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DS Castañeda Jul 2015
This was never a joke
this was no mistake
and at the end
when he does the trial
he'll laugh
at the sight of your blood splatered face
because at the end;
          you got what you deserve.
Dark Smile Jul 2015
You're just a road bump in my life; a tiny invonvenience.
You know, survival of the fittest?
And boy, will I be crowned the ******* Queen once I survive you.
Dark Smile Jul 2015
I've already ******* apologised *****. So shut the **** UP. Your voice sounds like chalk against a chalk board. No one want to hear you talk. Oh you were thinner then me when you were my age?? Well you're 48 now *****, not 16 so shut the **** UP!!! ******* you're ******* me off. I'll not answer you back. I'll write a poem about it and brush it off you ain't got nothin on me *****, above you I'll rise. So shut the **** UP.
Dark Smile Jul 2015
You think your words affect me?
You think I give a **** about a thing that you say??
*****, please.
Say whatever the ******* want.
I will take the blows and the kicks.
They've got no effect on me anyway.
I'm a train going ahead at full speed and if you try to block my path *****, you're going to get run down.
With your iron fist of terror you rule this house but a revolution is about to start.
Enjoy while you can now *****, cause when I'm through with you , you'll take back every single ******* word.
That's a promise
Pisceanesque Jul 2015
Belittle me
and like a singularity
I will become dense
and invisible
and drop from your space

I will gravitate
inside my own world
(my owned world)
– my mass, not yours –
and use my volume
to prove your theory
is full of holes

– black holes –

that only carry purpose
like a stain
that can’t be washed
from its own fabric
© Tamara Natividad
Written 9 August, 2011
Pisceanesque Jul 2015
Say no again
and you will build this love
with weakened walls
– a prison –
that stands only
to threaten my life
and topple my dreams
and crush my heart
and ignite a fire
that burns my goodness
into an eternal
rage for slow revenge
© Tamara Natividad
Written 11 August, 2011
Pisceanesque Jul 2015
in my damaged whisper
from within begins to roar
and your secrets
– as I shake –
fly far from where you left them

I watch
vocals shredded
limp and newly sane
as they tumble
– like a silent movie –
into the back pockets
of sweet revenge
© Tamara Natividad
Written 15 February, 2014
kyle Shirley Jul 2015
They will not know when im gone, if they call or text and I dont reply they would simply think im busy, not dead. "No, he would never do that, he is such a happy man." No im not! I am not happy, I am capable to inflict such horror upon myself. They would drop to there knees and gasp as they saw my body. Maybe I didnt do it myself, maybe others did it to me. But the impact is all the same. Why does it take a death or a loss to awaken ones eyes. To truly see the beauty of ones soul, as it passes gentle and free through the room and out to the unknown. As judgmental eyes gaze upon the dead, speaking only of a waste of life this is, gone too soon, (tear after tear shed) BLAH BLAH BLAH! Enough! If you had any common sense you would know to cherish the life that stands before you. yes, iv made mistakes along the way but never anything like that! To cheat on you? With filth like that? Its a crime just to mutter the words! How dare you.
But. Nevertheless, what is done is done, if I go mad in the few short weeks, they would never know. Would you be at the crime scene? Or the funeral?
Tex Dermott Jul 2015
Instead of revenge
*Seek out a place with golden streets
cyanide skies Jul 2015
those three little words
that took so long for her to say
made not a **** difference.
she looked at the floor, studying
the grain of the dark wood
and she felt the waves
of his braying laughter
and she flinched
she flinched ******* it
as if she were afraid
afraid of him spitting the words
right back at her
but this
this was worse
so when those three little words
it was all for the better
and she stood over
the man whom had laughed
loud, braying laughter
in the face of her love
right there
on the dark wood floor
and she said three new words.
*I killed him.
bullets mcr makes me violent.
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