Could it be
That all the pain
Not only my own
But the pain of others
Is the reason to the voices in my head

The voices in my head
Laugh as I piece together
A puzzle to bid to understand
A puzzle not meant to be pieced together

The voices in my head
Grow louder and louder
Even as I fight with them
I realize why I write about war
Because the biggest war is with myself

As I reach for the gun
To end their eerie laughs
I know it will bring satisfaction
So I load and **** it back
Squeezing the trigger slowly

Darkness engulfs me
The voices stop
Peace I don't have
As tears roll down your cheek
Another life I have wasted along with mine
Jerry Oct 2012
Cleavage,  Oh, what wounder!
Full and Round!
Soft and ****!

Like a bouquet of flowers!
Fregrant & beautful,
meant to be admired.

Properly displayed,
In color and lace,
So wounderfully feminine!

A cavern of love,
She captures my attention,
And releases my desire.

Add just a smile!
Even a hint of one,
a powerful potion is revealed.
Cleavage with a Smile!

A great and powerful man,
under her **** spell.
hoplessly mesmerized,
by Cleavage with a Smile.

Don't look away!
Don't be offended!
be kind, add a smile.
Cleavage With a Smile!
I more than wecome feedback & comment.
My experience, most women quickly look away when they notice me notice them.
Just like a rose the queen of beauty,
your face is more than pretty,
the paragon of all animals,
what else can be more beautiful than your face,
why cant a bee fly over your face,
cos l think you are more of beautiful than living flowers.
Jeremy Fernand Aug 2014
Broken glass on the floor.
What once was something beautiful
Now shattered into tiny pieces.  

Broken hearts everywhere
What once was a person,
Now shattered into tiny fragments.

What becomes of these pieces,
Can they ever be beautful again.

Some questions have no answers,
Some events have no reasons.

Whatever happens, happens.
Got Guanxi Jan 2016
insides dead,
driftwood emotions,
oceans of regret.
swept under the waves.
in the horizon.
Hard to find them
in the abyss
of bad habits
that i’ve inhabited.
closed off,
like a treacherous day.
Doors locked,
constant moods,
brooding storms in submarines,
under the weather
under the sea.
show me the coral reef,
of beautful feelings,
and creatures,
the features of life.
Evade me by day,
and escape me at night.
i can’t fathom the colloquial,
of the same old ****.
i’m down with my nothing,
and i’ll sink with the ship.
Eveline Apr 2013
My mind is longing for love
A love my heart just found
Words will not describe
The emotions I feel inside
When we are together
I need to hold you close
Heart to mind, or lips to lips
I love your smile,
your **** charm,
your valiant walk

All these things sets alarm
To each day I walk alone
No one can fill my heart . . . your home
I think about you all **** day
But mostly when I lie awake
I never dreamt much in the past
Now I do and its for you
I will stand by your side
Through thick and all
To see that gorgeous smile
That always makes me fall
When you think you have nothing left
I SWEAR to you, I'll be left
Your gentle lips and your beautful glow
An angel I have, from head to toe
I know these words
My heart has shown
To you I vow these words alone.
To: Francisco
skyler molina Nov 2015
January- Her toes were chilly just like the trees in her front yard. She had never known what happiness was & she still hadn't found the answers (especially not in me), yet the love for the similarities of december compared to this beautful month was similar into the way that she loved food but hated to eat; she loved the way her glasses looked on her, & how perfect the dimples on her face felt in the sunlight, & every song that I ever wrote for her, & the way I make long lists about all the ways she was beautiful to me.
She loved all of these things, but never me.

February- the clouds always looked over her like a big brother & always told me when she was in need of one of my helpful conversations consisting of me expressing all the reasons why she is so important to this world & that nobody would be who they are today if it wasn't for her birth & her substantial impact on people's outlook on life. She hated the way everyone would fall for her like leaves in september & she would always feel bad for b(rake)ing leaves & hearts that weren't hers to b(rake) in the first place. She was most magnificent when she was upset, the passion, the sadness, the fear, it was all just beauty in its purest form.

March- This was her favorite month, because it was so spontaneous and unexpected just like her;
one day it's raining
& the next day a cloudless day where we're sunbathing in my living room,
& even the next day is a harsh winter with a spice of sun added to the whole recipe.
One day she was dressed up & happy,
the next day she could be dressed down & apathetic towards life (& especially me),
& even the next day she did her make-up but not her hair & she actually manages to put socks on but they aren't matching (& she hates not matching, maybe that's why I never match my socks anymore) & her mood has a hint of attitude with a spice of sarcasm, & I love every single second of it. Becasue life is like the month of march, you never know whether she's going to love you or not.

April- This isn't a good month for her, she's behind in all of her classes because of her job & life at home & she's scared of everything. It's sunny & windy half of the time, & rainy the rest of the time. She hates the rain because it ruins her hair & reminds her of why her mom isn't in her life anymore & the fact that she'll never forgive her dad for that. On the extra rainy days she didn't go to school & on the sunniest days she sat inside catching up on all of her missing school work. To her, april was like the world we live in, absolutely horrific.

May- the color was riveting; the skies were as glossy as her eyes after a short nap, & she had just finished reading her new favorite book. Love was short tempered this time of year, but at this point i'm used to it. Lovely May couldn't have come at a better time though, because lasting love never lasts & everyone knows that. She has just told me that she is slowly falling for me, & this is unusual to me because i'm usually the leaf that is falling to my inescapable death, not the other way around. But the way the goosebumps on her arm looked & the way her lip quivered was so unbelievably beautiful as she was telling me that she's loved my childish humor & stupid stories for quite some time now, but has finally decided to let herself love me instead of drenching her affection for me in sarcasm & rudeness. I am finally loved & i'm not sure if I can stand up without thinking about her kissing me & how am I supposed to go to sleep when I could be holding her instead. Lovely May couldn't have come at a better time.

June- Sweat. Sweat. Sweat. Sweat. Not because of the sun either, but because her body against mine was a sauna & the way we looked at eachother put a shame to the way the sun looks at the moon. We were explorers of the human body & our first trial had taken place with eachother. We have never been outside of our city so we decided that we would travel the world together, through each other's stories, body movements & wandering souls. I had seen pictures before of the great ranges & valleys that are so beautiful, it's a shame that all they'll ever be are just valleys; but nobody prepared me for her smile,
& the way she laughs when I pick her up & spin her around in public places,
& that strapless dress that she loves to wear,
& especially the way she tells me that i'm perfect & actually means it.
Nobody prepared me to actually want to keep on living.

July- the heat was at an all-time high whether it had been between our agruments, or the sun cooking down on us like eggs on a sidewalk. Maybe the temperature had something to do with her mood swings or maybe it was just her realizing that I wasn't as perfect as she thought I was. I can't tell you I didn't expect this though, no one in my life had ever stayed longer than a few years, whether it was because of my overly direct opinions, or my waves of jealousy, or my (meaningless) indirect insults; whatever the case was I didn't expect much from anyone nowadays, & the strangely beautiful thing about it was, neither did she.

August- I can't really say very much about what happened this month except her hair blowing in the wind is more heartwarming than any cup of hot cocoa & the way she broke my heart with just her eyes will forever haunt my cloudless dreams.

September- Just like the month of september, she finally settled into a pair of warm, comforting arms; but those arms were definitely not attached to my body & the month of september definitely wasn't sad just to accompany my mood, it was sad at the fact that the world is slowly falling in love february & losing interest in all summer related festivities; this is how I felt, she was slowly falling in love with the rainforest & I am just a single tree.

October- She would still call me every now & then, but only when her & her new boy toy were having relationship problems or when she had a bit too much to drink.
"I made a mistake." "I love you." "I want you back." "I miss you so much."; the sentences evacuated her mouth like water falling from a cliff & could have easily exterminated every cell in my body had I not hung up before I could hear the end of it.
I loved her & I wanted her more than I wanted to see the sky each morning, but I knew she didn't mean anything that she was saying in those insignificant, yet crucial moments; I knew she didn't love me, she loved the idea of never having to be alone.
I was pretty sure october was coming to an end soon, but honestly, I didn't even keep track of the days anymore, I didn't keep track of anything anymore.

November- winter is just around the corner & I haven't  heard from her in a week of two.
I think she's happy now.
I hope she's happy now.
Even if i'm not, I hope she is.

December- I realized that no matter how cold the weather gets, her heart will always be much more colder, sinking to temperatures a small child would have nightmares about.
I finally have come to terms with the fact that she isn't coming back;
just like the leaves,
just like the sun,
just like time,
she's gone.
My heart

                         Once a caterpillar

Not yet grown

                             But once it knew


                           It grew

To be

                             A beautful butterfly


                           And fluttering

On it's way

                            Straight to you.
David Watt Jan 2011
throw me down on your holy altar,
bleed me now and do not falter.
For this sin i dare to witness,
tears me to this deepest bitterness.

If its a crime to feel this passion,
why strip it away with no compassion?
for if its an affliction we are born to bare,
can blame be placed on those and them that share?

i ask you voice thats never there,
shall i leave another message on your holy chair,
to not preach salvation.
to those you offer no advocation.

or should i like you turn away,
let those blinded fools keep their ways,
and whisper onto empty ears,
for reality does nowt but bring their fears.

We have sat outside your perfection,
and survived and lived in moderate affection.
from others you've shunned and burned,
oh how my faithful fools the tides have turned!

So witness the great and beautful karma,
that  mocks and riddicules your holy father.
condemn who you will to a fictional horror,
and leave us blissful in our faithless squalor!
please do not read if you are easily offended, or of a religious lifestyle.
Robyn Jun 2013
Something feels wrong about this
About you now
24 hours can change the world
Can change everything
Three times even
I miss being stable
I miss wen things were always the same
And I never had to think about tomorrow
You were so beautful to me yesterday
And maybe you will be once I see your face again
But for now
I'm scared of the changes
I'm scared because I cannot control anything about or around me
I want everything to be the way it was when I was little
Everything was juice boxes and scraped knees and laughing
Now everything is dfferent
The trees were talking in foreign tongues,
The leaves had plenty to say,
As he stood deep in the golden grove
Watching the treetops sway.
A gentle breeze had caught at their breath
To carry their whispered tales,
From tree to tree in the woodland depth
While the Autumn winds prevailed.

And golden leaves lay thick at their feet
A magic carpet of death,
Fluttering down with their lives complete
At the time of their final breath.
But she lay still on a mound of leaves
And smiled at the man she loved,
While he looked up like a man who grieves
At the sway of the trees above.

‘Why is the Autumn fall so sad,
Could it be that they feel like us?
Their Summer went, and at last they’re spent
And fall from the trees like dross.’
‘They’ve had their season of love,’ she sighed,
‘While ours is still ahead,’
‘But even we,’ he had then replied,
‘Face the day when we’ll both be dead.’

He joined her down on the bed of leaves
And she kissed his lips and his brow,
‘I never think about death,’ she said,
‘But only the here and now.’
‘Don’t you listen to what’s been said,
Those fluttering leaves in the air,
They’re asking, what’s it like to be dead
In a tone of utter despair.’

‘How could you know just what they say,
They’re swaying trees in the breeze,
There isn’t a dictionary, per se,
That a man can follow with ease.’
‘Haven’t you heard the tender moan
They make, when the wind soughs through,
Their sadness echoes in every tone
And it kills me, looking at you.’

‘You have to stop, you’re frightening me,’
She said as she pulled away,
‘I thought that we came to make sweet love
On a beautful Autumn day.’
‘But what will we think when our skin is dry,
And wrinkled, so many years,
Maybe the love that we feel today
Will lie in a horse-drawn hearse.’

He looked again and he watched her age
So brittle, an Autumn leaf,
Dry and brown, he was looking down
While she stared with eyes of grief.
‘You’ve taken away our springtime, Joe,
And reached for the Autumn rain,
I only know that I have to go
And I’ll not come here again!’

David Lewis Paget
SJ Dec 2021
I decided to run on this grassy plain
Spreading my arms and hoping to stay sane
I imagined myself as a bird, at home in the sky
I thought maybe his words wouldn't reach me if I went real high
Oh how I would like to fly

I buried myself so his darkness couldn't seek
I thought maybe his madness had finally reached its peak
The hangman is so articulate when it comes to games such as this
He checked every grave and I only had a short lived bliss
Oh how I wish I never gave him my kiss

I needed to overcome this man
I searched desperately for a new plan
I hiked for miles up a mountainous path
I felt inner peace and sunlight at last
Oh how nice, but the sun was soon consumed by the blackness of his wrath

Beautful innocent man, don't come to close to me
But I want him closer so I can see
He has so much inner brightness
While I'm clouded by the hangman who deprives me of lightness
Still I want the sunny man and all his kindness
Dot Callari Dec 2009
Of all the things that I can see, know what I'd truly like to be?
With all it's natural beauty shown, sitting on it's pure green throne
With every season, a new face worn;
The most beautiful Spring, when it's reborn
To live thru centuries , showing elegance with age
Always in peace , it knows not rage
Poetically graceful , yet so strong
Never deciding what's right, or what's wrong
Oh!, what a beautful life to live
Never having to take , but able to give
Never restricted  ,in the open and free
The most carefree of lives
The life of a tree!
Corset Oct 2016
Tomb Raider
A Poem by Corset

..."and if he's got a tomb
you should go in"
"But you can't knock..."
"on the door;
the door's wide open"

A singing budget cut.
B Movie,
cheap thrills

"I'm going to FXXK
with her"...
"you are going to die"...

..."why do you say things like that"
"you know I heard you just now"
..."Oh sorry"



Mid-way house...

(she turns over and flips her hair
away from her neck.)

..."you said no..."

..."I was afraid"...

..."only half way there"...

..."there are circumstances"

"to over come"...

..."like this knife"
Angela Dec 2010
The flowers of my life
the fairies that paint my world
the women who inspire me
when I've given up on the world

Their aura's of many colors
all a beauty in their own way
the present and the past
making a beautful bouquet

I love each and everyone of them
my family and my friends
That touch my soul
and let me know
my heart is where the rainbow ends

Thank you to my flowers
To my beautiful bouquet
Thank you to my fairies
who paint away the grey

I cherish everyone of you
and I think it is time to say
Thank you ..everyone of you
Those in my garden now
and those who's petals have flown away.

Embrace the beauty
inside of you
Share your fragence with pride
Let the magic shine through
The beauty you have inside
Kwanele Oct 2016
Still awake.
Thinking about how everything is supposed to be good for me right now.
Realizing how everything isn't
Realizing how everything means nothing because of you
I have a month left and then I'm free.
Free to think of you , cry for you , in another city
Life is beautful
Off my meds poetry.
Just need Somebody ask me if I'm ok sometimes
Laiba Aug 2020
I wish I could say
That life is much more beautful
I wish I could say
You don't appear in my dreams
I wish I could say
You are behind bars for hurting me
But all i can say is
My mum is dealing with the mess you created
Muneer Nov 2017
You are a gem among the souls
Polished to sharp edges
Radiating spectrum of colors when held
A smile of the morning sun
Stretching around your simple creation
Stops time in its track
Lips of heavenly clouds
Stained my heart in a single kiss
Eyes of cocoa dream
Dancing to imaginary tunes
Drowning the roars of the ocean around
People speculating insanity
But for me
An addiction unlike other
A heart that leaves even the saints envious
Look at what you have made
What you are
What you hold
A life
Of unmade bed
And adorable pups
Filled with passion
For chocolates
And lust for adventures
Pay no heed to the whispers
That haunt your ears
For they are just jealous
Of what you have
And what they don't
A beautful life,
Of your making.
- ©M
Unfortunately l Remember someone and many that messed up the family with Unfortunate wicked ***** ways.

I don't what to Remember just like so many of my brotherz and sisterz that have been Vilated and l wish so many great positive things to you when down and low Because l don't whish to Remember the bad only  beautful things  Wright now l just need to Remember Good things that make me smile and not ******* they speak like WHAT.............Unfortunately trying to be on Good terms with Us. When is it PAY BACK TIME HELP the Every DAY Victim's. UNFORTUNATELY THEY DON'T CARE.  l Do" My Love is Greater for my People of Black Knowledge Hardship is nothing to me because lve  lived lt JUST like my Brotherz and sisterzs' Jah knows everything.ting Peace be with you keep on the wright PATH in your head TO'
Copyright by Lee Dominique Roberts Asker.
Alien Jan 2017
Beauty is poetry
Its the expression of emotion
liturature with style
written for others or ones self
In silence or said out loud
Every word is specific
Written with quality
Not quantity
It's soft and soothing
Written with beauty
That's an art
That's poetry
Read one and fall into an illusion
It draws the action, the place
It keeps rhythmitic pace
Its graceful
And full of passion
Feelings you can't bare
Using words to slash them
Poetry is art it's an action
A battle with each verse
The best and the worst
Breaking each emotion with taste
Moving with motion
Without haste
Its poetry not a waste
Its defining
Your feelings with grace
Poetry is words
With art
Its music without instruments
Its commonsense
To express
Poetry is Like ***
You can **** or  love
It can be beautful or rough
Did I define it enough
This is poetry
And It's not dead
Akira Chinen Jun 2016
You are not what you see or feel
Demons have robbed you of your eyes
And placed a nightmarish carnival mirror before you
Monsters have stolen your heart
And buried it in mountains high and cold
Replaced it with a comfortable pain of numb
Your light shrouded by the devils clouds of doubt and misery
It is not you you see or feel
It is the lie and reflection
These scoundrels have placed in front of you
It is only a shadow and shell that these beasts have made
To trick and deceive
To torment and steal
Your heart
Your soul
Your beauty
Your truth
For I have heard your truth sing
I have been inspired by your beauty
I have danced with your soul
And I have been touched by your heart
The have thier lies screaming over your skin
To steal your confidence
They clutter your head with thoughts of failure
To bring down your self esteem
They take the color and magic from your eyes
And leave only the grey and dark ugly nighmares
You're not what they try to make you do
You're not what they try to break you to
When you think its you hating yourself
It is them and the living lie they have made from your fears
The mirror in front of you
Is full of demons smoke and beastly illusion
It does not reflct you
These monsters and devils work
For the black demon dogs of depression
They strip you of your truth
To feed them late night snacks
They drain your heart of love
To wet their burning tounges
They break your souls bones
To give them something to toy with and gnaw on
And then they leave you alive just enough to stand back up
So they can come back for more
It is a never ending cycle of lies and deceit
They hide you from yourself and only let you see
The marionette they have made to mock you with
I have seen your doubts and pains and aches
I have heard your tears sing in fear and desperation
And I have felt the nightmare blanket wrapped tightly around you...
It is not a thing many could survive
It is a place where most cannot escape
It is the pit no one dares look into
Without instantly begging for death
It is the void that devours the weak whole in but a single breath
It is a place where light dies without the trace of a shadow
Where dreamers bury their hopes and lose their will to wish...
It is here they have tried to hide your true self
It is from this pit I first saw your light streaking out from
That I first heard the call of your voice
I was helpless  to do anything but jump blindly into the pit
Into the unknown dark
And I have fallen to the end of its bottomless depths
And found you here
And here where all light dies
You still outshine the sun
Here in the cold dark
You blaze infinite warmth
You fight countless battles
Demon and black dogs
Beasts and monsters
Devils and scoundrels
Fight against you endlessly
You have your scars
You have lost your battles
And yet you stay strong
Your lungs ache to the brink of death
But you still inhale deeply
You have pushed through this war
For many a day and nights
Alone many times without aid
I have fallen here
Given myself to you completely
Dedicated my purpose and drive
To your aid
You do not belong here
Your light too beautiful for this place
Too beautful for this world
I am here now with you
You never need fight or fear alone
I will always be by your side
We will walk out together
Fly beyond this place
Reunite you to yourself
You will then see
Your heart
Your soul
Your beauty
Your truth
As I do
And then you will see
You make all things beautiful
call me
what you like
i really do not care
i dont care
because i am a young lady
beautful in every way
and you're just a
bully with
the words
that come out of
your horrible mouth
you try to put me down
well it doesnt work, i have
friends  who
can help me
through all
the things
you may
say to
thought i would attempt making apoem in the shape of a woman
Nicole Arbuckle Jan 2015
The first moment I saw you
I fell
The second time
I fell
Just by looking at you.
You were beautful,
your hair,
your eyes,
your tiny hands
I fell
Just by looking at you.

I saw you,
My whole world stopped.
Nothing existed,
Me and you.
Just me looking at you.
Nothing else,
No sounds
No cares,
No time
No place
Just me looking at you.
On the birth of my daughter in 2012
Ella Sep 2017
her hair is dark.
rays of golden light shine throw white curtians onto it as she sleeps in the morning.

her eyes are golden
stars dance in them everytime she smiles.

she walks through moonlit gardens with shallow ponds,
and through firey tunnels where her demons hide.

she is beautful
but not weak

she is strong, and powerful
Akira Chinen May 2016
Harmonicas and accordions
And voices pushing stories  of broken love and life
Through necks filled with the smoke of three lifetimes worth of cigarettes and cigars
Cheap whiskey and piano blues
I want to live in the words of Dylan
And the images of Waits
Its starting to feel its only in that world
That I will ever get to hold you in my arms
That I will hold your hands
And never let go
That I will waltz
The steps of eternity
With you step by step
Lost between the pages of Bukowski
Loving each other on the  roads of Kerouac
Thats the world I want
I need
To be this kinda happy
Profound beautiful happy
That only mad lovers on the page truely know
Where it snows slowly every day
But its always warm ... cozy
The kinda mad crazy magic
I found in your eyes
Your voice
Your word
Haunt me beneath the floors of Poe
**** me on the stage of Shakespeare
I was dead in love
Before you spoke that last syllable
Of that first line
I didn't know what I was doing
But the devil must have been there sitting next to me
I can't remember doing it
But I signed the contract
My soul sold to love you
To be pressed between the poems and flowers
Baudelaire wrote about so tragically and elegant
To be but a single letter of love as written by Neruda
You were never going to love me
The way I had fallen to love and death for you
Such beautiful pain
Shining through the darkest
Corners of life and love
You felt weak in your strongest hours
Cried and grieved with
A heart too beautful and too kind
For this cold cruel world
You were never weak though
That was the doubts
And the demons
And the monsters
Whispering their lies
Trying to break you
Trying to shadow and ****
Your light
They will never give up
You frighten them
Scare them
Don't belive them
Don't give in or up
You cried in darkness
And you remained strong
Even when it hurt to breath
Bloomed into a new day
A fresh flower
Pushing through the soil
New, fragile, scared
And you braved it
Survived it
Day after day
Death after death
Coming back
More beautiful each time
Your light
Your light is pure
And kind
And generous with the beams
And the warmth of love
That kinda love only found on the pages of mad lovers
A love only found
In your heart
Your eyes
Your voice
Your word
You don't have to love me
Not the way I love you
Not at all
I will always still love you
Always hold your hand
Be there by your side
In the warmth of your light
In the dark cold of your doubts
No matter the heartache and pain
You can break my heart
Again and again
I won't go anywhere  
I'll be there with you always
I'll whisper your truth
When the devil and demons
Scream their lies
I'll warm you with my soul
When they block out your light
With clouds and doubts
My heart will always
Belong to your hands
Your touch
Your eyes
Your voice
Your word
I never knew I needed saving
Until you saved me
Brought my heart
Back to life
I never realized that it was
Just its echo and ghost
Haunting my empty chest
I didn't know I was dead
Until you made me feel alive
Made me feel love
That kinda love only found on the pages of mad lovers
Press me between the pages of Neruda and Baudelaire
****** and haunt my heart with Poe and Shakespeare
Send me down the long roads of Kerouac and Bukowski
Give me to the words of Waits and Dylan
And keep me on a shelf by your side
Take me down whenever you need me
I'll be there always
To whisper your truths
To hold you in the dark hours
And to love you
The way only a mad lover on the page can
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
My innocent sins
are what I call my beautful perfections
KBombay1 Apr 2015
These lips far from obscure

Meant to solidify the hopes of the unsure

Dead words never fall from these

Captured are the hearts that lend an ear

They aim to please

Carefully handcrafted....creator....creatively

Expounded my existence

Honey drips from these

Beautiful lips speak beautful words with ease
Solaces Apr 2014
The sight of it is so beautiful.  Its what beautiful is to me.. Its how its described to the eyes if there was no word beautful..  But I ask myself why am I seeing this? And what is it? Let me describe it to you and the circumstances that must take place for me to see it.. First and foremost I must be asleep and dreaming..  Many times the dream takes place in the past but sometimes in the present and very seldom the future.. The sky in my dream is all black with no stars or moon.. Just a black shadow filled sky..  There above is a lone cloud.. Its white even at night but begins to turn gray.. Lightning then fills and dances within it.. But this is no ordinary lightning.. The bolts and arcs of lightning are all different colors within this lone cloud.. Each bolt does not create thunder but rather creates tones.. Like a song cloud singing from the black skies.. The tones are even more beautiful to the ears and surpass the beauty the eyes see..  This lightning color filled lone gray cloud gets bigger and bigger..  I then float above my dream earth alongside this aura of colors and lightning..  What I am seeing is an idea!  It is an idea that I have had all along inside of my mind..  As this profound unknown idea grows within my subconscious it will one day storm upon my dreams and flood on over into my waking mind..  Ill bring you all back.. I promise!
Seed of the mind, planted there by them, so that I could remember us
i dreamed i saw a butterfly as big as big can be
in a  world so strange a land of fantasy
he took me for ride with his great big wings
took me on a tour and showed me lots of things
he showed me unicorns so beautful and white
with a golden horn gleaming oh so bright

there were little fairies playing by the pond
dancing having fun as they waved there wand
lots of lovely flowers with a smiling face
lots of funny creatures in this lovely place

he showed me little dragons playing in the sun
happy as can be having so much fun
then he took me back with wings so big and bright
back in to my dream then flew in to the night.
A stream and pool, a gentle rain,
The smell of soaking wooded dirt
The feel of slowly cooling air in misty Summer as the gravel crunches beneath the weight of all the hopes and dreams of right now.
A distant call to wonder, a closer call to wander and a hill that hides a long walk back before the night claims victory
Mossy ponds, trails crossing trails and barbed wire blockades that shield from neighborly attack
The low call of bullfrogs and the bickering of birds, all dazzeling and swirling into a great sky of lightly dripping treetops

This beautful force of green and brown and rust and blue and quiet stillness and nature's obedience is everything that will ever matter as far as anyone can tell.
I spent my childhood summers in Warsaw Missouri climbing hills and hopping fences. It was lonely and tedious at the time... It was also true adventure and all I ever wanted to do.
Madeysin Mar 2015
I'm ugly beautful
katson Dec 2015
maybe it´s the reason he always wear boots
maybe it´s the reason why he always wear skinny jeans
maybe it´s the reason he always wear plain tshirts & colorful pattern button ups
maybe it´s the reason how his beautful long hair flows through the air
Eliana Michelle Oct 2016
Was my life meant to be like this?
I have a beautful boy made of stars in front of me
I won't let him go

I hope he lets me stay

He's touching me
Touching my heart with his eyes
His voice is a melody
He is art.

Oh no
I should've known this would happen
This beautiful boy.....
He's breaking my heart

He's kissing me again
But he left me?
He's not mine but am I his?

This body, this mind, this heart, these veins in which pump my blood,
I'd give it all if he asked.

Is this love?
What is this?
Help me
I'm lost, and scared
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2022
I will lay down
but till then
I will endeavor be whatever I can be

yes it's me
who will sing songs
of Glory
I will paint
of stories

I will write words
bring people together
and I... will
act out scenes
that will forever
your dreams

because I am
that you are

and I am more
than you
ever believed
you could be
a thought
passing by

so  you
that no one
is not
who you are

you are someone
getting to know

you are something
that is indescribable
you are the dew
new rose
on a beautful
summer morn

you are
the magical sound
of a baby's first cry
being born

you will never fade
every impression
you've ever made
because you...
morning dove

are !
i took a trip to paradise and as  i walked along
i heard a little  bluebird sing a lovely song
a lovely melody as gentle as can  be  
singing loud and clear singing it to me

walked a little further there up in a tree
i saw a squirrel playing as happy as can be
jumping branch to branch with his bushy tale
high up in the air he would gently sail

such a lovely day i had in paradise
everything so beautful and very very nice
i wont forget  my day and everything i saw
return again to paradise to see it all once more
Springtime has truly begun
And sweet scented flowers
Fill the air and the little
Birds all sing a happy
Soothing song a
Chorus to the fresh display and
Springtime is fresh and bright
And the flowers will smile
In the morning sunlight and
Spring's gentle kiss the world renews
With colourful flowers beautful and bright
And all the land rejoices in the springtime.
Flowers 💐 🌹 🌸 🏵 🌼 💐

— The End —