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Louise Dec 2020
My love, I will be here.
I will be here on nights that all you wanna do is cry and all I wanna do is watch you because I enjoy seeing you in pain.
If I could only take more pain possible and let it wreck you from the inside out every night, I would.
I will be with you on days that feels like weeks
and I will try to make the days feel like years instead.
If I could only shove the sun aside and bring forth darkness to your daylight, I would.
I will stay and sit with you through the dark
so I can make sure that you wouldn't find the switch before I do. The only light you'll ever need is the one you'll see in the end of my wrath's tunnel.
I will protect you until the end
from finding your happiness. You are safe enough inside the cage of my pain,
I will not let go of you,
where do you think you'll go other than here in our bed of daggers made from your remorse and my resentment?
I will hold you closer with the strongest grip of my now unable hand everytime.

There's nothing you can ever do to lose me,
as much as there's nothing I can ever do to love and trust you again.
Being with you, I knew I've brought this upon myself.
Messing with me, you never knew you're gonna see this coming, knocking you from your senses.

Through the gloom and in bloom,
for worse and for the worst,
for richer and for poorer
In sickness and in madness,
to hate and wait for you to perish
everyday we'll crush each other's hearts
I promise even death won't keep us apart.

A vengeful, sadistic rendition to the classic wedding vow.
Delyla Nunez Nov 2020
All it took was one break.
One text.
One meet up.
It was the perfect opportunity, to get back at someone you love.
A revenge of sorts.
It would work itself out.
Everything thing did.

Flirtatious looks thrown back at one another.
A small yet effective kiss on the cheek,
Then on her neck,
Making her singing into the night.
It didnā€™t stop there.Ā Ā 
Their lips locked.
His hands found their was down her body,
Squeezing places on her that was founded by someone else.
Her hand found her prize, so she thought.

He used her to his content.
They both knew what this was,
Nothing romantic about a hotel room.
Just *** and revenge.
Little did she know she had you in the back of her mind.

Every ****** made she said your name in her mind.
When heā€™d speak all she heard was your voice.
As he continued to touch her all she wanted was you.
Subconsciously she didnā€™t know she was pushing him away when he found her inside.
But why?

The answer is simple.
She wasnā€™t using it to get back you.
Didnā€™t need to have revenge.
All she wanted was to break herself.
To **** herself inside knowing this would be it.
Thanks to this mistake,
She did.
Iā€™m sorry..
Poetic T Nov 2020
What made me an atheist!!

I get the question a lot!!

And my reply isn't for the

Giving back in return what the
         the priest gave me but in return.

                            Over the alter,
all you heard from his lips where

Oh Jesus,
          ****** it!!

holy mother of god!!

    He took the bread and his ****

drank the wine...

And I thought if a man of the cloth could
           say the lord's name in vain so much
how could there be a lord if

he was blasphemous to such a degree...

I left him tied to the alter, a cross down
his throat... swallowing his faith,
             but his god couldn't save him...

I did the sign of the ******* as I left....
jdmaraccini Apr 2013
Repulsive is vile that trickles down the liar's forked tongue,
in this terrible time of perplexing desperation,
I struggle to be humble.
I am engulfed inside this devastation,
wicked are those who hurt the innocent one.
I am tormented by the voices that mock each tear,
the turmoil they unleashed overshadows the sun.
I sit and stare at a loaded gunā ā€”be warned evil enemies,
no matter the time, or the day we all shall be judged.
Thy kingdom come, but I will not fall,
thy kingdom falls, but I will not succumb
to the assault brought forth by the deceitful opposition.
But time is breaking my will, my momentum, and my motivation.
We all shall be judged, but those with forked tongues
shall cower under the wake of my glorious retribution.
Sean Achilleos Nov 2020
Like milk that has curdled
So you have left a sour taste in my mouth
Empty words and promises
Are what you have left to keep you company
You lied with no conscience
You lied because it suited your needs
To attention seek was your game
To thrive on empathy was your aim
But do you ... yes you ... practice what you preach ... I believe not
For every time you fell
I picked you up
Graciously of course you thanked me ... as if it were my duty
Like a man on a tightrope was I
When you abruptly removed the safety net from underneath me
Therefore your run to person I shall be no more
And just like me
You will have to learn to dance upon the wire
Like a trapeze in a circus
And there shall be no safety net to catch you when you fall
Sean Achilleos
Friday, 13th November 2020
This punishment is getting loathsome
At what point do I stop drinking this poison?
he kept forcing me to drink from the poisonous well of punishment
ramya Nov 2020
A little girl once dreamed of a fairytale ending and a big white horse, ridden by a knight fairer than all.
For stories and tales that grandma told always said that happiness came with a big white bow and a ring on your fourth.
So the little girl heard and believed as she was told, fables and myths she followed with her eyes closed.
She waited and waited for a knight with white armour to come and save her. From what? She wasnā€™t really sure.
Years passed and the lass lost hope. But once on a moon lit night came riding a young man on his own.
Bewitched by love, the lass couldnā€™t see the young man was indeed the devil on his knees.
He cast into the sky a spell so dark and heavy, the young girl couldnā€™t escape even with a rope at the ready.
For she hoped that another man with the intentions of a knight would come rescue her from the gloom of the night.
And one fine day the lass got fed up with time, and taking matters into her own hands, she climbed out and didnā€™t give a dime.
For the lass had learned that the stories were fake, the myths were shackles and the waiting was insane.
A hidden sword, a hidden pen, was all that was needed to bring light to her darkest days.
So she picked up the pen and began to write, a story without a brilliant, white knight.
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
Do you love me back? I asked
Nay, she says.
Of that I am devoid, of that I truly lack

My love for you is like unto a dry riverbed.
All that lies therein is gone. All that lies therein is dead.

Did you ever love me? says I
Nay, she says
Nor ever will I, until the day we die

My love for you is like
unto a beaches sand
And as such has slipped right through my fingers, slipped right through my hands

Why did you ever say you loved me? I plead
Truly, says she
I abused you for my wants - your services I did need

My love for you was like unto a piggy bank
I take and take and take
But when you wanted a return on love
This piggy would just never break.

Its fine, my dear
I finally see
Your putrid love wasn't good enough for me

As my love for YOU was like unto a fine diamond ring
In spite of your decietfulness, my heart did truly sing

Nor did it ever wear and tear, or rust and rot and disappear.
Now I've learned that a love like yours
Is a love that I should truly fear

Its fine my dear,
The recompense for your twisted love draws near
A lesson in karma that you should truly fear

XoXo, My Dear
Have fun with that. Just some idea I got and decided to write down. Failed marriages give alot of angles to write about.
I can keep dreaming, hoping, praying for your demise

Or I can start scheming, planning acting out my revenge
taking it into my own hands
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