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Ikigai Poet Jul 2019
Let's laugh in the silence
For the world shouldn't know
That we're together.  
And when the sun sets  
Let's paint the skies with  
Darker shades of purple  
And let's fade into forever.  
Let's paint our hearts a little darker
So that they don't resemble the broken ones
We're not broken, nor our hearts are  
We're complete and unified as long as we're together.  

Let's run on the sand  
That takes us to nowhere  
I'm too sure that we'll reach
The place where we always wanted to be.
Let's call this night our own
And just feel each other  
Cause this is where we're supposed to be
Cause we've been here before.  
When the silence hits us
And Hush takes all over the place  
We'll know where to go.  
Let's walk a little bit faster
Let's scream with our footsteps  
Which are a bit too chained
We'll break those chains  
Those cage, those constraints  
We'll not call it a home.  
Let's be the music
Not what everyone expects us to be
But the one we wanna be
We don't know the music but we'll change the lyrics  
And call them Hope.
Let our heart beat a little faster  
Let's sit on the moon  
And let's chase those Shooting stars
For I know we'll always chase the infinity  
And at the same time we're infinite.  
Let's count the breaths  
That we never took
And dance on tiptoes.
Before we swoon  
Let's get drunk on the night
Chase the madness  
Trip a little and stop.  
Let's just be as we are  
Our flaws, our scars
Our laughter, our Chaos.
Tonight let's chase who we are
And fall for each other.  

-Ikigai Poet
Lance Jul 2019
May you never experience the loss a mother's love
May you never feel isolated and left alone in this world
For you are loved and cared for.
May you never feel as though the world is pinning you to the ground
Wishing you would die.

May you never feel the darkness consume the last bit of light in you
May you never need to hurt yourself to feel less of tearful ache
May you find the happiness you deserve
And may you find the love that will finally put you at ease..
To the lost and to the people struggling
Dawn Jupiter Jul 2019
See me, I dance for you,
The dance that no one notices.
Hear me, I sing for you,
The song that leaves my lips for yours.
Touch me, I’m here for you,
Surrounded by so many but wanting only you.
Derrick Jones Jul 2019
Alone we suffer
Together we can endure
Stronger when we are tethered
That I can ensure

Connected together like birds of a feather
We can weather the weather whether we face hell or heaven
We can resonate and instigate a state of inspiration
We can rest and equilibrate, share a respiration

Forming a superorganism we transform
No longer lost in this chaotic storm
We take shelter in love, sharing security
Surging electricity sparked by common unity
Purging our anxiety, embark on a new odyssey
I’ll help you up and you’ll help me see
See how great this life can truly be
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!
OpenWorldView Jul 2019
fifty years ago
mankind took a giant leap.
time to learn flying
we can reach
the stars
Dré Jul 2019
The candle flickered the way his eyes had done that night.
A slight interruption in a stillness, composed of perpetual motions.

I found him there, where certainty ends and surrender begins;
a space we created together but on our own.

Sovereignty in our togetherness saw fear dissipate with pride
when he held out his hand that night.
Zywa Jul 2019
Swimming hand in hand

isn't easy, we take a rest –

with salty kisses.
"Grand Hotel Europa" (2018, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s and 10s"
Satvik gupta Jul 2019
When i was young,
Had funny days.
Bunking the classes,
Each and every day.

Our school started off with the holy prayer,
Division, subtraction everywhere.
Next came,  the shakespeare,
Learning literature was a nightmare.

We were just dozing off.

The recess time,
Doin' nasty things
Creepy crimes.

Sweet couples enjoying their day,
We singles
Always prayed,

Last thing i remember
Was the fight between us
Smoking hard
Inside the bus.

I hope u will remember those days,
Let's meet on someday.
Do ya remember those days ,
Had funny names,
And creepy plays
We were two halves
trying to fit
our pieces

We took away
fragments of
little by little.

Not knowing
we were already
slicing chunks
off of each other
becoming someone
we no longer

It was then
we realized,
no matter
how much
effort we put,
how much
we stripped off,
we couldn't force
the pieces to fit.

You and I,
we weren't right
at least
we tried.
I tried to change for you, you tried to change for me.
I tried to change you. You tried to change me.
We tried to make things work between us but we just couldn't fit.
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