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Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

Once upon a time in the city of Omurate
In the southern part of Ethiopia
Omurate that is on Ethiopian boundary with Kenya
There were two prosperous animal families
Living side by side as good neighbours
in glory and pomp of riches
Each family was ostensibly rich
And rambunctious in social styles
They were the families of African rat family
And the Jewish cat family; the city belonged to them
They all enjoyed stocks of desert scorpions from Todanyang
From the savanna desert of Northern Kenya,
The two families also enjoyed to feed on desert locusts
On which they regularly fed without food squabbles
                               Locust themselves they flew from Lowarang to Omurate
From Lowarang a desert region in Kenya, to their city of Omurate
Sometimes the Jewish cat family enjoyed an extra dish
In form of puff adder flesh, especially the steak of the puff adder muscle
Puff adder were cheaply available in plenty at the lakeshore,
Lakeshores of Lake Turkana
At point which river Ormo enters into Lake Turkana
So the cat was happy and relaxed
Even it rarely mewed,  
Neighbours never often heard its mewing sound
The rat also enjoyed plenty of milk with no strain
Easily gotten from the rustled cattles
Cattle rustled by the Merilee; a warrior tribe in Omurate.

That day the cat had gulped milk since morning
Even its stomach was bulging
Like that of Kenyan state officer
The rat had milk all over the house
In the kitchen, milk allover
In the sitting room, milk in abundance
In the wash, room milk all through
On the bed, milk and stuffs of milk
The rat was bored with nothing to be enticed
Sometimes plenty of milk can become a bother
The rat mused to itself in foolish African empathy
That may be the cat is starving in pangs of hunger
With nothing to drink, or may be it has no milk
When the milk is rotting here in my house
It is un-African for food to rot in your house
When the neighbour’s belly is not full,
On these thoughts the rat washed its legs, and hands
Finished up with its face,
Put on its white short trouser and a green top
It stuffed its tail inside its white short trouser,
The rat poured milk into two pots,
each *** was full to the brim
It carried one in its left hand
And balanced another on its head
In its right hand was an African walking stick
For the elders known as Pakora
The rat took off to the home of the cat
In full feat of animal love and philanthropy
Whistling its favourite poem;
An Ode to a good neighbour,
Walking carefully lest it spills brimful milk,
It entered into the house of the cat without haste
Neither knocking nor waiting to be told come in
In that spectacular charisma of a good neighbour,
When the cat saw the rat it giggled two short giggles
And almost got choked by indecision
For it had been long since this happened,
Since the cat had dine on milk leave alone rat meat
The rat said to the Jewish cat that my brother
Have milk I have brought for you
Have it and sip here it is; the real milk,
In devilish calmness the cat told the rat;
Put it for me on the table, thank you,
But my friend Mr. rat don’t go away; there is more
More for you to help me in addition to milk,
Continue my brother Mr. Cat, how can I help you?
Don’t call me your brother; bursted the cat,
For it is long since I ate the rat meat
And you know rat meat is our stable food
In a frenetic feat of powerlessness the rat was confused
In attempt to save itself
it pleaded that my dear elder, I was
Only having plenty of milk in my house
And to us African rats, it is a taboo
To have a lot of food in your house
When the neighbour’s belly is not full
So I only brought you the present of Milk
Please have it and drink,
Without taciturnity the Cat retorted in persistence;
I know and I am thankful for your good manners
But remember with us Jewish cats it is heinous sin
Forget of a taboo, it is blasphemy against the living
God for one of us to leave the rat free from our house
For you rats are the only stable and kosher food God blessed for us
The Jewish rat family all over the world
So shut up your mandibles, I am to eat you first
Then I will take milk later as a relish.

With its herculean paw the cat crushed the rat
With mighty of the leopard culture
Throwing away the white trouser
And green top from the torso of the rat
The cat ate the rat with voracity of the devil
After which it punctuated its mid day appetite
With slow and relaxed sipping of milk
Slowly and slowly as it felt its internal greatness
And hence the African proverbial cry that;
Behold foolish angst kills the African rat!
M Seifert M Jun 2013
forgot i was able
forgoe the sugar cane
horse towed them over the edge
coarse hair
coerced into the trap
willing and able
are you able?
are you billing me?
is this thrilling?
have we been feeling
the same?
come over here
something else over there
i'm forgetful
i'm a disgrace to the top
upper crust societors
upper cut so much science
tons of honor
tons more scholarly journals
hurtled over the canyon wall
carried by the wind to those unlistening
wishing they could hear you
sifting thorugh the river for rocks
to deliver you
giver of too many
stories we already know
tore off all of our clothes
promised tonight would be
different than so many
others i laughed at
others i couldn't have
summer is ours to be
somewhat more into fear
someone to hold you dear
come one come all to hear
believer of something more
deliverer of sudden storms
of folk tail magic token
now open your eyes to your own faults
now look to the sky and know the hawks
are staring down with hungry eyes
they're bearing down they see you in the crowd
falling allover selfish rags
hagship tailors
flag waving tagless sleeve cutters
closing shutters in your mechanism
exposed to low level flash bulbs
just enough to imprint the entire night into something more
we would never remember if not for your loose grip
where you fell to the floor
saved another for
the last night you swore you wouldn't take a sip
K Balachandran Feb 2016
A tree, stands alone  in the misty, interior forest,
frozen, bark to the core,agitated, in the blizzard and gale
only embrace mother nature now blesses him with,
yet  full of hope and all ears  for something,humming, then-
comes alive suddenly as if a new season of efflorescence
has begun, a cycle of youth,gentle love of butterflies.
A haunting note of wafting music, wakes up the soul
the sky high tree has already forgotten, is rising above the din
booming, sonorous from the deeper part of cosmos.
The tree listens and a transformation begins in every
small root, tiny leaf and allover, the tree left in the
heart of the forest to the mercy of forces is, you know who
the music that enlivens me once again is you my love.
Out of the blues comes the muse and creativity blooms as if by magic..
mark john junor Oct 2013
she begins to swing her hips
and flicks her bick to overload
her lips on fire with the words
her mind is a furnace comin unglued
see the images leaking out the seams
rivets slamming the walls
as the ***** busts a nut
she is full on now
aint no stopping
aint no slowin down
what are you crazy think you want her
spreadin roots in this state of mind
like unleashing a hailstorm in a paper cup
this version of the girl aint for bring home to momma
she swims out of her eyes
and bites the natural world
but she is an artwork on two fast feet
she is the cover of time pasted on a cereal box
eat that walter cronkite

any questions

his hand a tangled knot
in the handles of his life
and the he begins to bounce on his feet
as the tune rides up onstage
the crows parts to let the kid roll
they can tell this one is gonna burn the carpet
he  calls out the things on his mind
the funky thing crawls down his mind
and out the dancing in his legs
heavy steps like rolling thunder
light ones like flashes of lightening
see the music speak with this
poor fools broken form bouncing
but see that ear to ear grin
that ain't painted there
its live and in person
cause this is living
when the music shakes to your soul
long into the night as the band onstage
plays through their list
plays all the favorite ones
and some for the silly little ones who think
its so cute to wear weekend Tye-dye
these two got the dance-floor sweating
these two stretching the flesh
and greeting the sky
one star at a time
people can you feel the heat
coming off her
shes gonna give birth to a lighting rod
and its gonna explode allover this dance-floor

all  too soon the band is pulling out the encore
fare thee something
and her exhausted smile is filled with love
for every note she has made love to
this night
and his laugh is for the trails of mind light
that he has danced with and ran with
they wind it on down
they meet in the middle
and hold eachother
as the music finally fades
the rest of the world goes home to sleep
these two
will lay down to relive it in visions
for a lifetimes in a dream
goodnight prince of the river
goodnight princess of dreadlocks
dedicated to Jay Bianchi and Quixotes True Blue...a piece of sunshine eternal
rolanda Jan 2014
trudging from lombard
pawned ring
to pay back long debt

Esta es mi vida.

wonderful friend sent a letter:
dont send me poems
I dont love poetry

Caminando por la calles.

On the streets Lanterns
blinding  eyes
while I need darkness

Yo tener enemigos en todos el mundo

letter from court
to pay penalty 1200 euro
for spraying graffities in Friedrichshain

Esta mi vida es afuera un campos de batalla.

i am hungry
I pick from some wheelchair near entrance of supermarket
one banan
towards me run and attacks me a huge drunkard
beat out from my hands banan
slaps in brow
and I fall on snowed pavement
feel no pains
he stays over me and yell: Sie klaute banane, Nutte!!
I low whisper: yourself schweine backe..
jump from spot and imaginary bite the **** of his imaginary gun

El mundo es maravilloso

I possess no more a laptop
i spilled wine on it
being taken aback of one scene of pure *******
of one lovely  guest in my flat
how now to write manifesting defending verses?

Politico de mierda que gobierna el pais.

Internet shop
whole night over
beneath of buzzing of casino machines
I sit and write the letter to imaginary dad
to imaginary lovely mom
to sweet sister or brother
well,  I have nobody of them
though would I be orphan
I guess my existence were not so dismal

Yo tengo el mi fierro por disparar.

I writing email to american situationist
his nickname is rasputin
I saying him, that I am situationist
and I am recently became persona non-grata
and I better die than
land in loony-bin
need your aid.
he answers with a link about  a war in Irak
my solar plexus clenchs tight

Puta yo no necesita usted!

Esta mi maniera,
Caminando por la calles,
Listo para morir,
Esta mi vida es terminada.


Friedrichshain- urban district in Berlin
Sie klaute banane, Nutte!- she stole a banan, *****!(german)
schweine backe- pig's **** (german)

(thank you Alessandro P. for lesson in spanish)

Esta es mi vida.    This is my life.
Caminando por la calles.  Walk on the streets
Yo tener enemigos en todos el mundo.I have enemies allover the world
Esta mi vida es afuera un campos de batalla.This is my life outside for the battlefield    
El mundo es maravilloso   The world is beautiful
Politico de mierda que gobierna el pais. Politic in this land is merde
Yo tengo el mi fierro por disparar. I have my iron for shooting
Puta yo no necesita usted.  *****, I dont need you

Esta mi maniera,
Caminando por la calles,
Listo para morir,
Esta mi vida es terminada:

this is my attitude
walking through the streets
to search for death
my life is finished
K Balachandran Dec 2011
Water lilies remembered her
as one of them, lotus buds nodded, jealousy set  thick in their eyes
her fingers were white lily buds
she balanced on the big, smooth, round
pebble stones, like a danseuse in an
under water ballet,you are buoyant here than anywhere,
as if you live a life after death
your bodies pale and water caressed, create an illusion of 'unliving'
she tickled my skin-
goosebumps  appeared allover
as small bubbles going up..up till they burst above water
I can't forget her first  kiss , underwater
my lungs were filled with her feminine fragrance like  smoke of cannabis
an experience that sizzled the water, never to forget
(even if she would never come back from the unfathomable  love, water gives)
                    I was naked, she too, like a lily in bloom that was raveling in love
                    as if it was the last season we had
                    she was magic in body and soul
                    I peeped in to the limitless with her entangling me and at the end,
                   I saw  halo around her pointed  *******,
                   that have become lotus buds.
                   I couldn't take my eyes off them
after the magical transformation.
                   The lake was totally out of the world
                    the mossy patch between her legs
                   had a fluorescent glow intermittent,
                   she was transforming every minute in to  a form of water life, I understood.
                   like a fish, coral, moss or water plant
                   I , for my dismay remained as before; nothing was to be done about it,
                   like many of the things brought change in a person's life.
                                                      Sun, in the voice of light
                                                      calle­d us from above,
                                                      his pranks tickled her and me
                                                       like ghosts of dead women,
                                                        fo­und their watery grave here,
                                                       we played with tortoises and frogs
                                                       made for us crowns with algae and water flowers.
                                                        ­                   5
                                                       A silvery  snake, thin, with some intent
                                                       coiled around her narrow waist.
                                                       eyes in its sharp pointed head,
                                                      inten­tly looked in to mine.
                                                      she was  now a dolphin without fins
                                                       then,  I received waves of clear foreboding
                                                      ­ time to return to the shores, I tried to tell
                                                      but massive sheets of water ate my muffled words!
                                                      Swim­ming up a water column, she smiled that detached smile
                                                      alrea­dy, she was a mermaid , I could see
                                                      I stammered"You..promised..
                                       ­                                      to come back..
                                                          ­                   we have promises to keep,
                                                           ­                  that we exchanged..."
                                                   ­   Under water time runs in a way we can't understand
                                                      ­one becomes a flow, one with altered time..
                                                       she was just a glow in the depth when I saw her last.
Joe Stabile Apr 2012
Autumn breeze frigidly touches ailing dreadful lives
Harshly darkness quietly surrounds the broken souls
Mellow serenades that once played between hearts
Pathetically have transformed into bitter sad songs

Somewhere beyond the flossy clouds
Cupid has lost his romancing arrows
Plays sad sonorous tunes on his bow
Dedicated to all weepy lonely hearts

Howling chilly wind blows through the mist
Sounds of sorrow spread allover the place
Fuzzy humid air submerges the inner lust
Lives decay slowly as the autumn leaves fall...

She appear Juicy,
Delicious Must be Her Pink *****,

I am Loving her, I am Liking her,
I Already Feel Like I am Licking her,
I Picture Myself Cracking her,

I Mean On Bed So Bad... .. . [•]  

She has a *****, Body... For Years like she has been craving for it Four Years, I am sure the day she Left, Her ex was in Tears,

because Of Her Warm Heart and beauty that Pierce Like Spears, and She is Steamy Like That Beef From Steers,

Should I go on in her Life? Or wait till the dust of her Previous Relationship Clears,

She has an Electronic Scent just like a ***** ready to mate, When I look at her image, it Stays Up Till Quarter to Nine, at Night, so Bright is her appearance, Curvey is her Body, She also appear Godly, I want her Badly, Madly and Sadly,

She is tattooed allover her Body, you can easily tell, She is a Freak, but to judge, You never know, I might be Quick,

Unbelievable is the way she make me Feel, She make me want to Kneel, Send her a Picture On My Knees Holding a Golden Diamond Ring,

She is a woman I wish She Could Break the Spring of my Single Bed, because I have a wish to make Love to her until my white blankets are Red, if she has it or not I am NOT afraid,

I am tired, of looking at her pictures, paralyzed like I am nothing, with a wish to give her something so pure like the love of Christ,
She is the type to get wet for days, I just wish we could lay together on bed and blaze, as I gaze at it ready to **** it, peel it and lick it when it starts to drip, her beauty held me with a strange grip, can't even believe the way it pulls me closer, its like my life is about to be over, because I would give my all to her, if this whole imagination thing works out,

I always work out, because when I have her that night I want us to burn out, ignite the forces of our newly found love, Given by the one from above, The moment I looked at her I was set free like a dove, Now I am attached to her tight like a glove,  

I like the fact that she has tattoos, freaky you can see her, the type that knows how to choose, now I have a wish to walk with her in these shoes, The way this whole thing goes, only God knows, How her love wind blows, it might be deadly or friendly, because this type of a woman possesses some sort of super natural powers that I call Black Girl Magic,

Her body is on point, worth more than one point,

I am Liking and Loving her, wish to smell and touch her hair, she seem fair, I have got no fear but a wish to get near, Fall in Love and get out of here, When she read this I hope its my Voice That She hear.
Dedicated to my special perfectionist everyday lady crush Phomolo Dineo Seshohli.
Lunatic Oct 2015
Autumn scattered allover  sorrow and leafs,
But sun will  shine not knowing  the griefs.
Amun -Ra in other world is happy at last:
Elvish prophet predicted the forecast.

Legends and myths give us hope everyday,
Make think how actually close is Milk Way
And Peter Apostle sometimes with Athena
Waltzing in sands of Coliseum arena .

You know, I  do believe in Jesus the Christ
Prophets of Muhammad are highly priced
I share wisdom of Gautama  the Buddha
In my dreams Vishnu appeared on Garuda.

See nymphs enjoying dew drop in a dawn
Letter on ground made by steps of a faun.
As fables flocking like river through wood,
I shall always believe in love and in Good.
K Balachandran Nov 2017
1.Tried, but I  couldn't take my eyes off her,
she left happily with my eyes allover her.

2.Her eyes were two deep, blue pools,
together,they'll invite me to swim in them,
wasn't I naive to think the other would
get jealous,if i decide to jump in to one
when I saw getting reflected on both,at once
I realized,how easily love took me for a ride!

3.She was a creature,created for delight,
each part,even a strand of hair, strange
had an effect on my  senses any time
and I was made to be attuned to  her always!
each act of her could both invigorate or tranquilize.
but only on their own sweet will,i found
The effects of a psychedelic drug,I felt
in her presence, one I have never ever taken!

4.My error quotient goes perilously high,
when you are somewhere near tome and sigh!

5.With her feminine  fingers locking mine,
my imagination quickly flies sky high
two interstellar travelers are you and I
ready to live out there,on sky in a new high,
without bothering to care for logistics!

6.With each of your love bites arousing,
I fire all my rockets,roaring skywards.
Your teeth play a naughty hide and seek
with my earlobes,I get so wild,you get thrilled
taken over by a seizure,I feel eyes  blue simply ecstatic!
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2016
as i said to one Englishman... wait wait, you building an Auschwitz all-over-again? why didn't you say so! i'd thrown a brick into construction! ****** - thanks for not letting me to integrate - oh right, and the argument is: you're sub-human. fan-*******-tastic, i can't wait for the lazy ******* in the construction site; because the Bulgarians were donkeys, and so the Romanians, the Poles had some respect... i'm gonna be loving this transition from office work into brick-laying of the local populace.*

james dean allover again, it's hard to assimilate these days,
integrating i.e. paying your taxes is the easy shove-and-pull,
but to perform a complete  eradication of origin is harsh...
the English complain about the Poles... but they rarely
complain about Curry Henry and his Bangladeshi crew
of the former colonies... so why did the British
wage war with Germany in the second world war...
why not take a Swedish stance on things apathetic?
so when in Europe you were racist against Europeans,
but counter- when you accepted turmeric dye over here
from India... what?! a stick has two ends,
you ******* Stalinist all off a sudden
so that i only hear half of the ******* argument?
**** 'EM OVER! you think that provocation can
be easily externalised, once you provoke the right
it presupposes a tactic of puppetry - you were
antisemitic with communism anyway, who gives
a ****? i don't... you didn't give a **** about me
for so long i'm not going to bother either.
K Balachandran Nov 2015
"Perhaps I am late" perplexed he thought and rushed forward,
the place was deserted as if an invisible  cloud of grief has descended.
The intermittent gun shots , he mistook as the beginning of  fireworks,
he stepped on the manicured lawn, wondering where all others had gone.

He stopped stunned,blood was splattered allover, there a night began .
I feel like a blurry photo; black & white
Unclear, yet beautiful
On a quiet street.
Shiny with rain    
Leaves scattered allover
reflection of streetlamps stinging my eyes
light sprayed though my vision
filtered by tears
magnifying the lights.
leaves blow, headlights string,
taking all hope along...
It's almost comforting how alone I feel.
Daan Mar 2014
I wish I could sing better, as rooms
would crowd up just for my voice to fill
in the last possible spots and space. But
it's not my choice, envying those who

seem vocally perfect. I'll sing for myself
in corners of the world and I'll enjoy it
but the feeling that no one will ever
like the sound as much as a star's, breaks

more of my insides than my voice does
other people's ears. I'm not made
to sing, enchant your hearing, make you ling-
er, make you stare, make you dazzled with

His voice, or hers, it makes me feel
these tingling sensations allover
the skin of my back, all my hairs rise.
I want to do that to the necks of listeners.

I lost so much, even this, even though
I never had it.
Make me humble again, return it.

I'll be lonely on my school ball,
I'll cry and watch some streams, making
their way wherever they want to.
But I can enjoy the sadness, I'm
getting used to being useless.
Do you wanna build a snowman?
The cold does bother me...
betterdays May 2014
i kiss, the nape of your neck,
while you still sleep
and inhale you.
spearmint, sandlewood
and citrus combined
with clean sweat.
you stir and roll over,
you are healthy
and in your prime.
more than my heart stirs, more than your heart, responds.
your lips, meet my skin
for the first time,
allover again.
i am drawn...
like moth to flame .
i am before you,
barely, contained,
but your teasing,
tendril,torching, tongue
scatters me to
thought or sense.
my lips seek
the curve of your
collar bone and neck
as if to feast
upon your soul.
my hand behind
your head holding,
kneeding, that spot
on the top tip of spine
that makes you growl.
our desires grow deep,
our arousal complete,
we move,
to connect our hips
in early morning,
grinding, greeting,
i quiver,
as you,
touch my lips...
....and our son
begins to wail and sob.

we break,
with regret.... unrequieted.
i go to see to him,
you, to a cold shower.
our day begins,
with love and frustration.
but then,
there is always, the art of...
delayed gratification.....
With strappy, **** cutouts at the back, this is tempting at every angle.
∙ Allover lace trim
∙ Strappy back cutouts
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∙ Low rise
∙ Minimal back coverage
∙ Imported polyester/spandex

The **** lift of a push-up meets the coverage you want in a supersoft bra you’ll love to wear. With lighter Memory Fit for extra support as it conforms to your curves and a smoothing U-shaped back.

Lift & Lining
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∙ Back closure
∙ Double row of hook and eye closures; Sizes 36DD & 38D-38DD have triple row of 


for a secure, comfortable fit
∙ 4 settings to ensure a perfect fit

Details & Fabric
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∙ Keyhole and bow at center front
∙ Imported nylon/spandex
Marcus Logan Oct 2010
i stand on the hanger floor
as the crowds tickles in
with somber eyes and
tear stained cheeks

i stand there
and watch these people weep
watching as my friends say goodbye
but i can't help it

as i feel nothing
as i laugh internally
knowing my time is next
and no one will cry for me

i start to move
and say to everyone
"I'll see you in week"
and ******* like regular

we crack jokes
about how the year will fly by
flying over afghanistan
and the stupid PT belts we have to wear

i look down at my watch
the seconds drag on
like we're trapped in a vortex
we just can't escape

a voice comes over the P.A system
"5 more mins and then we get the formation started"
as more tears stream down
the faces of family members

i make the rounds to say goodbye
it doesn't hit me
til i walk out the hanger door
i have a week, just seven days

til i am on the other side
watching it allover again
but it will be me
standing in formation

ready to leave
K Balachandran Jan 2017
Well,well,well, I wonder
How quickly one gets
attracted to these shells
lie strewn around, colorfully
without any scheme or theme
but in no way  less attractive
yet making naked soft soles
of itinerant feet bleed
if gets closer than needed.

On a desolate beach
like this one here, we stand
there isn't much else
other than laden sand
one can expect to set eyes on
for a long, long time
unless one is counting
the waves,incessantly rolling out,
waves that won't let you do that job,
the way perfect,you want to accomplish.
What would a wave bring you other than
what you have expected always!

Then comes the time to let
eyes wander on to the naked shells,
spread as if each conceals a cryptic message!
You'd never want to know  what
strange happenings they predict.

Oh! Yes! so many waiting in disorder
with that onetime impatience,
inevitable death's thirst display,
now quenched forever and aye!
Now licked clean by sun and waves,
and time's invisible scaly tongue.
that adamantly kept mum,
when one was all ears to listen.

Shell white in an angry profusion
dominates the sea shore
making sand whiteness mean less,
Staring eyeless *****,just as shells
comes in to dreams as pirates
Shrimps, kills and prawns transform
in to ghostly shells cackling in salty winds.
Shells whispering the stories of pain from the past,
Did i hear someone in a frenzy yell
from a mid sea night darkness.
"**** that shell,with the evil memories
of a death,that drained all semblance
of life,that drained all spirit of life.
"Shells go back to your sleep!
From the dream of return,
Prepare for a life allover again".
Starry Aug 2019
As the could rain
I  amagibe being in your
Arms cuddling
With you
Kissing you
But instead
I walk drawing
Finger marks on
The store windows
Bianca May 2013
I’m afraid to lay a hand on him
or leave any mark on his delicate skin;
because I know how much I could hurt
and he’s too precious to include
from all the lovers I had lost.

How I wish you could see well
the picture I’ve been trying to paint;
No. I could not play my fate with him-
I can’t afford to hurt his innocent eyes.

We speak the same language
and sing the same songs
and write the same poems
about love and how love could hurt.

I could just do it allover again
Do everything wrong and then hide;
And forget and start at once
But, no, not this time, not to him.

I told him once,
“I’m the worst person to fall in love with.”
And he asked me why.

It’s as simple as translating constellations
and solving an endless riddle;
Nothing’s ever clear when it comes to
loving and being loved by me.
shayla ennis Feb 2015
When she dances you feel the heat
When she turns and looks your way
You feel the spark

It burns
Setting you on fire

She dances for you
She spins always looking at you
The floor set in flames

Burning a path your way
You just know you’ll be
By her fire

When she dances you feel the spark
When she spins without stopping
You feel the heat

It burns
Setting your soul a flame

Dancing fire is what she is
Flames that burn allover
Covered in red
Sparking orange
Yellow setting all to light

Her eyes jemini green
Her skin a tanned brown
Her hair a heated cherry
A dress colored ruby
Heals so sharp when they hit the floor
The sparks fly

When she dances you feel the fire
When she looks at you feel the spark
The heat in your soul

It burns
Setting your soul a flame

By scarlet rose
Right in Front of Realty's Face, I Vanish With Speed Leaving Behind No Vivid Trace, Just to ace, Whatever Task is Handed, The way I Do it, You Might Bet The Suspect is Apprehended,
I act Like a Cop, Whenever Tasked With a Task, I unveil My Mask, "JUST DO IT" and Don't ask, With Passion, I am NOT in Fashion But WINNING is my Style, Haven't Tasted That Drug For a While, it Looks Like Now My Losses Want To Pile,
I Am Out, Up, and Back On a Chase in This Death Race, With a Wish to Catch a Bigger Fish, With my Bare Hands, Still Friendly and Alone, with NO Friends, With a Sole Vision to Catch Up With My Dreams Near Success Streams so That I can Drown in Them And Come Back Through The Process Of Rebirth On Earth To Take What is Rightfully Mine, as if I Mine!!!
I am in This Vicious Chase, On a Come Back, To Climb The Steep, Live With NO Sleep Just to Keep My Promise, That I Will Win At The End, Even Though I Am Making a Mend, Reconciling My Old Habit With The New, In Order To Eliminate Problems Until They Are Few,
On The Chase, Allover Reality's Face, Vanishing Leaving No Trace, With A Sole Wish To Get That Trophy, To Get That Emblem, And Not Be The One To Blame When **** Bounce Back After Hitting The Fan, I Am Out Here During The Day in The Darkness Of Life, Walking Tall Like a Highness, Exercising My Kindness To Get Nearer To The Money So I Can Spend Wisely,
With A Sole Wish To Feed And Look After The Hungry, I Am Not Angry I Have Got Happiness Overflowing, Oozing Out Of Me, Because I Know, That I Am Ready To Take This, Break This And Watch This, as I Climb The Ladder Of Success On The Chase, With No Case, Clean Like A Baby Born Yesterday, With A Sole Wish To Conquer Whenever I Get There,
I Am Up, On a Chase... .. .
megacreative poetry crew  (personified by poetic devices) Rocking back n fourth whining side to side. Accentuating the roots of our fore fathers.
kfaye Jan 2016
$40 used on ebay
cleaned it up. made it good

(wore the **** out of that thing)
i found him there,

i fed him my paintings.
lured him out
with my bad poems. he
found friends in the array of ghosts i maintain under my fingernails,
in the old wool watchcap kept stuffed down at the bottom of my studio bag.

i fed him in the framingham night
and in the cold foreign springtime.
and we
peace-raids at the reservoir.
kept track
of the hours of "stargazing" spent there. while pale gods lay strewn  allover
the hillside
and in the rain
and the snow.
and the overcalculated days where it was too hot.

we sweated morphine
and ****** to tom waits,
luncheoned on the grass.
bore our banner and he reared his
buffalo head.
we slunk down into breakfast booths

i had soapy teeth.

he had a gut that burned slow like a trinket-drawer left
unopened for
the ghost in my jacket, he shrinks down and curls up when he
should get big.
-reaches out to the tops of cabinets nobody can reach.
i remember him
my ghost thinks he's funny,
drawers get opened.
and ghosts get nervous
and coats get put away.
in progress
Bianca Nov 2013
We were talking so sweet
Under the warm, cozy sheet;
We were alone, and we had to go
somewhere far away.

We laid there as he
held my hand carelessly,
Tick, tock,
"I have to go home."

And he kissed me,
and begged for me to stay,
and I did; never have I
wanted to stay
in my life.

I stared at him,
his sweet smell
allover the room;
never have I
adored someone
else’s eyes.

For so long, we laid,
He twirled my hair with
his fingers; kissed me hard,
and wrapped his arms
around my waist.
Tick, tock,
"I have to go home."

And I kissed him back,
eyes closed;
my whole body
quivering before his;
"Do you love me?"
"I do."
"You can’t."
"I know, I know."
Ignatius Hosiana Jul 2016
of the past are allover the
walls of my heart.
*my efforts to clear all
of them have been
in vain for these
memories are
spiders which
keep nesting
again &
again &
Hakikur Rahman May 2021
Anything there is worn out, torn apart
As much as there is, unlucky
Delete, in this new dawn
Wash your mind, with sunshine.

Oh human, promise now
As long as you remain in this earth
Will be motivated in human service
Be it spring, winter, monsoon, or drought.

Remain devoted to humanity
By taking this promise
Promote humanity
No one can be despised.

Hey, extend the hand of harmony
Around allover the society
Be reputed in action
Cheers spread in all corners.
Peter Kiggin Aug 2017

A huge breasted woman showed me how to bang
She said"just stick it in" and" I ******  her **** and I loved it and sang"
We drank wine and poured some allover our bodies began to lick each other like cats in places everybody understand
The black baby in the corner jumped around smiling in his blue jump suit and soon slept away to noddy land
She was a 6ft woman with jet black hair  and a body that curved so you could feel with both hands
JP Jan 2016
its dark allover
needed companion
lit a candle..
JP Feb 2016
her new boyfriend
a pain
full of leech
allover my body..
Joanna Eliades Aug 2018
How can you **** all night on a broken bed?
This jealousy is taking over my head
Can't stop punching that ******* face
Watching blood spray allover the place

How can you ****  all night on a broken bed?
While I was home filled with dread
You told me we'd try augain
After we fxcked at 10am

You'd left by mid day
I smiled and kissed where you'd lay
But by the time darkness came
You'd fxcked her again

While I cried down the phone
Confused and all alone
You offered her protection
not from getting her pregnant

How can you **** all night on a broken bed?
Tatenda Ncube Jul 2019
Winters' chill yester-night slid into my room,
Into my room, unannounced, found herself she a place under my sheetings
Allover mine body her caressing, chilly and inviting,
Inviting to my head thoughts of Summer, her last words "one day you'll miss me"
Miss her this day I do not, but her warmth, her warmth my mind keeps recalling, my body needing, my heart desiring
Hatred for her midday scorching heat, long gone is that feeling
Only her warmth, her early morning warmth, Oh her tender nibbles on my skin...
...To the one I took for granted
My life is full of adventures,
Beside the situations I know,
In the journey of love,
Of which I understand the end and go,
With burning heart in need of water,
Hauling here and there like a cooked, crow,
In the search of knowhow,
Sometimes look upside, sometimes eyed below,
Crying and shouting in front of God,
Making noise allover from the position very low,
For a second to make happy my soul,
I articulate the symbols of her eyebrow,
There are waves inside my skull,
Drag me to kiss and get a bow,
I am a slave of her rosy lips,
Yes, I have a wisdom this I know,
I surrender my love to my grace,
To my heart I said no no no...
I got trapped in the bushes of her hairs,
Like a hunter traps an innocent Dow,
This should be written on my grave,
Still passing the pains of departure in a row.
BAS Oct 2024
Everyone act the same
Its the same ******* allover again
Nobody tries to change
They all alike, yet different

I'm not perfect nor cool
But I don't play like that
I promised myself,
I'll never fall
into the very same rabbit hole

All of them want to be something
How can someone like them be special,
when they are all the same ******* losers?

However, who am I?
Am I better?
I need to make a change
Do the words speak louder or acts?
I need to break the comforting silence, how though?

All of them lie to themselves,
so they don't feel shame
Me included......
Also Poetry isnt my strongest, but is better than actual talking
(I wrote this while in Religious studies, *****)
Also english isnt my first language, so maybe some parts would sound weird, but i dont have much respect for english anyway
nvinn fonia Nov 2023
to  kids allover the world hey man kids education is the most important thing inn your life as a kid believe me ok now go out and become the nextt elon musk period its about time
ri Apr 2020
I miss her a little sometimes
We didn't say goodbye with words
We didn't say it at all.
In my dreams i've died a hundred times
she must've died a thousand or more.
We saw life through same shades
***** dark pink, scratched allover.
She learned so much from so many
kinds of pain and blood.
forever teen spirit
***** crazy dark bright pink
eyes shinning with delight and pain
her head high, tears dry
she told me she'd do it one day
there was no place for her here
she was at least half right
i ******* miss her a lot sometimes.
Strawberry Apr 2020
And now what? Can you save the world?
Still have a doubt? The world has a God?
We human being; all west and east.
Committed the sins. Angered mom and dad.
Closed our eyes, from poor and poverty.
Started every war, to steal property.
Killed a lot of people, yet we are so glad.
Careless whom they are; old, young or child.
Need cleaner souls, our souls are bad.
They are so *****, to be sanitized.
Cannot do it all. Need cooperation,
allover the world.
To stand all along, put your hand in hand.
We should all be waiting, to the greatest guard.
We all need a savior, get us out of mud.
Get out of salvation, give us all freedom.
Sends us fair and just; to be greatest land.

— The End —