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M Solav May 2020
In a tectonic motion
Mountains have formed
Ridges deepened
In the blink of an eye
In the breadth of a gasp

I recognize myself
Asking why they assume
That we find who we are
Within the singular grasp
Of a mere single soul

For I feed a thousand of them
And they feed themselves alone

Your so-called meditation
Must be taken elsewhere
You must see that it was
Never yours to begin

Watch the rearview mirror
As it enquires the wisdom
I am but a multiple
Left merrily unresolved
Written in May 2020.

— Copyright © M. Solav —
This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
Poetic T Apr 2019
I don't know your story, I've never read
a paragraph of you life..
                    I'll not lie I don't know when

your life became a doodle circling around

But I've been through things you've never
                 wrote about.
                                              But I'm still here.

Don't think that a page will never turn,
              that a paragraph became a sentence
                 then a singular word


I cant hold you I've never even met you.
              But if I just listen to your voice
its cutting me inside.
          but I'm here for you, a voice shining
in the dark places where your own voice
                                         had deafened you.

We can talk for as long as you want.

                         please insert coins in..
                         this call will end in

Then your gone..

But I redial and I hear the tears circle the
                  phone cord, tightly grasping around your
                                                              vocal cords.

I'm here for you, ill stay till the silence isn't so profound
         when your  voice inside isn't so loud.

Just sleep on it after weve talked.
            No your not alone, after I'm gone
                      talk to a friend, realise that they'll
be a brick in the wall to hold you up,
                                                          not to crumble.

Remember that I'm hear, now lets just talk.
Momento Mori Nov 2018
One life, one wife,
One love, One Love.

Why one, Why one,
Why one, Why One?

      My Frustration is only matched
By my desire to be the One.

I am a contradiction to be watched
         a liar who wants to run.

I have been frustrated recently with the idea that we are to only commit to one person for our time here on earth. It is not that I do not find myself capable of loving one person through hardships, but rater because I want to love more than one person. I am far from being a polygamist, but I stand on the precipice between "for better and for worse" and from putting a relationship in a hearse.

This is a draft, and I'm looking for critiques and ideas.
Esther Aug 2018
Every face is a story
Etched into the air we breathe /
          And these journeys
Lead us to paper lives of survival’s manifest,
Where solid colours refuse to exist
- And black and white enmesh
To cloud the streams of speech
We use to guide us to
The non-existent chapter
Of complete understanding /
          Leaving fingerprints
That overlap over others
Until an artwork is forced
/out/ of our ghostly presence,
Always to be remembered
By all we’ve touched -
Long after memory has lost itself...
In the streets of brains
Trying their best to rest after they have successfully
/etched/ themselves into the fabric
Of spinning time and a gravitational pull
Breathing out one last patch
To add to humanity’s short stretch,
To feel the very essence
Of reality within them
Before returning to the beginning /
Every face is a story
a lost poem, found, edited. est. jan 2016.
Poetic T May 2018
We were on an occupation of
            relative discerning,
crossing every bridge of
                            relative conviction.

But the rights of a singular formation,
               doesn't hold the morality of
a solitary standing.
            The glass was half full on our side,
                                                  never spilling.

But on that side every motion,
                    sided with the tears
   that eroded the path before us.
   Could our convulsions be stained.

But we were stead fast,
                 walking forth.
             Here comes our shame,
             here is the shame of our noose
             of ignorance.

That a half empty cup of emptiness
had more meaning than ours
                                              half filled.
But we walked further than out tether.
  And a cup half full, pulled a bridge down
                         with a fortitude of conviction.

"Just because a cup seems mostly full,
         the tears of a mostly half empty vessel
  can hold more weight and pull any bridge
                  of wrongness down in simple volume
دema flutter Feb 2018
Happiness was always plural in my mind,
there had to be a he, a she or they,
but as time passed,
I grew to learn that
happiness is a singular ' I '.
Poetic T Oct 2017
We must envision
                 the what's  
not the £$ signs...
we have to pull
               all humanity
into the link of every chain..

We must look the negative
and know everyone is worth
        more than the have not's.

We aren't worth more
                    than any other.
Each of us has our worth
              in a world of each other
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
One singular sensation, my dears,
Can change your life in a flash, cheers,
Your luck can change one day,
May good fortune come our way.......
Feedback welcome.
Poetic T May 2016
It was a segment of me joined but never really there.
Having travelled on every footstep but it kept me
anchored below. But all things must at a time
become singular, it felt this time was now.

Time had past and this anchor had become
fainter, I felt weaker with its dispersal from
self. But it wanted independence from a form
feeling it was a servant not a part of the whole.

Awaking in agony as if I had been lacerated
to the core of myself, then I stood up and my
companion had divided its  substance from me.
But all was not as it should be for errors now seen.

Constitution had been unravelled, without this
coupling light had refracted its existence. And
where form was once, now it was devolving into
its basic form that of obscurity dispersing away.

Silent screams echoed through, as shade made a
depletion of actions. Never getting close to its
needed attachment. Instead greeting extinction of
form as they became wisps fading into oblivion.

Those that coalesced and became as singular became
as one. Knew the needing of a symbiotic joining.
They were separated by consciousness but lived
now as one. Inanimate and animate united in life.

*"Just because its beneath you never feel your higher,
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