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Sarah Nielle Oct 2015
I don't know if there's something inside of me,
besides these bitterly sober words.
I'm falling faint, or am i just falling?
S H I T.
I have a lot of aspirations.
So much I need to do.
I need to be alive.
I need to breathe.
I need to feel normal.
I need...
A beginning to this ending feeling.
Yume Blade Sep 2015
A finger in my mouth
A nail between my teeth

Am I worried ?
Am I stressed ?

A sound came to my ear
A sound of something breakin'

Am I breaking my nail ?
Am I eating it ?

No , I'm not
I'm just anxious
I'm just worried
I'm just stress

Anxious about him
Worried about what he's doin'
Stressed about what he thinks about.
about what he's doing without me
he needs me & he knew it.
Micah Jul 2015
Dear Victoria,
Where did you go?
Why did you leave me?
My heart has gone cold.

Dear Mindset,
Why did you come?
You tell me I'm worthless,
Useless and dumb.

Dear Victoria,
I need you back,
Without you I do things,
My soul's turning black.

Dear Mindset,
You've changed this child,
You've broke my jawline,
And stole my smile.

Dear Victoria,
Right now, I am lost,
I'm confused, worried, doubtful,
My wrists pay the cost.

Dear Mindset,
You've ruined my life,
It was you who told me,
That salvation was in the knife.
It was you who began my now grand addiction.
   Thank you so much,
   Love Victoria x
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The reality hath hit me
That today couldst be mine last day
Or tommorrow,
At least I canst sayeth
I showed love whilst I was here.
As im feeling the sickness and the pain hit me again,
I don't knoweth
What's to cometh next.....
Emily Jones Jul 2015
What do I do now?
When all my obligations are over
The school bells have  rang their final tune
The cap has sailed the air flipped over
Back down into the mush
Of payments
Uncle Sam coming to collect it’s due
I want to be free to live
See those distant shores travel those far off places
And exist in the floating twilight of possibility
I am scared that my dreams will only be that...
A dream
In another life another place
With a happier me..
Perri Jun 2015
they say,
if something seems too good to be true,
then it usually is.

which makes me
hesitant about
the way you seem so interested in
every part of me

it makes me
so skeptical
that the stories you are sharing with me
are in fact

I have become
so cautious
that your words are genuine
and your intentions are indeed

dare I risk
making myself vulnerable
when I have no clue
if you're like all the others
Jellyfish Jun 2015
Why do I constantly wonder,
If I'm truly to her, what she says I am?
Why am I so concered with that..
That feeling inside of my gut?
What is it anyway?
That disturbing clench.
It causes me to worry.
You've made my vision blurry.
Please stay by my side..
IcySky May 2015
My heart starts to race faster,
my hands shaking,
tears running down my face.

I'm scared, and worried,
"why is this happening to me?" ,
I wonder to myself.

"I don't know why this is happening!!"
How do you stop this feeling?
This feeling not being in control.

This thing that is happening to me,
I'm having a Panic Attack.

My anxiety is out of control,
I can't control it,
will you help me?
there i was
about coming home
to an empty space
filled with two cats
and memories i can’t erase.

i made it home
i was benzo’d out.

i did the dishes
catching myself
from the ***** soap water
repeating the things
distract and relax
that's what the crazies said

here i am, in my head
saying it too
am i crazy
or am i just living dead

so i vacuum
and say it again
i can cope,
panic doesn’t ****

does this make me crazy
that i say these things
to keep me calm
to distract and relax
my mind knowing that
**i’m all alone
Perri May 2015
I think I have finally come to accept that my home is
on the fence.
I am constantly fighting with myself of my worth and intentions.
A forever debate if I am worthy of the good or deserve all the bad.
I want so deeply to love someone,
and their love to be pure in return.
Yet do I deserve to accept their love?

I want so badly
to be a kind, genuine and patient person,
yet when I am,
I get used.
Then when I voice my thoughts,
I get abused.

I am nervous for the day
that a big gust of wind comes along and blows me and my home
off the fence.
But which side will I fall?

I'm scared.
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