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Vivek Mukherjee Apr 2016
Pictures of yours,
were mine.
Through my eyes
you were divine.
Darby Apr 2016
Pictures are lies with faces
They seem like happy people in happy places
behind the ink, they’re a pile of court cases

Pictures show us what we want to see
they all lock their doors and swallow the key
When the cameras come out they sit down for tea

and pretend nothing happened

Pictures are lies with faces
Once the flash is gone it’s wild goose chases
Their lives don’t have room for blank spaces

Pictures show us what we want to see
Their bright smiles line up perfectly
But even dull teeth are deadly

And words and can make a life end

Pictures are lies with faces
All we see are smiles and braces
When people leave they’re the only traces

Pictures show us what we want to see
When the family posed under the birch tree
After the flash, they all disagree

*And argue till’ the point they transcend
Violet Apr 2016
In front of the flashing lights
We were arm in arm
Your boyish grin and my bashful blush
Perfectly frozen for everyone to see
It matters not what will happen
To the people that we are
As long as this becomes
My memory of you and I
SwiftDreamer Mar 2016
A picture is worth a thousand words, but words can paint a thousand pictures
Lunar Mar 2016
my eyes are like a camera,
clicking away at the view.
my heart is like a locket,
keeping a picture of me and you.

we don't need a filter,
to maintain model shots.
it's best when it's stolen,
like it is with our hearts.

the process will be long,
but we know it's worth the wait.
for the best pictures are the memories,
which we patiently create.
with love to wjh, a walking masterpiece of contained memories who never ceases my heart to capture every moment

and i like word play for the title, so what
Lunar Mar 2016
tbh i dont think i can do mood boards as good as poems, there's something deeper about words than pictures for me. and its weird because arent artists supposed to be visually inclined in the first place, hahaha although i do still have the visual sense. its just, in my opinion, you use more senses with words: read, hear, speak, feel with the heart.
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Death strikes from out of no where
Takes our loved ones, it doesn't care
Left to live on without them
Left to carry on without that gem
Leaves an empty space
That no amount of time can erase
Left with only memories
Sadness in diffrent degrees
Smiles and tears
Thinking back throughout the years
Flipping through old pictures
Knowing that they had made your life richer
Hoping this is not completely the end
Hoping that on some distant plane you'll see them again
Ava Bean Feb 2016
He takes photos.
His books are filled
With spilled coffee.
Wavy sun ray hair
Lime green citrus eyes
Sturdy safe shoulders
Rich, melted dark chocolate voice
Pouty peony puckers
Stolen lenses
Quirky movies
Oversized sweaters to cover his quivering hands when he cautiously holds hers.
He reminds me of a child's desk
That was personalized by doodles dinged and carved into it over the years
The desk that his parents probably adore.
He is a collage of all the things he photographs.
He takes pictures of anything and everything
To make himself whole.
about a very beautiful person
Darby Feb 2016
Pictures are lies with faces.
They seem like happy people in happy places
behind the ink, they’re a pile of court cases

Pictures show us what we want to see
they all lock their doors and swallow the key
When the cameras come out they sit down for tea

and pretend nothing happened.
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