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Gaye Sep 2015
We stood in front of my grandmother’s
Old almirah, facing each other
The peacock feather and empty bags  
Of the square room fell silent all over again,
Like strangers we stood facing each other.

Then they all came, marched in, reflections,
Paraded in like martyrs of Brute’s History.
I knew them all, she knew them too
They came, touched us one by one,
Like strangers we stood facing each other.

She looked confused just like me
Watching life pass by, centuries reuniting
After a very long season break, nations-
Travelled, explorers stood upstairs watching,
Like strangers we stood facing each other.

Streets strapped the coffee cans and middle-
Aged hospitals swallowed wars. Married women
Bend over like animals and in months, unable
To breathe they gave birth to few number plates;
Like strangers we stood facing each other.

The city vomited battles, human heads
And dreams of muted foul slaves. Men and-
Their violent tradition screeched for blue number-
Plates, lean number plates, handsome number plates;
Like strangers we stood facing each other.

Unexploded bombs bounced happy homes,
My brothers, my kids, my mothers
Blew their windows and ran, ran away,
Ran afar without destination;
Like strangers we stood facing each other.

They were all dark, their land was darkness
Or were we all blind?
Like a watchman we preserved darkness,
The vapours that filled their glasses did not speak;
Like strangers we stood facing each other.

We are all reflections, ripples and mirrors
Of men-dead and living.
They all stood outside my almirah, million faces
Inside a mirror. She did recognize them;
Like strangers we stood facing each other.

She did nothing, an unusable empathy rolled in,
The hypocrite did not even cry.
In quiet hours she smelt pain, blood and
History flowing from confronting corners;
Like strangers we stood facing each other.

An insignificant obligation drowned her nerve,
They needed a home, candle flame, cotton and wool.
The land, their land has become unfamiliar
And they stood outside locked gates and laws;
Like strangers we stood facing each other.

They all smelt the same blood, the abused blood,
I tried to kiss them and they kissed me back with-
Their cold lips. I tried to touch them, they touched-
Me back with water in their eyes;
Like strangers we stood facing each other.
SøułSurvivør Aug 2015
in my
safe place
i thank God for peace
i thank Him
for His arms
i thank Him
for release
He is love and glory . He is my high tower . He is everything i need in
this fateful hour . nothing brings
me worry . nothing brings me
strife . i know what i am
here for . i have purpose
in this life . tears they are
a'flowing from a grateful
eye.for i know this mighty
fortress . will pierce the
very sky . i am the watchman on the
wall . i am the one who waits . for
the One i know is true . a Savior
strong and great . till He comes
i know i'll be safe and free from
harm . When He arrives i have
a place . in His loving arms

(C) 8/27/2014
Inspired by sjr1000
and his write entitled

Kenshō Jul 2015
I care not for the currents of the world.
Many a time have I seen them pass like a drifting sound.
Save yourself the blabbering and plant yourself remote.
Demons cannot scream when no one's around.
David Omodunmiju Jul 2015
Soon, questions will rise like volcano erupts
Tired of the lies of a life called corrupt
Yes, your soul will search earnestly for the truth
Cos all you can steal is the fruit not the root

I may never look like it
As it is a function of what you search for
This truth won’t struggle to fit
It’s a rare one, with a foundation that stands sure

I really wasn’t born this way
I lived my life from what I heard them say
Till the day mercy found me out
Opened my eyes and stopped my scout

Now I live my life straight and focused
My purposed has changed, I’m contented with Jesus
Even the evil of this age works in my favor
I’ll pass the test, my friend is the tutor

And while this world’s darkness covers their identity
It will shine the light of my spirituality
And when they come asking for my source
Requesting my autograph, I’ll give them yours
I’m blessed to live in you, breath in you, and even have my being

- David Omodunmiju
Sally A Bayan Jun 2015
(We Must!)
C-reate our own paradise...a cool refuge from the outside indomitable wall, to fight bitter winds...storms that
A-gitate our placid, we seek

O-vercome fear and negative energy, we bathe, and                      

S-hine through their light....and rise from our own CHAOS...

                                We must!
                              (a­crostic-10w x 5)


Copyright June 16, 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Noandy May 2015
Do not talk of the honey I pickled in your light bulbs

They do not have the map to help us reach The Alps

Just talk of the hungry flower growing on my lungs

At least they have the address to the hut on my palms

That’s drawn by the little girl who feasted on the chalks

The butterflies long ago planted along in their pulse.


Incinerate the 1800s post-mortem portraits

In black light's faked midnight perfumes

For you are my forlorn apostrophe high on gas

That might ask questions while telling us your tales

Or reluctantly whisper ****** things about Laqus

Who is wasting us to the wistful hell flowers.
Jake Danby May 2015
The winter trees stand unclothed,
branches reaching for each other with woody empathy
craving their lovers touch, naked bodies of passion,
their children lie red and amber,
setting ablaze the verdigris blades,
that hold them kindly,
when their mothers can no longer carry them,
the embrace breaks them down,
allowing their earthy scent to creep to the nostrils of those who come to think a while,
enjoying the fleeting sun on their backs for a time,
on this frosty winter day,

The traffic seems obsolete,
if the whispering birds can learn,
to ignore the engine rumbles as can I,
the obsidian asphalt path carves delicately through this city sanctuary,
like an old english dance,
where courters would not touch their partner,
but embrace the sweet proximity,
and cherish the fire in their beloved's eyes,
and soul.

Water lies abandoned in the path,
reflecting the eternal blue of the afternoon sky,
an embodiment of tranquility,
a connection that can never be consummated,
a longing to be together again,
the water envies the whisp of cloud that has retained the skies clinch,
a ripple destroys the perfect portrayal,
but to give way to two Blue ****,
absorbing its love,
and releasing it to one another,
as they speak to each other,
and elope toward the emerging pearl moon.

I brush my feet amongst the wood chip beds,
mere remnants of once great trees,
still huddling together in solidarity,
as though trying to reform what once was,
it makes me ponder of soul mates lost,
clutching at the memories that once were,
and pursuing to reforge a love that refuses to be broken,
adoration manifest as young sapplings reach upward,
sprouting from the shallow chippings,
ready to blossom with memories once more.
Kody dibble Apr 2015
Gongs and winds, silence the blackest,
Of all,
Opiea of music,
The music of all,
Into the nighttime my little beauty,
Go into the light the fortress of all,
Join in the music,
Grow tall and strong,
Young, sturdy, laughing earnestly,

Unashamed of things to come,
Trying inside the fountain I see,

Dwell on High thy Spirit to be,
Justice it reigns over all I see,

My heart it faints'
At thy hope that's in thee
Trust in my LORD, thy God in me
Righteous Love
Nena Twedell Feb 2015
I come to silence my mind
But silence doesn't always come easy
with my mind racing it is hard to slow things down
With deadlines and tests of knowledge fast approaching
I come to silence my mind
to seek peace from the roaring world outside
Your presence is my refuge from the chaos
your touch is my comfort
reminding me that it doesn't always have to be this way
I come to silence my mind
To seek serenity in this world
But my mind doesn't always slow down
With decisions coming and relationships going a rye
But I seek you presence as my refuge from the stress
I seek your touch as my peace
As I continue to seek this silence.
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