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GoldenTouch Dec 2020
Sitting at home
Expected to succeed
Watching our world burn at our feet
Fire lit by generations before
Powerless to turn the tide
Most of us would rather die
There's so much more to focus on in the world than school work. Our generation is feeling powerless to succeed.
dailythoughts Dec 2020
last Christmas I gave you my heart
this year I am giving myself the world

last Christmas you gave my heart away
this year my heart is in the right place
Trying to be nice
Doing our utmost best
People are oft lying
A Senryu
William Marr Dec 2020
drawing open the curtains
he pleasantly finds
in the bright sunshine
the maple he planted years ago
dressed in splendid green
still stands *****

the world is alive
and well
Bobby Dodds Dec 2020
Steady, we go along, stable, we seek our comforts.
And beyond us, the rest of everything lives.
Surrounding our dinner tables a conflict festers,
As my father yells across at my uncle about
The hate of our current leaders.
(i leave my eyes at my plate)

Consistent, we see ourselves, ugly, we see another side.
Another side I frequent is a “shooting range”,
Where before the curriculum starts for the year,
We learn how to fight against a shooter inside.
As I learn the thoughts of shakespeare,
And recite the constitution.
(i fear for when the shooting begins again)

Lost in a known life, I cower beneath those who stood taller.
The fervent few who knew history and what cycles it spawned.
The powerful ‘leaders’ who promised a better tomorrow,
Corrupted by constitution, and empirical deduction.
We stand side by side as family in the face of terror-
Be it red, blue, donkey or elephant.
(i know the lies they spread and still follow synced)

Oblivious we march in protest to ourselves.
Not knowing the start or how our story began.
Impervious to outside influence we are herded into ideologie,
And fed the grass and grains of knowledge warped into ‘morality’
Undead beliefs cycle themselves to those of the generational heir,
And respawns in the minds of those too cowardly to accept something else.
Fact and fiction morph into each other-
And grey becomes all we can see.
(blinded by a light gray scaled, i see myself as no one and everyone as the same)
Culture is often confused with ethnicity.
political agenda is often confused with morality.
We make this easy distinction-
Those who don't are those who think in absolutes.
Mitch Prax Dec 2020
It's almost midnight-
the car is gaining speed
and we're passing
world after world.
There is no destination, baby,
it's all about the journey
as we fade
into the night.

New oneself,
new me
new you,
new us,
new world,
new life
new mindset,
the race of
ideas, new
days and
new ways.
New thangs.
But only
change, it's
divine. But
more ways
happiness is
positive vibes.
If you look closely
at the ridges of your fingerprint
You can see mountain ranges
and lush valley forests
where rivers
nourish little people.

Much more to humanity than being White or Black, no inferiority nor superiority.

No African No American and nothang like Asian. All I see on earth is humans.

No black no white or yellow complexion, but all were humans of same kind.
All Lives Matter. And if humans should be categorized, Black Lives Matter.

Why do we **** each other? It doesn't really matter who you're nor where you from, we were nothang but brother.(s)

He Who wishes the world peace would not alone dwell therein. Black lives matter as well as every other's.

We have got to change the way we live, change the way we think, we got to change the way we treat each other.

We need to change the way we perceive one another. What's love if what we only understands is to **** each other?

The black needs the white and what could the white do without the black? Even the world is made Black and White. So tell me why do white hate on black?

(I asked my little lad here of the type of color, all he could first mentioned was Black and White.)

So tell me
since we all realized both white and black were divine colors,
why do we have to fight one another?

Instead of us building humanity and making the world a better place for everyone.

Let us not spare any room for racism in our world. If we can't be together, why would God made us together? He would have set us on a separate world.

Why do we have to live under oppressive laws? How do lives survive where and when solidarity becomes history?

Much more to life than poverty. All lives matter no difference. No Peace for a wicked mind, If nobody tell you, who seen you ever made it higher by bringing others  down?

Let he who is without sin be the first to cast the stone. Mistakes are inevitable in our world.

Even the judges can be wrong too. Why do we judge each other, and yet telling people to be themselves and yet judge them?

All lives matter. Corona plaque has no place in our midst and social distancing doesn't separate us, hatred do ****** us.

We got to learn to be a  brother's keeper, no to racism because Black and every lives matter.
Addie D Dec 2020
The new year ahead
we sit together at the top of the world
hurdled in each other’s arms
and speak of times yet to come

except we left and the world is lonely
wrote this as part of my essay for creative writing but i quite like so i decided to post it. hope you like it!
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