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Nicholas Fonte Mar 2018
It's just a dream...
It's just a dream!
It can't be a nightmare
For my waking life is the scare
For no one has a care
As I flow along this furious stream
So please just let this be a dream!
Keerthi Kishor Feb 2018
I keep having this constant Dream, more like a vision where someone or something is chasing me. And I am running, and running, trying too hard to get away from it, hoping to find someplace to hide.
I keep running and running, with my eyes searching, my heart pounding, panting heavily, trying hard gasping for air, with my feet swollen, toes numbed, tired and drenched in my own sweat.
That's when things start to scare me.

But you know what's even scarier?
Waking up. Waking up to reality!
دema flutter Feb 2018
my heart is too full of itself,
it has got so much love to give,
does that scare you away?
Gabriella Jan 2018
I saw everything unfold through someone else's eyes.
The complete and utter fear when someone dies,
passes through so quickly that they don't have time to realize
What happened.

I saw their life run past in a fleeting moment
Everything they ever knew twisted and bent.
All their laughter, kisses, lovers and money spent
Was gone.

They lay motionless unable to speak,
No one was there when their body went weak.
Or when they dissolved and began to reek
Away, away.
Beeb Jan 2018
Kate said that she liked bricks.
I was taught that bricks are bad.
And they are bad.
Kate likes to tell me about bricks.
I don't like to listen,
But I must listen or else Kate will lay bricks down.
Kate scares me.
I don't want to talk to her,
But I must.
I don't want to become like Kate,
And I don't want others to become like Kate.
Bricks are bad.
Stay away from Bricks and Brick Layers.
do that
running from me

Brandon Cotter Dec 2017
The chaos keeps me       sane
It's the                                       Silence
That's really starting to                     Scare me
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
people scare me
with their ability to ensare me
in thoughts that they might be right
and sometimes no matter how much I fight,
i'm wrong
but i could never just belong
to fit in feels like a sin
how could one waste their lives
with haste for their distaste of
being different
to me it seems sad
the way you won't do
the things that make you glad
am i the only one with ****** up desires?
or am i just surrounded by gutless liars?
seize the day!
mold that **** like clay
its yours to do with what you want god ******
otherwise years from now these thoughts will haunt
till the end of your days
they will follow you to your grave
rearrange the status quo
show us what
you want us to know
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