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Just was a desert,
a land of sand,
Where people got nothing
but tanned,

When years passed
and they discovered oil,
Time had come for them to uncoil,

Thus riches and wealth
knew no bounds,
Now world’s tallest
skyscrapers surrounds,

They pray five times a day,
No wonder god has blessed
them so much they say,

The dollar world itself
looks at it with awe,
Afraid of losing it’s glamour
tries pointing each flaw,

Not worried they still continue
to grow with pride,
Tired finally the dollar
world tries to bribe,

Wealth should be shared
between the brothers I feel,
To those of whom one meal
a day is a big deal…
September 2017
Ashok Manikoth Jul 2020
The only time, the screwdriver slipped in the Creator's hand was when He made man. Every time a hungry one shares his food, God smiles; when he shares what is left, He embraces him and takes him into his fold wondering how this one got it right. That's why good ones leave in haste.
One can be kind from footwear to hat, or cruel. The earth will bear both - one with a smile and the other with a frown.
Glenn Currier Jul 2020
There we sit in our partial darkness
her in her soft and easy chair
me in mine so I can see her face
and the smile or frown residing there
for these brief moments of grace
her reading from our spiritual book
me listening, waiting for angels to arrive
in a story or words that’ll become a sacred hook
into my soul or life’s burgeoning archive.

Evening after evening sometimes so tired
we can barely hold on and avoid sleeping
right there, each old body in its easy chair
sometimes laughing sometimes weeping
she my wife, partner in this long life
both of us gathering our souls
in this splendid crucible of light.
One of the things that has allowed us to stay married for more than 50 years is these moments of intimacy on a spiritual plain where we talk and read and re-member our marriage.
I want nothing more than to breakdown
in someone's arms
Fall apart and be put back together
the way that people do

All it needs is a small admission
A few simple words in relative silence
Pushing air up from diaphragm
to throat, out through contorted
tongue and lips

I feel how easy it would be to open my
mouth and let the words
escape in a rush
Teetering on the edge, mouth opening and closing
I am too afraid and too uncertain and
the filter in my throat is clogged from
years of repression

Just one teeny tiny confession
I'm lonely and I'm scared
Merlie T Jun 2020
I want to hold your darkest pains
in a warm blanket
wrapped in my arms
rested against my chest
I will kiss every sorrow
Every shame
Off the tip of your nose
the crown of your forehead
The mid of your naval.
I'll water your seeds
with infinite acceptance
My most sweet, how can I love your brightest, without knowing your darkest?
Being a part of someone's journey through life
Feels rather strange when those times change,
Memories fade
On this road of life, you used to drive
All by yourself
Always feeling alive
Having a good time
You now sense the impending doom
Of sharing room
With that someone
Sharing this space in life
You wake up relinquishing control over your own
Pondering if that person was somebody you had known,
Realizing they are not the one you'd what them to be
Now those pangs of solitude
They come and go like clouds in a windy sky,
With a mixture of contentment and relief
I sigh!
Now understanding that I alone can be,
The sailor of my ship in the sea.
From feeling like having somebody to needing somebody, only to end up needing yourself.
Wesley Ryan May 2020
Love... is a fickle thing.
It is beautifully horrible,
Intoxicatingly sobering,
painfully euphoric.

When you're in love,
your partner's pains are yours
and your's, theirs;
You share with one another for better or for worse
You do your damnedest to ease their pain,
but sometimes, you simply can't...
An awful feeling, of helplessness...

But love is also healing.
Your partner will bring light to your life like never before
They glow radiantly, which you seek with fervent passion
To bask in your partner's glow is the most wonderful feeling
Every laugh
Every smile
Every touch
Every moment
Is pure ecstasy to be shared

When you're in love you share the good and the bad,
For better or for worse
And even though I'm in pain now,
I wouldn't have it any other way.

Because I love you.
Probably not my best poem, but it feels right...
Billie Marie Apr 2020
The only thing there is to be
is what you are is love.
Love in every moment
and in everything you do
and think and eat
and drink and see
and say and learn and know.
And teach to each one
who comes along the path
that’s laid right out for you.
This is that which you are here for
and only here to do.
Regardless where you started
or who started it for you,
no matter where you wander
or where you dare to roam,
remember this one thought
within your mind and heart and soul:
I am the light
that is the love
that lives within
the heart of God.
I bring the peace
that gives the joy
to share with all
along life’s road.
a circular poem ...keep the love going
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