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958 · Feb 2021
Evil Skin
M E Ronan Feb 2021
My heart is hanging upside down,
A soulless blood spitting,
impaling morrow,
as it casts a shadow on him,
one becomes a killer,
the other one a game.
798 · Jun 2020
Woodpecker Woods
M E Ronan Jun 2020
Come with me, into the woodpecker woods,
come and see the circular paths,
gone are the leaves and the buds in the woodpecker woods,
noises, voices in the barks of the birch,
scattered feathers all over the floor,
no fruit bearing in the grove,
eyes of owls, woodpeckers in my woods,
staring, baring no clemency,
blackness and shadows they follow me,
in the woodpecker woods,
come and see, dance with me!
go and try, you’re in my path,
the forest is muted, you might be swoon,
you’ll never leave the woodpecker woods.
555 · Dec 2020
Thin Lines
M E Ronan Dec 2020
Line of charcoal running along,
On the surface of the paper,

Same lines follows your index finger,
On the surface of my skin,

Twirling, looping,
Continuing patterns,

Outlines of my life
On both,
the paper and the skin,

One owns the body,
The other one is mine,

But both are
Wrinkled and trashed.
474 · Mar 2021
Unprinted Paths
M E Ronan Mar 2021
How can I see?
The spring in its silver notes,
Sweet sounds of watering, with
The meadows that are meant to be.
A linear existence emerging
From the synchronicity of sprout

The greenness that comes to caress
Soul of the spring time, which
Captures a stillness of the growth.
A beauty of change, that doesn’t resonate
In the bloom of life, but rather
During the glisten of withering light

How can I compare
Duality of change in nature
Newly born buds predictability,
With my spirits unfolding
Yet to come so frequently

In the face of bitter winter,
Steps taken towards the tempest
Imprints the raw snow,
So willing for a fervid journey
It burns onto a spring plain,
Only in a hindsight
You see the change in true life
448 · Dec 2020
Others In Me
M E Ronan Dec 2020
In silence, in solitude
A line of people surround me
Perpetually faces protruding
Screams of turmoil falling on me
Like a pour of concrete
Permanently motions denied
Salvation lost in stillness
My existence feeding from it
Energy exuding from the hatred
Silence is lost on me
Too many talking
Cheap cynical laughter
No respite, no comfort
Lost my own voice within
442 · Mar 2021
Oscillating Answers
M E Ronan Mar 2021
One insane, and two to be
I love you on this road
And the one next to me

Hand in hand, reaching out
Just a gentle touch, two tips to brush,
Will we ever meet, I wonder

Wearer with no questions to ask,
Three spins, yours, mine, and once a thought
Surely this is more than that

All textures are laid out of me
Cold veil of shame and a fear of losing you
For once to make a decisive look

Receiving and ending, you, a ghostly you
Vacillating soul of no ponder
Leaves a floating trail and others to wonder.
407 · Jan 2021
Living Elsewhere
M E Ronan Jan 2021
Would you see me as me?
In the silent gaps between doing,
In the stillness when I’m thinking,
In the stuttering and lost words
My mumblings and talk,
Can you make out a story?
Intentions and initiatives
that may lead to nothing,
Can you see the trying?
In the half filled paper,
the lost ending.
Can you imagine my thoughts?
389 · Aug 2020
My Weight In Walnuts
M E Ronan Aug 2020
My weight in walnuts,
cracked open by the use of tools,
with adult digits too,
unlike in the past,
they keep rolling, weighing and discovered,
by curiosity, by wisdom,
no syllables without a match,
sentences make a book,
needle ***** when changing colours,
burn with over boiling,
wrong answer with equation,
exhilarating acceleration,
no need to quit or anger,
this is how it is,
your weight in walnuts.
378 · Jun 2020
External Movements
M E Ronan Jun 2020
No thoughts to make you real,
nails clenching on my notions,
screaming without ears to hear,
perception of memories put forward
creation of scenarios torn,
oh to stop,
make myself physical,
contained within today,
to look once more,
no reasons beyond context,
you had to create a somber scene,
unsteady emotions drive hasten movements,
reasoning occurring in my racing mind,
you sank deeper into my thoughts,
fragmented comments make fuller picture,
pensive minds adhere these.
330 · Apr 2021
Commonalities of Life
M E Ronan Apr 2021
Gliding in my thoughts
Drawing lines of no belief
Stamps of words on me
Life does not seem so linear at all

Void in my thoughts
Vehemence of the violent voices
Rolling over my softness
Sharpness in a round room of life

Silence in my thoughts
Evaporated lines of tissue and devotion
Fragmented injury allot
An isolated point in the middle of life

An edge in my thoughts
Laying out the same unvaried harshness
Crying not in my name
Non-echoing affinity bouncing off my life

Pause in my thoughts
Shadows in frequencies of low and strong
Sing in parity with
Charm and wonder in disjointed arms of life
M E Ronan Mar 2021
Poor and pity, somehow fallen
From the purity surrounded
That I meant to mean.

Either sorrow in silence
Or vengeance I must seek
These are the options for recovery
My illegitimate soul weeps.

My heart is stomping, creating storm,
Ghostly fear discovers
A nauseating essence of human form.

Time limit for trauma
Is accepted to cease
In the absence of hurt
Not a minute more, please.

Curtains pulled to cover
The heinous crimes of all
Society’s trauma blindness
Is in woman’s unrecovered core.

Moving stillness in a sitting traffic,
I am speaking
But my lips don’t move at all.
205 · Dec 2020
Resilience Lost
M E Ronan Dec 2020
A drop on my cheek was of a hollow tear,
It silenced the day that was so near.

— The End —