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Jayantee Khare Jul 2017
Embrace us to protect,
few people are rust...
But deteriorate us, with
the breach of trust....
Rust covers the iron to protect from further oxidation..but the iron end up in are few people...
David Cunha Jun 2017
Himself a machine,
Like a cool train
Like a moving rollercoaster
Like a ravaging mechanical animal

Iron oil and rust,
Pulsating boiling blood
Bursting brilliantly.
To my grandfather
Diána Bósa Jun 2017
It's happened on your last watch.
In a lonesome salvage yard,
she - who was raised by machines - like
an electric shadow on a hopeless, desolate street in Berlin,
was risen by
the taste of your swallowed tears as bitter as gall,
the music of your careless heartbeats singing
its own song of rust,
exhaling radiowaves for picture and thus
bring you into life again
by reshaping the man - from the sounds of wind chimes
and piano accords - who you were
more than half a life ago.
sol Jun 2017
archeologists brush dust away from bones,
like memories from empty homes.
here i sit among rubble and ruin,
amidst broken picture frames strewn.

this is the scene i remember the most.
my words are written, jagged,
in a notebook forgotten, ragged am i
as my eyes shine like broken glass.

my bones turn to rust, to dust.
i brush away my remains from this grave
of a home i no longer remember.
among portraits i am no longer a part of.

november comes around with its bells,
bellows loud that i am not welcome here.
it brings fallen petals of blood red rust.
i am stained with agony and painful lust.

for a time that does not forgive,
and as the cold sweeps in i know,
november is the time of sin, for me.
i was born in a time that does not forgive.

the picture frames will not let me back in.

i / am / absent / here
eh. free write about ruin.
Alex Mar 2017
Go someplace, anyplace outdoors.
Dig, dig into the ground until you find something.
Something pure and true, covered in rust,
As antique as the day you were born.
Feel it, turn it in your palms.
Inspect it.
Discover all its little secrets and remember
Remember the past life, the one this came from,
Rejoice in the happy memories as well as the sorrowful.
But don't forget
Find, Rust, and Remember.
Colm Mar 2017
I will let the enamel rust
If that's what it takes
To remove
The enamored me
Southboud... The rhythm... Help me continue to count our.
Dead Lock Mar 2017
I haven't been sleeping a lot lately

The world's been awfully rough lately

My decisions are a little


Old friendships have long since rusted

I'm not liked and I'm never trusted

Yet I'm okay with being hated

Then at least I know where I stand
Spenser Bennett Jan 2017
I want to be the rust on your skin
Evidence of your changing chemical nature
I want to waste away with you
Spine of iron
Heart of stone
SabreLi Dec 2016
Infinity on end
The hourglass has fallen and time continues to pretend
With grains of sand spread far and wide
They cover hilltops and mountainsides
They paint the world an unearthly glow
But all that glitters is not gold

Yet here in our little bubble, ignorance is bliss
But just beneath the surface we know not what we miss

Cos while we think we live, we live only for the puppeteer
To cut the strings
Is to switch off the life support, rebel
To flip the switch
Is nothing but a one way ticket to Hell
Or so they’d have us believe

Edges on display
The shiny glass has broken, fragments scatter in disarray
With shards of glass spread far and wide
They cover oceans and countryside
They paint the world with unearthly snow
But all that glitters is not gold

Here they give us nothing, yet we honour and obey
So what have we got to lose, of what are we afraid?

Cos while we think we live, we live only for the puppeteer
To grow our wings
Is to remove the safety net in place
To cut the strings
Is nothing but an almighty fall from grace
Or so they’d have us believe

Eternity’s end
The hourglass has shattered and the puppeteer descends
With freedom now spread far and wide
The tainted earth is purified
The strings are burned to ashes and dust
Leaving all that glittered now to rust

Now we see the world in truth, no more ventriloquism
We see it all; the black and blue; why not embrace the crimson?

Copyright ©2016-2017 KF
Another rebellion against the lowest level of the great 'above'.
Crimsyy Nov 2016
An explosion of art in my soul,
from tragedy I birth a masterpiece
as this world hoards disorder,

You will not make a madhouse out of me,
you will not haunt me when
everything falls apart,
I will not see the "us" in rust,
from rust, the world implodes
but from the rust, I grow

There is chaos out there,
and sometimes, I find it hard
to just float and breathe,
I find it hard to not drown in the noise,
I find it hard to determine
what I should perceive,

And at times, I let
my mind bury me in ashes,
I let you bury me in ashes,
but watch me strike a match
on all the wasted anger and anguish;
I don't think you can defeat me.
There are no weapons
to knock down my walls of chaos.
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