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XslyfoxX Jun 2020
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I wasn’t a mess.
What would happen if I got to see you in a dress.
What would happen if I let myself cry on your chest.
What would happen if I took 2 seconds to breathe and to rest.

I didn’t give myself a chance because couldn’t.
And I know you can’t forgive me and you shouldn’t.

I know I through the sink at you
And I’m just glad that you withstood it.

Of all the people in the world I could hate,
I just hope to God you’re doing great.
I still remember that $30 bucks you snuck into that hat somehow.
I guess I just wanna day thanks.

Most days,  I wish I would stop breathing.
the same thoughts always repeating.

I stole years from your life
You’ll never get back,
I truly hope you gaining someone from them.

I don’t know if you still think of me.
I don’t know if you’re glad I moved on
Or If you hope I get struck by lightning twice at once.
Or Maybe somewhere in between?

Sometimes regret and anger bugs me,
Until I see my daughter smile in her pink onesie.
I hope one day we can be in the same place and nod.
And acknowledge that the last happened.
we both did messed up things we can’t take back.

I’ll never hate you for it
I’m mostly grateful for it.
I hope you can feel the same back.

Most importantly I’m sorry
For never trying talking
For giving into pills
And turning my back and walking.

I’m doing my best but it’s never enough
I understand that so I just don’t expect much.

I just wanted write something that isn’t depressing.
Not to cry and moan just because I’m stressing.
Not even to apologize and say I’ve learned my lesson.

Just as a loving way to say hi
And give a final goodbye.
This isn’t a good poem. It’s just some thoughts with a rhyme scheme while thinking of one of my least favorite spoken word artists Clayton Jennings.
I will get better and I will eventually love a life that redeems my old disgusting self.
This is just for someone who inspired me for years and helped me through some awful times to no benefit of their own- even if I’m not supposed to be grateful or remember it.
I don’t know if you’ll ever see this or read this or care whatsoever that it exists.
It’s a beautiful day and it just felt right.
This is for you.
My simple hello and goodbye.
Isabella Apr 2020
Wide eyes
Big dreams
Small cries
Sad, it seems

Strong hope
Scattered mind
Can’t cope
That’s all I can find
Maria Etre Jan 2020
I have loved many times over
and yes differently
passionately, deeply,
hatefully, and drunkly
as F. Scott Fitzgerald said
but the toughest to love
was the person
in the mirror
Bhill Jan 2020
Starting out the new year with memories going back
Reflecting on just what I did or what it was I lacked
I find myself being quite surprised and really sort of dazed
To have the memories that I have of all the changes made

Moving from the mountains to the desert of red sand
From the snow-covered hills and the pine trees oh so grand
From having all four seasons to only having two
Sometimes can make you crazy but never feeling blue

The skies here in the desert, are always very clear
When back up North the skies are gray and tend to make you tear
Moving down has given me a new look at my life
Another chapter, another poem, having coffee with my wife....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 2
Sometimes we need to write on ourself...
Casey Dec 2019
I am a "zoomer",
which means that I grew up in this past decade.

Going into 2010, I was on the edge of being seven years old.
Thinking that this is when my life will really begin.
That ever-looming question.

I look back on this decade and think,
when did my life begin?
At what point, in the past 10 years,
did I open my eyes and see the world how it is?

Was it when I was 11 on an airplane for the first time,
seeing just how small we really are?
Or perhaps when I stood on the summit of the tallest peak
of the Rocky Mountains at 13?

Maybe it was when I came out for the first time in 2016.
In eighth grade, to my closest friend.
It could've been when someone called me a *** for the first time when I was 14, and I didn't know what it meant.

Or was it when I was 15, and realized that I was trans and panromantic?
Then again, it also might've been when I was newly 16 and tried to escape.

I know it's cliché, but if I had traveled back in time to this exact day in 2010,
I don't think my younger self would recognize me,
let alone believe what I tell them about this decade.

When I was 7, I thought 2020 was going to be high tech and futuristic.
I never thought that I'd be able to travel to so many new places.
I never thought I'd be pan, or a boy.
I never thought that people could be so hateful towards my existence.
I never thought that my mom would get sick.
I never thought that I'd add myself to statistics.

And then I realize that it's 2020 very soon,
and now I'm on the edge of being 17.
I'm still asking that question.
When will my life begin?

Except, this time, I know the answer.
Bye-bye 2010's. Thanks for all the memories, but it's time to move on now.
crybaby Dec 2019
New loss is about
Abandoned in the cold
Culpable for lack of independence
I anticipated to fold

Lying here without you
Seems to help me mold
Into a deep serenity
Of when my youth was told
Andy Nov 2019
As my family gather around me
I feel their whispers of insecurity
Thoughts of past events racing through my head.
As I lay here dying on my bed
Drifting in and out of disturbed sleep
I hear the sounds of my wife weep
Telling stories of my life events and past
My childhood memories drifting so fast.
Of happy long summers and never ending winters.
My life breaking up into tiny little splinters
Talks of greed and if I made a will.
The only thoughts are the pockets they can fill
Heated conversation and unsettled voices
I am forgotten about while they make their own choices
Someone shouts out where are his deeds
My thoughts and sounds now coming in short feeds.
My breathing now slow as I drift into eternal sleep
Family still talking of what they will reap
As I awake into a glorified light
Away and at peace from all of the fight
To an eternal life away from corruption and greed
My pain and suffering now finally freed
girasol Nov 2019
The hardest part is not that I miss you
The hardest part is not that I think about you constantly
The hardest part is not that I fantasize about you
The hardest part is not that I still love you
The hardest part is that you don’t have the courage to fight for me
The hardest part is realizing that although you act like a man, you’re still only a boy
The easiest part is realizing I’ve outgrown you and your insecurities
Michael Adams Sep 2019
Life is a Disco. Don’t sit in the corner. Put yourself in the middle and dance like crazy.

Love is a gamble. Never fold. If your choices are rational and your mind is clear, You aren’t playing.

Loss is a sledgehammer. Never swing it. It will only break more than it already has.
seraph Sep 2019
i am prismic and entrancing, refracting - always reflecting my insides outwards. you will know how i feel if i want you to know so, i will tell you how to feel and by my will you will do so, i am hypnotic and sympathetic. i am blinding and righteous.
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