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Elaenor Aisling Dec 2015
I have dreamed of you. Branch like arms, solid sapling strength
as you arrange words perfectly on a page. I have so long been frightened of shattering the silence. Silence and I, we are old friends, can it do without me? Dare I bruise it? As the proverb says, are my words beautiful enough to make snowflake-shards when it breaks?
     Words, what are words? I can write them quietly-- silently, here they hold no decibled danger-- shout them, sing them, whisper-- silently.
     I thought my mouth an ugly thing. Sister jealous of quiet depth, woman of few words, tired of the vomited syllables that pour from others, tongues flapping. Do words live or die when spoken? I could not add a note to the melee, my head swims as it is. Voices, so many voices, inside, around, abreast, beside. I cannot help but listen. I listened so long to their siren's songs I forgot how to speak. I have mastered the silent tongue. Fluent in touch, in sigh, in glance, shift, breath. Incompetent translator, I have forgotten the mother tongue, red lips standing locked and lifeless. Does something misfire in my mind, rusty rifle whose trigger cannot be pulled but on dry days? Thoughts have scattered like leaves under my feet. I am bland, I am blank, blanched, useless, dumb.
     Speak, you say. I want to speak. I will sing, I will shout, scream, anything for you. Listen to how much you mean to me. But not just for you. For me. For the heart of hearts that cannot reach the page, the tone even the most emotive of words cannot capture. Yet fear has bound the mouth of my heart shut. So afraid of causing harm. So afraid of pain. Is the fear of suffering really worse than the suffering itself? I am frightened of the first un-eloquent strokes of the tongue.I do not want to blather, chatter, stutter on about pettiness.  I do not want my head to speak when my heart cannot. Tell me, dear heart, tell me, tired heart. Tell me we will learn to speak again.
Michael Ryan Nov 2015
If I never wrote
people would never know that I live--
does that matter--
it sure does to me.

That when my thoughts
and words
all my experiences
never hinted to involve another person.

How can anyone ever know:
that I think
I ponder
and I thrive
that amongst all my knowledge,
desperately I pander
for the eyes atop hills
and inside the trees around me

to speculate about my life,
when the wind brushes
through my hair
and sweeps across plains
knocking into trees
and leaking into your homes.

There are hints of my brevity
lingering within the air
and next time you speak
you'll realize that these words,
are not yours alone
but the words I've snuck
into your mind
with the wind.
I don't really have that much interaction with people even though I am good with people due to circumstances. Some people want contact and desire/need to see the impact they have on their world.  To the people that are trapped.  You are impactful!
What will become of us, when I have nothing left to say?

When I'm completely burnt out, and have no feelings left to convey?

Drowning in my sorrows, looking for more words to ramble on because rambling seems to be the only way.
The only way to communicate the longing to save someone from my own nightmare.

I talk to talk, hoping that someone will finally understand my jibberish words of thoughts i've compiled together.

My words have lost their meaning, I'm speaking only to myself,
trying to make sense of the words that come out of my mouth.

I've nothing left inside me...Will you take over the talking?

Longing to hear someone else say the things I've thought- quite the impossible thought if you ask me.

How can I expect someone else to read my mind, then communicate it back to me?
Tatiana Oct 2015
I'll build up to it
I've hinted at it a tiny bit
But the words don't come out right
They look ugly
And that's how I feel when i write about it
But I know I didn't deserve it
But it still takes time to come to terms
With the whole situation
And I don't know how long it will take
Because one day I'll share it
And it will hopefully help others learn
That they're not alone
And I won't be alone
And then we could all speak out
Please don't try to guess what the "it" is because I can not confront it right now. I just want to see if it's ultimately okay for me to share something so personal. Maybe not now or not even in this month... but eventually.
Francie Lynch Sep 2015
When one chooses
One's words carefully;
One doesn't speak
With one's mouth open.
Brianna Aug 2015
You said to move slower... That time always moved a little to quick when I was around.

You said to feel calmer... But I am not sure how.

You said stop, take a breath and think about the things you want in your life. Think about if I am in that decision and then speak again.

So I moved slower... I took a few steps to the right and twisted around.

I started breathing and thought calmly about the next words, the next sounds.

And I took a deep breath and spoke the only thing I knew to be true... That you are, and always will be, my one and only and that I love you.
ALamar Oct 2014
Public speaking no thank you I'll pass
The thought of being an orator makes me laugh...hysterically
Even if I wanted to speak publicly
My body wouldn't allow me
I think my voice would disappear and my tongue would atrophy
toomanywords38 Jul 2015
There's so many things I want to say to you
Things that bother me or that are on my mind
Yet it always seems like the wrong time
Or that I won't be able to convey my thoughts
They way they float around in my head.

I'm afraid you'll convince me that I was wrong to think them.
That I was stupid or selfish to want this or that.
It's not like you're a mean person, or controlling.
You just make a lot of sense when you talk.
So when I talk and don't seem to make a lot of sense,
You let me know. Usually nicely.
Occasionally you don't though.
And it  makes me not want to say anything at all.

So I end up thinking about them a lot more.
Convincing myself that if I think about them a lot
I won't mess up the words I rehearsed so many times.
But frankly, my communication muscle is just very weak.
And the times when I need it most
Are the times it's hardest to use.

I long to talk freely and eloquently,
To know what it's like to have logical thoughts
Which come out all in a row
Like soldiers marching to their own drums.

Until then, I stay quiet. Thinking.
Do Zen masters purposefuly

exclude women's

bizzare human joints

quivering ranking positions?
Imagined by Impeccable Space poetess
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