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Emily Mar 2020
Harmonies and melodies music is comprised
Creating joyous tunes for the ear to enjoy
Dancers move in patterns synchronized
While feet are busy creating dance moves deploy

Round and round in a circle dancers go
Swinging their partners all a-twirl
They turn and spin
Careful not to step on feet below

Even as the music ends
Notes lingering in listeners ears
Long heartfelt gazes extend
Past the present and into many before years

Clasped hands linger, as if glued together
Adoring and hungry gazes beheld
Dreams of continued better forever
Are the only concerns upheld
Rainbwoah Mar 2020
I hate you; I hold you accountable, I hold a grudge against you


My hate expires, the accountability fades, my grudge becomes forgotten.


Because the time I can hate you can only last for so long

It was never my nature to despise you


I still can respect you, help you, befriend you

But why do you hate me?

Hold me accountable?

Hold grudges against me?

Why am I hated on when I never hated you?

Why do I hate you?


Why am I different than you?

Is it because I’m weak? Insignificant? A loser?

Because maybe I am

And I feel those traits seep through the already cracked image

As I cry myself to sleep

And maybe

Just maybe

I’m scared to show my true emotions: my anger, sadness, terror to you


Because why should I

Why should I show my emotions to someone who hates me


Is my ethnicity a problem? My opinion? My public presence here around you something you hate?

Is this opinion of me taken overly by me?


But there’s always a reason



Maybe I look confident, strong, brave. But that’s because society will only accept me like that

Society morphed me on what the public eye approves of.

But it’s only a mere shell that protects me.

I would love if those traits actually describe ME

But they don’t

And they never will

And whenever a crack appears, and you poke it

It breaks

It shatters into a million pieces

Years of my suppressed self-image, my hidden emotions, my fears and dark secrets flood out

And you can make laugh at them as they spread like wildfire everywhere

It doesn’t matter in the end if I rebuild my shell

Because the damage is done

But you don’t know how it feels because you were never hated on

Because you hold your self-image higher than me

It is worth more value than me

Because you are pretty, popular, well known

As I

I am quiet, scared, sensitive, afraid, desperate, lonely

And I know I have help

I have friends, family, teachers

Who all love and support me

But my shell is already cracked

From your hate

Your grudge

And I could never fight back

Because you have so much more than me

You were already socially accepted

You didn’t have to change

I could never fight back

Because I’m scared of going through the cycle again

Bringing all the support down with me

Hurting them

Because of that stupid crack

In my shell


And I know

Why you hate me

And I can understand why you chose me

Because you thought I could handle the blows, the threats, the hate you give to me

But I can’t

Because I was never made like that

I’m weak

I’m the different person in the crowd

I'm a different ethnicity

The only fighter,

That would only stand up to be pummeled down by their own self image

Of your wrath of hatred

Because you wouldn’t care of what I did to you

The help

The support

You only wanted to preserve your self-image


That's why I

Hate you

Hold you accountable

Hold a grudge on you

Even if time is going to swipe it all away

I will still remember

That you believe your self-image is more important than the weak shell of a person


But maybe

Just maybe

If I could share the story of hate

About self-perseverance

About the bias society

Then maybe

They'll understand

This, came out I guess.
Sometimes I feel like this so you know, I let it out by writing. It's really long, I'm sorry. I just kept things bottled up for long.
Ahmedabdrabo Mar 2020
Look how two can become one
How can one become home
How can home be so sweet

The reversed diffraction
The sweetest distraction
The everwanted satisfaction

Cupcakes and daybreaks
Cute bed sheets and lemon flavored sweets.
Mark Mar 2020
As we shout and dance about life’s mysterious game
So greedy we all are for riches and our fifteen minutes of fame
You won’t have an ounce, once you are buried and gone
But for me sharing and caring is plenty enough in this life

Maybe a bit at a time like around half of what we got
Would be ample for someone without having the lot
Then you’d realise this life is not all that it’s cracked up to be
It might take a lifetime but hopefully you would someday see
So for me sharing and caring is the real stuff of life

When you are long and gone beneath this soil we call earth
Society should admire you and pray for their own spiritual rebirth
Imagine a world full of people being able to have a second chance
I’d think we’d rid the world of war, so go on make a stance
Hopefully you appreciate what you have in this your daily life.
Ahmedabdrabo Mar 2020
Gather ye girls and boys
Hear the story of the island of misfit toys
When you got left for greater joys
When your voice is just a noise
When the loneliness wind blows
Leaving you tumbling on your toes
Turning your ones into zeroes
A quiet voice echoes
When things didn't go  as you have  planned
When you disband
Sail through the sea and cross the sand
Till you reach our island
We welcome the toys of all shapes and colors
Even if running on different powers
Have a chair and some lemonade
Here we care here we share
Our joys and despair
Embracing our faults and never ask for repair
Carlo C Gomez Feb 2020
gravitate to me
enter the flame

breathe deeply
to hold within

what adds color
is life for us

the air we share
a sustenance
Poetic T Jan 2020
I parked in her
          At the weekend.

But this time, I noted that
Some one had grit salted
    The other parking spot.

This place was getting over
used and double parked.
      And I wasn't sharing.

Who knows how many
   Times they parked in
                  My spot.

So I never parked in
                    Her again.
s Oct 2019
I can wait, so take your time
I want to hear you unwind

Slowly tell me everything
Just know that I’m listening

Nothing you bring is a burden
I’ll sit and wait when you open
Be patient listeners with your friends
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