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oni Apr 2017
i want to wrap my own hands
around my own waist
like your hands once
circled my hips
as if they were a planet
to orbit

except i want to
dig into my own skin
fingernails scraping ****** ribbons
removing your sweat from my pores
your skin from my skin
your blood from my blood

ill destroy my own body
in order to take it back
Pax Feb 2017
My life is an unfinished artwork
It needs a retouch on how it should be.
Sometimes what i badly need is a fresh start...
Feliz G Feb 2017
With one look he gives me,
Everything falls apart.
Why can't we just rewind this...
All the way back from the start....?
Really, really complicated
The rumble of wheels beneath my heels.
Wind in my hair, forgetting that noone cares.
A heavy heart and a brand new start.
Oh, where should I go?
Will I ever know?
maxime Oct 2016
press restart
simple enough
a new beginning
a brand new experience
but really, it's not all that different

press restart
for the nth time
again and again
another attempt
how many will there be?

press restart
and wonder now
how long it will be
until restart is pressed again
and it doesn't work

press restart
everything i write is **** so i've decided to just give up and publish whatever the hell i want. better than doing something else that's stupid
Viseract Aug 2016
Cold steel chains
Constricting pain
Burning sensations
Sanity slain

Heavy weight
Against my skin
Relentless head-spin

Dry bloodstains
A malicious mark
Guilty as charged
*Repeat, restart
Viseract May 2016
My enemy, my enemy
Was really just innocent
Someone else is spreading rumours
These lies I have been fed

Lead to believe
Lead on and deceived
I'm sorry Georgia
I got it wrong, please believe me!

I feel so empty,
Devoid and so guilty
And maybe you don't trust me
But I'm using all my honesty

Apologies, apologies
My anger has blinded me
No hatred lies underneath
But neither do I feel anything!

I hope we can be friends again
And not be at the end again
I pray that we resolve this
And not get buried in more ****

I got a lotta catching up to do
So how's life going with you?
Do you still draw? Want to be a singer?
With them beats are you still a killer?

Still play Halo? Still a gamer?
Still hold on to that title of saviour?
I'm not obsessed with you, silence ended that
So how about we begin again?

I still write, as you can see
I no longer make myself bleed
My family, you see, they support me
And are trying to set me free

I still sing songs, I still play games
Even though my friends say tf2 is lame
I ride my bike places far away
And turn to the west to watch the sun fade

Not much has changed, except inside
Where my emotions refuse to hide
I still spill feelings, I anger easy
It gets real hard for me to rest in peace

Because I still have issues trying to sleep

Nice day today, isn't it?
My heart feels lighter, my mind is clearer, and I feel better. The storm has passed... for now
S O P H I E Apr 2016
something i believe with all of my heart
the exact moment you are hurt, you hurt
without warning you are torn apart
you hurt yourself and those around you
darkness isn't something you can easily outsmart
but i will say piece by piece and day by day
you will learn to heal and your life will restart
((people who are hurt, hurt other people
= "hurt people hurt people"))
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