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 Nov 2018 starchild
The feeling
The sudden realization that this would be all for nothing
The reality of this stung her
She stood there
In the dust and the dirt and the dim light
Her breathing calmed
A stray yellow tear trickled down her face
Still seeing the world through a brøken lense
Still a kid with no idea of how to let go of this
Even Satan used to be an angel
My angel
 Nov 2018 starchild
your name is
forbidden in
my mouth
or in my heart
because when
i think about

i'll cry a little more,
hurt a little stronger
love a little softer
because you no longer
make me feel sober

i'm drunk on the
memory of you
if only i could chase you with pizza but shots don't work like that
 Nov 2018 starchild
 Nov 2018 starchild
Misery grows tired.
In these seemingly endless nights
We find a poor home for eternity
Caged upon our mattress
Damp from the night sweats

We wake now to a different sky
So make your bed
Take a breath
Be the sun and

 Nov 2018 starchild
Shadow Dragon
Get a job,
a husband or wife.
Make yourself comfortable
in your own life.
So they tell me
or would have told me
if they were still alive.
But they are dying slowly
by the magic pills.
They are no longer there
to protect and care.
I no longer have devils
that whisper and scream.
They can do both
but now they are doing non.
And I can see myself having fun,
not caring or staring
into nothingness.
Yet it leaves me in mourning
to know they are about to die.
Maybe if I hold on a little longer
I won't be lonely and then find myself
a job, husband or wife.
 Nov 2018 starchild
Demons are just FALLEN ANGELS.
They fell
And unlike angels,
DEMONS have a STORY to tell.
Good and evil.
It's just two sides of the same coin.
 Nov 2018 starchild
I always bother you
though I never try.
I hate the tears
but I cant keep from the cry.
you are everywhere I can never find
but by my side
and its pathetic,
I  know it is

and yet...
I cant keep the panic at bay

and still....
anxiety steals my words before i can say

i m i s s y o u

i l o v e y o u

w i l l y o u s t i l l r e t u r n

w i l l i e v e r l e a r n

w i l l y o u l o v e m e i f i d o
w i l l y o u l o v e m e i f i d o n o t
                    the bird
                                                    who flew
 Nov 2018 starchild
 Nov 2018 starchild
Poor Poets
 Nov 2018 starchild
genius comes in fragments
poetry comes in slivers of sentences
open to all
yet mastered by none
merely mortals weaving a web
a web of words
of truths and lies
of things made plain
and things we hide
and as we navigate this artful web
we realize just how much we are out of our depth
 Nov 2018 starchild
 Nov 2018 starchild
When I was younger I used to think
that when a falling star crashes into the earth,
it shattered into stardust
and from there grows a forest.
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