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Ajey Pai K Feb 2016
I wonder sometimes, what would happen to those pictures of ours which we uploaded a long time ago?

What would happen to them when they have got all their likes and entertained all their comments?

What would happen to those pictures which would remain unseen for a generation?

What would happen to those pictures with real smiles when they remain lonely in a corner of the internet?

What would, indeed happen to those pictures which cannot speak but shout out a thousand words of feelings?

And what would happen to that person in the picture after long time of its uploading?

What would happen to that smile which seemed so radiant in the picture and what would happen to it now?

When a picture serves memory, it serves us purpose. Of relief and of aspiration. Of happiness and of freedom.

When pictures show smiles, it shows the version of the person that we are, deep down in our minds. The person we would seldom become in our real life.

If pictures could speak, they would only like us to be happy as we were at the time when it was clicked: forever.

Only if we were as happy as we look in our pictures.
wake up to a new world and realize that happiness isn't an illusion
Arturo Hernandez Dec 2015
Carrizo, lamina,
Cemento, y varilla.
Mi casa
Su casa
Sus casas.
Te busco
Te deseo
Y no te encuentro.
y Recuerdos
Es donde te tengo.
Habla y dime,
Como esta
Mi pueblo.
Villa de Etla,
Martin Narrod Dec 2015
what're you doing with those faces
I don't even want to talk about it
our bed fare has gotten exciting
it's interesting they say it takes a village
but Sunday it'll have taken just a year

the landslide is down to its knees
I don't want it to leave I don't write letters anymore
this city is cold now and it's time to go
when will I catch a break or even just a drift
the coastline is calling, the water is coming after me

from your elbows I draw strings to the back of your arms
little spiderwebs and chills to the top of your back
I can climb highways and descend from the stars
but I don't drink deserts and I certainly don't write letters anymore

she's a cocktail of pride, stirring anger and envy into a crowd
avoid her like a power line downed on the ground
dropping off bed linens covered with blood
I know where the going gets going and knowing implodes
inside the brain and sweats off the brow
there are only so many shapes we can try to ignore
can I just show you pictures of when you were happy before
axr Nov 2015
and now the four of us
are like strangers.
with our secrets,we don't let them look past the curtains.
we smile for the pictures and act like we're perfect.
Matt Nov 2015
Pictures last for centuries
Some still feel regret
Love, laughter, memories
For the feelings that never left

Tangible emotions
Enfold your heart and soul
Rewind back to the time
When love was warm as coal

Happiness at its pinnacle
All stars became aligned
Empty it was to be cynical
For love, you are sublime

Pictures are a sentiment
Feelings sealed in the heart
Liberated at the excitement
Tracing back from the start

Picture back in time
To a delightful happy me
Her cheek pressed up to mine
We smiled and count to three

It flashed before my eyes
For no love could ever outdo
After three years I realize
That love, I always loved you

Pictures only last for centuries
Take advantage never
Make fulfilling memories
So love can last forever
Robert C Howard Mar 2015
Poor Viktor Hartmann!
All that remained of his towering soul
were visions pressed on to paper
hanging in a St. Petersburg gallery.

Mussorgsky advanced his lumbering frame
along the gallery halls
searching for his lost friend.

Sonic images formed in the composer’s mind
singing replicas of Hartmann’s icons:

        An old castle,
        Children quarreling,
        An ox resisting the weight of its cart,
        The Great Gate of Kiev.

Mussorgsky’s notes sound and vanish
as ephemeral as life itself -
passing into the ether only to live anew
with each successive performance.

      Viktor lives!

*October, 2006
Included in Unity Tree - Collected poems
pub. CreateSpace -
Sparkling Dust Nov 2015
The clock ticks, we are far away from each other
I watched the trees as the skies went darker
In a few minutes, our eyes will meet
And in that moment my heart will skip a beat

Are you thinking of me now?
I wish I appear in your mind somehow
Because your figure resides inside
It's a part of me that I can never hide

As time goes by, as I travel by train
The thought of you causes me less pain
In just a few minutes we'll meet
In just a few minutes, this is it

I always remember how wide your smile was
How your eyes' brightness never lasts
How your voice gives comfort to my ears
And these little things rid me of my fears

Are you at the train station already?
Are you still waiting for me?
Do not worry, I'll be there soon
It's just a matter of time... until our world blooms
“Every mile feels like a second”.
ICN Oct 2015
all these broken things surround me
our broken relationship
these ripped papers
the pencils that i snapped in half
that ugly drawing i drew

the pictures on the wall mock me,
your eyes penetrate my soul
they capture a much simpler moment, in a much simpler time of our lives.
//how come i'm there for everyone, but when i most need people i'm alone?\\
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