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Abigail Shaw Dec 2014
When I look at you,
I remember who you used to be,
I remember it in the fold of your clothes
and the dirt under your fingernails,
You worked in the garden like you were the flower,
Wearing that mask you should have worn forever.

Now when I look at you,
I do not see a woman,
I do not see palms open with apology as I should,
I see,
The hate that you harbour for me,
You planted your flowers in my throat and now I can't ******* breathe,
Yes I can see,
You settled,
But don't act like I caged you,
Little bird, you walked right on in; I just,
Turned the key,
I muzzled your snarling mouth because I was wary,
Of being bitten,
The only reason I painted you purple was because you lied when you said,
You were a blank canvas,
So don't play the wild horse if you're going to fear the one who breaks you,
You are no bucking bronco,
No, you fought fire with fire and now you're all burnt up,
You played the rose, but without all of your petals you're just thorns,
And you've made me draw blood on more than one of your edges,

But that's okay,
Because I always thought your black eyes looked better than your blue,
And I know the lion always bows to the ring master's whip,
So next time you think about starting to spit,
Your insipid lies, I'd watch your lip,
Because we are a storm,

You can't have your thunder,
Without my lightning,
Or you are nothing at all.
A poem about domestic violence from the POV of the abuser, highlighting the justifications some use to perpetuate their abuse.
Graff1980 Dec 2014
Another kid dead
They got it on YouTube
Another kid bled
By a bullet to the head
Shot by the boys in blue
Cause that what the cops do
Down in the dark alleys
Up in Chicago city
No gun pulled
Just blood pooled
Another punk schooled
In the American dream
I wrote this in may
Claudia Dec 2014
you can turn off the t.v. and tell
yourself not to look at worldwide
news anymore, but that would
be impossible to do when you have
to do simple things every morning
such as checking the weather,
temperature, or train delays.
and when you look, that's
the first thing you see.

innocent people, who
once knew nothing about these
blood-thirsty killers
as opposed to peace-loving killers,
who had big dreams
framed with success. since when did
big dreams turn into nightmares
where people can't be brought back from alive?

what if i had the same dream as
those innocent people? what if
i want to travel freely and roam the
world, writing poetry and news to bring
back and tell others about my
experiences? what if
these killers ruined my dream and
a million other dreams and
turned them into nightmares?
what would happen?
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2014
Turn around
Let me see your bare back
My fingertips won't hurt
I promise.
They will be tracing your spine
Making it a warmer place
For my lips to hide in
As they mold with your skin.

And then you'll hit me
Because my fingertips
Were the most dry
And my lips
Were the most chapped
Amongst those of the women
Who have laid their flesh on you.

VENUS62 Dec 2014
Men and women all born to a creed
no creed an advocate for evil deeds
Savagery of the Peshawar kind
has more to do with an evil mind
that does not think nor analyze
blinded it is  by  emotions unwise
Biochemical imbalances of the brain
and a body bereft of a conscience
is that what makes them take an AK47
and wreak havoc on defenseless innocence

a satanic act born of frustrated cowardice
that seeks to hide in dark disguise
behind the shroud of distorted beliefs
that seeks revenge as heavenly relief
Those that make their own earth a living hell
Which God and what paradise waits for them pray tell?
Summer Lee Dec 2014
Inside I am a furnace .
A gun lights up the night from
A driver's side window .
Rapid fire flashes .
Firecrackers .
You duck ,
I doe .
Why am I not afraid ?
Don't look at the license plate .
Just the shiny thing .
Your jaw setting ,
Adrenaline in your veins ,
You scream .
Tell me what it feels like .
Maybe I'm insane
Or just high .
But your name fails me
And you are the rest .
Yelling with a beer in your hand .
I don't need your protection .
Inside I am a furnace .  
Not afraid in my own neighborhood .
OnwardFlame Dec 2014
I ate a nasty sandwich last night
Standing at the kitchen counter
In nothing but my pantyhose.

A woman in Jersey last night,
She tried to help me find my way back
I bought her two "Natty Daddys" from the liquor store
Yo, they looked disgusting.

But she drunkly jabbered on
Telling me tales of how she has sunk knives into people
Watched her brother blow his brains out
Got shot when she was 4 years old
Had 7 felonies
I listened like it was all nothing
Nodding my head gently in the freezing cold
She told me she would call me Penelope,
And I nodded and nodded and nodded,
Hopeful smile
As if my best friend and I simply waited for the bus.

But I bought her the beer
Because I was not about to **** around.
She finally went away
Clamoring out with: "I can't keep living in fantasyland here--I have a real job!!!!"
But stopped to look back and inform me that her boyfriend was 6'9".

An ambulance soon came
And an under cover cop
And I guess this is one of those moments
Where I could seem like a stand up comedian and stretch the truth
But I don't.

I don't know if it was for her.
Or for her 6'9" boyfriend.
Or hell, maybe even me.

Legs up on the wall, talking on the phone until 3am
But Long Eyelashes needs to talk because he is sad
But I gotta go get high and bowl tonight
Everyone needs to just calm the **** down.
A sleeping friend missed our hang out time
I can give you candy canes.
Southern sun and eggnog will soon surround me
Here's some art, I hope you like it
I think, deep--in my mind.
Amit Shroff Dec 2014
What wrong did the children do?
Maybe it was that they had books in hand instead of guns.
The birds flew away from the dry branches,
Gunshots echoed the corridors of the school.
Junior or senior what difference does it make?
Life is a life whether that of a child or an adult.
Those who survived will live on with pain
But what good is this to anyone?
Is this enough to end jihad?
Musharraf or Sharif, Bhutto or Zardari none have done good.
All they did was to secure a bungalow in London.
No mercy is enough for this atrocity against humanity.
Dedicated to all those who lost their life in Peshawar attack.
Jacob Dec 2014
Hello, darling,
I see your coat is ready
To be put back up on the rack
I decided to marry you
And now I know why.

Tired, darling?
I want to make dinner for you,
A wine and dine for the two of us
I hate to see you this tired
After a long day.

What is it, darling?
I know there's something on your chest
So please, get it off for me
Were we made for each other
For you to break this news to me?

Okay, darling,
I'll fix some supper
This leg of lamb could fit you nice
Swung into the air with my hands
And onto the back of your head.

All right.
So I've killed him.
This poem is entirely inspired by "Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl. It is not a true story.
Lukas Dec 2014

I’ve forgotten how to

        My nerves are on fire but I
        don’t understand what it means

Do something
Give me

        Give me *anything

I need a way out
I need to feel

Pixels are shouting at me and

        I think I’m going deaf
        please help

I know who did what and when

        I know you
        I know your ups and downs and dreams and fears

I am the ultimate ******

        And so are you

And I don’t know how to
I don’t know how to stop

        Make it stop
        Give me anything

Something real
Something physical

        Give me pain
        needles and knives and back-alley mistakes

Rough brickwork bruising a back

        Is it my back? I
        can’t tell anymore give me more

Cement scraping skin from fat from muscle from bone

        What does marrow taste like?
        Google it

Blood pouring from eyes but
we’ve seen worse in CoD

        Give me more

Rip the bones from the flesh through a hole in the skin
Taste the inside of a tongue

        Let’s practice Frenching

I can’t tell anymore is this pain or
is it pleasure is it hunger or satiation


Is this death or is it euphoria

        *Why should I care
Not so sure about the "graphic" and "violent" tags, but better safe than sorry, I guess.
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