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Natasha Jun 2018
Give some love, follow a friend & wonderful new writer

Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2018
I write away my sadness
The stars listen to my pain
Night wind whispers "You'll be alright"
Hums a lullaby in harmony with falling rain

I write to heal this wounded heart
The sunshine lends me hope with a warm glow
Pillowy puffs of clouds remind me to rest
Rustling leaves on branches seem to say "Take it slow"

I write to escape the world awhile
Transform tormenting ache into art
Other things give comfort, not like my pen
I write to soothe my soul, heal this broken heart.
Writing is such a release for me
Lisa Jun 2018
I always wanted to be a writer.
I wanted to be able to take my thoughts and put them In words, take the Spirographs that are my thoughts and follow the constantly over lapping lines, but it’s so confusing
So messy.
You see I wanted to be a writer,
but every good writer has had a trauma, some sort of thing they went though, I thought I needed that to be a good writer,
In fact I wanted a darken past.
I wanted to be a wilted willow in sunflowers.
You see I asked for it.
You see I always wanted to be a writer,
I basically asked for it.
Lemonade Jun 2018
She, as a writer,
was never liked by them.
Little did they know,
they couldn't limit the rain.
And she was a Hurricane.
Lemonade Jun 2018
I have seen it coming.
I have felt me drowning,
slowly, and then all at once,
I don't like it here, you know.
It's different,
maybe I knew it was gonna be.

I talked to them.
No, it doesn't get better.
Every time I try, it gets worse.
Maybe I don't talk like them,
maybe I don't want to.
I don't like it here.

They don't get me.
Well, no one tries to.
And it's utterly fine,
I like it that way.
I'm that socially awkward damsel, who is mostly seen under the covers of her John Green-book.
They do talk to me about those notes from class
and once it's arranged,
they are nowhere to be seen around me.
But, remember?
I don't like it here.

I have seen it coming.
I have seen me losing myself,
piece by piece, word by word.
I have been trying to reach the bright smoke of expectations that hovers around my head.
And for the hating love of reading,
I still manage to slip through the pages of that fiction novel,
at least once a day.
I don't like it here.

I have seen it coming.
I have seen old mark sheets of the dead,
I have seen those good grades fade.
I have seen me,
I haven't risen up from the dead,
I am trying to.
I don't like it here.
Lemonade Jun 2018
No, this time it didn't hurt me much,
maybe I am used to it, now.

Maybe I have had enough of us.
Maybe the fact that you're not there, doesn't bother me anymore.
Maybe I became more independent this time.
Maybe this time I knew where each of the pieces goes.
Maybe I don't expect from you anymore.
Maybe I grew up a little bit.
Maybe this time, there's no jack to my Jill.
Maybe this time, Jill knows how to fetch some water, all by herself.
Maybe this time, I want more from life.
Maybe this time, you just stick to the white-ruled pages of my diary.
Maybe this time, the whispers around streets aren't about you and me.
Maybe you don't lie close to me anymore.
Maybe, those peals of laughter are now replaced by the smell of coffee and battered laptop screens.
Maybe, my hands don't search for you in darkness, anymore.
Maybe, my eyes don't search for you in our favorite hangout places, anymore.
Maybe, my lips don't mumble your name while sleeping, anymore.
Maybe this time, I finally get that you don't care about me, you never really did.
How bittersweet is love
How bittersweet we feel
For a love that’s unrequited
One that isn’t real

Oh how sweet to wonder
To think of what could be
Thoughts that are so tender
Thinking you’d choose me

So bitter to hear you say
That she is the one
Who makes you feel that way
Your connection
For too long
Her mind
All along
Her energy
So strong
Never me
I’m wrong

How sweet it is to string myself so deep
Falling for your words
Thinking they’d be for me
How sweet I’d hear the words
You’d string together
Orchestras from your heart
But one look from her
Can tear you apart
I see it in your eyes
The longing
The need
Of her
Not me

For a second of her time
Makes you feel alive
While fire burns my eyes
As bit by bit
I break inside

How bitter it is
That I sit here like a fool
While you love one after another
I should have knew
I was nothing
Than just an ear piece
Not a voice
You’ve torn me to shreds
But I don’t make a noise

No I smile
I do
I’m still standing tall
But the pieces within me
They’re starting to fall
And they melt from your side
As your pieces fall to her
I stand with false promise
Caving into shadows to hide

Still is sweet when I hear your words
So sweet I feel on fire
Just one more look
One false hope
My mind says I’m a liar
But my heart goes back to you
With kind gestures you give
I ask myself if fantasies
Is what I need to live

What’s more bitter that solitude
Is loving a love you cannot know
And chasing after hope
That’s left you all alone

Oh how bittersweet is love
How bittersweet we feel
For a love that’s unrequited
For one that isn’t real
Lemonade Jun 2018
There's this guy I call my best friend,
He is sweet and sound.
Yes, we complete each other's sentences.
Calling him just a 'friend' would be a disgrace.
He is more of a diary for me.
Deliberately, he listens to my pointless thoughts
with his stillness, softly pardoning me,
connecting the dots,
he smoothly stirs my soul with indulgence.
letting our smiles exchange their scents.
Yes, I know he does his job too perfectly.
You would say he is just a fantasy,
But trust me, he holds true.

There's this guy I call my best friend,
My constant companion,
he helps me untangle my obstructions,
just the way you untwine your hair,
and let it spare.
He is like coffee,
in the mornings that aren't glee.
His eyes proclaiming that it's a good day alee,
as that smile reaches his ears,
letting my heart sing a happy song,
all day long.

There's this guy I call my best friend,
Some of you may think, this is again someone friend zoned.
But no, this is someone I have owned.
He is more of a family to me,
who never lets down to me.
He touches like a happy pill,
he is the Jack to my Jill.
He is more than just a poem to me.
I hope, together we blaze,
forever and always.
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