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izzy Dec 2019
You're back in my life now
I'm stupid, somehow
I thought we could be friends
I was dumb enough to forgive the end
Now you walk past me like you didn't do anything wrong
You ruined me
And it was two years ago but I'm still falling apart
Every remaining piece
Breaking when I see you
I feel so stupid and so ******* lost
I really need a hug right now
All my friends deserting me is too much
I can't take this anymore
I might do something drastic
Lu, how can you walk by like that, as if you never did what you did ? You might have moved on, and found someone else, but I haven't. I'm still hurting over you. You're the reason I'm the way I am.
M Dec 2019
You **** me off,
you ****** *****,
You moan, put down and gossip.

You're negative,
and your attitude is caustic.

A coincidence
you're stupid, too?
Somehow I think not.

and a low IQ
are the building blocks you've got.
I’ll say the wrong thing
To the completely right person
Honey, please,
That isn’t what I mean.

Stupid words,
Shallow, yet full
Full of hate and meaning
Full of negated feeling

Forget me, okay?
I don’t know what to say.
What I do know is that you’re jealous.
And now, there’s a price to pay.
For: Huxley Densen, Jenny Thoma, Quincy Taylor, Alistair Cadger
Grace Haak Dec 2019
I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you
You make my blood boil
You make my fists clench
My eyes squint
into a scowl
when I see your smug smile
lips curled
teeth bared
slandering my name
Go on ahead!
I know I am not to blame
for all the late nights of confusion
and all the moments of obsessive intrusion
You twist the story
say I'm no better
Leaving on my doorstep
a grammatically incorrect letter
Ah, nothing makes my skin crawl
more than the improper use of "you're"
"your a liar"
"you never take responsibility for you're actions"
God, I don't know where I ever found attraction!
You can condemn me all day to hell
but at least I know how to ******* spell!
You say that I make you absolutely sick
doesn't mean much coming from a
wannabe preppy pretense of a *****
Delete my number from your phone
Get a life and leave me alone
Stop penciling paragraphs
full of mean and spite
saying you don't know how I sleep at night
Well, the joke's on you
I don't actually sleep
And I don't miss your stupid Jeep
I literally have my own.
Again, put down your phone
and pick up a book
because being a *******
isn't exactly a fallback career
You got that? Have I made it clear?
You can go assassinate my character
to your nonexistent group
I'll just be ranting to my poet friends
on an online website everyone can see....
my anger has subdued this was just a fun one i found

also: excuse my profanities
Marri Dec 2019
You clog my lungs.
You make me stutter and choke.
You make me dizzy.

Still I bring you to my lips--
Again, and again.

You make me gasp.
You make me break form.
You make me laugh.

Still I inhale your sweet death--
Again, and again.

You dizzy me.
You intoxicate me.
You poison me.

Still I drink your sweet praise.

A silly thing like me shouldn't smoke,
But you are just so irresistible.

A fickle thing like me shouldn't drink,
But you are just so alluring.

A stupid thing like me shouldn't love,
But you are just so perfect.

So here I am:
Drunk, high, and stupidly in love with you.
sarah kayy Nov 2019
I just need to write
I just need to leak
I won't say what's on my mind
I'll have the words search and find
Since when was opening up a crime
Only in this day and time
I want to speak
My tongue is locked
My eyes open wide
To flood things out
Stupid .
In a time where no one reads
No one reads the eyes
No one reads people
No one looks enough to care
If one doesnt listen , would one look?
Oh how foolish!
Teach my words to find contentment
Teach my thoughts to rest
An  escape does not exist
Only in unseen space
Lily Nov 2019
Tell everyone how proud you were

It'll be easier when I'm not there
A mothers love
tinnnafish Oct 2019
I’ve loved you in ways that I have never been loved
I loved you for reasons that you will never know
I’ve loved you for longer than you’ve known and for far longer than you’ve deserved
It’s my fault for loving you too much
I knew you weren’t capable of accepting what I had to give
But you didn’t have to make me feel stupid
I can’t count the times you’ve brought tears to my eyes or have made me cry
You’ve hurt my feelings so many times and I just want to know why
If I could go back in time I’d try to be perfect for you just so you didn't make me feel so stupid
I gave you so many chances to change and you just made me look stupid
And now I have tears in my eyes and you’ve made me cry
I don't know why you had to make me look so stupid
Mark Oct 2019
"Who ****** Marsha Brady?" "I," said the Sparrow
"With my bow and arrow, I ****** Marsha Brady"
"Who saw him ****?" "I," said the Fly
"With my little eye, I saw him ****"
"Who caught his ***?" "I," said the Fish
"With my little dish, I caught his ***"
"Who'll make the movie?" "I", said the Beetle
"With my thread and needle, I'll make the movie"
"Who'll make his advert?" "I," said the Owl
"With my pick and shovel, I'll make his advert"
"Who'll be the screenwriter?" "I," said the Rook
"With my little book, I'll be the screenwriter"
"Who'll be the cameraman?" "I," said the Lark
"If it's not in the dark, I'll be the cameraman"
"Who'll carry the camera?" "I," said the Linnet
"I'll fetch it in a minute, I'll carry the camera"
"Who'll be chief editor?" "I," said the Dove
"I **** for my love, I'll be chief editor."
"Who'll carry the actors?" "I," said the Kite
"If it's not through the night, I'll carry the actors"
"Who'll bare it all? "We," said the Wren
"Both the **** and the hen, we'll bare it all."
"Who'll sing a song?" "I," said the Thrush
"As she ate on a mush, I'll sing a song"
"Who'll make him ***?" "I," said the bull
"Because I can pull, I'll make him ***"
All the crew of the film, fell a-sighing and a-sobbing
When they witnessed the ******* yell, from poor Marsha Brady.
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