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Dear ******,
I made this lovely coffin
Lined with beautiful red satin
I crafted it perfectly
Handmade especially for you
I know you didn't ask for it
But neither did I
So what do you say,
Fancy a nap?
revenge sometimes comes in the shape of a coffin
jdmaraccini Apr 2013
I am nobody,
I am nothing,
I hate me,
this is the truth.
I am the enemy,
my own worst enemy,
I am a victim;
I am a fool.
I am who I am,
a useless man,
I am weak,
I am fearful.
I am rejected,
I have accepted
that I am pathetic,
I am a tool.
Life is pointless,
so very pointless,
until the day I finally meet you.
Then I am able,
so very able
to open my heart and start anew.
I am humble,
I am willing,
I am ready,
to start rebuilding.
I am caring,
I am loving,
I am happy
to say 'I do'.
I am sharing,
my heart mending,
I love me because I love you.
Time passes,
we are fighting,
you get upset and say 'we're through'.
I am checking,
I am questioning,
I am worried,
I can take no more.
You lied to me,
you used me,
I am banging on the bedroom door.
You broke me,
you hurt me,
I break it down and enter with force.
You are screaming,
you are running,
I am about to settle the score.
I am pulling,
I am yanking
on the chainsaw starter cord.
You are crying,
you are begging,
then the engine begins to roar.
I look down and remind you
I am an artist to the very core.
I am sculpting,
I am painting
I am writing,
a metaphor.
© JDMaraccini 2013
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
I woke up one day.
One cold, dreery, lonely day.
What happened that day?
I'd rather not say.
What day? That day!
I could probably tell you
But you might have to pay.

Ok, so I woke up one day.
That cold, dreery lonely day?
Yes that day!
Now someone I knew
They just had to pay
Now just who they are,
I don't wanna say.

This person -
They just had to pay
What person? I told you!
I don't want to say!
But this person I've mentioned
They just had to pay.

On this cold, dreery, lonely day
I woke up and decided
they just had to pay
Pay for what? I'd rather not say
Let me get along with the story
I don't wanna delay

So you decided this person
just had to pay?
Exactly! I decided at last
That today was the day.
I needed my vengeance.
I had no time to play.

So what did you do?
I'm not ready to say
But I'm willing to tell you
That this man was Jay
Jay was his name and
Today was his day. Today
Was his day and he
Just had to pay

Pay for what?
I'm getting ready to say
I was on my way home
Right at the doorway
When I suddenly saw him
It was none other than Jay

He thought he was sneaky
Thought that he'd get away
Little did he know
That I saw him that day.
What did he do? Put two
and two together - I think
its needless to say

So did he pay?
Yes, I'm getting ready to say
2 days later on that
Cold dreary day
I found out where he worked
So I was following Jay
I followed him til we met
In a remote alley way

What did you do? Im getting
Ready to say
On this cold, lonely, dreery day
I've cornered you Jay
And you just have to pay
You're losing your life
Over one lousy lay
That's right! I've caught you
And today is your day

Did you **** him? Its time
To say. I pulled out my pistol
And aimed it at Jay
Its time for my vengeance
Today is your day
I woke up this morning
On this cold, dreery lonely
Day. And now is my time
It is my time to slay

And that is the last time
We ever heard from Jay
On the cold, dreery, lonely day
This one was fun! My sister talked to me about my writing and said I should think about other subjects and explore different ideas. So I used that advice and decided to think outside the box and not use my own experiences. I decided to use an idea and story that had no tie to any experience I've ever had. With that frame of mind I came up with this idea. I only formed the back and forth conversation idea for the first few lines. After that I just had to keep adding to it and brain storming more and more to add. All in all, I'm happy with how it ended up. Hope you all enjoy!
I saw you in my dream
You were,

The roles, they were reversed.
While I tortured you
(My Sweet Revenge)
You never said a word.
Revenge was bitter sweet...
Toby Raines Oct 2020
Ignore the impending doom,
ignore the warning signs
Ignore the hateful glares
The flashing red lines
The labels beg to differ
Between everyone I meet
But still I feel myself simmer
In a vat of oiled up sheets
This escape room turns to hell
My every thought here to dwell
A bird inside a cage in a cell
I knew this could never turn out well
I thought you were good
but it’s clear that you’re not
If I wasn’t so kind
I’d leave you here to rot
You signed your fate
You’re to bleed under a rock
So won’t you please
Ignore my Warning Signs?
annieohk Sep 2020
I can see all the messes
In my life
The ones I made long ago
And the ones
Other people made
Of my life
Of my innocence
Of my trust
And I want to scream
With the injustice
Or perhaps exact revenge
But those chances are long past
Covered over by years of secrets
Lies, and therapy
I really have moved beyond
The pain
But every now and then
The trigger will come
My skin will crawl
And I’ll despise you
All over again
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