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Ignatius Hosiana Apr 2015
Why sing for someone who despises your voice?
Why choose him who'll never respect your choice?
Why not give up after the many times you've tried him?'
Why not forget him,and be my Triduum?
Why waste the flooding love in your soul?
Why can't you see he was just a hard fall?
For all the caution from your peers through the years
Why won't you let a gentleman wipe your tears?
Why can't you accept that fighting for him is a lost cause?
Why do you choose to crash on his waves over a new course?
You say you can't free yourself from the heavy chains of Love
Why don't you believe It's something you can be free of?
Why can't you feel the concern in my heart beat?
Why not settle in my shade and let go the heat?
Aliance Shaker Mar 2015
In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years- Abraham Lincoln
One day baby...

Years from now …

We will be sitting on our front porch,

Drinking coffee together as the sun  goes down.

Your face full of life

Your hair full of silver

And your eyes full of wisdom.

But even then, I take your hand,

With its wrinkles sewn

With time in mine,

And I kiss it softly

As we silently

Rewind these memories in our minds.

Tears began to form in my eyes

I knew I was a lucky guy

But only then did I truly realize,

The changes we made

And love that we made

With every year that flew by.

It wasn't luck…

It was  a blessing to share this life,

With you by my side…

Then suddenly as one lonely teardrop fell,

I  realized,

Just as our eyes

Watched our children grow and change with time.

We watched ourselves grow and change also,

With each turn of the page in our book of memories....

We had without knowing, wrote a story of passion, love and beauty...

From all the years shared between you and me...

I can  see our love grow deeper as we grow older.

I can see our relationship take shape as each chapter unfolds.

All these  trails we  left behind in the dust

The narrative of our trials and  perseverance,

I watched  our relationship form

How we learned to listen

How we learned to trust

I watched as  our lives became one…

Held within these bindings in our minds.

I  find a reflection of how we came to be us.

The story we had no idea we were writing,

The story of ...Us.
A foreshadow of a memory.
Violet Rose Mar 2015
It's such a strange thought to imagine just seven years from now we will be completely new people. Seven years from now each and every cell that embodies us will be shed and reborn again. Our skin will be new skin and our bones will be new bones. Seven years from now, we will have a body that past lovers will have never touched. Seven years from now, all our flaws and imperfections that gnawed at us before will be washed away and we will be renewed. Seven years from now, we will not recognize our old selves, for our looks will have changed but so will our minds. Seven years from now, we will know and have seen more, for better or worse. We will grow and evolve. We will have our virtues ripped from our throats, and we will build new ones. *Seven years from now, you will not recognize me at all.
Poetic Artiste Mar 2015
Maybe the stars are more than they appear,
Maybe each star could be a count of the years,
--Or lives,
Maybe a star will one day be mines.
Seconds slither as if Years,
Minutes meander like Months,
and Hours can hover for Weeks.
Days become what's done with them,
while Weeks can feel like Hours,
Months move by like Minutes,
and Years tick as if Seconds.

Yet, somehow,
it all surely adds up;
so, seek they all count.

Mortality is Time
on loan from the Universe/Tao/God/etc.
As per the contract that is blood,
the debt is to be paid in full and collected for the All
by none other than Death: among the more loyal of entities.
(Yes, harsher loan sharks than Death do exist!)

Point is:
Live it up while you can,
whatever that may mean to you.

It's not about softening the blow,
it's about leaving an impact.
Preferably a good one.

Ultimately, that choice-
that responsibility-
is wholly yours to bear.

Would you trust you?
Would you trust me?

Thus must One
tread lightly, yet decisively.

Pay attention
to each and every second,
whether on the outside or in.

By patience and self-discipline
One may come to see
Out and In are really One.

A perfect circle.

Choose to live,
don't just *be alive.
Twixt the lines,
circles beget spirals.
Spiral out. Keep going.

"To dismiss as 'Dark' is to eclipse what complementary Light!"

Teresa Reyes Mar 2015
Of course I've changed
life does that to you, it creates conflicts
some you can handle and some that make you fall through the cracks
I'm not the same freshman girl you once knew, I'm a junior that has been through things
I haven't been in your life for two years
I don't know the same people you know, I don't remember everything
we used to do
You're different too
You've changed not just me.
We all change, we change from life experiences
we change from situations we were once in
we are not the children we were in elementary, did you expect we would stay the same?
Change is everywhere
aviisevil Mar 2015
If only water
Could cure my thirst
I would gladly
Drink an ocean
And if I could spell all
In my words
My voice wouldn't be
So frozen
I wish there was
No me at all
But now I am here
Witnessing another fall
And it's hard not to think
Of All the leaves I've lost
Now my body stands naked
And burnt
In a winters call
Wish I could speak
And paint you a spring
All the colours I've tasted
And the seasons they bring
Eventually fading to black
Into the unknown
But I know
These memories won't
Leave me alone
And I know
I can't go back
To the nothingness
From which I was born
Because now I know
What life is.
Notes (optional)
AE Mar 2015
Red branches,
out of place?
White snow,
been here for days
Old goodbyes,
In a tight im brace,
Just couldn't let go
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