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Violet Blue May 2015
You burnt me
You've given me bruises
You've hurt me
So much it hurts to walk
You've strained me so much
I needed medical help

But I guess the best things in life hurt you the most
Food burns you
Exercise strains you
Sport bruise you
Shoes blister you
Lux Capacitor Mar 2015
Already wasting time with all the years we've been alive,
so why not nip the bud before the grace of your christ?
His open eyes must call for genocide if you're up in arms,
willing to put piety before the reality of impaled hearts.
No poetic device can describe how quick you shove your
***** up our *** before, exasperated, you decide in a flash
to bludgeon the devil's monsters till you're ******* enough
blood to take to your father for the war, to win.
Do you win?
do you win?

**** my *** and slit my throat.
I am a wo-man eater without a cause to own.
Knife my gut like you gut your fish.
Cause your masculinity won't last
unless you're pounding a ****, *****.
That's right, I am a body in the night,
that's all, but in the long run I'll haunt
your dreams for every ear around
your collar bone.
Cause I'm worthless.
asija Mar 2015
Everyone is cheering  
waiting for the ball to swing.
They are all so intense
waiting in suspense.
They want to see who will win.
Suddenly, the ball starts to spin.
Crash! It falls down
straight at the ground.
The batter starts to run.
In the hot, blazing sun.
YES! Its a Home Run!
JW Harvey Feb 2015
Hearts of stone melt
At heat tissues burn,
Blood to boil, into ash,
Muscle blown away
strengthless, weak
at Mercury's Ascent,
Wherein this fluid rock,
reveals molten flexibility,
An adept athleticism for
Love's sport alchemy
As  cold marble turns
to gold.
Paul Butters Feb 2015
Ping Pong World Champ Andrew Baggaley,
Wow that lad can really play.
Dethroned the “King” who came from Russia,
Then 1966d that kid from somewhere near Prussia.
Inspired by a great sporting victory by Andy.
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
Being in gymnastics
Is like being in an abusive relationship
Everything just tells you "NO"
But you still stay

From the bars,
And how it releases the grips of your hands
To the beam,
Which only aims to make you wobble and fall off
To the vault,
Running full speed to it only to make you miss the vault
To the floor,
Wherein you try to flip and twist only to be defeated by Newton's law of gravity

With the stupid scoring system
Pointing out every flaw
With a deduction
Just cause your bra strap is showing

And how we are trained to achieve the unachievable —
How every move is supposed to be precise
Every muscle squeezed and tight —

And the fact that
You'll never actually be the best
There's always a harder skill
After you've achieved what you may think
Is your "hardest"

It pushes you
To your breaking point
Forcing you to be
This perfect formed strong gymnast
Which pays so much costs
Literally blood, sweat and tears

It tells you that
Every ******* time you fall
You just gotta get back up
And try again
That no matter how much sore you are
You gotta **** it up
And do it again
And again and again and again
Until you finally get it

But there are these magical moments
those little moments of pure happiness
When you get a skill you've been working on
When coach praises you for your improvement
When you get over your fear
And when you stand on top of that platform
Knowing you gave it your all

These moments
Are what keep us going
These moments
Are what we come back for
Time after time after leaving the gym saying
"I hate training!"
There's just something about
These moments so special
That keeps us wanting more

And I will never
Stop loving gymnastics
No matter how many times it hurts me
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2014
Pursuing your dream with no excuses
Aiming for the best while
Staying humble
Stay grounded to your roots and
If you are brought down, stand up and keep going
On and on and on and remember,
No one else will help you, but yourself
getting the feels because i'm about to quit my sport and i just want to hold on to every single training hoping it would never end
An Uncommon Poet Dec 2014
I lived in the rink
Cold and Damp
I lived on the field painted in white lines
Lit by the scorching sun or blistering winds
I've seen things you could not imagine
I've done things you cannot comprehend
I've stuck up for my team-mates
I've popped shoulders back in place
Treated wounds, sewed gashes
I've sacrificed every inch of my body
To feel triumph and success
But there is a limitation
I will never destroy my opponents
As this is not war
Nor am I a warrior
I am human
My respect is endless regardless of our feud
I've seen people hand their jerseys to those less fortunate
I've strived to make my opponents tap out
But as they begin to lose consciousness
I've removed their mouth guard and supported their neck
I've hugged and cried for what we do for the love of the sport
I watched a wrestler of only 11, orchestrate a loss
To his opponent whom had cerebral palsy
Question my desire to succeed
But I will never elevate this desire over someone who needs to succeed
I am a fierce competitor but I will never harm my opponents
I will pick up the soccer ball if my opponent lays in agony
I’ve watched a man tear his hamstring
Yet limp and crawl down the track
Because he will never sink to a quitter
It’s worth more than a win
Its personal growth
I've seen old team-mates now opponents
Hand over awards
With the utmost open heart and congratulations
And although they are against each other on paper
This does not disperse them
Their respect and love for the person did not seep between the cracks in the ice
I’ve defeated my opponents and lifted their heads
To congratulate them for how hard they’ve worked
At the end of the day a trophy sits on your shelf
Win or lose, the success is growing beyond what once was your capacity
I’ve seen man and boy carry their family through triathlons
Swimming across lakes with ropes tied to the boat where their member rests
Carrying the weight of 150lbs on the front of their bikes
Push the extra weight in a wheel chair
Because they did not seek success
They seek the moment of triumph and achievement
To share with their family
To force them to experience overcoming the impossible
How can you disguise the power of sport?
How can you disguise its beauty?
Its successes and failures?
Its heart breaks and companionship?
The power of sport unites us as a society
Never disrespect its illuminated opportunity
Never shun those who've experienced its chaos
At our most vulnerable lows
Your friends, family, opponents and bystanders
Will always be here for you
Because this is what sport ignites
The fiery flame burning through the pits of your stomach
Capsizing your heart
Forcing you to show respect for one another
Sports is not about receiving the gold medal
Its about becoming faster, smarter, stronger, quicker
Ultimately better than you once were
The bar that once barricaded you from success
Becomes in-existent
Because you've grown and overcome the barrier that stands before you
And this should never come at the cost of your opponent
For as long as they are your opponent
You will respect them
Because like Canada’s Prime Minister once said;
We may be opponents but we are never enemies
Think twice before you disgrace the numerous games
Which have written millions of memories
I’ve been there
The power of sport is undeniable
You should crave the highest level of achievement
For not only yourself
But your opponents too
Respect their mental capacity and push them
To be better than the man that stares back at them every morning
Do not ever disrespect the power of sport
As you will experience moments which will be tattoos to your mind until you pass
You are as good as your work ethic
The trophy is only a bonus
The gold medal is staring yourself dead in the eyes
And recognizing you've grown
Recognizing you respect and love your opponents
Despite your differences
Recognizing that you will do anything it takes
To help others become 1% than they once were
Because the smile it brings to their face
And the fire it starts in their heart will never die
There pride will elevate beyond the furthest stars
All because of you
So I plead you,
Get off your couch
Step away from your computer
Roll out of bed
Step away from the kitchen
And work as hard as you can
To achieve something you want
Something you want to bad that you cannot even explain your desire
I grew up being told nothing will ever stand in my way
I will achieve everything I put my mind to
With an unstoppable work ethic, respect and desire to achieve
I will become better every day
So why shouldn't you?
Grace Jordan Oct 2014
Every morning, the touch of her skin. Each feel of her fingertips awakens the senses, and I remember, for one second, that I am loved.

Its easy to forget when she's not around, and I harken back to that dark corner that holds me, holds me harder than she ever does. She knows little of it, only beckons my freedom for her nights and her pleasure and then disappears in the morning.

She seduces me with lasagna, did you know that? Promises the contents of her fridge and then leads me elsewhere, a place I know she's leading me, but I eat it anyway. She stares at me while I eat, always begging with her eyes to begin the dangerous tango that I can never ignore, and I pretend not to notice, but I do.

Then she asks me how it is and I say delicious, even when the meat is dry or the noodles are hard, its always delicious. Her lips look delicious, her skin look enticing, her curves and entrancing. Truly makes up for the questionable lasagna.

I know I love her. She knows I love her. But she doesn't care, and just plays with me at night and in the morning, makes some excuse of how she must go, ruffles my hair and says thanks for the good time, sport, like I am some child. But I'm not a child, I am a man who loves her.

Love doesn't seem to be enough for my Lasagna girl, and every Tuesday she proves it. The loves not enough, the *** isn't enough, I'm not enough. Just another pawn in her game.

Every Tuesday I come back though, and I always will, until the calls stop and her beauty stops and the world stops.

Maybe it'll never stop. Maybe I've found my soulmate over a plate of half-baked lasagna, but the funny thing is, she will never bother to find me.
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