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Sam Hain Aug 2015
**** me off?  You really shouldn't.
If I were you, my friend, I wouldn't,
Since I would make it then my goal
To chain you up and ****** your soul.

Chloe Aug 2015
Where do you think you're going *****?
Stop, I need to tell you some things which,
May break your pretty silicon heart,
So buckle yourself up, I'm about to start.

You think that with your haughty smile,
You're better than all of us by a mile,
Sad to shatter your fantasy world,
Now it's time to watch reality unfurl.

My beauty and strength make your toes curl,
My unbreakable spirit makes you want to hurl,
You can crush me beneath your six-foot frame,
But just know that there'll never be any shame.

Honoured to be the topic of your day,
The highlight of the **** you say,
I'm sneezing from the stench, my eyelids they twitch,
The rumours you spout, make my ears itch.

Unhappy to see my smiling face?
Do your eyes burn, to behold my grace?
Exit to the left right out of my life,
Before I come after you with a ten-inch knife.
A little too many profanities for some of you, but this is inspired by my friend who recently had some people talk crap about her, and she wrote such a raw, angry poem that really spoke out. This is for the people who talk crap about others. Don't. It will be uncovered sooner or later.
oni Aug 2015
youve taken my place
in the back of his mustang,
but i hope you find
a strand of my hair
on the floorboards
Bb Maria Klara Aug 2015
I write of wrath, of rage and anger,
And murderous thoughts towards my betrayers.
I write with vigor and blood-lust,
In violent tempests, if I must.

I write of the madness she incurred,
In piercing fury, my heart concurred,
For solid as a rock it shows,
And red with rage my aura glows.

I write of indifference, my violated
persona can take only so much hatred.
Await me filling my soul with black,
Dark things as though there was ever a lack.

I write of the tolerance I have left,
For a loving patience of me was bereft.
In faces around me, I wish them only death,
My thought: I wish not the same air in our breath.

I write of the fires of my flaming hate,
The lack of gall in the events of late.
I no longer know how to remain humane,
in a state where anger drives one insane.
What is there to note about this... well, for one, I was very very angry at the time of writing. It has been a while since I have written at all, and I suppose this satisfied me for what I felt.
Phil Lindsey Aug 2015
The foe now lying at your feet
Your goal in sight,
The taste is sweet,
You survived the ****** war
Bury your foe with one stroke more
He will not cry out in pain
He suffers blows, does not complain
But his revenge, his sword’s sharp cut
Goes to your heart – as you miss the putt.
pwl - 8/14/15
shot 93 this morning, watching PGA, had to write about golf. :)
I don't like the title though - any suggestions?
Akhil Bhadwal Aug 2015
Do I tell you a secret
Lest you understand it for sure
My disliking of you is
An ailment without cure

Disclosing shared things
With intentions impure
I destroyed them right there
Now an ailment without cure

Ill deeds of thou
Filled my dislike store
And now it doesn't matters
This ailment without cure

This is what it feels when someone takes your trust and kills it right in front of you. Blast them. Follows a b c b rhyme scheme.
Danny Price Jul 2015
I'm supposed to run
When you harvest red roses
With scissors
But their blood was mine.
Only war paint conceals
The faded spots your lips
Have left on my smile.
You will comprehend your sickness
When I desperately  moisten
My flaking fingers with the spoils
Of your wounds.
ZT Jul 2015
I’m lucky they say
To have found a better guy than you
To have become a better person than you
To been living a life better than yours
But I only live to see the day that you regret

That you regret the day you pushed me away
When you’ve let go of the hand that asked for you to stay
So every single night I pray
For the day to come when you shall pay

Pay for the sins you’ve committed
Pay for all the hurt you’ve given me
Pay for all the promises you’ve never kept
Pay for the broken heart that you’ve left

The broken heart that can never be repaired
Bruised, tattered, worn and impaired
Can no longer feel, give or know love
Hate is the only feeling I will ever have

So I only live to see the day that you regret
And maybe only then that I can forget
All the hate, hurt, pain and let
These burden be washed away
By the tears that you will shed on that day

I’m lucky they say
But I am only living to see the day
The day when you shall regret
and the day that I can forget.
Darren Scanlon Jul 2015
(If Mother Earth could speak...)

I’m the first light of dawn setting fire to the skies,
the awe that ends with a soft, sated sigh.
I’m the slow, gentle sway of ancient, lofty trees,
branches of life filled with wonders to be.

I am sands and seas; a warm summer breeze
blowing soft, whispered tunes over ever-changing dunes.
I am stars in the heavens sailing high overhead,
the sun and the moon on their tireless threads.

I’m the love of life; the pulse your heart,
the strength of will in a lovers fine art.
I’m the beaming smile on the fearless face
of a victorious child at the end of a race.

“And what are they doing now...

Waves of hate
washing wasted fields,
decimating all
as they reap tainted yields.”

You’re the time and motion in an open frown,
a smirk beneath the paint of a terrified clown.
You’re the only solution to a worlds desperate cries,
swollen cheeks scarred by too many lies.

You’re a baby’s cry in a cold, stagnant pond;
all it could have been, had it lived much beyond
the cull of the clan or the whaler’s call,
so many lonely roads, at the back of every mall.

You are every grain of sand escaping clutching hands
of every grieving parent in war-torn lands,
carried aloft upon the jet-streams breath,
washed up on beaches that have seen too much death.

“And what are they doing now...

Can’t they see beyond
their selfish greed;
their lascivious needs?

Can’t they be stopped
before the frenzy grows
too fearsome to feed?”

I am the here and now since the dawning of time,
crying confusion at a wasted design.
The questioning gaze on so many tired faces,
a distant rumble felt beneath shallow graces.

I’m the giver of life, each equal to another,
taker of too many wasted sisters and brothers.
Another broken heart from a loss felt too soon,
a cold wretched cry from across a crowded room.

I am the heavens roar on a wild, stormy night,
torrential vengeance of a thunderhead’s might.
A raging wrath you don’t ever wish to wake,
I am nature’s grace that you choose to forsake.

“And what are they doing now...

Sending to the fields
of fruitless death,
their sacrificial sons
breathing borrowed breaths

Unleashing desolation
from way up high;
A tempest of hate-filled
and remorseless fires.”

I’m the molten rock spewing from natures wounds,
the ear-piercing shriek of her decimating winds.

I’m the Tsunami washing away the filth of your deeds,
the quaking earth to halt your murderous greed.

I’m the tornados teeth, tearing lives apart,
the landslide burying your empty hearts.

I’m the freezing avalanche covering all in its path,
the raging storm unleashing thunderous wrath.

I am the flood; the torrent; destroyer of all,
the deluge of death at the reapers call.

“And what are they doing now...

Beseeching the heavens
with open hands
in the wasted remnants
of once rich lands?”

Written by Darren Scanlon, 31st December 2014
Revised 20th July 2015.
©2015 Darren Scanlon. All rights reserved.
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