Always stay in motion And remain on course You may have to deviate your path Continue to have that motivating force Be firm and fierce Carry out your plan Demand excellence of yourself Rise up and take a stand
My heart thrives on your love, Please water it with your love, Manure it with the nutrients of your tender care, **** out unwanted jealousy, It will bloom for you, Only you my precious. 2/3/2020
One, two, Dad and you, Three, four, Me and little brother, Five, six, Granny with her walking sticks, Seven, eight, Grandpa with his wobbly gait, Nine, ten, And a big fat family hen.
You will always have another chance To make yourself better Just keep on training And envision getting stronger Put your mind to everything Believe that you can do it The road may sometimes be difficult But, you must have that strong will bit by bit
No man is immortal, But to take your life before your time, Is not a solution to a problem. Your soul belongs to the creator, So you cannot take what is not yours, "Cry and the Lord hears, And HE will take you out from your troubles, HE will heal. 4/3/2020
Always be willing to push yourself And charge a lot harder Rise up to the challenge Let it make your visions sharper Continue on your climb Just reach for the sky Be fierce with determination And always aim high
When Love fell in love with Love, Love asked Love with love, What is love like? Love replied Love with love, Love is as loveable as the one who is reading this poem. 5/3/2020