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brandon nagley Mar 2016

Iniibig kita
Mahal Kita;
Minamahal Kita,
Iniirog kita.


Here do I cometh, I'm on mine way. The skies art clear tonight, just a tint of fine gray; though I spread mine plumage, fracture the tone, I knoweth one day, O' verily one day- I'll findeth mine way home.

And I thinkest, when I findeth the bungalow, I wilt rest, after long
Passage alone. As thou I wilt bestow, mine Lip's on thy own; quietly humming, Sayaw tayo?


A Tagal na ah, a Tagal na ah, now I'm here mine love, I've made it mine queen; some sayest dream's don't cometh true, Only if the other's couldst find; they discern science, just not the sign's of the times.

Though we behold, the spirit and soul, and ourn creator, the crowned head of the world's; Hallowed be his name, Yahweh, father Jehovah, known also Elohim. His son Yeshua ha'mashiach, English language "Jesus the anointed one". The son above all son's. Jane, mine queen.


Iniibig kita
Mahal Kita;
Minamahal Kita,
Iniirog kita.

Tagal na ah
Tagal na ah;
Now in thy
Grip, with
Mine kiss,
On thy Lip's
I place mine
Vow's. O'
Yadid, yadid,
Never let me go
Agapi mou-
Zoi mou,
Se latrevo
Mine queen.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
Iniibig kita.
Mahal Kita.
Minamahal Kita.
Iniirog kita--- these  are all ways to say I love you to Jane in Filipino tongue. Last one I used is the ( old fashioned) way to say it. (;.
Art- means are.
Plumage- collection of feathers. Feathers collectively.
Verily- means truly.
Hallowed means- to honor as holy.
Bestow- present (an honor, right, or gift).
Sayaw tayo- means would you like to dance with me? In Filipino.
Tagal na ah- means long time no see in Filipino tongue.
Couldst means - archaic for could.
Behold means- archaicliterary
see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one).
Crowned head means- king or a queen. This I mean God ( KING)
Yeshua ha'mashiach- would have been what ançient Hebrews would have called Jesus. This is his real name in Hebrew tongue and history. Fun facts about his real name
Today in English our Lord is commonly referred to as "Jesus Christ", as
if "Jesus" was His first name and "Christ" was His last name. In
actuality, His name in Hebrew and Aramaic (the languages He spoke) was
"Yeshua", which means salvation. During His life on earth, He was called

At the time Yeshua lived on earth, kings were given their authority in
ceremonies where they were anointed with olive oil. Yeshua was known as
the "Mashiach" (Messiah) or The Anointed One having been anointed with
God's authority. Thus He was known as "Yeshua Ha Mashiach", or Yeshua
the Anointed One.

In Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, "Yeshua" was translated as
"Iesous" which was probably pronounced "yay-soos" in ancient Greek and
is pronounced "yee-soos" in modern Greek. The word "Jesus" then came
from an English translation of Greek manuscripts of the New Testament.

The word for "Mashiach" in Greek is "Christos" meaning anointed. This
word is usually brought into English as "Christ".

Unfortunately, through these translations we've lost the true meaning of
our Lord's name. Which btw Jesus means ( safety) for you ones who are christs own. Good knowing gods son is named safety isn't it? Because he is our peace and our safety. Also his name means ( salvation) many didint know that. Also ringing true. He IS our salvation, and the only way to salvation!!!
Yadid- means beloved one in Hebrew. Beloved- means dearly loved.
Àgapi mou- means my love in Greek tongue.
Zoi mou means- my life.
Se latrevo- means I adore you in Greek.
brandon nagley Feb 2017
Tis I am just a man, a boy if thou want to sayest, a foolish lad; who hast hurt his blessing of a queen.

Tis I am just a man, a sinner, a prehistoric bringer; of sorrows
Where bird's dont sing.

O' wretched man I am; overlooking this perfect flower, she's arrayed as a petal neath the tropical hours.

O' im just the rain that brings the flood of many woes.

I wish, O' how I wish, I couldst pour all contentment and merriment into her lonesome soul.

Tis she's the rainbow, I the dusky storm. O' how her glow maketh mine day's liveable; O' how her voice is opulent galore.

If only she knew, she is mine better, mine best; mine breath of yellow dew.

Though I've not shown her the worth that she is; mine trials and tribulations hast become
mine abyss.

Though I shalt get through
This passage of gloom.

With God All is possible;

Even being set free from this tomb.

Tis I am just a man, a boy if thou want to sayest, a foolish lad.

Who if couldst wouldst start all afresh; re-giving mine love, and to get all mine best.

How a simpleton ive been;

To not seest heaven's eastern gem, glimmer her perfect wing's, for mine foolishness, these word's shalt I sing.

(Goes into song form, words "I love you jane, please forgive me" sung in spanish, greek, cebuano, tagalog/filipino).......

Te amo jane,
por favor perdoname.

Se 'agapó Jane,
Se parakaló synchóresé me.

ako nahigugma kanimo Jane,
palihug pasayloa ako.

Mahal kita jane,
patawarin mo ako.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©earl Jane nagley dedication (agapi mou dedicated)
This is not a normal poem dedicated to Jane of course all my works are archaic/ancient style as truly you can say im not one from this millennial time or even this century or past centuries time,  but this is a poem until it gets to the last four lines which are not spoken but sung by me as its a poem yet a song at the end where I use the words ( I love you Jane, please forgive me) I sing those four dialects in spanish tongue, greek tongue, cebuano tongue (in Philippines) and janes main tongue tagalog (Filipino dialect) if want to hear poem as is can hear on sound cloud, under my name Brandon nagley and under this poem title: her worth is worth more than a poem.

Word meanings:
Tis:it is
Sayest: say.
Hast: has.
Couldst: could.
Maketh) makes or make ( I use it as makes).
Mine: my.
Wouldst: would.
Simpleton: foolish person.
Seest: see.

Wrote this few days back finally did rest of it (:
If wanna hear actual version hear on soundcloud under my name the spoken/sung version of it under its title,
brandon nagley Aug 2016
Alow her open pinion's
I glanced aloft mine

Her nimbus was lit
And around her Lip's:
Heaven's color's

O' the strap's from mine feet
Were removed, as I fell
Back in awe and

I remember the day
I saw her face, the innocence
Of God, the beauty and

Into her tropical gates
I entered yonder;

She gave me her love
As tis her love I took shelter.

Mine darling, mine lass; O'
Best friend, mine helper;

What wouldst I do, without
Thee mine Muse;

What wouldst I do;
O' what wouldst I

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Sardua nagley dedicated( agapi mou)
Alow- archaic for below.
Pinion's- outer part of wings, feathers, wings.
Aloft- up into the air, overhead.
Nimbus- a luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint.( Halo)
Yonder- over there.
Tis- it is
Mine- means my archaic form.
Lass- young woman.
Thee- you.
Wouldst- would.
brandon nagley Jul 2016
Some only seest her flesh
And her bones;

I seest God's handprint
That brushstroked
Her soul.

Some only heed her outer

I seest a masterpiece
In paradisal direction.

Some only observe her comings
And going's;

Not perceiving
Her tears, beyond year's;
Hath been like white water's flowing.

Some only descry
Her Filipina eyne;

Whilst under her roof
She's lonesome, aloof;
Pain is her daily bread,
As is her heart's
Screaming proof.

Some only espy, the girl
They seek to know; not
Knowing nothing of who
She really is, an Angel from
God's throne.

Though this Queen doesn't seest
What I seest, she is blinded by
Worldly lies; demon's art her
Enemies, because she's God's
coruscating light.

If only she could take a step
Out of her body and her mind;
She'd be free, to perceive
The treasure she is
As the creator made
Her after his

If only she could
Seest, the elegance
Inside her soul;
She would
She was
Created to be
God's light, lamp;

God's perfect mold.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Sardua nagley ( agapi mou) dedicated
Seest- archaic for the word ( see).
paradisal- of a place or state) ideal or idyllic; heavenly.
Heed- take notice of, pay attention to.
Hath- have.
descry- catch sight of.
Eyne- archaic for eyes.
Filipina+ Filipino woman or a girl.
Whilst- while.
Espy- get sight of.
coruscating- sparkling.
Art- is ( are) archaic form.
Knowest- know.
Mold- a distinctive and typical style, form, or character.

I wrote this for my queen because she always cuts herself down, and as humans ,humans tend to always just see ones flesh blood and bones ( appearance of the outer being)  as my queen always just sees herself as completelya monster and ugly! And others tend to see others of just flesh and bones not seeing the person is hurting inside and feels broken alone down and out, and feels of no worth! Point to poem is I wish my queen Jane could step out of her body, as if an out of body experience and be next to god to show her how he made her perfect. Our gospel in the Bible said god made man in his image . Man and woman both! God is light and love as Bible speaks! Meaning Jane you are made in that image, yet you consider yourself ugly because of a few pimples? Lol, lets be honest your flesh appearance is beyond gorgeous and stunning and queen like and beautiful but more than that!!!! Your soul and your spirit is a light! Your real being the REAL you your soul. Is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! It's completely light and there are others who need to know flesh and blood is just flesh and blood and isn't the real you! The real you is your soul! The beauty of the soul! And there are many lights out there like my queen Jane who feels the same as Jane! And Jane I want to tell you, your a light and you come from the creator of all light and lights!!! You come from god Jane! God made you beautiful inside and out! Time to wake UP and see that my love. Satan loves to make others feel as nobody's. To feel worthless! You were bought with a price Jane when Christ died for you when you accepted him as Lord and saviour Christ had prior already bought you for the price of his blood on that cross!!! That's more than beautiful! Your a daughter of god! And or light! NEVER EVER forget that! Understand me? Mas Mahal Kita my Reyna! Pray you see your beauty sooner than later love!
I love you more queen
Innibig Kita jane!!!!
brandon nagley Aug 2016

Gramercy, it hast been one year now, one year of smiles, laugh's, cry's; growing together, growing
Wing's in ourn flight.


Fain I am, to seest thee at night, slumbering as a newborn, queen
Of orbiting light's, woman of mine
Insight; sagittiferous to mine
Burden's of life.


Let me clear away that vultuous countenance mine girl.


We art namelings, with ourn letter's hewed into the highest realm, noscible to the Angel's; we
We're recorded on God's


Perantique we art, as we battle the being's that fell, they've broken their iron locked doorway's; to make their way out of hell.


Stand close to mine side, I canst heareth those wedding Bell's, I canst feeleth the earth to swell, as the labor pain's art now.


This place shalt sway and moan, like a drunkard without a home, the living in Christ shalt rise; with the dead already rose, silver an treasures shalt come to naught,
Home good's and store bought,
For men won't grasp their own
Thought's; as the misfortune
Cometh upon them. Lover's wilt
Love themselves, they'll seeketh life
In the devil's Lip's; for the lies he speaks art quick, powerful,
Deceiving, cunning.


Look on high mine Jane, ourn lord is coming, the globe is spinning to the drum of celestial prophecy;

None stopping wilt be, yet we art free, a king and queen with a heavenly home, with mansion's
To roam, streets followed with
Gold, with like-minded souls;
Awaiting ourn entrance.

This one year wilt lead
To an eternal precipice,
In which we shan't miss,
As all wilt take focus;

For we hath life, mine Jane
Ourn hope is this;

One son of God
Who goes by the name
Jesus; ourn hope and ourn
Reason even more to be one,
To showeth another and all
The Savior's dying love, and in him
Salvation alone, fret not mine lass, soon we shalt go home, soon all ourn waiting wilt be gone, and ourn hand's shalt hold.

Two spirit's to be;
One love,
One soul.

look up
Look up

The time is now close......

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl Jane sardua Nagley dedication ( agapi mou)
© Lonesome poets poetry
Gramercy - means ( an expression of gratitude.
Hast- has.
Fain- happy, pleased.
Seest- see.
Mine -my.
sagittiferous- bearing arrows....
vultuous- sad.
Countenance- face, ****** expression.
Art - are.
Canst- can
Heareth- hear.
namelings- people with same names.
Ourn- our
Hew, hewed, - cut or chop...
noscible- knowable, well known.
perantique- very antique or ancient .
Naught- nothing.
Hath- have.

Happy one year late poem anniversary my Jane lol so hard to make poem on this phone so used to using tablet, wanted this anniversary poem to have more meaning and real truth in it .. not just a message for my love for you, but for all to know what's coming if many only knew they'd take life a little more serious an what's coming to this world very soon... I love you my queen as I forever will my soulmate best friend, queen, love, angel my all.....

Mas mahal Kita my dearest Jane.....

Me an Jane's one year anniversary was august ninth lol yet tabs been not working so can't write much yet sadly. Thanks to anyone reading....
brandon nagley Aug 2016
Avaunt, avaunt, I want to be,
Betwixt thy kiss, where
Ocean's roar; as
Studded door's
Open to the
Love I need.

An aye from thou
An aye from me;
I needeth mine
Filipino queen.

Thro the sorrow Jane
I'll be waiting, thro
The morrow; this
Heart will be racing.

Pumping each second,
Awaiting thy touch;
Craving thy face,
O' the yearning
Is much.

Time is so slow
When we art
Many sea's

But I'll get
To thee
The morrow----------if not the morrow;

I'll try again another day.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley ( agapi mou) dedicated
Avaunt- away.
Aye- yes.
Thou, also thee- means(you).
Mine- my.
Needeth- need.
Thro- means (through )archaic wise.
Morrow- next day, tomorrow.
Betwixt- between.
brandon nagley Sep 2016
(Greek version)
Eínai énas pylónas;
sto naó tou Theoú.

Aftí eínai dikí mou flitzáni;
Tha xecheilísei me agápi.

Eímai geráki tis;
Tis aftí eínai i dikí mou peristéri.

Eínai dikó mou ángelo;
fterotó éna parapáno.

(English version)

She is the pillar;
In the temple of God.

She is mine cup;
I overflow with love.

I am her falcon;
Tis she's mine dove.

She is mine angel;
Winged one above.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated(agapi mou)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Mine- means ( my) archaic form.
Tis- it is
brandon nagley Aug 2016
Somewhither, we wilt meet,
Whether afore mine
Ending; maybe in the
Hereafter's passage,
gramercy to god,
babes once again
Reborn in the
Perfection of
None struggling to
Survive, nor push
And shove; we'll
Be happy to gaze
At the exquisite
shimmer's. Ourn
Thought's wilt
Burst of unearthly
Features. With un-
Earthly teacher's we'll
Meet along the way,
Abraham, Issac and
Jacob; Paul, Daniel,
Ezekiel to. Enoch to
Sit the riverbanks of
Life, whilst the seraph's
Sway to ancient live tunes.
None mockery of yeshua
Christ, inside this holy
Place- many mock him now,
And the Prophet's yell loud,
Though many shut their ear's,
As their fear's they eat on
Dog's puked up plates.
I sayest lift up thy voices
Oracle's, prophesy to the
End's of the gates, the time
Is now, the day of salvation
Is today. Jane, ourn lord
Wilt call, with Gabriel's horn to
Be the precursor; of mankind's
Fate. A heavenly date it shalt be.
O' a heavenly date;

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Prophetic poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( agapi-mou)
Somewhither- means( somewhere) archaic form.
Afore- before.
Mine- ( my) archaicly.
Hereafter- life after death.
Passage- same as tunnel as well. ( Place between heaven and earth.
Babe-( or babes) babies, baby.. ( not what one calls their lover lol babes is old for children and babies, newborns (;...
Gramercy- expression of gratitude or surprise.
Shimmer- a soft, slightly wavering light.
Ourn- our
Wilt- will.
God is the god of Abraham, and his son Issac his son, and Issacs son Jacob ( which Jacobs name was turned to isreal) which isreal the holy Land is named after....
Whilst- while.
Paul - Paulos; c. 5 – c. 67), commonly known as Saint Paul, and also known by his native name Saul of Tarsus (Hebrew: שאול התרסי‎, translit. Sha'ul ha-Tarsi‎; Greek: Σαῦλος Ταρσεύς, translit. Saulos Tarseus) was an apostle (though not one of the Twelve Apostles) who taught the gospel of the Christ to the 1st-century world.
Daniel- was famous prophet in bible as his words will soon come to pass and have been.
Ezekiel- famous prophet to of the book of Ezekiel which his prophecies are starting to happen and more to come.
Enoch - related to Adam in the Bible, Enoch (/ˈiːnək/; Hebrew: חֲנוֹךְ, Modern H̱anokh, Tiberian Ḥănōḵ; Arabic: إدريس‎‎ ʼIdrīs) is a figure in Biblical literature. "In the seventh generation from Adam,"[2] he was considered the author of the Book of Enoch[3] and also called Enoch the scribe of judgment.[4] In addition to an appearance in the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible, Enoch is the subject of many Jewish and Christian writings. As there are tons plus tons more Prophets in the Bible these came to mind. I'd say John the Baptist was my favorite prophet as he prepared the way for others to know the real Messiah ( Jesus) he was beheaded , and was a wonderful prophet, John the Baptist is also Christs cousin in earth connection mentioned in bible because John's mother Elizabeth is Jesus' mother Mary's cousin...Jesus' mother, Mary, and John's mother, Elizabeth, were relatives (Luke 1:36). The old King James Version of the Bible says they were cousins, but the word "cousin" used to mean any relative in the 17th century when the KJV was written. They may have been cousins, or because of the age difference, Elizabeth might have been Mary's aunt.
Whilst-means while.
Seraph,- seraphim- highest order of angels, there's nine kinds.
Yeshua- Jesus in Hebrew.
Christ- means Messiah.
Sayest- say.
Oracle- prophet, foreseers.
Homeward bound- title- means oriented towards home.

For anyone who hasn't accepted Christ as Savior your times running short much prophetically is happening and alot of bad is coming to your earth, some will call that fear mongering even so called Christians though Christ spoke of all happening NOW, as did all the Prophet's, times running out and if don't see what's happening globally around you pray you open your eyes, do I care I'f anyone thinks I'm nuts? No, do I know the gvt considers Christians and prophecy bringers as quote terrorists and radicals yes I know. Alot is about to happen globally, these elections are a set up for Barack Hussein your last president and soon global leader, I don't expect any Likes I'm giving you truth. This gvt is gearing up for martial law , chaos the world hasn't just blowing the horn as thousands others are. You want Truth , what's happening write me. You wanna pretend everything is fine is this darkened world you'll be surprised when everything blows soon.
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
That's Romans 10;9
Christ is the only way, though soon the world will see the Antichrist and false prophet bring all the world as one as in the works right now. Pray you find truth and seek it. I don't just write here to make good poetry. Gods using me to wake others up and show them Christs love and to make you know Jesus died for your sins and suffered horrible on a cross for man's sins, and there is NO other way to heaven but through Jesus Christ, if you wanna turn from that truth a horrible choice you made. But Christ gods son sent to die for everyone, wants you to come to him in faith? Will you. Takes simple prayer called sinners prayer short simple. You can look up sinners prayer on Google
Bow head say it mean it with all your heart and soul. The Bible spoke all have Sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Noones perfect .but Christ alone offers you forgiveness if your willing to accept him as your lord and only Savior. Works won't save us. Neither will being someone good. That's a lie that's been told by men forever. If being good got us to heaven Christ wouldn't of had to come to suffer on a cross and take our sins I'f we could get to heaven by works or being good. Bible speaks there is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved, you understand that? You can't be saved by Buddha who offers no salvation but is only a man with his finger in a jar in India, Muhammad was a man still sitting in a tomb. Yet Jesus is called Isa ironically in the Quran Isa in the Quran was the healer to the Muslims the one who raised the dead who healed everyone, Yet the Islamic faith twisted who Jesus was. And made gods son a mockery. If don't know thousands plus Muslims are seeing Jesus in the middle East in dreams and visions and converting to the real Messiah gods only son Jesus Christ. Look that up in Google. Will see facts in plain sight in articles. Here's example-
Please see truth. Joel 2;28 til the end of joel spoke this would happen globally before Christs coming. As I'm an example like millions of others all having same prophetic dreams as I've had many judgement dreams, thousands having rapture dreams, Antichrist) with the false prophet dreams of revelation 13. As i have many dreams in my YouTube under Brandon nagley with one vision as well. Millions are having these. Muslims are coming to Christ as are non believers from these visions dreams, and experiences in death. Joel spoke-
Joel 2-God’s Spirit Poured Out
28 “And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.
30 “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth:
Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
32 And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.
For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance,
As the Lord has said,
Among the remnant whom the Lord calls. This is happening globally,
You think world gvts are all doing war games at once for notta? You understand what's coming and happening globally dear poet? You better wake from slumber. Time is soon Christ shall call his believers up, much hell an 7 years of tribulation is coming to this earth with the Antichrist and false prophet of revelation 13 to run it all. You want saved in Christ look up sinners prayer. Say it mean it. Get a bible KJV or nkjv or something close to that read it. Learn. Times close friend. Got?s better ask now, times running out. That's not an understatement.
brandon nagley Feb 2017
I bade thee apace, to bring thy comely countenance close to
Mine face. A carcanet around
Thy neck I shalt wrap, every
Jewel made of mine inner-
Being; hush, mine lips art
Dry mine queen, I need
The most of thy skin to
Cure this winter's chap.
Coëval we were; now
Distanced by glass an
Shores, I crieth til mine
Lungs burst, just to
Be in thy presence.
To face the same view,
To smell thy ocean essence.
Fingers I use to write and jot down
Words that art stuck in mine throat;
Mixed in with quiet fears, worries, hopes. I dive beneath this red blanket, in loneliness I do cope, thy warmth do I hope; to slip into this space. Imagine I, imagine I do, of a panoramic place to explore open and closed doors, wherein the soil clings to ourn feet, where the normal word's art "mi amour". How I do wait, even eternity; to be one in thy freshet of bubbling lovingkindness.
O' how I am pent; awaiting mine chains to break to fly to thy abode.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©earl Jane nagley dedication (agapi mou).
Title Tarrying woe;
Tarry: means waiting or wait.
Woe means distress or pain

Bade: invite (someone) to do something. (2nd form literary).
Comely:pleasant looking.
Countenance:persons face or ****** expression.
carcanet: jeweled necklace.
Chap:(of the skin) become cracked, rough, or sore, typically through exposure to cold weather.
coëval: born at the same time.
Crieth: old form of cry.
Art: are.
Wherein: in which.
Mi.amour: my love.
freshet: flowing stream.
lovingkindness)tenderness and consideration toward others.
Pent: confined.
Abode: home.
brandon nagley Jun 2016

Betimes mine delicate, betimes,
Mine apricity wherein beauty's
Simplicity doth show it's shine;


None bourn's shalt mock
us, nor obstruct ourn journey's.
We shalt egress this wordly mess;
With Yeshua as ourn attorney.


This place shalt be halted,
The fireballs to renew with burning;
The floods to rage, mid flight we shalt take
Sight's, liberated-tear's gone
In freedom as bird's of learning.


Up into the air we go, don't frighten my girl
We've known this truth, we shalt be loosed;
Heaven's gates- a banquet of rapio plates,
Yahweh's name sealed in ourn soul's


Ourn bodies to be renewed
Gathering with spirit's, out of
Their tomb's; O' how wondrous
It wilt be mine muse, we shalt be
In tune, in harmonized music
Thither the Angel's flutes.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane Nagley ( agapi mou) dedicated
Betimes - archaic for ( in good time)
Apricity - the feel good of the sun during winter time. In other words my warmth and sunshine in darkness..
Wherein - in which.
Doth- does. Or can also mean do. This is ( does)
Bourn - boundary. Boundaries.
Ourn - our.
Egress - the action of going out of or leaving a place.
Yeshua - Jesus in Hebrew tongue.
Wilt - will.
Thither- to or towards.
Rapture in bible where does it come from?
Where raptio comes in-

Rapture is a state or experience of being carried away. The English word comes from a Latin word, rapio, which means to seize or ****** in relation to an ecstasy of spirit or the actual removal from one place to another. In other words, it means to be carried away in spirit or in body. The Rapture of the church means the carrying away of the church from earth to heaven.

The Greek word from this term “rapture” is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated “caught up.” The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to ****** or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea (Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul’s experience of being caught up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven. Before the 7 years soon of tribulation is to come christ calls up his believers who accepted him on earth as lord and Savior . Those who haven't accepted him will have to deal with an Antichrist and seven years of Tribulation and a false prophet with the Antichrist. This all is happening before anyone who don't know Christ pray you find him now not only are biblical verses matching up but prophecies world wide that match our bible is happening now as we speak. christ shall soon take his people. Verses on rapture.

1 Thessalonians 4:16 - For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.

1 Thessalonians 4:17 - Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

I tell you, in that night there shall be two [men] in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.
Two [women] shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.Two [men] shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body [is], thither will the eagles be gathered together.
Luke 17:34-37.

Revelation 3:10 - Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth
( This speaks of pre-tribulation rapture christ taken those who accepted him as lord and Savior up into the clouds to meet him in air as the trumpet will blow first with Christ coming in the clouds! The world and gvts will tell you it's the aliens return yes beings will return be put will be demonic not alien as Hollywood lies to mankind be pushes. Thats why Vatican has the Lucifer telescope on mount Graham in Arizona to tell you they are waiting for the return of their ( serpent saviors) fallen angels in reality the watchers to return as I saw in my dreams! As many others by the thousands are seeing like me in dreams and visions the fireballs to hit earth!and tsunamis 200 feet high hitting the west coast California being cracked open and waves hitting all sides of America that's why fema is having a huge drill right as we speak where? In California and whole west coast! It's a drill callled cascadia drill by fema now as we speak! See all the dreams people are having about Barack Hussein Obama who matches biblicallly all scriptures who the son of perdition is I don't mean that to sound funny! See what Jewish rabbis are saying about him in the Torah codes and what people are dreaming and seeing who pope false prophet Francis is! The last great deciever of church and false prophet who will run things with Obama! Please look up Obama dreams 2016 look up fireball dreams 2016 and tsunami  dreams 2016 also rapture dreams! You will see thousands real dreams and visions happening now! As the book of Joel in the old testament told you this was coming when it reads in Joel 2:28
Joel 2:28-32
28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.
30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.

All happening now young and old men and women are prophesying  to you dreams and visions their having as all prophecies are coming true and have come true. More I's happening with what's happening with isreal and Palestine and what Obama will do in Daniel 9;27 there will be a peace agreement that will break up isrealis land and will be given to Palestinians. This is getting ready to happen now and a huge false peace deal is ready to be pushed!!! Just ad a third Jewish temple is ready to go and be built with the mosque sits now in isreal where the original first two Jewish temples sat of Solomon and kind David! There's alot happening! And thousands from all cultures are converting to christ especially in Islam thousands of Muslims are seeing christ in dreams and visions not including death ( real death experiences) people brain and heart dead seeing Noone but christ! Christ told us ( I am the way truth and the life , no man comes to the father ( god) except through me. There is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved acts 4:12

Jesus said- The Way, the Truth, and the Life
5Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? 6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

7If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

Do you know Christ? As lord and Savior! He's the only chance anyone will have to be caught up to be evacuated off this earth before all hell is seriously about to hit! I see it daily on the news it's worse more prophecy is happening as we speak ,have you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior? He told us he is the only way! And many claimed  be the way yet didint die for yours and mines sin on a cross! To be the sacrifice for you and me. Will you accept him as lord and Savior? The bible said-
Romans 10:9-10King James Version (KJV)

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Will you accept him into your life and soul and heart? Make him Lord and Savior today? He is the only way truth and life and all his words he said are true and are coming more true! He is the ultimate hope the one who died for your sins and rose third day after his death. No other has done that for us nor will do it! Because Jesus is the on of God! You can try the world's way and I don't care if Im mocked for what I say christ came and died for you and me! Truths unfolding and time is short! Bible sais if you hear God's voice today do not harden your heart! For today is the day of salvation it told  us! And don't you want assurance for heaven when you die with a real Savior who's personal and not some faraway god? And want assurance if christ calls us soonwhich  he will by all accounts happening now biblically and world prophecies matching our bible our word and truth!
Want salvation in christ I pray you seek him now.
Christ said come unto me all you are are laden and heavy burdened and I will give you rest!

Wanna say a prayer of salvation called the sinners prayer.
Bow head close eyes
Say this prayer I'f you believe christ died for you and rose the third day . Was born of the ****** Mary. Who is who he said he is. Believe in your heart.
Bow close eyes you pray to God also called Yahweh also Jehovah in Hebrew . You just believe Christ and the father god are one. Also called the trinity meaning father god! And the son Jesus sent in the flesh to die for me and your sins! And the holy spirit which comes from gods throne! Gods holy spirit dwells in Christians when saved and is a real thing seperate yet equal with God. And the holy spirit helps up in times of good or bad! It dwells in us!

Bow head+ if want salvation
Prayer sinners prayer quick simple

Dear God, I come to you because I want to accept your son Jesus' salvation . God I'm a sinner, I've sinned my whole life ! I ask and pray dear God you may forgive me of all my sins! I accept your son Jesus as Lord and Savior of my life. I believe your son was sent to die for my sins and he rose the third day according to the gospel! I ask you cleanse me of my sins dear God! And that your son Jesus may be my lord and Savior as I'll follow you the rest of my life .... thank you for saving me.
( Ending ) in Jesus name I pray amen!
Always end prayer in Jesus name. We pray to god the father christs father in Jesus name.

Baptism doesn't get you to heaven! Baptism id a representation of the respect and love you have for Christ it represents the death burial and resurrection of Jesus! If can find good church that preaches hell salvation and heaven, meaning true gospel not watered down scripture and feel good money churches which is leading many to hell right now and falsehood! If can get baptised it shows representation of christs death burial resurrection though only accepting christ as Lord and Savior and asking him to be your Savior saves you! Our bible sais.
Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast.
This means when accepting Jesus s Lord and Savior it's not of your works which you are saved we shouldn't boast because of works! Its by gods grace and christs blood being shed on the cross for you that your saved! And accepting christ as Lord and Savior! Bible also sais
I'll repeat it+

12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Meaning there is no other by which you can and must be saved by! This you must MUST understand.

Hope you accept christ today as lord and Savior before to late!

This poem wasn't only for my queen
But for all to know Christ before its time late. And have ?s just write me and ask me! I'm not afraid to answer ?s you may have of what's happening!
brandon nagley Jul 2016

Behold mine Jane


The star's and the rain
As us doth come
And go.


Though in the amount
Of hour's left; I shalt blow
Mine breath, into thy


Home sweet home,
I am with thee; verily
Mine queen, I've been


Trapped in this bed-
Spirit burdened, many
Demon's hate this light
That God hath started.


They do mark me
With their reptilian nails;
Though one day all
Their evil shalt fail.


And whilst I fight, I won't give in,
Mine glow doth shine, betwixt many men;
As ourn Creator bought us as one in him,
Soulmates, best friends, this heart doth yearn.


O' this heart doth yearn, a fervent burn,
Awaiting for thy buss of roses, sweet, serenading;
Creating heavenly poses.


On the right Christ
On the left side Moses; none losing focus,
With the mountain scented view.


None goodbye's, but to say
I do; a place always new;
As loving wilt be the
Highest command.


We'll bury ourn worries
In the ocean sand's; as
Thou shalt take mine hand,
With seraphim to be ourn


Catch mine breath
And touch mine

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( agapi mou )
Behold- See or observe.( Mean see)
Doth- does. Or do. ( This one using as does).
Sickly- poor health.
Verily,- truly.
Hath- have also means has. ( Mean this as has).
Reptilian-relating to or characteristic of reptiles.
Whilst- while.
Mine- meaning ( my) archaic form!
Betwixt- between.
Ourn- our.
Fervent- hot or glowing, mean this as glowing.
Thy- your.
Buss- kiss.
Pose- pose- assume a particular attitude or position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn.
Wilt- will
Seraphim- an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.
brandon nagley Sep 2016
I give thee a rose
A rose made of words-
I am the lines,
Thou art the substance.

I give thee a rose
Made up of mine soul-
I am the spirit, in-
Between all I mention.

I give thee a rose
O' golden girl-
Take thou mine hand;
I'll give thee a pearl.

The Pearls made of
A rose, the rose is mine soul-
I give thee a rose;
I give thee a rose.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou)
Thee- you.
Substance in a few ways- the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence. the quality of being important, valid, or significant.the most important or essential part of something; the real or essential meaning...
Mine- meaning ( my) . Archaic form.
Thou- you.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Mine amour'
Dont leave mine amour
Mine amare
Don't grieve mine amare
Mine agapi
Tis mine heart agapi
Mine aimer
Dont sigh mine aimer
Mine grá
Don't cry mine grá
Mine Ame
Dont giveth into worldly attire mine Ame
Mine caru
I'm waiting today come again mine caru
Mine life
Mine soul
Mine treasure
Mine home!!!

Mine amour,'
Mi aimer
brandon nagley Aug 2016
Mine Jane, mine Jane, alway's tormented by the gin that thou hast made; didst thou not remember from whence thou came. Forbearance mine love, wilt be tomorrow's praise,
If thou canst wait;
Hallow thou art,
Hold onto faith.
Take off thy
Make God space,
To fill thy soul,
Wherein the pieces aren't hole;
What's worth more queen,
The world? Or
God's spiritual throne?
There is a preordained
Abode; Awaiting thee in heaven.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley( agapi mou) dedicated
Gin- biblically means a snare or a trap.
Thou- you
Hast- has.
Didst- did.
Whence- from which, from where.
forbearance- patience.
Canst- can.
Hallow- can mean to make holy, consecrated, or set apart ( I mean it as Jane your set apart and are supposed to be set apart from this world. Look up to high heavenly things ( god) not world. Your set apart! Aside from this world.
Thy- your
Kerchief+ head covering for women, piece of fabric to cover woman's head!....
Wherein- in which.
Abode- house or residence.
Thee- you.
Wilt- will.
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Zoi mou, how mine nourishment
Cometh from the great I am;
As his sentience he gaveth
Thee, to breatheth life in-
to me; for before I was
Just a man.


Beforetime, mine
mien was gloom-
And doom, no albedineity whitewashed mine room,
Amorevolous was just a word to be spelt, not having it close to me; just a moment of REM sleep.


Agapi mou, now I've been broken loose,
Mine once dolor, hath formed with color;
It shineth of yellow, and angelic ivory


Anasa mou, I'm purring now, pofray swathes
Mine veins; Moro mou of younger shade.
Matia mou, O' Matia mou, mine Jane hath
Entered, inside mine blue's.


Jane O' Jane, sayest I
Thelo to thou, thelo to thee;
Omorfia mou,
Kardia mou,
Psihi mou,
Thelo O'

©Brandon Nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
Zoi mou- means my life in Greek tongue.
Sentience- means - sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively. Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience).
The great I AM means- God ...
Beforetime- means formerly
mien- means a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood.
albedineity- means whiteness.
Whitewash- paint (a wall, building, or room) with whitewash( paint room white...)
Spelt- past tense of spell.
Amorevolous- affectionate, or loving.( feelings of) is what I mean.
REM sleep means- a kind of sleep that occurs at intervals during the night and is characterized by rapid eye movements, more dreaming and ****** movement, and faster pulse and breathing.
Àgapi mou- means my love in Greek.
Dolor- great sorrow or distress.
Pofray- a word I created meaning- love scented Cologne\fragrance...
swathe- means like to wrap like fabric.
Anasa mou- means my breath in Greek tongue.
Moro mou means- my baby Greek tongue.
Matia mou means - my eyes Greek tongue.
Mine blue's - means my eyes . baby blues my blues.
Thelo- means I want you Greek tongue.
Sayest i- means I say.
Omorfia mou - my beautiful in greek.
Kardia mou- my heart. Greek tongue.
Psihi mou- my soul. Greek tongue.
brandon nagley Sep 2016
Her soul
   A torch that lights up the darkness
       The pathway to God's throne
                  Mine soulmate
                      Mine soul

©Brandon nagley
©Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Mine means my ( archaic form of it)..
S Smoothie Jan 2014
When we chance upon loves opportunity, no wonder in the universe could move us from the inevitable pain and sorrow.  We are casually seduced whole heartedly into the spiraling supernova swallowing up everything in our fusion of love.

Other worlds and other ways are suddenly all opened! A connection unable to be lost by the simplest act of acceptance. It clings. It is a forever thing. Good, bad, ugly or beautiful it will never die in us. it is born in us to grow like an infant and thus return to its infancy. It will transpose to fire and ice and a delightful inbetween but it will not fail to stretch your limits or tear them apart and carve a new dependecy or inspired independence.

The world will ne'er understand how the boundaries of love will crush common understanding and prevail through darkness and light, sick depravity and ulitmate compassion. We love this beautiful thing by its very own perameters and inscriptions. Its meaning brings meaning and how tied we are to its presence scraping its essences from cracks and hovering over its residue- we need so much to connect with it again through one path or another.

Our beautiful agapi has an escape like none can ever plan for. And, when I fell into the clutches of this truth, I understood most happily the indemnity was nil and this made it the most beautiful thing of all! I took the leap and I am still falling in a thousand places through a million spaces and an infinite set of times and places. I am completely protected by loving the climb and the fall cloaked in the hope of never understanding...

It all...
brandon nagley Aug 2016
Inly, she defines what a soulmate is. Divinely; timely she rewinds the time, so thy soul is fixed in bliss. On earth, stuck; confined in Limbo, trapped behind window's amiss.
O' to her abode; I wish.

In this beating blood holder, the beats bounce a skip, I want her grip to hold and stride; I hold inside patience, as tears hold back the time.

Erelong, ourn spirits wilt pervade, two silhouettes of a light that never Set's; a romance eternal, one that shalt not fade, romantics of poet's pages, where ourn love stretches every page, every stage of living comes with smiling faces.
Holy being's, with an undying

Sage wilt rise in secret places,
Smoke aroma; roses go unwasted.
Glory, glory, none more waiting
Stations, I'll await with patience;
As with patience
Only good

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication( agapi mou)
Inly- inwardly ( archaic form).
Fixed- secured, fastened..
Amiss- out of place, wrongly.
Abode- house, Home.
Stride-walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction.
Erelong- before long.
Wilt- will.
(especially of a smell) spread through and be perceived in every part of.
Ourn- our.
Unwasted- not wasted
brandon nagley Dec 2016
Even in mine worries,
        Angst, despair,
                    Don't worry mine Jane;

Mine love is right here.

Even in mine trial's;
          Tribulations I face.

With thee,
       Right next to me;
                There's a smile on
                              Mine face.

Though the sand may
    Be crumbling, and
          The castle's slide to the sea;
  There's the beauty of me
                  Having, thou that
                  Set's me free.

Though mine flesh
   And heart mayest fail,
      And the cloud's shalt roll around;

Mine soul is at ease
          With thee mine queen;
           With thy voice I float
           Off the ground.
©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( agapi mou)
Angst- a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.
Mine- means my.
Mayest- may.
brandon nagley Oct 2016

Yonside the celestial, whereinto ourn
Ability to seest shalt abraid as past day's fade.


Over with ourn life-time of a wait;


Accolent being's, praise in song-
We sit as children on living grass,
Tables made for dinner's to last,
As no time wilt pass, noone shalt be
Late, predestined plates; to never be
Athirst nor hungered.


Warrior's, King's, Seraphim's, cherub's, angelic shine, O' a place
To wonder.


Thou to be mine yellow rose, me to be thine chaperone on the streets of gold; feet being led by the spirit of old, with God on his throne; in the
Holy city wherein love is the
Greatest command.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou)
Yonside-on the farther side of.
Whereinto- into which.
Celestial- belonging to or relating to heaven.
Wilt- will.
Abraid- awaken..
accolent- neighboring.
predestined-(of God) destine (someone) for a particular fate or purpose.
Athirst- thirsty.
Hungered- hungry.
Mine- my
Chaperone- a person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people.
Thou means you.
Thine another form as thy meaning ( your)
Wherein- in which
brandon nagley Sep 2016
Boscaresque, a brabeum I hath found. Her lantern qualities, sparkle and splash like innocent dreams, Jane, mine darling; let not the mundane burden thee mine queen. There art many door's, all door's leading to different path's; yet only one trail wilt lead thee home mine lass. The narrow way to God that is. Follow the door-frame on the right; the one that spell's out love, which cometh from Yahweh, Jehovah, the great "I am" of fervent light's, the engineer above. Grieve not the holy spirit, as tis the spirit wants to work; work in thee that is. Quench not the holy ghost, let thy burn glow, maketh the other's know that Christ within thee lives. Let thy tongue speak in manner of forgiveness; as Christ forgave thee. Let thy hands be always busy; with thought, patience, giving. In the counsel of God's footsteps, hath faith trusting him alone; believing. For Judgement's coming upon this muck and mire; be true to ourn lord, mine asiatic girl. For soon, we wilt walk through, untouched by the rain; made from fire.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated +( agapi-mou)
Boscaresque- means picturesque.
brabeum- reward, or gift...
Hath- have.
Mundane- material, worldly , physical not spiritual.
Thee- you.
Mine- my in old form.
Art- are.
Cometh- comes.
I say the narrow way to God because there's only one way not all ways or paths lead to heaven, only through Christ does one get to god..
Matthew 7:13-14King James Version (KJV)

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
( Broad way to destruction, otherwords death, hell. Narrow way is heaven through Jesus Christ salvation in him alone...
Yahweh, also Jehovah, also Elohim , also called the great ( I am) different names for god in Hebrew.. used both by Christians and Jews.
I say follow door-frame on right because Christ spoke when he would go back to heaven after his resurrection from death he would be on the right hand of his father ( god).   Those are few verses Christ is on the right side of his father...
To grieve the holy spirit means ( Question: "What does it mean to grieve / quench the Holy Spirit?"

Answer: When the word “quench” is used in Scripture, it is speaking of suppressing fire. When believers put on the shield of faith, as part of their armor of God (Ephesians 6:16), they are extinguishing the power of the fiery darts from Satan. Christ described hell as a place where the fire would not be “quenched” (Mark 9:44, 46, 48). Likewise, the Holy Spirit is a fire dwelling in each believer. He wants to express Himself in our actions and attitudes. When believers do not allow the Spirit to be seen in our actions, when we do what we know is wrong, we suppress or quench the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19). We do not allow the Spirit to reveal Himself the way that He wants to.

To understand what it means to grieve the Spirit, we must first understand that this indicates the Spirit possesses personality. Only a person can be grieved; therefore, the Spirit must be a divine person in order to have this emotion. Once we understand this, we can better understand how He is grieved, mainly because we too are grieved. Ephesians 4:30 tells us that we should not grieve the Spirit. We grieve the Spirit by living like the pagans (4:17-19), by lying (4:25), by being angry (4:26-27), by stealing (4:28), by cursing (4:29), by being bitter (4:31), by being unforgiving (4:32), and by being sexually immoral (5:3-5). To grieve the Spirit is to act out in a sinful manner, whether it is in thought only or in both thought and deed.

Both quenching and grieving the Spirit are similar in their effects. Both hinder a godly lifestyle. Both happen when a believer sins against God and follows his or her own worldly desires. The only correct road to follow is the road that leads the believer closer to God and purity, and farther away from the world and sin. Just as we do not like to be grieved, and just as we do not seek to quench what is good—so we should not grieve or quench the Holy Spirit by refusing to follow His leading.
Ourn- our.
Thy- your.
asiatic- of Asia.

Happy 13 months Reyna...
Me more!!!!
Lucky Queue Dec 2012
Can you feel the love in this air?
Warm and enveloping with soft arms
Friendly smiling clouds of affection.
And not just any old piece of love
No, these ethereal spirits that drift
They are the five greek loves.
*agapi, storgi, xenophilia, eros, and phileo
I believe those are the five...
brandon nagley Oct 2016
I'm just a strange man
Who wants to hold
The finest rose in
The world;
Mine Jane.........
Mine soulmate..........

Mine girl-

I'm just a young lad,
With his head inside
A darkened bag,
Waiting for his
Queen's dear
Breath and kiss to poke holes of air
Into the layers of heaven's

Because perfect, verily she is
To me, a flawless gem
Of many sea's.

Mine taste-buds bubble with
Seed's, wanting her lipstick;
Candy flavor.

This is mine love-
Written down on paper;
O' how I need her vapor----
Istic touch, her soul I feel,
A vital must.

Love her, I do
Love her
So much;

Love her so much.
Love her so much............

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou dedicated)
brandon nagley Mar 2016

Mine forefinger is tapping the olden transelic piano Key's,
The room Grecian white, with an oriental shorite; her voice
Is soft, her halo's aloft the lid of mine musical box. As tis I playeth "Unchained Melody"'by the Righteous Brothers, ourn pupil's art jubilant; soulmates igniting together.       Brandon! Brandon!


She calleth out mine name.
The aria gets louder,
The habitation wherein we liveth,
Smileth upon us;
As affections groweth fonder.


Ourn flesh wrapped like nests,
Of a bird's home in wonder.
Gazing up into the the hereafter,
One day happiness there we to shalt


As mine angelic host
Lift's me up to the celestial yonder;
I heareth her feather's flapping with the cherub's,
Ourn amour splitting sky's, as lightning with the thunder.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( agapi mou) dedication
Transelic- is a word I created like I always like to do. This word means ( transparent and angelic) or transparently angelic.
Grecian- anything to do with Greece.
Shorite- word I made up means ( a shining light so beautiful, It can bring anyone to tears.)
Aloft means- overhead.
Aria means+ a long, accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio.....
Wherein- means in which.
Hereafter- life after death. ( looking forward to heaven together, as being here together.. )
brandon nagley Jul 2016

Betimes; Ourn writing's shalt embrace the entryway
Of those divine.


Eftsoons when we passeth the moon,
Eftsoons wherein there is no time;
Ourn regalia white as the peak's
Of cosmogyral shine. The flesh
Stayeth behind, as we're
Fashioned in new


The trees connect with us
As the grass that travel's
Ourn feet, guide us
As teacher's.


O' lady Jane, just ahead the seraph's sing
Singing holy, holy holy, almighty God;
As celestial Bell's ring.


O' queen of mine, the cherubim art double
Winged, with free-spirited mind's; continually
Do they praiseth Yahweh, as their glory
Is their trait of signs.


O' empress of the faraway island's, look
To the cosmos of the thrones of starlit
Sirens; for the sun and galaxies dance
To their feet.


O' mine candelabra to ourn Messiah,
The dominion being's, makest sure
Everything fall's righteous into the
Lord's palm's, whether prayer's or
Thing's right or wrong, they
Makest known God's eternal


O' mine soul, mine soul of mine,
Virtues play with the motion
And elements, their shining
One's to guide us in
Innocence; miracles
They wilt bring thee,
When thou feelest
None miracle's
Mayest come.


O' mine burdened lass, O' mine other half,
Power's shalt protect thee from the midnight
Hour's, wherein roses and flowers dont bloom;
But darkness and gloom overtaketh thy room,
And the warrior's shalt show to defend thy
Kick's and blow's.


Mine lady, mine girl, life and world;
Do not be dismayed, archangel's
Hold trumpet's for Jehovah's
Display, when problems arise,
Night turns to darkness,
Remember the light doth invade,
The light is the way, to
Follow to home.


Mine Filipino flower, mine morning, night and hour,
Angel's shalt heed thy prayer's and Cry's; when thing's
Get bad, don't question nor ask why, for all hath a purpose
Under heaven, as thou to hath a purpose mine love.
Look up, look up, to yeshua above, take hold of his
Love, and pass it to others, to Christian sister's and brother's,
To those who hate another, showeth them what love means,
To forgive, and with charity for it not to be seen,but privately
To god the father in secret. Love, give it; keep it, as ourn
Father wouldst want us to do for other's mine Jane.,

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated ( agapi mou) dedicated
Betimes- in short time, speedily.
Art- are
Eftsoons- soon after.
Passeth- archaic for pass.
Wherein- in which.
Ourn- our.
Regalia- the distinctive clothing worn and ornaments carried at formal occasions as an indication of status.
cosmogyral- whirling around the universe.
Our writing's in beginning means our ( poetry) poetry of love... (:::
Stayeth- means stays.
Seraph's or also called seraphim longer version are highest angels in the nine choirs of angels their called in heaven. Seraphim are highest angels, Seraphim
These are the highest order or choir of angels. They are the angels who are attendants or guardians before God's throne. They praise God, calling, "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts". the only Bible reference is Isaiah 6:1-7. One of them touched Isaiah's lips with a live coal from the altar, cleansing him from sin. Seraphim have six wings, two cover their faces, two cover their feet, and two are for flying.
Cherub's for short or cherubim- Cherubim
Cherubim rank after the seraphim and are the second highest in the nine hierarchies or choirs of angels. The Old Testament does not reveal any evidence that the Jews considered them as intercessors or helpers of God. They were closely linked in God's glory. They are manlike in appearance and double-winged and were guardians of God's glory. They symbolized then, God's power and mobility. In the New Testament, they are alluded to as celestial attendants in the Apocalypse (Rv 4-6). Catholic tradition describes them as angels who have an intimate knowledge of God and continually praise Him.
Throne's( throne angels) ---Thrones are the Angels of pure Humility, Peace and Submisssion. They reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape. The lower Choir of Angels need the Thrones to access God.
candelabra- large branched candlestick or holder for several candles or lamps...
Dominion Angels called ( Dominions) --Dominions are Angels of Leadership. They regulate the duties of the angels, making known the commands of God.
Virtues( virtue angels) - Virtues are known as the Spirits of Motion and control the elements. They are sometimes referred to as "the shining ones." They govern all nature. They have control over seasons, stars, moon; even the sun is subject to their command. They are also in charge of miracles and provide courage, grace, and valor.>
Wilt- means will.
Thee- and thou means both ( you).
Mine- no.
Mayest- may.
Feelest- feel.
Powers-Powers are Warrior Angels against evil defending the cosmos and humans. They are known as potentates. They fight against evil spirits who attempt to wreak chaos through human beings. The chief is said to be either Samael or Camael, both angels of darkness.
Archangels-Archangels are generally taken to mean "chief or leading angel" ( Jude 9; 1 Thes 4:16), they are the most frequently mentioned throughout the Bible. They may be of this or other hierarchies as St. Michael Archangel, who is a princely Seraph. The Archangels have a unique role as God's messenger to the people at critical times in history and salvation (Tb 12:6, 15; Jn 5:4; Rv 12:7-9) as in The Annunciation and Apocalypse. A feast day celebrating the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is celebrated throughout the Church Sep 29. A special part of the Byzantine Liturgy invokes the "Cherubic Hymn" which celebrates these archangels and the guardian angels particularly.

Of special significance is St. Michael as he has been invoked as patron and protector by the Church from the time of the Apostles. The Eastern Rite and many others place him over all the angels, as Prince of the Seraphim. He is described as the "chief of princes" and as the leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over Satan and his followers. The angel Gabriel first appeared in the Old Testament in the prophesies of Daniel, he announced the prophecy of 70 weeks (Dn 9:21-27). He appeared to Zechariah to announce the birth of St. John the Baptist (Lk 1:11). It was also Gabriel which proclaimed the Annunciation of Mary to be the mother of our Lord and Saviour. (Lk 1:26) The angel Raphael first appeared in the book of Tobit (Tobias)Tb 3:25, 5:5-28, 6-12). He announces "I am the Angel Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the throne of God." (Tb 12:15)
Doth+ does.
Jehovah and Yahweh both Hebrew names for god!
Wouldst- would.
S Smoothie Jun 2021
Not one but all,
No true hate was ever born
without love abandoned,
rejected, abused, or scorned
Love is every positive and negative
facet of emotion
Divine and literal

Its wealth disguised by its true name -


Without this blind fumbling fool
We are of no use, no consequence,
no matter.
Where there is no love,
there is no existence
Only inertia.

Your deepest hate
is your deepest love in reverse
these can never be separated;
except by degrees.
like a galactic elastic band;
as far as you go for one,
you will enviably be flung to the other.
That's how energy survives,
it changes form but never dies
and life is love in all its forms


You are its expression devine
Love is us
brandon nagley May 2016

Tíѕ í αm juѕt α ѕlαvє,
ѕєnt вч Gσd tσ mє
α wσmαn; A quєєn
σf wєlkín'ѕ wαч'ѕ.


Tíѕ í dєѕєrvєth nσt,
σnє σf pєrfєctíσn;
Vєrílч ѕhє'ѕ thє dírєctíσn
whєrєín pєαcє wαlk'ѕ.


Whєn ѕhє tαlkѕ,
pѕαlm'ѕ mαѕѕαgє hєr tσnguє;
whєn ѕhє αѕ α вαвє rσck'ѕ,
thє mσσn dαncєѕ thє ѕun.


I thσught tíѕ í, thαt
cαmє tσ ѕαvєth hєr;
thσugh ѕhє cαmє tσ
ѕαvєth mє, α pєαѕαnt
σf thє єαrth.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley (agapi mou) dedication
Welkin's heaven's, firmament.
Verily truly.
Wherein in which.
brandon nagley Oct 2016

Betwixt the rice paddies
And the mountain's of green;
Walk's mine soulmate,
Philippines queen.


Her breath
The cloud's, billows the air;
Her graceful step's,
Stride with her hair.


O' how I wish, I couldst
Fly through the air;
I'm trapped in the flesh,
I want to be there.


I want to be there
To sink in the sea;
Sing Jane a lullaby,
Yet seems as a dream.


Though verily I love her,
certes, her blood do I bleed;
Her hand do I need
To comfort mine

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( agapi mou)
Couldst- means could in archaic form. Meaning old form writing.

Betwixt- means between.
Mine means- my.
Verily- truly...
Certes- assuredly,
Tis- it is.
S Smoothie Feb 2018
From the coals of sacred texts, brought fouth from ancient whispers of a circle of unbroken time, dipping and acendinding its change state, as the one constant in unending continuity. Therein lies a simple truth, corrupted with gentle persuasion.

The state of being, the being of state and status of beings.

There are three main laws for us to pervail and avail here and now, or in past and future possibility. There is one rule that seperates, yet, reconsiles and is master of all truth; ugly or beautiful it renders life in death, death  into life and life into death.

to live evil live to  - live.d.evil

to Evo L ovE to

The cycle that never alters its identity making Its mood known in all forms and states; the All as in the We collective; and as the I; AGAPI, the known mystery of presiding over both and the first of the third.

Go.d  and evil.

Live with the hidden truth in plain sight. Felt  with intense realness,  hidden in semantics of languages  long lost and forgotten,  but none is needed to unless seeking to corrupt the incorruptible what is known and fails in explanation.

For  this very reason,  the logic of AGAPI (love) in all its moods, colours, ugliness and beauty fail to be described. And still, the poets' pride tries in vain to capture the whole.  Ever so often though, glimpses resonate and we can see a temporal portal with the promise of the indescribable known.

Author's Notes/Comments:
For the few temporal and literal scholars here who might find something of interest here. Blessings and Hugss
S Smoothie Mar 2014
Well, its been a hell of a week or two

and I dont know how I got through

there were victories and triumphs

I had validation from my friends and my bosses

but there were also many great losses.

other things happened too but I wont share them with you

I got cut by love and other matters this i'll confess,

I bought a tub of yogurt and honey and drowned my cares in creamy sweet mess,

I chucked the physio rules out the window

i was bad but It did some good though

I posted a pic with #nomakeupselfie to raise some dough

I ate nutella with a spoon, and bananas dipped with coconut sugar crowns

then I trained hard for blood ssweat and fears till my body went down.

I ran 100 kms and and went into high gears

I coached an under 9 soccer team for the first time in two years,

it felt great but I felt so unwelcome there though I saved my tears

I thought I killed that beast ages ago but apparently no.

Then the killer love that broke my spirits,

redeemed my soul , it all went missing and i felt at home.

the performances despite a lack of time went well

the raising of scripture in it against bullying was great as well

I ve been to hell and back and now its time to take a breath

write some soul scripts and send them out as well,

in Christ my word for agapi we can do all things

let the light of the world seep into all things!

have a blessed day and remember

everything changes and theres good reason its that way,

because nothing good and bad is here to stay

we just cant maintain those amplified feelings everyday.

we wouldnt be able to appreaciate what each will teach us today

life is interesting to say the least but so much better when challenging yourself

a wo/man against an unknown beast!

hugss SS
S Smoothie Dec 2020
We float over solvent crystals of life

Glistening in the all glory of our stars might

The wind winding round us

Sweeping up minute glitter

flicking the crystaline particles of life

As sparkles of radiance on our skin

A complement to sparkles in our eyes

A temporal tunnel borrowing the depths of faith

A moment hung in eternity

A transpiring of unspoken gifts and promises

Asilent understanding

A pledge of love in every realm promised

Agreement in the slow blink of an eye

sealed with polite fervour as a

Kiss over the salt waters

Cleansed and anointed by

The salt of the earth and holiness of the

Eternal presence the one who spoke existence

Consecrated by the eternal agapi in the struggle

Of the mystical meanings and the free will of our love.

A living story.
Blessings and love ss
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I bow to thine feet,
Mine heart and soul is for thee to keepeth,
Mine minds tired, mine brains wired,
Needing thy completion....
When I sayeth I loveth thee, tis ******* truth!!!!
When I telleth thee I needeth thee, tis so more than anything thou kneweth!!!
אוהב layeth down with me in ourn dreams tonight and sleep...
I'm locking mine legs over yours,
Laying on ourn side.
Kissing thine forehead
Saying goodnight.
Stroking thy hair
Hands pulling  tight yet not to hard.......
Scratching thy head from thy back of it
Nails scratching far....
Thou turneth around
To look into mine eyes,
Ourn chests and heads art close together
This moment we lose time...
Ourn arms over another's shoulders
Soul ******* covering...
We kiss eachother's lips goodnight
With ourn love
We sleep and art smothering..
Though (not a bad smothering,).....
Just ourn warm breathe to meet the incense aroma room,
No fakes to get between ourn own universe...
Just ourn dreams, God, the sun, the moon
Me and thou to.
In the beginnings of the sentences like amour or agapi in Greek. Or other words in beginning you don't know all mean love in diff languages thanks for reading..
S Smoothie Sep 2021
And what a roar it was!

Pride in my pride

The heavens opened

A mighty warning

A cutting of imperial cloth

Sharp teeth heralded truths

A saviour for the reading of my meek soul

the amplification of my courage by proxy

Each and every word blasting into existence

I swear Were plucked from my own silent mouth

Drooling for the courage pouring from the magnificence

A fearless and courageous stand

For the truth

I knew in the defining moment

The nature of true agapi

Truth needs no defending

He spoke softly

It was the truth that rung in everyone's ears

And shock, awe and relief

At the words

That could not be unsaid

that could not be unheard

And a thought

that could never be undone

— The End —