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Seema Sep 2017
Sometimes I feel like a fish without water
My arms empty without my daughter
This planet's greenery being chewed off
Chocking to breath, no air just cough
Stars lose their gravitational balance and fall
Ocean creatures crowd the shopping mall
Our brains steam up to explode
Our mouths fill up with loads of word
The ignition pressured to fire off people
Massive explosions causing ocean ripple
My mind is a dangerous place to peek
You wouldn't find anything of what you seek
A whole planet, galactic system, entire universe
Resides inside my little head
Open doors through my eyes you can see and add
The perception opinion that you can actually train
The pointless manic operating my brain...

Àŧùl Aug 2017
Pal, you are from Mumbai,
Of course that's not false,
On the way back take care,
Just stay safe my darling,
Again it reminded of 2005.

Seeing you healthy is divine,
Take your health to the next level,
Aim 100% health today along me,
You're better if you are healthy.

Some desires for life remain,
A** desire is my parents' health,
Final desire is your wellness,
Effect it will have on our kid's health.

And my emotional strength too,
Note my dear request to you,
Divine is this feeling of love.

Sifts through my mind's crevices,
Only your safety day and night,
Until we see our grandchild,
Not just its birth but even its life,
Dear, you gotta stay healthy for it.
My best friend Pooja Shah is from Mumbai which is a city always at one peril or the another.

I want to wish safety for Pooja Shah and all the other Mumbaikars.

My HP Poem #1656
©Atul Kaushal
Diana Botelho Aug 2017
I feel so small
with all this responsibilities
I never wanted to embrace

society bruises my mind
leaving an open cut
anxiety like blood
dropping on the floor

and prejudice is all over the place
it's hard to believe it's real
it hurts me deeply
damages my soul
and I'm still privileged

all my feelings
amplified on the room
contained on the school
overwhelming when alone

I write I sing I play I act I read
and I study cause they make me
and I learn because I'm forced to
not because I like or want to

but all this responsibilities
they restrain me
don't allow me to be
the person I could be
If i just had time
to be me

all this *******
keeps me caged
hostage of this system
that cuts my wings
and beats my brain
Rajnish Mishra Jun 2017
The long unending chain of toadies
All but goes on knees
To kiss the ground beneath
The Caesar’s feet divine,
And masses spineless fawn o’er him
With lolling tongues canine,
While Caesar smugly smiles.

His laurels, rank, and destiny,
His power, throne and crown,
Anoint him with, then gladly
They press on him their leash.
Teeth glittering, widened lips,
Resounding, deafening claps,
At every single dropping word
From Caesar’s lips divine.

Then tail-like wag all tongues;
Sweeter than honey spread,
Cloying, unctuous, authentic,
Invented compliments.
They truly lie and truly please
The head that wears the crown.
Their words and praise rise not
From heart from lips downwards they drop.

Bravo! Stinging and biting,
Inverted compliments,
Impressive speech, well-worded,
And what fine sentiments!
You think you know then
All you need of countless regiments.
We live by knowing where to bow,
And smile, fawn and kiss when,
The hallowed ground beneath his feet
Aand selves how prostrate then,
While Caesar smugly smiles.

Our happy days and nights,
We smiling live our lives, at Caesar’s feet divine.
By God we truly look our part
With lolling tongues canine.
O you tigers of wrath!
Your wars for liberty,
Produce dictators worst,
Today you have your Julius,
Tomorrow Augustus.
And what indeed is truth if not calibration?
Timeless, endless, meaningless ratiocination?
Mercury Chap Jun 2017
How fast her fingers move on
From work out tips to
Cannes festival link
Her heart and mind afloat in the
Jolly, juvenile winds,
She opens her wings and flies into the jet streams,
Soaring for the highest peak of her heart
Always dreaming, imagining her future fantasy,
Hoping reality wouldn't crush her
Before she even starts struggling.
David Cunha Apr 2017
How they fake
How they copy
How they fear
How they dream scared dreams in tears.

How they drink from bored mugs
How they live like slugs
How they make money cigarettes
How they pray for money bags

How they crave recognition
How they bend for the system
How they brag ignorance
How they weep romance

How they shove it up their *****
How they're continuously embarrassed
How they play the game
How they never blame

How they praise intuition
How they preach superstition
How they form their private cliques
How they corporate religion´

Will this joke ever end?
Sorry, no, I will not bend.
Àŧùl Jun 2017
Oh how conveniently I often fail,
But not that my arms I do not flail.
Neither that soldier spirit ebbs away,
Nor this fighting spirit will ever sway.

What is wrong with my health,
Why all my systems get derailed.
Have I not lost so much of wealth,
How I avoid this approaching death.
May be a bad news for a few of you,
But as a good news for some of you,
Multiple systems in my body now fail.
I am not sure where I will land,
If in heaven or in hell,
If there exists a life after death,
I will await your ascent right there only.

If I die, ask my father for the password.

My HP Poem #1576
©Atul Kaushal
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