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Malia Aug 2019
What are you feeling?
Why is that?
I don’t know.

Of course you know!
There’s a reason for everything.
What’s that reason?
I still don’t know.

Come on think hard, you aren’t stupid,
What is that reason you’re hiding from me?
I. Don’t. Know.

Who is backwards?
Me or them?
Should I know?
Is it ok that I don’t?
A conversation with people who try to help. It didn’t work.
MisfitOfSociety Aug 2019
To reach beyond the stars in a restful headspace,
Only to pull a guise over it when we begin to think again.
We shelter ourselves in our pin point perception of reality, masking the reality as a dream to shroud out all questions that arise out of it.
We cling to this world, for it is all we have ever known. If we let go of what we know for a moment, we begin to see reality for what it is, not how we perceive it to be.
Creator Sun Aug 2019
Do they see me?
Do they hear me?

Can you see me?
Can you hear me?

Am I here?
Do I exist?

Those are just some questions that run through my mind,
Everytime they look away, don't respond, don't acknowledge;
I wonder if you know that I'm here,
But you just don't care.

They never do, do they?

Can you hear me?
Have you ever felt isolated? Like when you've been ignored by someone? The sad thing is that I'm sure that all of us have felt the feeling of loneliness before.
writerReader Aug 2019
Sometimes you can erase your life
Easy as tearing up old pages from a diary.

At first it might resist, but it eventually tears
Suddenly you’re free.
Hidden from yourself, once again

Easy as that and thrown away
Discarded into the bin.

You didn’t want anyone to see it.
To see you.

And now they won’t.

Later, you may think about those pages
Scenes from your life now lost
Thrown into the ******* trash
Like they didn’t matter.

You wonder what was on them
Were they really that bad?
Did you need to throw yourself away?
But you’re gone now, only vaguely remembered years past.

Why did you do that?
Why were you so afraid,
Why did you hate you so much
Why were those thick bundles of desperately blacked-out words
So wrong and so easy to throw out?
Taken out on trash day
Never to be seen again.

Maybe it was easy to throw away
But never easy to remember
Or forget.

Maybe it was hard to rip up
To tear your memories from your head
Took all your strength, your force, your everything.
But was it?

Shouldn’t it be harder to throw yourself away?
Something I wrote this morning
Tea Sep 2019
My heart is crying...
My happiness is dying...
I am bored frequently...
I'm hurt, mentally...
My life is dull and boring...
I wish I could talk to my king...
But he is away on a trip...
So I'll just climb on my pirate ship...
I will sail to the ends of the earth...
Because all the trouble will be worth...
But maybe he is too busy?
Too busy for me...
I guess I'll just wait...
I feel my heart's rate...
I look at my wall...
I wonder if I will fall?
But I can't be weak...
I can't afford to be meek...
I'm a queen...
Probably the youngest you've ever seen...
I must be strong...
Or am I wrong?
Should I let go of everything?
Should I maybe sing?
I sink on my knees...
I smell the seas...
I close my eyes to the sun...
I really want to run...
But I'm stuck...
I need a bit of luck...
Or do I only need to rest?
Will I then be on my best?
I have walked on my ship's deck...
But it has turned to a wreck...
I'm stuck on the island of loneliness...
I wonder what happened to the pirate princess?
I guess she is no more...
I believe she has withered to her core...
But maybe she has turned more powerful...?
Has she turned more colorful...?
Has she renewed completely...?
Changed greatly...?
Or will she stay the same...?
And not change from "princess" to "dame"...?
Tea Aug 2019
When he's gone, I'm not well...
I wonder where is that protective shell?
I wonder where he is...
I wonder when will he ever read this?
I hope I will survive until he comes back...
I know it is my best friend that I lack...
Without him, I'll die...
Right now I want to cry...
But my tears may not flow...
I just can't let it happen right now...
It's hard to wait...
It is getting late...
But I can't stop thinking of my one friend...
I wonder when this eve will come to an end?

Probably at midnight...
I will give my sister a fright...
She will scream high...
As she thinks she's gonna die...
I will laugh very mercilessly...
Then she will cry helplessly...
And when I dissappear...
I am someone to fear...
For my stubbornness goes beyond death itself...
My evilness is in great wealth...
So beware...
I'm there...
When I wrote this rhyme I was rather bored and completely went off subject in the end. I decided to make it two separate rhymes.
Tea Aug 2019
I wonder why I feel so dumb and clumsy?
Why do I feel so pathetic and ugly?
Will I ever be happy again?
Or will it continue to rain?
Shall I stay in the dark?
Do I have another hurtful mark?
Will my heart ever stop to cry?
Or will it continue till I die?
Why can't I fall asleep at night?
Did I fall from a greater height?
Will I ever get back to where I was?
Will this dark cloud ever pass?
I guess I just need to wait for the rainbow to come out...
Because that's what it is all about...
We all need rain to live...
We all need to learn how to give...
In the second sentence, I actually did NOT write what I felt. It just had to rhyme.
Tea Aug 2019
What has happened to my dear friend?
Has his life come to an end?
I so dearly hope he is fine...
My inner light doesn't want to shine...
I wonder if I lost my heart forever?
Why does it feel like I come from the nether?
Am I just dreaming?
Or does it feel like my heart is dying?
Maybe it is dead already?
Maybe that is the reason why I feel heavy?
Is someone able to fix it back?
Is it my best friend which I lack?
Maybe Gabriel knows what must be done?
Maybe he knows why I feel so alone?
It feels like time has captured me...
I have no idea what I must be?
It all feels so weird.....
I wish Gabriel was sitting beside me...
I wish he could make me see...
I wish he would wipe away a tear...
I wish he would call me his "dear"...
I'm literally sitting alone in the dark of the night...
And there are no stars or moon to give light...
I feel rejected by everyone...
Maybe it is because I am alone?
My dreams seem so far out of reach...
They seem so dull and they have turned bleach...
Why is there no one for me in my darkest moment?
Why do I feel broken and bent?
I know Gabriel would help me somehow...
But he is not here right now...
What have I been doing all these years?
Why am holding back tears?
Why am I stuck to the ground?
Why does gravity keep me bound?
Why can't I fly like birds in the sky?
Why can't I go so high?
Why is my life so confusing?
Why is my character so boring?
Why do I only realize now how much Gabriel means to me?
Why did I make him so very angry?
Why did I let go?
What should I do?
Justine Aug 2019
Will you hold me?
Will you pick up your phone at 2 am,
when I call because I am afraid to fall asleep?
Afraid of the terrors that lurk in my dreams,
Will you caress my flaws and find beauty in all the ugly things?
Will you grow with me and learn about all the hidden secrets of the world?
Will you call me your darling?
Will you be mine?
Will you hold me?
Jaxey Aug 2019
She kissed him
With question marks?
While he kissed her
With "quotations"
And together they became
a run on sentence...
It never ends.
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