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rose Apr 2017
i see stars
in her eyes.
no —
not just stars;
solar systems
in which just the two
of us wander through,
individual souls lost
in a pool of darkness.
that darkness devours
every last bit of hope,
and that is why i know
we cannot be together.
official poetry month c:
Ignis Mar 2017
Barely a few years out the womb
Already they seek to entomb
To drag me by my feet
To fulfill the ends they seek

Riddle me this
With a flavorless kiss
Words whispered to my ears
******* away my human bliss

I want to be free
But they place me
In a numbers game
With many a name

Dear Lord!
With your empty words
I am a number on a list
Each contributing to this ever-growing cyst

Test me, test me
Let me see
"Learn what we teach"
I say practice what you preach
You leech

Government daycare
Slowly killing their clientele
The ones who came unwilling
Shackled in laws
Under scrutinizing stares
Of the systems eariler products
The ones who need to be molded
To fuel the ever growning hellfire

Turn The Wheel!
Be a Cog!

Our beasts of burden
Seeds for the next crop
Reaped, to grow our grain
To labor in vain
While we grow fat

Why do we subject ourselves to this
When right in our grasp
Is bliss?

It'd only require
An amount most dire
Blood made green
Filled with rottings of evil hearts
M Harris Feb 2017
Newfangled Biosphere Pyramid Scheme In Dwelling To Sidetrack,
Sanities Seduced So You Never Will Retort.
Threaten the sanctity of the delusion,
Unlearn. Start altering the definitions.

Force fed more dread so you relinquish control,
Cravings we must return.
Unfetter the soul,
In a system where acceptances esteemed more than the veracity,
Flawed perception of tour progression through that which we consume.
Exposed through The Earliest Of Eons.

Resistance-Resistance is Demarcated
Subversion-Subvert the Paradigm
Stirring Within A Ecosphere
Numb And Incarcerated

Stirred On My Own
In Prehistoric Of Existences

Slumbering. Visualizing. Bleeding. Conscious.

Appreciations bolted in a collective delusion
Lulled by ease and consumption
An entire realm of souls visualizing their existences.
Mankind is not superior, we’re just folklore's in our own consciences.
Jellyfish Feb 2017
I'm a malfunction,
either momentarily
or permanently.
I don't fit.
KB Feb 2017
the sun and the moon and all of the dust between the height of your wings, they used to be full of flight but now I can touch the ice of orange rays and the red of dented craters beneath the pads of my ever fumbling fingers and it gives off a smoke in my stomach that even bullet exit wounds don't leave behind. i'm craving fizzy drinks again to numb out the stars in my eyes that won't stop constellating the white hope in your burning palms, have you been climbing blue fences again? the night doesn't tire often but the last comet that flew by last January the 7th looked exhausted and it had something to do with the way you blinked away fire from the moments you forgot to count
Spenser Bennett Jan 2017
Sweep clean the system
Shards of glass and bullets bloom
Party's over, no survivors
Shredded red ties and silk pant suits
Will we cower in glass houses
Stained panes fell through these rooms
War bloomed in the fresh-flowered noon

Don't believe what you see
Truth hides in deceit
Patron saint of finest filigree
What is gold but an excuse for filling blood seas

Chop shop, our listless hearts
Power brokers in bulletproof cars
Build your walls, we'll take your streets
The first house to burn is the house of greed
Thankfully you sold your souls for gasoline

If this is the end of everything
I'll make sure it's beautiful and free
Like fire off the edge of an endless sea
And you'll be the first to confess to fake history
André Morrison Jan 2017
Dropping bombs on your homes, make them catacombs
But maybe to some, that would make them feel right at home
But baby you ache, for a dose of that catamol
So I know you're awake, but I know you haven't got a soul
Craving that shake to your system
You say you don't miss him, but the world saw you kiss him
Got a ghastly way of thinking, a broken ism
The look in your eyes is eternally dim
As he cries, the tears seem to be sempiternal additionally
May it be, forever so to see, however it has to be
Straight from the catamol that you adore, all the way down to ecstasy
An ex to me, clocking the hours you came and left me
Whenever it was convenient, equal to a convenience store
Port & Starboard, in & out, I ought to deplore
André Morrison Jan 2017
Dropping bombs on your homes, make them catacombs
But maybe to some, that would make them feel right at home
But baby you ache, for a dose of that catamol
So I know you're awake, but I know you haven't got a soul
Craving that shake to your system
You say you don't miss him, but the world saw you kiss him
Got a ghastly way of thinking, a broken ism
The look in your eyes is eternally dim
leinstinct Nov 2016
Nice job everybody
You managed to be cool
To follow social stigma
To become another fool
Let me applaud your achieved conquest
Let me tell you how proud I am
Another lingering pawn of the system
Another ******* without a life
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