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Torias May 2016
Scattered like seeds,
I've told my secrets here
And there.
Never too many;
They don't root anywhere
Or get a chance to grow.
No little birdies can go and spread them around.
Esther Feb 2016
No! Please don't go
You can't leave me here
I'm not a pro.
It hurts to see you this way
When your sky's are gray
And I can't  do anything.
No matter how much I try
You keep saying goodbye
It scares me.
Why can't you agree?
Life is worth living
And thanksgiving.
You say your only depressed
But obviously your broken,
Live a fragile vase,
Cracked and shattered.
No need to worry,
I'll pick up the pieces
Even if you say no
I don't care weather I get hurt
All that matters is that
Your back as one.
Jeni Feb 2016
I’m scared to let go now
But I want to so badly
For you,
AFR Dec 2015
I can't remember the last time I chose who I was
I am always the girl everyone says I am
They called me sweet so I turned my hair to cotton candy
They told me I was innocent so I hid my body
They said I was understanding so I threw my thoughts in the trash
They whispered I was empathetic so I sent my feelings away
They called me cheery so I pinned the tips of my lips to my ears
They told me I was friendly so I decided to pretend I wasn't scared to say hi
They said I was fair so I made myself blind
They whispered I had changed so I felt myself crumble
They yelled at me what to be and when I wasn't perfect they started over
They ate my cotton candy
They ripped my clothes away
They dug my thoughts out of the trash
They called my feelings and brought them back
They tore my lips from my ears
They scared me into not wanting to say hi anymore
They gave me glasses
They stopped 'fixing' me
Now that they've stopped I don't know who I am
Am I still sweet, innocent, understanding, empathetic, cheery, friendly, and fair?
I don't know who I am now that they've stopped telling me
Maybe I'm nothing
Maybe I'm everything
I don't know what or who I am now
I need someone to tell me
I miss who I was pre-them
I miss who I was post-them
I don't know who I am
Who I'm supposed to be
My identity
I don't know what to do
Julia Aubrey Dec 2015
is it the ever flowing images that keep me "going", that keep me "from moving"?

quite confusing, in both ways.

in some ways they allow the blood in my veins to rush to my cheeks when I chose, even sometimes by surprise, but in others, I can barely fathom a moment without them, the memories.

if I were to be living without the images of you, I suppose I would begin to visit you in dream; like someone I have never met but would like to.

you are a dream in all least now you are.

there is a nauseating rush now, like a cracked mosaic, like a weak cherry tree in the late fall, like an yelled secret in outer space; and all I suppose is real, are the words I say in my sleep, the longing I remember when I wake, the pain I feel later in the day when I try and remember every arrangement of letters than passed my lips, your fruit punch stained ones.

a third is good, a third is bad, and the other third is neutral...

stuck in the middle, consuming both the good and the bad, blending in camouflage.

I cannot tell which is which.

-Julia Aubrey Rhodes-
Im always thinking about you
I'm always worrying if you're safe
Are you okay?
Are you happy or sad?
Are you eating enough?
Are you sleeping enough?
Are you thinking the same about me?
I worry about your answers so much I get sick, literally.
But if I mention this, I would only make you sad
kyle Shirley Dec 2015
When the light goes out at night, what do you see? Most people see darkness, black shades or shadows of objects in the room.

I see fear. I see what can go bump in the night, the things that leave your hair up on end and your goose bumps on your body.

I see what could grab you and torture you till suns first light. I see the future of one hundred possibilities come to life in a matter of minutes.

Yes you could say I sleep with the light on, it eases my senses. I sleep with a fan on to **** any sound rumbling outside my door. I do grip my pillow tight and have slept with on eye open as a child.

These nightmares dont just happen at night, I see them without closing my eyes. I see them as I drive down the road in daylight. I see them out with friends and movie theaters.

I must ignore the sight to get through my day, such like the hulk is always mad but learns when to turn, I am always scared and seeing the darkness but know when to block it and see reality.

Soon my mind will eat me alive, golfed in a world of fear and torture. As my fingers twitch and legs shake, the madness will paint brush strokes on paper and please other people in their own fantasy land, while i write it will be a cry for help....
Earl Jane Dec 2015

Where are you my love?
This soul is looking for you,
My heart is crying,
I'm praying everything's fine,
God bless you, I miss you lots.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

It's been a day since we last talk,,, it's not normal anymore he didn't leave me any message,,, I don't know what to do... I am praying unceasingly hoping everything's fine.... I wanna cry hard, I miss him sssoooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i am ssooo worried,,,, But i lay all my worries to God, He will solve this for me... I know he will chat me soon... though it might take days, coz I don't know what happened, I will still wait..... I will wait Brandon!!! I love you ssooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AB Dec 2015
Just maybe,
If I close my eyes tight enough,
Everything will be okay.
It's just not a good night
Others had a way with words,
see , they had thought my scars were burns.
Burns from the flames of my recklessness at work.
But really, insomnia was my employer because every night I had to be on time to the schedule beneficial to its needs.
Because you see, insomnia was in love with depression,
oh how they made sleepy eyes seem to gleam.
Weakness in standing and shaky hands worth having.
Danced across my skin ,skates like razors ,
performances with roses.
I always found the thorns, they were in my head.
Crucified for feelings I never could truly understand , I told people I was dieing.
But all I wanted was for someone to hold my hand.
I have abandonment Issues.
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