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Sethnicity May 2015
I am the hunted
A ******* of Love
One day I'm Vivid
the next I'm livid w/ Fog

Wind Blows Me like ringing or tapping the Window
Spreading my scent as I went for the Doe
Unfurling on decent a Swirling my ear
Blood Curling Heart Whirling at Demons eye Stare...

No guessing No blessing these Vixens prepare
All Beasting fore Feasting I'm Preying four Hast
Come quickly Come gently Come Clawing with Grace
One Tempting One limping metallic's the taste.

Their appetite is Lusting awaiting my space
They’re shady, I'm hasty, WHY make me thyne date?
You know me You owe me the Pleasure to wait.

They'll **** me Quite harshly if I acquiesce, so
No Screeching Now Reaching My Blood Trail they trust

I shiver I quiver my Heart Breaks to run
F'in Hate or in Love I'm turning the Gun

I'm burning the forest the trail goes untracked
when hearts stop I'm unlocked there's no turning  back

Universally   Speaking
" a woodland waltz composed of meter and passion best enjoyed with Red Hot Chili peppers and Elliot Smith at evening round Seven... "
TSK May 2015
Our name is the thing
That connects us to our life.
Every event, moment, action
Of importance can be simply
Conjured by one name.
Few, simple words spoken
To become emotions so strong
And link us to a being
That we may call our own.
And though I know this to be true,
I am haunted by this one dilemma:
Why is it the speaking of your name
To which my life is tied.
Sing for me pretty bird of mine
I've cut out my tongue and can't say a word in time
So here's another old piece poetry. Does it even count as a poem? Meh. I like it anyway.
Amitav Radiance Jan 2015
We always say a lot
And not feel satiated
Words leave us
Yet, more within us
Waiting their turn
To convey so much
Much anticipation
But, loses its meaning
Our cognizance
Not articulated adequately
If not words
Let’s try silence
Keeping our ears to the heart
Awaiting an understanding
Without the words
Echoing the profound feelings
Graff1980 Jan 2015
To speak without any editing
Edging towards the ending
To talk without a purpose
Proposing nothing new
Just spewing modern niceties
As modern nice people do

To speak with no intention
Yet live by your words
I wonder do you have to yell
Or will the whispers be heard

To speak
Tongues touching syllables
Tasting the virility of what language is
Links to the past and present
But push us to a future
Were we have no clue
Of what we will do

To speak as I do
As I choose to
Be sociable with you
Let it all hang down and out
Let us speak to figure it out
Let us speak until breath
Becomes non-syllabic death
And we can speak no more
Kevis Seymore Jan 2015
Red seas cross a bleak horizon,
They move yet they are still,
Robed and clad in red they were,
The men of the missing land,

They wander without reason,
Sees the man on the hill,
He ponders, with them to confer,
He asks what he is to think,

They speak with silence saying;
Help me,
Heal me,
Lead me,

What else can a man do he says,
That man atop the hill,

They speak with silence saying;
Test me,
Teach me,
Correct me,

If you wish he says,
That man atop the hill,

The seas stand still,
What could not be done, the miracle,
By the man atop the hill,

They speak with silence saying;
Move us,
Push us,
Change us,

What else can a man do he says,
That man atop the hill,

They speak with silence saying;
Watch us,
Control us,
Rule us,

If you wish he says,
That man atop the hill,

The seas were one,
Each and every the same,
Held in a current of order,

They whisper saying;
Release us,
Free us,
Leave us,

He cannot hear the whisper below,
That man atop the hill,

They scream saying;
What of this,
What of us,
Why us,

He thought to himself,
That man atop the hill,

He looked down upon the seas,
Robed and clad in gray they were,
Then he called softly from above,

You spoke with silence saying;
Help me,
Heal me,
Lead me,

What else could I do he said,
That man atop the hill,

You spoke with silence saying;
Test me,
Teach me,
Correct me.
Brittle Bird Jan 2015
1; Every time I think hard about a theoretical concept, the rest of my thought processes become out of focus, like on a camera, and I find it hard to speak in regular conversation as that fades.

2; I think dark blood is beautiful, but light red looks too much like small talk.

3; As you can probably tell, people make me feel like I'm drowning in a foreign sea.
For the series.
AmberLynne Dec 2014
People ask me why am so quiet,
and I say it's because I have nothing
worth saying aloud at the moment.

I watch, observing others waste
their words, and I don't see the point.
When I speak, it shall have worth.

And yet, when I make attempts,
often I am interrupted by others
who value their own words above mine.

My words are no more important than another's,
but if I take the time to speak them,
I feel I should be given the chance.

So why am I so quiet? Honestly,
part of the reason is because
even when I bother to speak,
                                                    no one hears me.
prettiest star Dec 2014
since you told me what you
think about death,
the smell of apples,
and god

i want your
unevenly trimmed nails to brush
the back of my neck
as you scream secrets
without words

i want you to read me
understand without thinking
we could move together;

if i were strong, and
if i could show you,
you would see that
i pretend a gentle rhythm
possess a rough soul

*i don't know yet what you hide
Rj Nov 2014
Sweating, breathing, silent screaming
Shaking, crosses, mixed love making
Kisses, crying, forced good-bying
Late night terror, morning dream
Guardian angel whispers in my ear
I'm screaming so loud, no one can hear
One more prayer, one more look
Look at my own heart I've took
I've thrown it into jail you see,
To save me from questioning eternity
No more love.
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