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Gala Jul 2018
I remember the long drives
along the night skies.

We would sing aloud
surfing through the clouds.

As the night started to fade and
the lilac tones appeared.
We were not afraid.

We rolled down our windows,
pretended our hands were heroes.

High off the ecstasy of each other's company,
we became bubbly.

Finally allowed to be,
together by the sea.
lilhadi Jul 2018
Love.! Love feels different all over the world, love is shown different all over the world; that’s just start depending by the family small interactions until to the personal final growth among the so called friends.  Now, looking back I finally realised I was so blind and every tear in front of my distracted face was a ‘cry for help to let me know that I’m badly losing you; baby girl I want to let you know that I’m so-sorry for making you feel diffident and I’m glad that you were there helping and supporting me everytime, beside that fact.  Even if those late-thoughts maybe will never make you change your mind, I’m still writing this down for both of us. Harmfully and insidious all the way, I destroyed your beautiful innocence and because of your enormously love for me, you let this...ungrateful child at that time, change your smile for eternity. Then, for sure the distance between us in the past time opened me a door to a totally new mindset with you as a mandatory focus point. It’s not about a second chance, I just feel like you are the chosen one and i don’t want to lose you because of my mistakes. As you can see, this time I’m hyper-aware regarding you, stuck on this idea and I will go for it until I’ll be able to make you see that there is us, two independent people making a deal that they will help make other person the best and happiest version of themselves.
lilhadi Jul 2018
Remember! You will never have these days again ..
stopdoopy Jul 2019
Do you feel it?
As if we're drawn together,
like soulmates.
Maybe you do,
I wont ever know,
but I feel it always ends the same.
Maybe we're not meant to be together.
Perhaps it's always been this one sided...
despite the words you've said,
no matter how we lived.
God and priest,
maiden and servant,
in a war somewhere,
I don't think we've ever ended up together,
isn't that sad, my dear, Aphrodite?
I suppose it's for the best, darling.
Had to get a last poem in before pride month is over! Hope y'all had a great one <3
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2018
Lovers rise to the sweet sweet smell
that rises with the breeze of dawn

Take my wonder to yonder where the
moons are full and the stars are warm

Where our hearts are touched and sing
in sync, in the Fields where our souls
were held before

Make your heart my crown, and let us plan
our years in the arms of Spring, our kisses in
the light of Summer, and every
loving day in

the palms of dawn
I've been doing alot of haikus so now it's time for a regular poem!
Hope ya like it! Be back soon!
Lyn ***
MacKenzie Warren Jul 2018
when you began to wear more gray shirts because i said i liked the color on you
when my favorite songs slowly found their way into your playlists
when your ****** expressions started to look a lot like mine
when you began to talk like me, using the same words as i
this is when i knew you were mine
Daisy Hemlock Jul 2018
I am an alien.
A being from another race.
You are not alone in the universe.
I've been sending signals toward your star cluster
For billions of years
Into the vacuum of space
With no response.
You are not alone in the universe.
There is so much possibility of knowledge.
AAron Roz Jun 2018
I would steal his Broncos hat.
I'd slip it over my braids,
then peer out from under the bill.
He would smile and pull me close.
When no one was around, we would make out for hours.
At the fair, he would hold my hand on every ride.
Then kiss me at the top.
We would share a smoke and vapes,
one drag at a time.
We would sit in each others arms,
and listen to old pop and rock.

Now I wear my dad's old Yankees hat,
pulled low over my eyes,
with no one to laugh with.
And there's no one to share my coffee with.
Now during the fair,
I see him around.
He'll smile and nod in my direction.
I sit alone on the edge of my roof,
going through a whole pack of smokes alone.
I write sad, pity poems about myself.
Missing him because after two year, he left.

I wonder how long my new bae and I can last?
I hate breakups.
lilhadi Jun 2018
When you have an argument with your partner, keep it private and don't announce it for everyone to know, especially on social media. Be mature and handle the conflict internally by talking to each other, not talking about each other because not only will it leave a negative impression about you, but your relationship as well.
Talk about your problems and not about your partner. Too many people don't realize the damage it causes by letting their anger take control of them. Be mindful of your partner's emotions because they are hurting just as much as you are. Settle down, take a deep breath, clear your angry thoughts, and have an open discussion on how to solve the problem instead of pointing fingers and blaming who's at fault.
Remember, words can leave serious wounds so be careful with what you say when you're angry. Understand that your partner is also vulnerable when you're arguing so don't add fuel to the fire by lashing out and saying hurtful words.
When you begin to understand that communication is important, you will learn to respect your partner's feelings more and you will consider hearing their side of the story and listen to what they have to say instead of just forcing your own beliefs all the time.
It's not about who's right and who's wrong, it's about resolving the argument as peaceful as possible without hurting each other's feelings that could lead to resentment or even worse, break-ups. It's important to keep your relationship's privacy especially when you're both at your weakest during misunderstandings and fights.
Weather the storm together and keep your partner under the umbrella. Don't let them walk under the rain.
helia Jun 2018
I'm left stricken with awe
You're a god in the flesh
With your trailing kisses
You bring heaven to me

I'm your little angel
A devil in disguise
Take me to nirvana
Make me feel like a god

We can burn in hell
With its black lit flames
Their heat can't compare
To that which we feel

To that which simmers
Underneath our skin
That flickers and licks
When our bodies meet
The sun is hot. Who knew.
May 31, 2018.
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