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Leal Knowone May 2015
The white squirrel runs free. Outcast for it difference. You know the story, it's all the same. We are all part of a huge unity. Refrain from your judgmental gazes of pain.
Some just want to see the world burn, mutiny of humanity.Release the sophisticated animal within the. for every beast will get its turn.
The white deer in its symbol for purity is hobbling. Sadly our symbols die. lie on barren plans. questioning sanity,insane, Refrain from your judgmental gaze, try to heal the pain.The dog has it's bite, and the bee its sting. the song birds still sing.
I see ******* kindness in a forest of forgotten memories
the vast vivid wilderness of pain, is the same as the one filled with such beautiful things. run free in your unified difference. notice the worlds significance. and all the energy it aims at your brain.
SøułSurvivør Feb 2015
to get back in the water....

Have you noticed how
Freaking WEIRD
the media has become?


Dah dum. Dah dum...
Dah dum Dah dum Dah dum

Lately I saw the cover of
Bazaar Magazine.

A model in a **** gold lame'
Bathing suit... sexily draped
Inside the maw of Jaws.

What Is the nose of Jaws
Coming vertically out of the
Water reminiscent of?
A PYRAMID perhaps?

The pyramid is a symbol.
Of Freemasons and


I always thought a friend of mine
A bit touched. He told me that
The 1% are all in collusion.
That the Illuminati used SYMBOLS
and scenes on the TV and movies
(Pictures on the wall in the
background, etc) as subliminal
Messages for mind control. And
to indicate subtly what is going on
Behind the scenes. So they can get
Their jollies by "telling us", without
Really doing so, how we are headed
For destruction. And how it will
Take place. So they can

I don't know. I used to think
The guy a bit eccentric...

I've been looking at what is
Coming out of Madison avenue
And I look at background scenes
In movies... he is CORRECT.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Just on site a short time.
The last few days have been hectic
Rae Harrison Feb 2015
I haven't been saying a whole lot of anything
and anything I have been saying is a whole lot of nothing
my words come out as symbols
and my thoughts pop up as rough drafts
its times like these I think I can't speak
and I cant speak or think at times like these
Joanne Heraghty Jan 2015
As I stood along the path,
I seen the little girl.
She had on a floral dress,
And her hair had flowing curls.

She stood still, all alone,
With a ribbon in her hand.
And above her was a balloon,
tied to it, with a band.

She had fallen away from the crowd,
Just to stand and breathe.
I watched her as she closed her eyes,
And positioned her two feet.

Her hand was held up-right,
To let the balloon dance,
In the wind that would take it further,
If it only got the chance.

After a moment in the silence,
The little girl opened her eyes.
As she done this, she loosened her grip,
And then sent the balloon to the skies.

I considered this symbolic,
And thought of you as my balloon.
Who had danced off with the wind,
And left me way too soon.
15 January 2015

© All Rights Reserved Joanne Heraghty
Seán Mac Falls Dec 2014
In braze, silent breeze of dreams incantations,
Shiva arms sway in the forest dark, mushroom,,
Cloud, lord with fungi, mosses whose clinging
Shades of branches, braids deep, forking stories
Of old, brooding cauldron Druids, sidles Eastern
Spindrift words of Sanskrit spake, told in veined
Sacred hands unfound, celestial spines, moulded
Green, in the windy monkish statutes of the fallen
And single handed claps of the missionary leaves.
The hazel's unusual branch formations make it a delight to ponder, and was often used for inspiration in art, as well as poetry.

The bards, ovates and druids of the Celtic day would intently observe its crazy curly-Q branches. Doing this would lead them into other worlds of delightful fantasy. Much the same way our modern imaginations can be captured by a good movie, the creative Celts were artistically motivated by the seemingly random and wild contortions of the hazel.

A more commonly known fact is that the hazel is considered a container of ancient knowledge. Ingestion of the hazel nuts is proposed to induce visions, heightened awareness and lead to epiphanies. Indeed, the legend of Fionn Mac Cumhail tells of his gaining the wisdom of the universe by simply coming in contact with the essence of the hazel nut.
Douglas Beights Nov 2014
I haven't any light, I mean it,
and I don't have a reason to help the nuns,
although the homeless mean so much to me,
I spit in their change-cups, and cringe at the smell of them.
The worst part really was the bats, though,
because I could hear them rustle into the night,
*****, grimy wings,
I didn't ever see them.
I never will.
This is all a part of the electricity.
Without a blanket, you jumped into the world,
very, very, very sorry,
but even moreso am I very blonde and reasonably proud of you.
Silence Screamz Nov 2014
Sew me shut
Talk no more
Black thread, Red string
Dorian Sep 2014
running through dim light
street alleys and courtyards
frantic/find shelter from the approaching storm
its on top of us/imminent
threat/the windswept city
will crumble above us
separated immediately
after the rush of anxiety
from the dream beings i felt closest with
alone at the end
in a mosque i find myself
refuge/lightning blue
flashes through the windows
illuminate the assorted
panicking peers

with each grounding of energy
building quakes foricing people to the carpet
holding onto each other
but i stand and wander
across the broad floor
beneath the shaking frame of the door
to a room without a wall
where i watched a lake of liquid fire creep forth

the holiest man came to stand beside me
we both kneeled by the rising shore
heads turned upward
looking into the core
of the tornados swirl
we placed our hands on the surface
my flesh singed but his glowing skin sank smooth
out of the magma he bore two rings of gold
and placed them on each on my longest fingers
what does any of it mean

— The End —