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Viseract Jul 2016
Every room is empty
And every seat is bare
There's no-one home I'm here alone
Yet still I feel the stares

It follows me into my home
When I sleep I'm not alone
I shrug it off but it won't get lost
It's with me when I roam

The feeling of being watched
It gives me paranoia
I twist and turn, I feel the burn
Around my neck it coils

This weight on my shoulders
Combined with this glare
Buck and roll, duck and dodge
It's with me everywhere I go
the glares of society and the weight of the pain I get... it burdens me so
Pep Jul 2016
I avoided you like a mouse does to a cat.
I tried to possibly block you out.
But your gaze turned me into a hot liquid, and somehow I really liked it.
It was so hot, I felt like I wanted you to dominate me.
Rub your body up on me real good, because I need you close to me, I need you real close.
I was frequently blushing from your bold stares.
I squirmed under that gaze.
You were my ultimate torture.
But I would not approach you.
You don’t need to know that I know about you watching me.

So I didn’t look your way.
before she left him
3. Devil's Cup
Kewayne Wadley May 2016
I was caught off guard by the everlasting effect of your smile.
In all honesty I thought I was prepared for the well placed explosion that took place in my heart.
In actuality, I was not.
Absent minded to the total embodiment that was you.
The coming of your lips,
The taste of your stare.
I did not know the effect your voice would have on me.
There wasn't a prayer that could have prepared me for you.
There was nothing left of what my heart use to be.
The occurrence of everything obliterated; Emptied.
The horizon filled by your silhouette; my hands lost in the light cast
by the radiance of your smile.
I was reduced to nothingness in the blink of an eye by a single look cast from
The stare of your eye.
The total sound of nothingness filled my heart with a peaceful hush
after the destruction you've caused with just a single look.
Jonny Apr 2016
Is my mind creating you,
That look upon your face,
In my heart it's love I feel,
In my dreams we surely play,
You look at me and so vividly
It's burned into my head,
Every encounter I've have with you
Since that October when you left
Lunar Mar 2016
He was sleeping so soundly,
I couldn't help but stare
At his figure lying on the bed,
No barriers surround him there.
I leaned in closer for a look,
His hands resting near his face.
The feeling of my arms around him,
The feeling of his strong embrace.
I yearned to relive that moment,
But this time he's asleep.
All memories of him conscious and not,
All these I want keep.
So I stared too long at his lips,
I stared too long at his cheeks.
And when i got to his eyes,
He was staring back at me.
jeon and jane are staring game goals
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Yeah I Agree

You set there as quiet as a stone
Leaving me chilled to the bone
You utter not a word to me
To break the silence I say "yeah I agree"
At me, you just blankly stare
You could cut the tension in the air

So I just stare back
Wondering just what it is a lack
Why can't we talk
Are you wanting me to walk
Do you not have the courage to say goodbye
Are you afraid it might bring tears to my eyes
Or are you afraid I'll go
If that's how you feel, it doesn't show

I guess I'll never know
Guess I'll just go with the flow
But it's so hard, you turn cold on a dime
At other times your passion is so hot it's a crime

You set there as quiet as a stone
Leaving me chilled to the bone
You utter not a word to me
To break the silence I say "yeah I agree"
m i a Feb 2016
you look at me across the room,
your stare is long and hard,
as if though you were dead,
kind of like our friendship.
its weird having a class with a friend who doesnt talk to you anymore.
Wiser Feb 2016
He admired her from a far.
The way she parked in her shiny car.
Her smile lightened all around,
Even him, who usually wears a frown.

He couldn't help but stare.
Such a beauty by a look.
But he never dared.
He'd be a fish stuck on a hook.
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