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GaryFairy Jul 2022
I have to do some research about home wiring, but I believe the ground wire and the lightning rod would let you pull electricity out of the air, just as Mr Franklin discovered. If this is true, then you are being "charged"(pun intended) for what is free, and when the electric company cuts off your service, you can just disconnect their cables and have what was once called "*******" pun intended. If I die any time soon, check with the electric company haha. We are stuck on stupid.
Blissful Nobody May 2022
I have a tail from the past,
Some wings to the future,
A strong stomach for now,
My beauty is Chimerical,
I have changed and evolved,
Into an unworldly being,
Understood by none,
Misunderstood often,
I have lived on.

With memories of the past,
Oblivious smiles at the future ,
Curiously treading now,
I leave my footprints ,
Only to be erased,
So a different me ,
Shall walk the path again.
My nature is chimerical ,
Everchanging and Evolving.

“Give me a name?
So stereotypical of you!”
My being is an enigma,
An untamed beast ,
Expansive till I shall consume,
The infinite possibilities,
An identity is limiting,
For what I was ,
What I’ll be ,
And what I am.
In this limitless form,
Chimerical I have become.
Strong, limitless and powerful
Daivik May 2022
hey there
yeah,it's you i am talking to
listen to me,
i went to the future
you turned out fine
yes,yes,you did
it is going to get better
everything will turn out alright

dont care so much
about all these little things
they will come and go
trust me,they don't matter that much
just a small part of life
not worth hurting hurting

now,now,don't be so upset
it will all be fine
this too shall pass
as everything does
future holds everything for you

so now
dont be so sad
or be, but not for too long
dont compromise with your happiness
its much more important than so many other things

your life has just begun
you have so much see
so much to experience
and if you put your all in it
you can achieve all you want
trust me,you can
you have it in you

so friend,i'm going now,
but remember
there will always be someone to love you,someone to live for
so many joys and pleasures still await you
most importantly,
strive to be happy
strive to be good

you can do it
Gabriel Apr 2022
i have started to see my life
in shades of pink.
these days, it's all sunsets
and grapefruits
and a little extra blush
on a summer evening.

my life has never been
pink before. i have hit every pixel
on the colour wheel,
but never pink. never
smoked salmon mornings
and raspberries for lunch
and cranberry lemonade.
never happy; now happy.

one day soon, my life will be purple
as usual. close to blue,
closer to red, hitting the sweet
spot and resting there. close
to pink. closest to pink.
one day, when mania is over
and summer evenings
become autumn afternoons,
i will keep the pink in my pocket
and carry it everywhere.
Daivik Apr 2022
हमेशा हार थोरे ही सकते हो
कभी तोह जीतोगे ही।
Daivik Mar 2022
Little rays of sunshine fall upon your face

In a lovely glowing embrace

And sadness leaves the countenance without a trace
Abir Lover Mar 2022

I'm the sun,
I'm the light
that lives in and within
and stretch every corner
I step in
and let it shine

I'm the wind
I'm the sound of the whistle,
that crosses the universe space
and brings on the beautiful melodies
anyone would ever listen or hear

I'm the rain
I'm the rainbow with all its chords
that drops to color everybody's life
with joy and gladness

I'm the clear blue sky
I'm the calm deep ocean
that sends everyone over
with only and just only
high positive vibes
Zack Ripley Mar 2022
Negativity. Positivity. Opposites? Perhaps.
But they have more in common
than you'd think.
They both affect
your interpretation of situations.
They both require energy.
Both are choices.
It's up to you to make that choice.
𝚊 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚊 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚟𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚘𝚘..
Eve K Feb 2022
Think positive thoughts.
It's easier said than done
Time takes its course
Developing, life has just begun.
There's so much life to live.
There's so much love to give.
So much hope to receive
So many words to believe.

So if you're feeling down,
put on your golden crown
Be the goddess you know you are
The big bright,  star
and shine.

Shine so bright, no-one can turn out your light.
Keep reaching for those golden gates
Nothing will bring you down, not the weights
Of the past or the present,
Appreciate being a convalescent
Recovering from hell
Was stuck in the swell
Now thriving, surviving and glowing.
Keep watering yourself, growing.

Keep on going, keep on going keep on going....
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