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Poetic T Feb 2020
I was told to write about you,

    handing an empty sheet

of paper...

They asked how couldn't you
write a single line on how you
                                          love her.

"I said,

How can an essence ever be turned into
a language understood,
every one

                            is different.

Like a prism
       everyday is different
never the same.

Its like saying capture a storm
                                in a picture!

All you capture is the
Not the passion of the wind,
the voice of the rain,
             speaking to the ground.

"I asked them,

Capture your last breath ,
and tell me what words

you said...

How could I do that?

exactly, now tell me how to capture
                          her in words,

that'll do justice to how I feel about her...
Poetic T Feb 2020
When the jigsaw
had only two pieces
     to make a picture

and there were three?

You'll try put it in any hole it fits in..
Cardboard-Jones Feb 2020
A picture captures a dream of a time
That I was living.
A time where the sky was always gold
And no worries were given.
My only responsibility
Was to be back before the streetlights.
Nintendo 64 with my friends
And Nickelodeon all through the night.
I wasn’t bothered by thoughts
Of what people thought of me.
We were true to ourselves
Even if we didn’t know what that meant.

I wonder if I went back now
To meet who I was back then,
Would I be proud of myself
Or see I’m way off track once again?
Have I found my truth
Or did I forget the lessons from youth?
Can’t help but laugh at this photograph.
Oh, it’s time that I went back.
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2020
People start whole wars
The bigger picture unseen
Red flags all ignored
Idk haha
TS Ray Jan 2020
Picture on the wall,
either mighty or small,
when your passion is on call,
go get it and give it your all.
TS. 2020. Practicing brevity. Hope you like it.
Butterfly Dec 2019
You said that you still have the picture of me.
And the only thing I wonder
That picture is the most ugliest thing that exists
That thing should be burned
I wanna laugh until I can't breathe with you
But I know I'll cry until I can't breathe
Why the **** is the poem here and not above
Butterfly Dec 2019
I want those late nights, staring at your ******* smile.
You're making me fall harder than the first time.

Whisper in my ear:
"I'll never lose you."
Iewh another love poem
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