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CallMeVenus Mar 2020
Days have melted into nights
Nights into nothingness
Nothingness into unlimited infinities
Infinities shift to possibilities
Possibilities give birth to chances I never seem to take
Chances transform to regrets
Regrets end up with nosebleeds.
What I'm trying to say is that
I wonder a lot
And it appears that it has often led me off of the road
I found beauty but I also found a place where Color goes to die.
Mitch Prax Mar 2020
Dear diary;
my back aches
from carrying all of
these memories-
my soul aches from
bearing all these regrets
from a distant life
I'd rather forget.
Jonathan Moya Mar 2020
I am not your dying son, I thought,
as my wife gave me the diagnosis,
remembering my mom in her dying chair.

I will not pass into final memories
watching the Pope in America.
“Bless me, Papa”,
will not be my last words.

I do not believe in my mother’s God
though He did write the best proverbs.
I do not sleep with a Bible on my pillow.
I wake up feeling my heartbeat and breath.

“I am going to die,” she said to me,
days before she passed, on our stroll
to the mailbox, school traffic humming,
finches at the feeder, magnolias blooming

removing her from the usual guard spot
at the window for sightings of the mail truck,
hoping for the delivery of the slightest news.

“You know, I’ve been talking to Jesus
because I don’t want to go to hell.”
“We’ve been through hell already,
haven’t we,” I said.

I imagined a weeping Mary
telling Jesus on the cross
“You never told me
anything of this.”

“Your poem made my day,”
were her last words on our walk,
the last she spoke to me.

A memory of the evenings
of my childhood,
washed over me:

The slice of night
filtering through
as I crept from my bed
to watch her praying the rosary.

Those last days she made a lullaby
with a hint of elegy in the song.
The box of her mind walked there.

The words were nonsense,
just reflections of the melody,
part of all the shining on the road.

She died,
like her mother before,
like her son will,
like we all, like life.

I regret not telling  
her of my dreams,
my nightmares,
my future

while sipping tea at midnight
with her at the kitchen table.
I can only wash, wipe
and pick up the crumbs.

Fallen leaves cannot open time
or add a few short years
to days never meant to be.

In my repose and cancer days,
grey smoke floats the sky
burnt paper and ashes
that drift my mother away.
Ingram Feb 2020
I had the choice to choose
and what I should have chose
wasn’t what was chosen.

As a result I lost
what I didn’t want to lose
And I have to deal with the loss,
of you.
Prince Ikpesu Feb 2020
Irha woo……..;
A rhyme reserved and isolated to only tough days,
Days of war;
Moments of unclothed horror,
Unforgettable fables of black and red.
Irha woo……
The secret lover and admirer of vengeance.

Would a man scare a leaf tossed by the wind?
Should a man hurt a child, and still stop him from shedding tears?
As water evaporates from the surface of an ocean,
So has my fears and weaknesses hidden her paths from my heart.
Till the heavens are no more, never again will they venture out of their slumber.

You have laid claim on a treasure you can never possess.
You have dared a dark part of me,
One, even the devil, in his drunken state will never venture equality against.
You have treaded on a path that even the bravest of lions will never tread on.
Irha woo………
For this single and ultimate reason,
I will show you how fragile and brief humanity is.
I will lead you astray from the path of life,
And introduce you, to one that leads to the wilderness of eternity.

For light, I will shut you from,
And in the most horror-some darkness, that human nature haven’t imagine,
I will keep you.
Till the heavens are no more,
Never again, will you appear.
Ashlyn Yoshida Feb 2020
The screams at a game
the voice of joy
the laughter of hysteria
The breaking dawn's crackle

Lightening flashes
Booms of thunder
rain's chatter
birds' untaught songs

Footsteps running
lungs expanding
ragged clawing
gnashing teeth behind

tearing of cloth
red splattered floor
streaming tears
as she begs to hear more.
Robert L Jan 2020
As I begin to lose
my sweet memory
The flotsam and jetsam
and ephemery.

The regrets, the injustice,
the pain and despair
The resentments, the insults,
the hurts and the fear.

The timeless reminders
of not good enough
That pale yellow post it:
“Hasn’t got the right stuff.”

That time that you said
what no one would say
“I don’t really love you
now please go away.”

Most of it gone now,
I can’t quite remember
It whispers to me
from a foggy December.

Am I better off for it?
Perhaps in some way
Have I gained from the loss?
It’s a bit hard to say.

I need no longer sit here
and artfully languish
In all the sad fury
of my piquant anguish.

Like my father before me
I’m one of those old timers
Reaping the benefits
of beneficent Alzheimer’s.
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