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Naomi Sullivan Jan 2016
My only friend,
I've been in this room for so long that the paintings on the walls have turned into motion pictures. Everything seems to be laughing at me and my lover has been sea sick since I left. The tides are rising and every minor thing makes the waves crash inside of me. I feel like it might be the season because this is about the time where we sink every year but find ourselves in fast paced rewind at the exact moment it started. When I close my eyes to the resting waters I can't take away the screams in my head. I don't know if the paintings even want to be around me anymore. I'm lost at sea and the ship is out of life rings.
Amy H Dec 2015
Hope is dashed
And interest lost
I've waved for a ship
that doesn't recognize my raft
most any day.
I am worthy of a rudder, commanded,
intention steered to find me,
moving into port
as though my little light were a beacon.
But still the ship moves past
until a cannon shot
leaves need for rescue;
And then my raft
she sinks with the weight.
I can't sail forward thus.
Waiting to be more.  Have you ever waited?
It's not easy to sail a friendship
Especially when a storm comes
And it starts to sink
What's worse than that
Is when the friend leaves you alone
Watching you drown while trying to save the ship
But you have no right to get mad
Cause you are the one who created the storm
Sudden words from somewhere between my mind and heart.
Shyanna Ashcraft Oct 2015
I had a dream once,
That I was on a ship.
The ship it rocked,
And indeed it dipped,
And on this ship I took a trip.

I rode around the ocean blue,
And looked for joy,
And I found you.

I looked in wonder,
I gasped in awe,
I kissed you once
To prove what I saw.

And when I really truly knew,
I had a thought then,
Of what to do.

I'd sail us home
Again, you see,
And I'd take you
there again with me,

And once ashore,
We'd soon be married,
And I'd sail off again,
With you to ferry,

Until the day we'd
both need buried.
Melinda Éva Sep 2015
This world was built for one to be two
a pair that holds each other through
the winds of trouble and skies of delight,
to comfort as waves churn violently at night
And though the ship may stay afloat,
it's 'cause the two have been devote
to one another and their ship alike,
able to sail without a fright
Wade Lancaster Sep 2015
The mistrial winds come
Blowing fiercely from every direction
As storms brewing
Reaching our ships
Filling the sails of division
Attempts to chart the course
In different directions
I tie my ship to yours
Lower my mast and drift
Along with you
For it is never
One plus one equals two
True love is two equals one
Throw up the rope
I shall tie it tight
Around me
Feel free and drift along with me
The winds are but a window
Taking place together
We shall always
Survive all storms
As the story unfolds
Looking into the mirror
We see our ships are but one
Breathing me in
I am the sails of you
As you are mine
The math of true love; It is not one plus one equals two, rather two are the hearts of one.
Niveda Nahta Aug 2015
You asked me what a promise means to me..
Maybe it means that I have seen and heard people break a lot of promises
and maybe this time
I do not expect that to happen..
That I've had enough of ******* in life
And maybe its time everything bad came to an end
And maybe
Its time I got something good out of life
And maybe that good is the result
Of having you in my life
I might not be mature enough
Or old enough
To maybe understand the meaning of
maintaining a relationship long enough
And I might be too young
To know
I love you so,
And u love me.
And too young
That everyone might think
My heart might flutter around a bit,
But what everyone does not know
Is that my heart has made a home,
And as it always is
You always feel,
Peace when u come back home..
And the distress my soul would feel
Without peace
Would be immeasurable
So I made a promise to myself to always be peaceful,
AND that would only
BE possible if i came back home..
YOU are my home sailor..
Forever longing,
Your Mermaid..
today I told him to come back home..
A Paige White Jul 2015
Too much alone
Too much afraid
Too much unknown
Too much paid

To let us go
By the way
For no show
So they say

Could I tell you a story
Ole storyteller
Like bees buzzing flowers
With some honey on hive's mind

It's a modern tale
That has sat sail
All sewn up
At a rate of knots

That black book
Bought with blood money
Dares to say it holds a name
Spar - with these throat barnacles
(Alternately feeding and fighting With their feet)
bowsprit [bee block]
know your ropes, carried away deep six

It's a thieves cat o nine tales
Captain of chewing the fat
Or combing the cat
I've never seen (one) better

Dunnage topping a tonnage
From that trusty barrage
I'm everything on top and nothing handy
An eye splice on a short rope
Given and giving leeway

Haven't got a clew for true whence such hails from

So... She measures faces with her heart and hands
And a camera lens for a few
Had to try to study a foreign language and see if it makes sense to those who know it well.
Inked Papers Jul 2015
I hate the sea,
they remind me of you.
Like the waves, you keep coming back.
And leave again after washing upon the sand.

The all embracing
warmth of a coastal night
The heavy humidity
when love is no longer right
The water ripples restlessly
The tired slivered moon
has had enough
Goes on down without a goodnight

The hollow deck makes scuffing sounds
You stop but there are no other sounds
A disturbed bird flies  on by
Squawk ! letting you know
It disapproves of you being nye

An ancient breeze of feelings
ruffles your hair
string up the cares of
the yesterday's dawns
They were red flag warnings
but you sailed on  blissfully

You savor the ropes last release
Taking time to store the lost will
Cast off becomes a minimal thing
as you slip free of your mourning

There is a cast of grey across the sky
Dawn is coming pushing the winds
of freedom across the bay
You drop partial sail and
the ship responds
Making knots out of a knotty situation

You hear the bow slicing water
As you release all the canvass
Slipping past the jetties
on the falling tide
you sigh , a relief , a release
It's just you , the sea , and God
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