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Destiny C Nov 2017
Dear Suicide,

Please wrap me up in your warmth,
breathe your breath into mine,
fill me with a love I can never forget.
Please take me away,
hold my sorrows.
I'll hold yours too.
But only as much as I can bare,
you are much stronger.
Please wrap me tighter til I suffocate in your love,
don't let me go.
I do not want life.
I want your death,
sweet soothing darkness.
the lyrics, encrypted with beauty, blanket the fragile innocence that births soul

lone clarity with delusion, impair the freedom of rationality

however, with the suffocation, the isolation, any person would embark the toll

as sight to the blind, sound to the deaf, touch to the untouched are dire for such entity

but who are we to bask in such thirst?
Seema Sep 2017
I am losing my mind in this heat
Can anyone rock on some crazy beat
Let's do a hip hop rain dance
So we all can feel a little less tensed
Rain God, hear us through
We dance from our heart, that's true
O'Cmon, don't be so stubborn
Just shower hard in our urban
I honestly can't think straight
Soon we'll turn into human bait
Baked in this burning sun and heat
O'please can you give us rain as a treat
Things are moving in slow motion
There's salty smell coming from the ocean
It's getting too stuffy, why can't it snow
A little cooler, but I really don't know
Tropical Fiji, why are you getting hot
It's like sitting in an oven or being stirred in a ***
All my energy seems sapped in
I am feeling hot, I am suffocating within...

Dry season too soon.
Poetic T Sep 2017
Late motions collect on the views
                            of so little movement,
but when the twilight falls
even though shade is vacant on the
vocation of words..

Every movement is a stepping stone
on the creation of creativity that
                                     wonders blind,
But sees more than when the shimmers
of daylight plague the motions of unseen eyes
and everything is static

till wandering nightfall plays its games its games
on the fluid of darkness.
Everything breathes clearer when luminosity
                      doesn't suffocate it with brightness..
Aislinn Miell Sep 2017
There is no certainty in cancer.
No simple cure. Easy way out.
Just time.
gnawing away the brain.
Leaving only regrets and memories.

No matter how young, happy, rich or healthy one may seem...
There is no certainty in cancer.

It is a faint word drifting in the air.
Infiltrating households. hospitals. Families.
But never us...
We are too strong.
Too busy.
We have too much life to live...

'its leukaemia’

The words soaks into me
Suffocating me in my own skin,
What has my life become?
A sunken abyss of darkness.
An empty vessel of meaningless time.

Now Its just me.
The room.
And my soundless mind.
TS Jul 2017
I need to speak but it weighs so heavy on my mind.

"They don't love you."

"You aren't good enough."

I can't work, I can't sleep, I can't breathe.
This feeling is suffocating me slowly.
Let me out, let me speak, let me be who I am without judgement because I already judge myself enough for the both of us.

Nathan Tuy Jul 2017
Black hands grasp her heart.
She sits still.
The silence in her heart deafens her.
She sits still.
The darkness devours her.
She sits still.
She is trapped.
She sits still.
She sees everything falling apart.
She sits still.
Her world crumbles before her eyes.
She sits still.
She knows she has to sit still.
She sits still.
She sits still.
In the end, she sits still.
Haruharu Jun 2017
The years of being constantly knocked down are forever gone.

No more heart on her sleeve and clenched fists.

The suffocated voice inside her has grown strong.

She speaks louder than ever, and no one dares to go against her.

The fear in her eyes is replaced by vengance.

A fierce, unpredictable rebel is born.

Heading for war.

She's now ready for anything and anyone.

The most beautiful, savage beast anyone has ever laid eyes on.

With fire in her eyes, purple lipstick and Dr. Martens she is now waiting.

To watch her enemies crumble beneath her feet.

And she breaks into that lethal smile of hers that only she possesses.
Another piece of my life story. Time to move on, get stone cold and stand up tall
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