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Inner Child Jul 2015
Cigarette hugs and Fireball kisses,
How can this love be fictitious,
How the smoke fills my lungs with tender embrace,
The cinnamon whiskeys gentle caress,
This is true love,
Warm, Comforting,
Whiskey tells no lies as it touches my lips,
The smoke bares no knife as it surrounds my hips,
So Cigarette hugs and Fireball kisses
Because your memory still makes my eyes glisten.
scar Jun 2015
Watching through an empty window,
He broke his pain on the tears that fell
From his face

Like glass, they hit the ground and shattered
And his groans went unheard by the people
Who passed outside

It was not normal, this obsession, he thought,
Pulling another cigarette from his case, and
Setting it alight.

He watched it burn: burn long and strong,
The ash gathered grey on the end of the smouldering stick
Then fell to join the water
On the floor.

Who am I, he thought again, what do I do?
There were no answers to these questions.
He was in this empty house, overlooking the lawns,
Breaking the dawn with a glass of whisky
And a bottle of wine.

There was nothing left for him here.
scar Jun 2015
the sun sets on a horde of trees,
a flock of birds flying in one direction
then another
one another

the screams of the forest are silent
and the chattering of the day for now
has dulled down.

in the town people sit
on benches and outside bars
toasting the day just gone and
bringing in the evening on the back of a beer.

no rain has fallen
and none is falling now
but the earth still holds that dusty scent
an inexplicable petrichor
that strikes deep into the very core of your being
as you observe
the passing of the day.

another one has gone:
another day has fallen and you are left
with one fewer soldier in your army
on the march towards death.

there aren't too many things you can say
to the people who pass by and
greet you on their way home from work
so you just exchange pleasantries
and pretend that is enough
for now.

pretend that you have not just watched
the sun melt down below the horizon
and the clouds sharpen in its orange glow
as if a great cat had ripped its claws
across the sky.

you cannot communicate this
without sounding mad
and so you smile tightly -
grittilly -
down another whisky
and that is enough
for now.
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
when I’m this drunk
and you’re a thousand
miles away
I miss the plenary version of you
everything that you are
and all that I perceive you to be
why aren’t you here with me

I want to stop giving up
I want to just do it
I want to love you completely
with all that I am
and with no reservations

because when you’re
a thousand miles away
I know that the daily
irritations and influences
that detract from our
utter (what an ugly word) and complete
devotion to one another are
just that
distraction and irritations

the insecurities and the self-defeating
effects of life are nothing
when I have this much whiskey in me
I know that my love for you
is real

more real than Paris for Helen
more significant than
Romeo for Juliet
I love you as I love the
heart and lungs
in my own breast

without you I am bereft of a
vital *****
necessary for life
for existence

when I am this drunk
I don’t make sense
but I know
more truly than I know my name
that you are
and that I love you
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
when you have had
one too many
you can’t write coherently
and need to stop
trying to be deep
and meaningful
give it up, man
with five shots of
in your gut
you’re not a poet
you’re just a man with
too many words and
not enough sense to
stop typing
Ron Sparks Jun 2015
nectar that burns -
the whiskey on my breath -
fuels my rage, my lust, but weakens
my ****
Naomi Greene Mar 2015
Bronzed skin
Chartreuse eyes,
he kissed like a drop of
sweet sunshine.
Whisky-sweet taste
in a champagne glass
of platinum wine.
Naomi Greene Mar 2015
Bronzed skin
Chartreuse eyes,
he kissed like a drop of
sweet sunshine.
Whisky-sweet taste
in a champagne glass
of platinum wine.
Belle Victoria Feb 2015
the lights went out and everything turned dark
the whisky and *** got me really drunk last night
or was it just the look in your eyes when you saw me
that hit me hard in the stomach, I was gone

weeks past by and I stopped thinking about him
months past by and he stopped seeing me around

but last night was like the old times
neck kisses and sweet words, laughter and cuddles
it felt like some things could never actually change

you dont know what you got till it's gone
but getting it back feels like the first time you get sober in the morning
amazing yet confusing it makes you happy yet sad

maybe it isn't meant to be
we cant see the future in the stars
I just wanted you to hold me last night
and you did.
sometimes I like to write something about you
R Dickson Jan 2015
An ither Burns night,
Has finally come alang,
If you've got an invite,
You'll hae to sing a song,

You'll soon be reciting poems,
Wi a whisky in one hand,
A haggis in the ither,
You'll be feeling mighty grand,

Daein wan o Rabbies,
Or wan you've writ yersel,
Gie it public airing,
You'll hae us in a spell,

Once the night's ower,
Poems spinning round yer heid,
Burns night is for aw body,
It's a pity that he's deid.
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